View Full Version : Aryans are a Mongoloid Race
15th May 2017, 08:15 AM
Ayrans (Haplogroup R) formed out the Mongoloid Haplogroup P, related to East Asians and Finns. They formed out of Haplogroup P with the Haplogroup Q (Native Americans) and their closest relatives are these Mongoloid Native Americans. After their origin in Central Asia, Aryans moved south and west. Their blood brothers the Native Americans moved east and north.
For over a thousand years the Nordic Haplogroup I, the true blonde hair and blue eyed people knew peace in Europe. The Nordic people knew no other home than Europe in large numbers and were the original inhabitants of Europe along with Haplogroup G (mainly modern day Georgians). The Nordic Race stretched from present day Norway to Italy. From the British Isles to Russia and built the cultures and civilizations that built Stonehenge and other megalith monuments.
Enter the scene, the Aryans. Haplogroup R (Celto-slavs Aryans) are Asiatics, not European. They invaded Europe, land of the blonde haired blue eyed Haplogroup I and nearly exterminated the men. Haplogroup R raped the wives and daughters of Haplogroup I and are now blonde hair blue eyed because of taking the wives and daughters of blonde hair blue eyed Haplogroup I. The Christians of the Old Testament were Haplogroup J and are blood brothers of Haplogroup I (they are most closely related). Haplogroup J founded the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, Etruscans and many others.
Hapolgroup R were the jews of the BC era. The committed genocide against Europeans, they raped the European women and taught them to hate their ancestors and to love their rapist's race and people, they stole the wealth of Europeans, they destroyed civilizations/cultures and replaced them with them as the dominant race. The Aryan Race (Haplogroup R) out of North India and Asia.
Haplogroup R people today who return to the vomit of how they were before they converted to Christianity, back to being the children of the devil, act as jews believing themselves to be the master race. There are two national socialists in the world today, jews and these Haplogroup R "Europeans" believing all other races are sub-human. They try to convince the rest of Europeans, so long as they are not "sand-niggas" of Italy and Greece, to join them in promoting racism for the Devil.
The solution is clear, they need Christ and to be humble, not prideful children of Satan calling the Christians of the Mideast, "sand-niggas" along with their racism against the anti-"jew world order" Hispanics of Latin America. The jews' favorite Europeans are these racist Haplogroup R (Aryans) and their followers. They steer minorities into following the jew agenda. If they would work Muslims, blacks and hispanics concerning the jewish problem, the jew would lose power overnight. But the Haplogroup R (((white))) power racists must work for the Devil and work to maintain jewish power over Europeans and the rest of the world. Their anti-Christ hate trumps any good work that they could possibly do. Black Lives Matters is anti-zionist organization, many Hispanics do not like jewish power and are knowledgeable on the JQ (zero European countries have pulled their embassies from Israhell, four Latin American countries have no embassy with Israhell because of it being a terrorist evil state), and Muslims hate Israhell because of the Palestinians, they have first hand experience of the evilness of the jew, millions of arabs dead over zionism. The Aryan Haplogroup R white power racists hate all these people as much as the jew and are a natural ally of the jew with their support of Trump, Le Pen and Putin (all jew puppets). With the choice of dislodging jew power or hating some anti-jew innocent Muslims, these racists will always go to the support of the jew and hate the Muslims. Hitler was not even this bad, Hitler would dislodge the jew from power over hating Jesse Owen. These neo-nazis are worse, they would rather hate Jesse Owen than dislodge jews from power. Neo usually means the devil has made the movement worse. Neo-trads, Neo-cons, and neo-libs = servants of the jew. The same with neo-nazis.
Benjamin Freedman quoting the most recent science in the 1960s called the Khazars a Mongoloid race. The Khazars belong mostly to the Aryan Race (Haplogroup R).
Today Ireland is nearly 85% Aryan. Scotland 80% Aryan. Wales 75% Aryan. Spain and England over 70% Aryan. Belgium 65% Aryan. France over 60% Aryan. Portugual over 55% Aryan. Poland 70% Aryan. Russia over 50% Aryan. Germany over 60% Aryan. Northern Italy nearly 55% Aryan.
17th May 2017, 02:24 PM
the maps of the mongoloid invasion of Europe (if not working above):
R1a bumped out the Nordic people from modern day Ukraine and used it as their base to invade east, west and south.
Groups with mutation M89 (Caucusoids - all related)
(mutation M89 occurred ~45,000 bp)
Haplogroup F (M89) Oceania, Europe, Asia, North- and South- America
Haplogroup FT (P14, M213) (southern India, Sri Lanka, China)
Haplogroup G (M201) (present among many ethnic groups in Eurasia, usually at low frequency; most common in the Caucasus, the Iranian plateau, and Anatolia; in Europe mainly in Greece, Italy, Iberia, the Tyrol, Bohemia; extremely rare in Northern Europe)
Haplogroup H (M69) (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Iran, Central Asia)
Haplogroup IJK (L15, L16)
Groups with mutations L15 & L16 (Caucusoids - all closely related and originating in West Asia and possibly Europe)
Haplogroup IJK (L15, L16)
Haplogroup IJ (S2, S22)
Haplogroup I (M170, P19, M258) (widespread in Europe, found infrequently in parts of the Middle East, and virtually absent elsewhere[7])
Haplogroup I1 (M253, M307, P30, P40) (Northern Europe, dominant in Scandinavia)
Haplogroup I2 (S31) (Central and Southeast Europe, Sardinia)
Haplogroup J (M304) (the Middle East, Turkey, Caucasus, Italy, Greece, the Balkans, North Africa)
Haplogroup J* (Mainly found in Socotra, with a few observations in Pakistan, Oman, Greece, the Czech Republic, and among Turkic peoples)
Haplogroup J1 (M267) (Mostly associated with Semitic peoples in the Middle East but also found in; Mediterranean Europe, Ethiopia, North Africa, Iran, Pakistan, India and with Northeast Caucasian peoples in Dagestan; J1 with DYS388=13 is associated with eastern Anatolia)
Haplogroup J2 (M172) (Mainly found in West Asia, Central Asia, Southern Europe, and North Africa)
Haplogroup K (M9, P128, P131, P132)
Groups with mutation M526 (Mongoloids - all closely related and originating in Central/East Asia)
Haplogroup M (P256) (New Guinea, Melanesia, eastern Indonesia)
Haplogroup NO (M214)
Haplogroup N (M231) (northernmost Eurasia, especially among the Uralic peoples)
Haplogroup O (M175) (East Asia, Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, South Asia, Central Asia)
Haplogroup O1 (F265)
Haplogroup O1a (MSY2.2)
Haplogroup O1b (P31, M268)
Haplogroup O2 (M122)
Haplogroup P-M45 (M45) (M45 occurred ~35,000 bp)
Haplogroup Q-M242 (M242) (Occurred ~15,000-20,000 years ago. Found in Asia and the Americas)
Haplogroup Q-M3 (M3) (North America, Central America, and South America)
Aryan Haplogroup R (M207)
Aryan Haplogroup R1 (M173)
Aryan Haplogroup R1a (M17) (Central Asia, South Asia, and Central, Northern, and Eastern Europe)
Aryan Haplogroup R1b (M343) (Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, Central Africa)
Aryan Haplogroup R2 (M124) (South Asia, Caucasus, Central Asia)
Haplogroup S (M230, P202, P204) (New Guinea, Melanesia, eastern Indonesia)
The changing of mongoloid Aryans into looking like caucusoids was a gradual process. Take a tribe of 10K Aryan mongoloids, they invade and killed off a tribe a 10K Nordic men scattered in small villages. The Aryan Mongoloids take their women/girls. The by-product of their rapes are Aryan male children that look half Nordic. Then take that tribe of Mongoloid Aryans now 50K in size, they move west further into europe and kill off 50K more Nordic men, rape their wives and daughters. The by-product are Mongoloid Aryans that look 75% Nordic/25% Aryan Mongoloid. The Mongoloids repeated this process over years measuring in the thousands. Of course Aryans look Nordic, rape did this. But their y-chrsomome DNA is still coming up Mongoloid, pointing to that origin. The male test that is done, is a test on what is passed father to son. Raping Nordic women does not erase it, no matter how many generations have raped Nordic women/girls.
19th May 2017, 07:40 PM
What an unbelievable load of crap. Surely written by a fool with some unspoken Kosher agenda: "racist Haplogroup R (Aryans)" gives it away.
The Aryans, millennia ago, as now, are primarily R1. And this map shows exactly what is to be expected:
High concentration in Europe, heavy residual concentration in South Asia (where light eyes and lighter hair is still routinely found), and in Northeastern North America, where the Solutreans and later Europeans migrated. The anomaly in Africa is an ancient artifact of Aryan migration from the Nile Valley, which accounts for relatively higher culture (e.g., Timbuktu) in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Ancient records, including the Rigveda, make it clear the Indic Aryans were light-skinned, and definitely not flat-nosed like Australoids or even Mongoloids.
19th May 2017, 07:53 PM
East Asian (Mongoloid) Haplogroup O distribution:
Turkic/"Finnish" Haplogroup N:
These maps match and confirm what we already knew from written records and archaeological evidence.
The Aryans have remained relatively pure over many millennia. They did not "evolve" from Mongoloids. The Central Asias are polyglot, going from completely White in the West to completely Mongoloid in the East (save for some ancient Aryan - "Tokharian" - survivors in Western China), with the typical "Eurasian" look being the norm in between. The Khazars originated from these populations, and this accounts for the spectrum of their "Aryan-like" to completely non-White appearance.
19th May 2017, 07:57 PM
For over a thousand years the Nordic Haplogroup I, the true blonde hair and blue eyed people knew peace in Europe....The Christians of the Old Testament were Haplogroup J and are blood brothers of Haplogroup I (they are most closely related). Haplogroup J founded the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, Etruscans and many others.
The Sumerians, et. al., may have been Haplogroup J, as you suggest, but they were not blond. They were blue-eyed, but their self-descriptor identified them as the "dark headed ones." So, basically, an ancient form of "Atlanto-Mediterranean" racial type, seen now commonly in Iberia, France, and the British Isles.
19th May 2017, 09:25 PM
The Aryan invasion of Europe and the marginalization of the Nordic race are generally accepted science:
Also generally accepted science is the Aryan race's (Haplogroup R) closest relatives are Native American Haplogroup Q, mongoloids.
Even Hitler's quest of the Ayran homeland confirmed the origin of Aryans as Central Asia ( was very close to the origin of the Aryan. There were documentaries in the 90s about the Aryan homeland, the search for shambhala.
The Native American are generally accepted as Mongoloids by scientists, but their haplogroup Q is all over from Greenland, through parts of Europe, into Asia and mostly in the Americas. This is science.
Here is a map of where Aryan (R) started out of, Central Asia, with the Native Americans (Q) - shown on the map, with their parent (P). Much of Europe used to be Nordic (Haplogroup I), and in the map you see they were conquered in most of Europe. The Balkan people of the Nordic/European race (Haplogroup I2a2) stayed alive from the onset of the European genocide because of two reasons, they lived in the mountainous regions of the Balkans and were often hid from European genocide that was going on around them. The second is just as important, they had copper tools and weapons to defend against the Mongoloid/Aryan invasion.
Proof of copper tools in a map before the Aryan invasion:
So the Balkan Nordic/European race was passed over from genocide at the hands of the Aryans because the Balkan Nordic people had better weapons.
Aryan men's closest relatives are American Indians, Mongoloids, as established. Their next closest relatives are Haplogroup NO, East Asians... more mongoloids and Finns... even more mongoloids. If taking Nordic white women turns Mongoloids and Negroids into Caucusoids and then after taking them for 5,000 years, you have features of Caucusoids and can call yourself the "Master Race", the purist race on earth and everybody are niggers to be killed off. Then there are a bunch of Negroids that would like to borrow white women for the next 5,000 to be the future master race. It still does not change that men of the Aryan race are Mongoloids, you can't breed out of it, just as Negroids can't breed out of being Negroids. It will show up in a DNA test, for the past 5,000 you have been raping European women, you are still a Mongoloid. Or in 5,000 years from now, for the past 5,000 years you have been raping European women, you are still a Negroid.
Having white skin does not equal Caucusoid. Having darker skin does not equal Mongoloid or Negroid. This was well established in academia with the fact that Finns were not considered Caucusoids, but considered Mongoloids even though they were white. They even have blonde hair and blue eyes but because their men come out/evolved of East Asia (Haplogroup N) and their genetic brothers are the Chinese, it is generally accepted that Blonde haired blue eyed Finns are Mongoloid. The Finns are much more closerly related to Caucusoids than the Aryans, yet people still hold on to the fallacy that Aryans were Caucusoids. The Finns took over land that was settled by Nordic people, and mildly displaced the Nordic people. That was the end of it, the Mongoloid race of Finns kept their Asiatic features. The Ayran Race kept on conquering, with each new conquest, new pure Nordic women were in the gene pool, less Asiatic features for the Haplogroup R Aryans, until well before the time of Christ, the Asiatic features were gone. But their male DNA keeps coming up mongoloid.
19th May 2017, 11:56 PM
The Aryan invasion of Europe and the marginalization of the Nordic race are generally accepted science
The Aryan invasion of Europe was the arrival of the Nordics! Previously, sibling Adamites, Mediterraneans, likely of your favored Haplogroup J, inhabited most of Europe. Remnants of these folks remained in pure form up until recent centuries, in the form of the Picts, and isolated pockets of darker folks within White Europe (Wales, for example).
I don't know what sort of "science" you pretend to be referencing. Are you aware that my degree is in Anthropology, and "racial science" has been a hobby of mine since I was 15? Carleton Coon was the last of the great Anthropologists who could operate openly, and his monumental Races of Europe demonstrates your assertions to be garbage.
Also generally accepted science is the Aryan race's (Haplogroup R) closest relatives are Native American [sic] Haplogroup Q, mongoloids.
"Native American," LOL.
That you use a Jewish-forced PC term reveals your ignorance. The correct term for the natives of the Americas is "Indian," which has nothing to do with Bharata (India), but was the Catholic term adopted to reflect the explorers' belief about these peoples - "en dios" - in (the care of) God. It's become "Native American" for twin purposes, to pretend the Indians have a greater claim to this land than White people born here, and, to deny the role of "the Great Spirit" in caring for them. Russell Means, an Indian patriot, embraces the term American Indian.
The American Indians are a biracial composite, with some portions of Latin American having a pre-Columbian tri-racial composite (Mongoloid, Europoid, and Negroid). The Americas were peopled from both Asia and Europe, with much smaller influence from Africa down south. The genetics of the American Indian populations concur with what we knew before, Mongoloids in the west, Europoids ("Aryans") in the East. Europoids migrated as far west as Nevada and Washington State in ancient times.
The Native American [sic] are generally accepted as Mongoloids by scientists, but their haplogroup Q is all over from Greenland, through parts of Europe, into Asia and mostly in the Americas. This is science.
"Convenient" you simply ignore my map of R1, showing the influence in Northeastern North America. :rolleyes: Including Greenland!!
The Balkan people of the Nordic/European race (Haplogroup I2a2)
The Balkans were not Nordic prior to the Aryan arrival! They were Mediterranean.
So the Balkan Nordic/European race was passed over from genocide at the hands of the Aryans because the Balkan Nordic people had better weapons.
It's undisputed that the Aryans arrived as horsemen, with superior weapons, against mostly pastoral, peaceful peoples.
If taking Nordic white women turns Mongoloids and Negroids into Caucusoids.
You are clearly an idiot. Nordic women and Gooks or Niggers produce Gooks and Niggers, not Nordics nor any semblance of Europoid. Nordic ancestry is the most precious of all, being permanently and irredeemably changed with even one such dysgenic mating.
We see the effects of Nordic/Nigger crossbreeds, in some parts of Southern Europe, Italy and Greece, in particular, along with Sickle Cell, in supposed "White" people.
This was well established in academia with the fact that Finns were not considered Caucusoids, but considered Mongoloids even though they were white.
No, they are not. Finns (from Suomi) are Finnish-speaking peoples, and are not "Mongoloid." Were I Finnish, I'd want to put a fist in your face for that grave insult.
it is generally accepted that Blonde haired blue eyed Finns are Mongoloid.
By whom?
But their male DNA keeps coming up mongoloid.
Are you too much a dullard to realize the reverse of what you claim is true, that the "Mongoloid" [sic] genetic traits of the Finns and related folks of Western Eurasia have been White from the beginning, and they gave their traits to the now extant Eurasiatics you claim are the ancestors of the Aryans? The Wu-Sun were Nordic in ancient times, and are now Eurasian. The Tarim mummies (complete with the Tartan weaving) show your theories to be one steaming pile of Kosher bullshit. Even after thousands of years of living amongst real Mongoloids, the descendant peoples retain vestiges of their pure ancestors.
20th May 2017, 07:13 AM
These type of topics make me laugh. In what way shape or form does this vomit really matter in anyone's daily life? Humans are so fucking dumb
20th May 2017, 09:17 AM
The general consensus is that Native Americans are mongoloids. The general consensus is that the parent haplogroup of native americans and aryans is a east asiatic mongoloid race. So the brothers of ayrans are mongoloids. The parents of the aryans are mongoloids. The closest cousins of the Aryans are mongoloids. It is established science that the Aryans are mongoloids.
All share the mongoloid mutation and are closely related, this is established science.
20th May 2017, 11:56 AM
One need only look at who establishes ideas as science and molds the opinions of the masses to form a reject many of these new ideas as true science.
20th May 2017, 12:03 PM
Sorta proves that beauty or ugly is only skin deep.
Deep down we all are brothers and sisters that live on this mud ball we call home.
Environment and true education makes the difference, despite how others would wish.
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20th May 2017, 02:52 PM
The mongoloid races according to wiki:
North Mongol
Chinese & Indochinese
Japanese & Korean
American Indians are listed as a mongoloid race. The chinese are listed as a mongoloid race. And in this map, the Turks and Finns are listed as mongoloid races. All of these people are mongoloid and closest relatives to the Aryans. Or Aryan themselves, the Turks and Khazars are Aryan peoples, and have been described throughout recent history as mongoloid people. How did the Aryan mongoids of Europe not have the Asiatic features of their mongoloid brethren? They gradually conquered the nordic race and took their women and daughters.
Interesting, with the genetic research by scientists, just as the Ayrans are placed in with the Mongoloid races, the Tibetans and Mongols people are found to be of the Negroid race. The majority of black Africans are closely related to Mongols and Tibetans and North Japanese people. They share a common male ancestor and are closely related. So genetic scientists should find a new name for the Finns, East Asians, Native Americans and yes Aryans because the Mongols are not related closely to any of them.
That Chinese men (Haplogroup O) and Mongol men (Haplogroup C) are not closely related at all is established science. That Native American men and Aryan men are closely related, in fact genetic brothers is what all genetic scientists are saying.
20th May 2017, 03:07 PM
Would be a hoot, if everyone took a genetics test.
Guy named. Cobb comes to mind used to live in North Dakota.
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20th May 2017, 03:16 PM
Would be a hoot, if everyone took a genetics test.
Guy named. Cobb comes to mind used to live in North Dakota.
Sent using Forum RunnerWhat is a "genetics test"? You mean DNA test? Since the results would be unverifiable to those of us that don't have the technology, it would only reflect the agendas of those who do.
20th May 2017, 03:21 PM
Rof truth is still fear despite.
We as a species are brothers and sisters beyond skin deep.
(dam Android keyboard and spell checker, that is krap)
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20th May 2017, 04:05 PM
The general consensus is that Native Americans are mongoloids. The general consensus is that the parent haplogroup of native americans and aryans is a east asiatic mongoloid race. So the brothers of ayrans are mongoloids. The parents of the aryans are mongoloids. The closest cousins of the Aryans are mongoloids. It is established science that the Aryans are mongoloids.
All share the mongoloid mutation and are closely related, this is established science.
The "general consensus" is that races do not exist. It is "established science" that Niggers are equal to Europeans. :rolleyes:
Please stick with topics you are competent in. This isn't one of them.
20th May 2017, 04:07 PM
Would be a hoot, if everyone took a genetics test.
Guy named. Cobb comes to mind used to live in North Dakota.
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I have. :D
And my results were nothing like Corn Cobb's.
20th May 2017, 04:08 PM
We as a species are brothers and sisters beyond skin deep.
If Negroids are my "brothers," then so are Orangutans.
What is the criteria for such "brotherhood"?
Whites and Blacks are not the same species. And before you or anyone else brings up the "we can interbreed" nonsense, so can lions and tigers, separate species.
20th May 2017, 04:14 PM
If Negroids are my "brothers," then so are Orangutans.
What is the criteria for such "brotherhood"?
Whites and Blacks are not the same species. And before you or anyone else brings up the "we can interbreed" nonsense, so can lions and tigers, separate species.
Mr Cobb
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21st May 2017, 06:37 PM
What the original Aryans probably looked like:
These Bashkirs are approximately 75% Aryan males, and look like ancient Aryans before their slow 1,000 year generational dilution with pure Nordic women.
Regarding Y-DNA haplogroups genetic studies have revealed that most Bashkir males belong to haplogroup R1b (R-M269 and R-M73) which is, on average, found at the frequency of 47,6%. Following are the haplogroup R1a at the average frequency of 26,5%
There are three basic hypotheses about the origin of the Bashkir people: Turkic, Finno-Ugric and Iranian. The most comprehensive and generally accepted is Turkic theory of the origin of the Bashkirs. The Finno-Ugric theory is considered obsolete. Iranian theory was not sufficiently developed.
Turks are Aryan. The Finnish N Haplogroup is found at 17% of Bashkir males.
25th May 2017, 01:14 PM
Even though P1* is now more common among individuals in Eastern Siberia and Central Asia, the above distributions tend to suggest that P* (P295) emerged in South East Asia.
So the parent of Aryans (R) and Native Americans (Q) were from Southeast Asia. All three, parent (P) and children (R and Q) are mongoloids.
Mongol men are found to be Negriods, according to geneticists, not Mongoloids. Mongol men share a close common ancestor Haplogroup A, B, and E Negroid Africans. They do not share a close common ancestor with the Chinese, Finns, Aryans and Native Americans. Scientists should rename mongoloids to East Asiatics or Greater East Asiatics because of this revelation. The scientific division of the three races was done hundreds of years prior DNA ancestry research, and modern geneticists have yet to update it with the latest information, even though they have found native americans and aryans are blood brothers, very closely related.
28th May 2017, 07:59 AM
After reading C.Martel's vomit in this thread, and his refusal to be enlightened by the facts, the conclusion is clear that he is Mongoloid.
28th May 2017, 12:35 PM
The name Britain derives from Celtic. The Greek author Pytheas called them the "Pretanic Isles" which derived from the inhabitants name for themselves, Pritani. This was mistranslated into Latin as "Brittania" or "Brittani". The Celts migrated to Ireland from Europe, conquering the original inhabitants.
Who were the original inhabitants of Europe? The Nordic Race. Typically did ancient people slaughter the women and children or enslave them? That is how the Mongoloid Aryans look Nordic. And enslavement of Nordic boys accounts for the marginal amounts of Nordic haplogroup I men throughout Western, Central and Eastern Europe.
31st May 2017, 02:35 PM
Shave...neatly trim stash...ready for a beautiful new day y'all.
31st May 2017, 02:53 PM
Book, there are some male Aryans in Africa, but they are still mongoloids. They live in the region of Cameroon, Nigeria and Chad. Instead of staying in their homeland of Asia or conquering Europe, they went into Africa. They chose to look like Africans and their brothers who invaded and conquered Europe chose to look like Europeans.
The Nordic "pure" race (Haplogroup I) descendants (father to son passing on the y-chromosome): Birger Jarl, the House of Grimaldi, Alexander Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Leo Tolstoy, Calvin Coolidge, Warren Buffett, Bill Clinton, Sting, Martin Luther, Nikola Tesla, Novak Djokovic, Sir Henry Clinton, Napoleon III (not Napoleon I, he was an African Haplogroup E, a "bastard son" slipped in), Andrew Johnson, Elvis Presley - these are all male line descendants of the original blonde-haired, blue eyed Europeans.
As has been established, if you are a mongoloid Aryan, it does not matter how many generations you marry a Nordic woman, it will always show from father to son, your male descendants are Mongoloid. So if you believe in racism, Bill Clinton, a Nordic male, is superior racially to mongoloids. This is the lunacy of racism. "I hate Chinamen, Chinamen are all bad". If 10,000 Chinese enter Europe and generationally take "pure" Nordic women, after 6-8 generations, they all look European. "Now they look European and are part of the master race" or something.
Take a look at the children from Chip and Joanna Gaines, they are quarter "mongoloid" korean. They could pass for Europeans as children. Have them take European wives and husbands for a few more generations and you could not tell the difference between them and the rest of the Europeans. This is what happened to the Aryans. Why hate Koreans, but love Aryans? They are in the same family group of mongoloids. Richard Spencer taking an Asian wife is returning to his Aryan roots.
31st May 2017, 03:57 PM
B...So if you believe in racism, Bill Clinton, a Nordic male, is superior racially to mongoloids. This is the lunacy of racism. "I hate Chinamen, Chinamen are all bad". If 10,000 Chinese enter Europe and generationally take "pure" Nordic women, after 6-8 generations, they all look European. "Now they look European and are part of the master race" or something.
Take a look at the children from Chip and Joanna Gaines, they are quarter "mongoloid" korean. They could pass for Europeans as children. Have them take European wives and husbands for a few more generations and you could not tell the difference between them and the rest of the Europeans. This is what happened to the Aryans. Why hate Koreans, but love Aryans? They are in the same family group of mongoloids. Richard Spencer taking an Asian wife is returning to his Aryan roots.
Oh. Preferring our own kind is "hate" according to C. Martel.
31st May 2017, 04:12 PM
Oh. Preferring our own kind is "hate" according to C. Martel.
What kind? Aryan males are East Asiatics. They are not even Caucusoids. They have light skin, like the Finns, but still are from East Asia.
The wikipedia map is generally acceptable. Haplogroup P is from Southeast Asia and Haplogroup I may have their origin in Europe.
Benjamin Netanyahu is of that Aryan ancestry by way of the Khazars, he is R1a. Something Richard Spencer would love to know his fellow compatriots the Khazar jews are Aryan. As the alt-right movement is evolving into "kill all black babies, but love the jews".
12th June 2017, 01:45 PM
"R1a1-M458 (Aryan) and R1a1-Z280 (Aryan) were typical for the Hungarian population groups, whereas R1a1-Z93 (Aryan) was typical for Malaysian Indians and the Hungarian Roma."
The typical Magyar population is R1a1 Aryan. Also included in the R1a group are the Khazars another Aryan tribe. Remember in the 1800s, those of the master race of Aryans were telling us that the Magyars, and the Turks, and the Finns and the Khazars were mongoloid peoples, which they were correct. What they failed to comprehend that modern genetics has established is that Magyars, Turks and Khazars are Aryan and Mongoloids, like their brothers the Celto-Slavs that took over Europe 4000-5000 years ago. To be Aryan is to be Mongoloid.
Magyars in Hungary are listed as Mongoloids:
25th June 2017, 05:29 PM
Proof I am not making this up:
Ancient DNA Links Native Americans with Europe
The new findings are consistent with a report published in Genetics last year (and almost entirely ignored at the time) that used modern DNA to conclude that Native Americans have significant—and ancient—ties to [Modern] Europeans.
Y-DNA does not get mixed up with breeding with a woman, it remains uniquely male. If a Indo-European/Aryan male marries an African and they have a son, that son carries the same Y-DNA signature of his father. The African-ness of his mother does not effect it at all. Women could be take as war booty, in their location of conquest or purchased as a slave so it messes up migration based on mt-dna, y-dna does not get mess up on socio-factors. And in the case of these Aryans, their conquest wiped out those in their way and took what they wanted: land, treasure and women. And you can trace these Aryans all the way to Central Asia, and their parent, South East Asians/Filipinos who these Aryans and Native Americans mutated from.
That is why Y-DNA is so good for tracking migration patterns, mating with the native populations does not dilute it one bit, it stays the same, unless a rare millennia mutation occurs, and mutations occur with minor changes and can still be easily linked with the parent.
I was on a forum where nearly everyone was saying Finns were Mongoloids, that was the topic, Finns are Mongoloids. This was generally accepted as science 100 years ago and genetics today prove this. During the discussion, people pointed out that Finns and Indo-Europeans are apart of the same Mongoloid family group, Indo-Europeans don't want to hear they are mongoloids. Native Americans are generally accepted as Mongoloids by Indo-Europeans, yet Native Americans and Indo-Europeans have the same genetic roots, they are brothers like Romulus and Remus.
Here is a migration map of Aryans and Native Americans from one of many articles linking Native Americans and (Indo)-Europeans:
As I have said before, Native Americans (Q) generally went East and the Aryans (R) generally went West. Though some Q went west and some R went east. Both Indo-Europeans and Native Americans were a Asiatics (Mongoloid).
Aryans, Chinese, Finns, and Native Americans evolved out of the Family Haplogroup KLT, who resided in East Africa [non-negroids], Indus Valley, and South Asia.
25th June 2017, 06:06 PM
Here is a better map, that I modified, sometimes the linking of an image from an article does not work. Haplogroups L & T were distant cousins of Aryans. Family, yes, but not descended, so the arrow from East Africa is not accurate. Distant family of the Aryans migrated to East Africa - Haplogroup T, but Aryans did not come of Haplogroup T, Aryans came from the Mongoloid K2, as shown in previous maps and Wikipedia charts.
So a better map:
On a side note, even the wikipedia map shows that the vast majority of Africans migrated into Africa:
Adolf Hitler and Napoleon's Haplogroup E entered into a mostly vacant Africa and occupied it, according to Wikipedia's map. Some of Haplogroup E did not choose to go to Africa.
3rd July 2017, 07:14 PM
Here is a map by someone else. It agrees with anthropologists and genetics that Europe was mostly Nordic Haplogroup I on the eve of the Indo-European invasion.
What is not noted here is that the Native Europeans, the Nordic race, Haplogroup I was a far older race than the Aryans. 2, 3, 4 times older on the eve of the Mongoloid (Aryan) Invasion of Europe. So holding all things constant, the Nordic race should have been 2-4 times larger in population, but were dispersed throughout Europe, while the Mongoloids were more heavily concentrated in a hoard of invaders. Proving that by the end of the invasion, the Nordic race composed mostly between 10-20% of Western and Central Europe proves there was a genocide of the Nordic race by the Mongoloid Aryans.
To determine how Nordic, look at one of the few remaining Balkan people where Indo-European did not kill off most of the men, the Bosnian Croats still have over 70% Nordic haplogroup I. Only 14% are Aryan Indo-European. So before the Celto-Slavic invasion of Europe, Europe was 80-90%+ Nordic Haplogroup I. Now it is mostly 10-20% Nordic in Western and Central Europe. And it is that high, because of the fact that some of the Germanic tribes had Nordic males included and the Nordic males repopulated what was once theirs.
4th July 2017, 01:29 AM
What kind? Aryan males are East Asiatics. They are not even Caucusoids. They have light skin, like the Finns, but still are from East Asia.
According to your own maps haplogroup R originated in western and Central Asia not east Asia. And the Finns belong to haplogroup N, not the same as aryans obviously.
In Western Asia you of course have Caucasia. Mongolia is in Eastern Asia. Perhaps this explains your confusion?
4th July 2017, 02:34 PM
Perhaps this explains your confusion?
Something is definitely wrong with the guy, to believe this bullshit he posts in this thread.
4th July 2017, 03:59 PM
According to your own maps haplogroup R originated in western and Central Asia not east Asia. And the Finns belong to haplogroup N, not the same as aryans obviously.
In Western Asia you of course have Caucasia. Mongolia is in Eastern Asia. Perhaps this explains your confusion?
There is no confusion. The map was on the eve of the Mongoloid/Aryan invasion of Nordic Europe. The Aryans already invaded the Asian steppe of Russia/Extreme East Europe, displacing the natives there. The natives there were believed to be dominated by the Shemites (Haplogroup J). The Shemites were wiped from the Asian steppe by the time that map I linked was the case.
The map does not say this is where they originated, it says at this date, this is where the Aryans were. There is a general consensus that the Aryans originated far deeper into Asia.
By the way, I am not calling Aryans, Mongoloids. Aryans are calling themselves Mongoloids, so I am using their own terms about themselves. I already established that the name Mongoloid should be something like "Greater East Asians". Since Aryans insist in calling the Magyars - Mongoloid, the Turks - Mongoloids, the Khazars - Mongoloids, the Bashkirs - Mongoloids and the Aryan brothers - the Native Americans are called Mongoloids along with the cousins of Aryans the Chinese, Koreans, and Finns all are called by Aryans "Mongoloids", then yes according to their own standards Aryans are Mongoloids. They all evolved out of the K2 Haplogroup and everyone else that is in that family group is called Mongoloid by the Aryans. I already stated, none of the K2 Greater East Asians are related to Mongolians (from paternal Y-DNA), this is proven by all researchers, the Mongols are related to Africans, not any of K2 Haplogroup.
You can come to the conclusion that the Chinese are not Mongoloids, Finns are not Mongoloids, and thus because they are not Mongoloids, Aryans are not Mongoloids. But if you call Chinese, Koreans, Finns, Khazars, Magyars, Bashkirs, Turks, Native Americans "Mongoloids", then you have to include Aryans with their K2 "mongoloid" family.
It is very likely Haplogroup K/K2 and descendants are the sons of Japheth. So what the bible teaches how Europe at the time of Moses was ruled by the sons of Japheth, is true by the Aryans ruling over most of Europe. But the Chinese are also apart of this family of Jepheth.
I am just the messenger.
Groups with mutation M168
(mutation M168 occurred ~50,000 bp)
Haplogroup C (M130) (Oceania, North/Central/East Asia, North America and a minor presence in South America, Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia, and Europe)
YAP+ haplogroups
Haplogroup DE (M1, M145, M203)
Haplogroup D (M174) (Tibet, Japan, the Andaman Islands)
Haplogroup E (M96)
Haplogroup E1b1a (V38) West Africa and surrounding regions; formerly known as E3a
Haplogroup E1b1b (M215) Associated with the Spread of Afro-Asiatic languages and Semitic people but also found in; East Africa, North Africa, the Middle East, the Mediterranean, the Balkans; formerly known as E3b
Groups with mutation M89
(mutation M89 occurred ~45,000 bp)
Haplogroup F (M89) Oceania, Europe, Asia, North- and South- America
Haplogroup FT (P14, M213) (southern India, Sri Lanka, China)
Haplogroup G (M201) (present among many ethnic groups in Eurasia, usually at low frequency; most common in the Caucasus, the Iranian plateau, and Anatolia; in Europe mainly in Greece, Italy, Iberia, the Tyrol, Bohemia; extremely rare in Northern Europe)
Haplogroup H (M69) (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, Iran, Central Asia)
Haplogroup IJK (L15, L16)
Groups with mutations L15 & L16
Haplogroup IJK (L15, L16)
Haplogroup IJ (S2, S22)
Haplogroup I (M170, P19, M258) (widespread in Europe, found infrequently in parts of the Middle East, and virtually absent elsewhere[7])
Haplogroup I1 (M253, M307, P30, P40) (Northern Europe, dominant in Scandinavia)
Haplogroup I2 (S31) (Central and Southeast Europe, Sardinia)
Haplogroup J (M304) (the Middle East, Turkey, Caucasus, Italy, Greece, the Balkans, North Africa)
Haplogroup J* (Mainly found in Socotra, with a few observations in Pakistan, Oman, Greece, the Czech Republic, and among Turkic peoples)
Haplogroup J1 (M267) (Mostly associated with Semitic peoples in the Middle East but also found in; Mediterranean Europe, Ethiopia, North Africa, Iran, Pakistan, India and with Northeast Caucasian peoples in Dagestan; J1 with DYS388=13 is associated with eastern Anatolia)
Haplogroup J2 (M172) (Mainly found in West Asia, Central Asia, Southern Europe, and North Africa)
Haplogroup K (M9, P128, P131, P132)
Groups with mutation M9
(mutation M9 occurred ~40,000 bp)
Haplogroup K
Haplogroup LT (L298/P326)
Haplogroup L (M11, M20, M22, M61, M185, M295) (South Asia, Central Asia, Southwestern Asia, the Mediterranean)
Haplogroup T (M70, M184/USP9Y+3178, M193, M272) (North Africa, Horn of Africa, Southwest Asia, the Mediterranean, South Asia); formerly known as Haplogroup K2
Haplogroup K(xLT) (rs2033003/M526)
Groups with mutation M526
Haplogroup M (P256) (New Guinea, Melanesia, eastern Indonesia)
Haplogroup NO (M214)
Haplogroup N (M231) (northernmost Eurasia, especially among the Uralic peoples)
Haplogroup O (M175) (East Asia, Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, South Asia, Central Asia)
Haplogroup O1 (F265)
Haplogroup O1a (MSY2.2)
Haplogroup O1b (P31, M268)
Haplogroup O2 (M122)
Haplogroup P-M45 (M45) (M45 occurred ~35,000 bp)
Haplogroup Q-M242 (M242) (Occurred ~15,000-20,000 years ago. Found in Asia and the Americas)
Haplogroup Q-M3 (M3) (North America, Central America, and South America)
Haplogroup R (M207)
Haplogroup R1 (M173)
Haplogroup R1a (M17) (Central Asia, South Asia, and Central, Northern, and Eastern Europe)
Haplogroup R1b (M343) (Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, Central Africa)
Haplogroup R2 (M124) (South Asia, Caucasus, Central Asia)
Haplogroup S (M230, P202, P204) (New Guinea, Melanesia, eastern Indonesia)
Haplgroup R is Aryans (Indo-Europeans) and the parent of Indo-Europeans is Haplgroup P-M45 and they are found in placed in East Asia like the Philippines.
This is the father (parent Haplogroup) of the Aryans (a Aeta Filipino), he has two sons - Native Americans men and Aryan men, and a third son, the first son to keep his line of Haplogroup P-M45 going. Genetically speaking. These Y-DNA changes took place over centuries and millennia.
4th July 2017, 05:50 PM
All you do is use the information scientists have published in research paper and is out for the public on wikipedia and other encyclopedias of reference and everyone comes to the same conclusion because nobody is interpreting it, just presenting the facts geneticists have released:
(a video, I just found by a simple youtube search of "indo european origins haplogroup")
4th July 2017, 06:06 PM
There is no confusion. The map was on the eve of the Mongoloid/Aryan invasion of Nordic Europe. The Aryans already invaded the Asian steppe of Russia/Extreme East Europe, displacing the natives there. The natives there were believed to be dominated by the Shemites (Haplogroup J). The Shemites were wiped from the Asian steppe by the time that map I linked was the case.
The map does not say this is where they originated, it says at this date, this is where the Aryans were. There is a general consensus that the Aryans originated far deeper into Asia.
By the way, I am not calling Aryans, Mongoloids. Aryans are calling themselves Mongoloids, so I am using their own terms about themselves. I already established that the name Mongoloid should be something like "Greater East Asians". Since Aryans insist in calling the Magyars - Mongoloid, the Turks - Mongoloids, the Khazars - Mongoloids, the Bashkirs - Mongoloids and the Aryan brothers - the Native Americans are called Mongoloids along with the cousins of Aryans the Chinese, Koreans, and Finns all are called by Aryans "Mongoloids", then yes according to their own standards Aryans are Mongoloids. They all evolved out of the K2 Haplogroup and everyone else that is in that family group is called Mongoloid by the Aryans. I already stated, none of the K2 Greater East Asians are related to Mongolians (from paternal Y-DNA), this is proven by all researchers, the Mongols are related to Africans, not any of K2 Haplogroup.
You can come to the conclusion that the Chinese are not Mongoloids, Finns are not Mongoloids, and thus because they are not Mongoloids, Aryans are not Mongoloids. But if you call Chinese, Koreans, Finns, Khazars, Magyars, Bashkirs, Turks, Native Americans "Mongoloids", then you have to include Aryans with their K2 "mongoloid" family.
It is very likely Haplogroup K/K2 and descendants are the sons of Japheth. So what the bible teaches how Europe at the time of Moses was ruled by the sons of Japheth, is true by the Aryans ruling over most of Europe. But the Chinese are also apart of this family of Jepheth.
I am just the messenger.
Haplgroup R is Aryans (Indo-Europeans) and the parent of Indo-Europeans is Haplgroup P-M45 and they are found in placed in East Asia like the Philippines.
This is the father (parent Haplogroup) of the Aryans (a Aeta Filipino), he has two sons - Native Americans men and Aryan men, and a third son, the first son to keep his line of Haplogroup P-M45 going. Genetically speaking. These Y-DNA changes took place over centuries and millennia.
So Aryans are not mongoloid they just call themselves that? Do you know any aryans that call themselves mongoloid?
4th July 2017, 06:09 PM
So Aryans are not mongoloid they just call themselves that? Do you know any aryans that call themselves mongoloid?
If you call all your relatives "Mongoloid", you are calling yourself a Mongoloid.
4th July 2017, 06:16 PM
If you call all your relatives "Mongoloid", you are calling yourself a Mongoloid.
I don't, what is your point?
4th July 2017, 06:38 PM
I don't, what is your point?
This also means the myth of the "Aryan master race" is busted if they consider Hungarians, Turks and even non-Aryan but Asiatic cousins like the Finns to be of lesser races, as is still believed by promoters of Aryan supremacy.
It also means if Aryans believe the Nordic race to be a superior race, they should include the Shemetic Haplogroup J (Arabs, Greeks, Southern Italians, Iranians) with them for they are blood brothers, they both evolved from the IJ Parent Haplogroup. It is very possible Noah was IJ. Shem carried this IJ on, but his brothers had different halpogroups.
4th July 2017, 07:44 PM
All you do is use the information scientists have published in research paper
They are NOT "scientists." They are Bolshevists.
These same Bolshevists tell us that all the races are "equal," and that Khazar Jews came from Palestine. So much for your "science."
4th July 2017, 07:49 PM
It also means if Aryans believe the Nordic race to be a superior race, they should include the Shemetic Haplogroup J (Arabs, Greeks, Southern Italians, Iranians) with them for they are blood brothers, they both evolved from the IJ Parent Haplogroup. It is very possible Noah was IJ. Shem carried this IJ on, but his brothers had different halpogroups.
I have always considered the original, unmixed Mediterranean peoples (from Sumerians to ancient Egyptians to Greeks to Romans to some of today's SoEur/NorAf/ME populations) to be blood kin. Blondism and rufosity continue to be persistent across Southern Europe and Northern Africa, and select parts of the Middle East, despite millennia of race mixing. The Sumerians made sure the world knew they had blue eyes, using gorgeous lapis lazuli for the irises of their statute(tte)s.
4th July 2017, 08:11 PM
The scientists are saying the Khazars were a Turkic tribe of Haplogroup R1a mainly with some R1b. These came from central asia and even earlier from southeast asia.
Y-DNA is similar to parental testing, instead of testing for parent, they are testing for wider relatives. And those groups are compared.
Neuro, my other point was the genocide by Aryans of Nordic Europeans:
"Proto-Celtic people arrived from the Balkans to Central Europe around 2500 BCE. Equipped with horses and superior bronze weapons, the Celts quickly conquered Western Europe, from Iberia to the British Isles."
From one of the top sources in genetic history:
Nordic males repopulated Western Europe with the germanic invasions. So the map in red (in the link provided) is inaccurate for say 500 BC (it is accurate of now), it was far more celtic in Western Europe in the past. Ireland, Brittany and Bordeaux better represent the extreme non-Nordic population after the celtic invasions.
If the Muslims conquered Europe and reduced the "natives" to 10-20 percent of the population, there would be talk of genocide. There is talk of white genocide with about 5% Muslim population, 95% "native" population.
10th July 2017, 11:43 AM
The Aryans write themselves out of the family of Noah:
The Table of nations gives no hint of any Negroid or Mongoloid peoples . . . Suffice it is to say that the effort to derive the races of the entire world from Noah's sons of the Table of Nations is not necessary from a Biblical standpoint (Bernard Ramm, The Christian View of Science and the Scripture, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1954, pp. 336,337).
17th July 2017, 02:36 PM
Aggressive warfare. The Indo-Europeans were a warlike people with a strong heroic code emphasising courage and military prowess. Their superior technology (metal weapons, wheeled vehicles drawn by horses) and attitude to life would have allowed them to slaughter any population that did not have organised armies with metal weapons (i.e. anybody except the Middle-Eastern civilizations).
The natives in Europe were the Nordic Race, and the aggressive warfare of the Indo-Europeans defeated them to a remnant population of less than 10% in many areas.
This was not Aryans slaughtering Africans, this was Aryans slaughtering blonde hair and blue eyed men and taking their wives and daughters to have Aryan male children become blonde hair and blue eyed. Aryans did not come out of Asia looking white (neither did the Finns), they came out of Asia as Asians but defeated the more numerous Nordic men because they were better organized and were warlike.
A return to pagan Aryanism is a return to glorifying this Indo-European invasion. Remain Christians and be blood brothers in Christ with the Nordic men. Christianity is what unified all of Europe to be brothers. "Europe will return to the Faith or she will perish. The Faith is Europe and Europe is the Faith", Belloc.
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