View Full Version : Iran: Saudi Arabia will be razed...NKorea could be preparing an EMP strike on the US

9th May 2017, 04:19 PM
they are indeed working on the next war very hard, with the other target (russia) my guess is that at least 25% of world population will die when it all blows out


Saudi Arabia will be razed except for Mecca & Medina if it attacks Iran – defense minister
9 May 2017 GMT

‘Responding to Saudi Arabia’s latest threats to take their conflict inside Iran, Tehran said it will leave nothing standing in the kingdom except for Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina if the Saudis do anything “ignorant,” Al-Manar reports.

“We warn them against doing anything ignorant, but if they do something ignorant, we will leave nowhere untouched apart from Mecca and Medina,” Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan told Arabic-speaking Al-Manar channel, as cited by Reuters.



North Korea vows revenge after alleged CIA plot to kill Kim Jong-Un with 'biochemical weapons
9 May 2017 GMT

North Korea could be preparing an EMP strike on the US with two satellites already orbiting above America, expert warns
9 May 2017 GMT
.... There are fears Pyongyang is secretly developing the ability to detonate a high-altitude nuclear weapon in space, setting off an EMP that would knock out electrical systems down below, with catastrophic results.......

midnight rambler
9th May 2017, 05:09 PM
Extinction level event if CONUS gets EMP'ed, 99 nuke power plants in CONUS* will ultimately go.

Why those in charge don't see to it that KMS-3 and KMS-4 (the two Nork satellites in question) suffer 'disabling malfunctions' is beyond me.

*FYI these 99 nuke power plants generate 20% of the electricity in CONUS

9th May 2017, 06:40 PM
Jim Stone claims that EMP by way of nukes is false hype.

12th May 2017, 01:23 PM
*sniff* *sniff* Nope, still don't smell no circuits burning!

12th May 2017, 01:42 PM
Saudi vs Iran ties nicely into cheka's thread with CIA need for transparency into Islamic banking.

Korea is just jack excuse for Trump's chinese pets..

12th May 2017, 05:18 PM
Jim Stone claims that EMP by way of nukes is false hype.

I suspect it too. You will surely knock some electronics out right below if you detonate quite close to the surface of earth, but the effectiveness reduces by the square of the distance, plus the more atmosphere it has to go through the more it will be blocked out. I really don't think a nuke no matter what size would be able to destry much electronics at a 1000 km altitude

12th May 2017, 05:59 PM
I suspect it too. You will surely knock some electronics out right below if you detonate quite close to the surface of earth, but the effectiveness reduces by the square of the distance, plus the more atmosphere it has to go through the more it will be blocked out. I really don't think a nuke no matter what size would be able to destry much electronics at a 1000 km altitude

I think the biggest nuke blast radius was about 7 miles. (Might even be diameter) Thats blast, not anything else like EMP. So while they are monumentally destructive pound for pound of other options you'd still need multiples on one region/city for total wipe out. I also think this also gives some indication that any EMP is not going to reach anything like 1000km. It's probably going to be fairly localised.

13th May 2017, 12:22 AM
I think the biggest nuke blast radius was about 7 miles. (Might even be diameter) Thats blast, not anything else like EMP. So while they are monumentally destructive pound for pound of other options you'd still need multiples on one region/city for total wipe out. I also think this also gives some indication that any EMP is not going to reach anything like 1000km. It's probably going to be fairly localised.

Just reading about Starfish prime, an early 60's atmospheric nuclear test at 400 kms altitude with a 1.4 Megaton nuke. Which created some very limited EMP damages in Hawaii 1400 km away.

The Starfish Prime electromagnetic pulse also made those effects known to the public by causing electrical damage in Hawaii, about 1,445 kilometres (898 mi) away from the detonation point, knocking out about 300 streetlights, setting off numerous burglar alarms and damaging a telephone company microwave link.

Apart from that it created a belt/cloud of free high energy electrons in the MeV range, that over the next few months managed to knock out 1/3 of all low earth orbit satellites...

The weaponeers became quite worried when three satellites in low Earth orbit were disabled. The half-life of the energetic electrons was only a few days. At the time it was not known that solar and cosmic particle fluxes varied by a factor 10, and energies could exceed 1 MeV. These man-made radiation belts eventually crippled one-third of all satellites in low Earth orbit. Seven satellites failed over the months following the test, as radiation damaged their solar arrays or electronics, including the first commercial relay communication satellite, Telstar, as well as the United Kingdom's first satellite, Ariel 1.


5th July 2017, 09:52 AM
only watched the 5 first mins of each doc, and will finish them this evening.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un taunted the US on Wednesday after carrying out an intercontinental ballistic missile test, saying it was a "gift" to "American bastards" on their independence day.

The test of an ICBM on Tuesday was confirmed by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who said it marked "a new escalation of the threat to the world".

It marks a milestone for North Korea's missile programme and heightens concern in Washington about Pyongyang's declared pursuit of a nuclear-tipped missile that can reach the United States.

NK propaganda at its finest
The Happiest People on Earth. North Korea: Rulers, citizens & official narrative (RT Documentary)


Published on Apr 25, 2017
in this documentary you get to see how north korean people really live in one of the rarest documentaries ever recorded.


6th July 2017, 01:33 AM
after seeing these 2, one has to admit that propaganda is only in the eyes of the beholder.

The Happiest People on Earth. North Korea: Rulers, citizens & official narrative (RT Documentary)

Never before seen real life footage inside of North Korea (Documentary)

============RIGHT ON

US warns Kim Jong-un it is prepared to use its 'considerable military forces' against North Korea 6 July 2017 GMT
