View Full Version : Gakken interesting stuff

12th May 2017, 01:22 AM
Came across this while watching some retro tech video reviews.

Gakken are a Japanese company that sell self assemble kits of interesting technologies, new and retro. Interesting things for grown ups and kids to assemble and learn about the principles of. I'm sure there's lots of other companies that have or do similar stuff. Thought this was interesting because the list of things is fairly eclectic.

Edison Wax cylinder phonographs
Wind powered walking rhinoceros
Strandbeest - wind powered also
Pin hole dodecahedron planetarium
Mini Electric guitar
Steel caribbean drum
Mini Theremin - makes that weird noise they used to use in 1950's sci fi movies
Steam engine

English speaking Reseller: https://www.adafruit.com/category/269

The items appear to be limited time only, no back catalog purchases.

I think this is companies main web site: http://ghd.gakken.co.jp/english/ .. I don't think they sell kits through there.

12th May 2017, 01:38 AM
Pretty cool stuff there. Too bad they can't be allowed to make that in the USi.

12th May 2017, 06:09 AM
This looks like great stuff to get your kids and grandkids away from phone/gameset and doing stuff together.

14th June 2017, 01:01 AM
Gakken World Eye


The earth is not flat. This proooooves it.

14th June 2017, 11:58 AM
many of the items are unavailable... :(

14th June 2017, 12:40 PM
many of the items are unavailable... :(

distributors: https://www.adafruit.com/distributors
Try these other

14th June 2017, 05:14 PM
many of the items are unavailable... :(

yes unfortunately they are only available for a short time and then new ones are released. The older items are often for sale on ebay. They will most likely be used but sometimes there are new in box items.

There are some international distributors but they also only carry the limited range of whats available at any time.

I think it's curious nick nackery more than anything. Reminds me a bit of the things they used to sell on the back of comic books.

I did wonder what projecting video from these new 360 action cams would look like. If 360 fish eye would work or if it is the wrong way around.