View Full Version : Who cares,its only money.plenty more where that came from.

Twisted Titan
3rd May 2017, 11:02 PM
Just a interesting tale that would like to share.....

Since my Mom passed a lot of stuff has be going on as I am going to keep her House that she lived in because everybody in the family knows and remember this place

My life has been in upheaval because I am dealing the loss,new responsibilities, dealing with fickle ass family thats really jacked up and still keeping my own personal clan together.

its ruff on multiple fronts to say the least

Any how you know the cliche when it rain it pours???

As Soon as I get back I got a summons from the town about a garage that collapsed a few years ago, The reason why I couldn't get it fixed was because The mortgage company ran off with the insurance money( that is another long story)

So i need some cash to get this thing demolished and hauled off (3 unit car port that was built by a old Italian with SOLID heavy bricks (the roof collapsed but the walls held up)

There was nobody to ask because everybody was stretched pretty thin in the aftermath.

Then it hit me...... take some silver and do what has to be done.

in the past I have sold a few rolls here and there to get nick knacks but never close to this amount (estimates where coming in at 3 grand) I really wasn't to jazzed about doing that

so I sucked it up and gathered what I had around because I would always by a few dimes on payday ( about 40 bucks worth on average)

So I had about 3 small burlap sacks that I stuffed into my fanny pouch.

went to a shop and said I would like to cash in

so he took my sacks and ran them through the coin machine....I wasnt really caring the amount I just knew that I had enough to get the job done.

few minutes later guy says okay you can get your check I look down at it and I see 6800 dollars

dude I just stood there for like 10 minutes trying not to whizz my shorts.

Man said I had about 4600 dimes and would be more then happy to help me again the future

it was a surreal experience on multiple levels

i never payed attention to what I was doing , I just knew it was the right the thing to do so I did it consistently

and when a rainy day showed up i didn't have to beg anybody for a umbrella...... I had my own.

what was cool about it was not only did I have the funds to take care of the issue ...I also took the time to reward myself by buying a Nikon camera to reacquaint myself with my love of photography

I also had funds to help my sister out with repair issues on her house

I also had funds to get my wife and kids some unexpected treats that certainly made them smile

Since My Moms passing I meditate a lot on our conversations through the years.

There was one time My Mom was getting something in the store and I was cautioning her to pass on it because I was concerned about other things.

She said who cares, its only money son......and there is plenty more where that came from.

I didn't understand it then.......But I do now.

There is no need to be tightfisted ....you will always have more that enough to get what needs to be done and dont forget to sprinkle it around to others.

Just Good lesson that I wanted to share with my digital Kin Folk

4th May 2017, 07:33 AM
Thanks for sharing. Every now and again we all need a sobering reminder that life isn't fair and ultimately it's our responsibility to prepare to be able to take care of ourselves when the hard times hit.

4th May 2017, 10:38 AM
This OP actually makes me feel better, because I wonder if I buy too much metal.

I am thankful to have a good job and some nice things, but I could also fall back on my stack if I had to.

(If I could find it under the sea, where the boat sank.) :)

4th May 2017, 10:41 AM
That reminds me, metals are down, I'm thinking about buying the dip
This OP actually makes me feel better, because I wonder if I buy too much metal.

I am thankful to have a good job and some nice things, but I could also fall back on my stack if I had to.

(If I could find it under the sea, where the boat sank.) :)

Twisted Titan
4th May 2017, 11:06 AM
I here that there is a significant drop coming and I wanted to get ahead of it

Something about the summer doldrums

I would definitely keep some dry powder at the ready to to snap up a great price point

4th May 2017, 12:32 PM
Agreed and spot prices are back in my 'buy' range but I'd rather buy on the way up than on the way down
I here that there is a significant drop coming and I wanted to get ahead of it

Something about the summer doldrums

I would definitely keep some dry powder at the ready to to snap up a great price point