View Full Version : Students Walk Out of Pence's Graduation Speech at Notre Dame

21st May 2017, 10:49 AM
Students Walk Out of Pence's Graduation Speech at Notre Damehttp://insider.foxnews.com/2017/05/21/mike-pence-speech-students-walk-out-notre-dame-graduation


Dozens of students marched out of their own graduation ceremony as Vice President Mike Pence took the stage at the University of Notre Dame.
As an administrator finished introducing Pence, several students got up and walked out before the vice president could begin speaking.
Seconds before the students walked out, the administrator said that people could disagree with Pence's politics but still respect him as an official.
"Even those who disagree with Mike Pence recognize him as a man of principle. I do as well," the administrator said.

Pence was praised by the administrator as a great representative of Indiana over his tenure in public life.
Students could be seen holding their diplomas and walking out with stern looks on their faces.
Pence seemed unfazed by the display and began his speech seemingly as planned.

Watch the clip above.

21st May 2017, 12:46 PM
I would too, an anti-Christ's personal assistant, who himself is an anti-Christ, is speaking at a Catholic university commencement address?

Zionist Mike Pence has a child that "can do no wrong". All "Christian" Zionists do. The son is a jew at a prep school. He murdered half his classmates. The security officers of the school are on his payroll, he has committed false flag attacks against the students to blame his enemies. He uses his friends, the free-electricians, they are not real electricians, they are a secret society and in the caferetia, they poision the food to make people sick enough to require anti-dotes which he and his cronies make. They only problem is that anti-dotes make you sick and you need other anti-dotes which they make and so on. He controls the money supply and finances at the school, and the value of money keeps going down. More than half of those at the prep school owe the jew money. The poorer ones on scholarship are given very high interst rates. The Ukrainian students are forced into prositution. The school newspaper is owned by the jew and his cronies. It is used to defend his killings, cover-up crimes, blame everyone else, and so on. This is a small portion of the evil deeds of this child of Mike Pence.

21st May 2017, 03:40 PM
still respect him as an official.

Why? Is he appointed by God? Or is he supposed to be OUR employee?

"Respect him as an official" = bow down to your overlord.

21st May 2017, 04:27 PM
Respect the office, not the man! You damn well respect the office held by God as Supreme Being!
Why? Is he appointed by God? Or is he supposed to be OUR employee?

"Respect him as an official" = bow down to your overlord.

Twisted Titan
21st May 2017, 04:43 PM
Walk out on your boss and see what happens. ......

21st May 2017, 05:04 PM
More dirt on Mike Pence

VP Mike Pence Named in Child Abduction Case (http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/04/vp-mike-pence-named-in-child-abduction-case-3500757.html)

(Before It's News) (http://before-its-news.com/alternative/2017/04/vp-mike-pence-named-in-child-abduction-case-3500757.html)

Brent’s Story (highlights)

Brent was approached by the Indiana Department of Children Services who wanted him to sign away his “rights” to an “Abigail” of which he had no prior knowledge of. Brent was surprised to hear that he had a four-year-old little girl that he knew nothing about.

Emigrate While You Still Can! Learn More...

Abigail had been taken into custody by DCS because of allegations of 14 incidents of sexual rape and sexual molestation. DCS wanted to adopt Abigail out. Brent refused to sign the required papers for DCS to do so. But for no apparent reason, DCS refused to give Abigail to Brent.

In fact, DCS turned around in revenge, and accused Brent of being the perpetrator. DCS did this, knowing that Brent had known nothing about Abigail’s existence up until the point that THEY had informed him of it.

Brent was forced to defend himself in court against these malicious “charges”. This was really all about draining Brent financially for what was to come.

Brent took his claim to Abigail to a District Court and won, forcing DCS to give Abigail to him. Brent was successful in beating them in court a second time, but DCS had much more in store for Brent.

Over the past 5 years, DCS has continuously terrorized and maliciously persecuted Brent. Brent has refused to give DCS any involvement in the raising of his daughter. He simply wants to be left alone and to be allowed his and his daughter’s God-given right to the pursuit of happiness.

Brent had gone to court and won the rights to raise his own daughter. Abigail was safe from her former life of abuse…happy and thriving in her new home. Until everything changed….

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492139696952.jpegBrent and Abigail

DCS came to Brent’s house one day, armed with a SWAT team but NO WARRANT and took Abigail, in order to return her to the home where she had endured the rapes and sexual abuse.

Conveniently, DCS, “Judge” Marilyn Moores, is married to a man on the SWAT team. As many of us have learned, these agencies are run by people who believe they are above the law. And in fact, they are! It is very difficult to hold them accountable when they occupy the highest positions in our judicial and political systems. They frequently violate their own laws and their peers make sure they get away with it.

Screenshot from Brent Swaller’s Facebook page

Brent Swallers Facebook post, 10-21-15

How does Marilyn Moores get away with stealing our precious little ones? She does so by impersonating a judge. Marilyn Moores is not a judge, and is not listed on the payroll of the county or state. How can this be? Marilyn uses the social security number of Ruth Garwood who died at the age of 87, on March 3, 1984. Marilyn has used multiple social security numbers in the past. WHO IS MARILYN MOORES? And who is she in collusion with? Why does she refuse to give Abigail back to Brent?

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492139765729.jpegProof Marilyn Moore is using a deceased woman’s SS#

DCS violently took Abigail from a safe and loving home and put her back into the house where she had endured 14 incidents of sexual molestation and rape.

When confronted with the evidence of their crime, DCS claims they know nothing about the documents they originally used years ago as their evidence to take Abigail in the first place. DCS now claims that the home where the sexual molestations and rapes took place has been investigated and “found to be a safe place”.


Indiana DCS is an agency under Governor Mike Pence. Governor Mike Pence has been contacted repeatedly by Brent who has pleaded for Pence to stop this rogue agency of his and to return Abigail to her home where she was thriving until DCS unlawfully seized her.

Mike Pence and “Judge” Marilyn Moores both receive financial bonuses for each child DCS takes and holds.

Upset that no one seemed to give a damn, and tired of being harrassed, Brent took lawful action against everyone that had a hand in the violent taking and carrying away of his treasured child. Brent opened cases in the court to prosecute the thieves and placed liens on their private property holdings and began to hold them liable in their private capacities. Mike Pence was now a DEFENDANT, one of thirty-six. (https://www.facebook.com/notes/brent-swallers/public-notice/969723983063822)


Brent Swallers vs Mike Pence

They responded by arresting Brent and “charging” Brent with six felony cases for fighting back.

Screenshot from Dan Swaller’s Facebook page (Brent’s father)

Screenshot from Dan Swaller’s Facebook page (Brent’s father

On Friday, July 15th, 2016, Donald Trump announced that Mike Pence was going to be his running mate, for the office of Vice President of the United States of America.

Just one week later, on July 22, 2016, the FEDERAL MARSHALLS SERVICE blasted into Brent’s home wearing bullet proof vests… armed with assault rifles and flash bangs and took Brent into custody. They also searched his property and confiscated all of his court documents which named Mike Pence as a defendant.

Screenshot from Dan Swaller’s Facebook page (Brent’s father)

Continued (max 10 image files)

21st May 2017, 05:10 PM
Respect the office, not the man!

That's for suckers. Giving "the office" respect is identical in result to giving the thug occupying it respect.

I give these pricks a vote of no confidence.

You damn well respect the office held by God as Supreme Being!

God deserves all praise. Neither Trump nor Pence, nor the "Office of President" nor the "Office of Vice President" do.

21st May 2017, 05:10 PM
Walk out on your boss and see what happens. ......

Pence is our boss?

21st May 2017, 05:34 PM
Continued from previous . . .

VP Mike Pence Named in Child Abduction Case (http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/04/vp-mike-pence-named-in-child-abduction-case-3500757.html)

(Before It's News) (http://before-its-news.com/alternative/2017/04/vp-mike-pence-named-in-child-abduction-case-3500757.html)

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492186207057.pngScreenshot from Dan Swaller’s Facebook page (Brent’s father)

Why would the Federal Marshalls service, come on a Friday, using full force and do such a thing? They took Brent on Friday because the following business day on Monday, Brent was scheduled to testify against Mike Pence in a court of law. What would it look like if Pence had to leave Trump on the campaign trail to come and testify in a case such as this one? And possibly even be prosecuted for this crime of utter disregard and clear negligence in his home state? Pence knew that for him to secure the opportunity to be Vice President of the United States of America that he would have to dispose of Brent Swallers first. This is tampering with a witness.

And if it wasnt such a big deal then why would the Federal Marshall’s Service specifically seek out and confiscate all of Brent’s court documents regarding his case against Mike Pence and these thieves? This is tampering with evidence.

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492140708266.pngScreenshot from Dan Swaller’s Facebook page (Brent’s father)

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492140672542.pngScreenshot from Dan Swaller’s Facebook page (Brent’s father)

Eight months later, Brent is still locked away without indictment, without any charges and without a conviction. In fact, the Federal Marshall’s Service shuttled Brent from Indiana to Kentucky and hid Brent. Brent doesn’t even show up on the “inmate roster list” of the facility where they have him hidden.

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492186328762.pngScreenshot taken from Brent Swaller’s Facebook page (written by his father Dan Swaller)

Marilyn Moores is the judge that stole Abigail and refused to give her back, even though she has said from the bench that she knows how much Brent loves Abby. She told Brent, “It’s just that you and I have a different belief system”.

She’s an imposter who uses a dead woman’s SSN. And she is married to a man on the SWAT team that illegally came without a warrant and stole Abigail.

Then, Pence had Brent kidnapped and shuffled out of state on the Friday before they were to go to court the following Monday. Brent has been held almost 8 months without a trial. He has not even been given a date for the possibility of a trial. This is probably because they know there is nothing that will stand up in a court of law to keep him in jail. And they also know that Brent will not stop seeking justice for himself and his daughter if released.

It’s quite chilling wondering why our own govt has put so much time and effort into getting Abigail. What could their motive possibly be? Well with the revelations of pizzagate I think we know the answer to that. And if Mike Pence is such an upstanding guy, why has he not jumped in to help this poor man…who simply wants to protect and care for his daughter? It appears Mike Pence is only concerned about his image….which is why Brent Swaller’s has been “taken care of”.
-Source (https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1644027258948046&id=100000223630810) (Brent’s Story)

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492150333614.pngScreenshot of Facebook comment by Dan Swaller (Brent’s father)

Also, there have been serious allegations against Pence as being involved in child trafficking, rape and murder. These allegations were made by Tory Smith, a victim himself, turned activist, who began making videos in 2015, outing the corrupt politicians and people who were raping and killing children in Milab bases.

Well on May 19th, 2016, Tory Smith began outing the wrong politician….Mike Pence, and less than two months later on July 10th, 2016 Tory was dead. Is it a coincidence that Tory died the same week that Mike Pence was publicly announced as Trump’s VP pick? This was also the week that Brent was taken. Sounds like someone was cleaning up some messes for Mr. Pence.

Here is Tory Smith’s story:
<span style="max-width: 100%;">
Another great video on it:
<span style="max-width: 100%;">

And in case you missed it, I’m reprinting my blog post that I wrote about Mike Pence a few months ago below. Make sure you watch the video in this blog. It’s the most important part:
What You Don’t Know About Mike Pence: Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing (https://wordpress.com/posts/50shadesofpissedoff.wordpress.com)

The following is a clip I took out of a video that I think everyone needs to see.

Mike Pence did something during Bush’s administration that outs him as another establishment, globalist puppet. This is VERY important to know. The establishment is hoping Conservatives don’t remember what he did right after 9-11.

I took this 7 min clip out of Anthony Antonello’s 2 hour video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CofK6i3g8oE) called “What you don’t know about Mike Pence, Election Day 4″. Its very short and IT IS A MUST SEE.
<span style="max-width: 100%;">

The main point of this blog post is the video above. The following are just some of my extra notes about Pence:

VP Mike Pence Named in Child Abduction Case

Mike Pence is BFF’s with Paul Ryan which is huge clue #1. Did you see how excited Paul Ryan was when Pence was selected for VP? It is my personal opinion that Trump had to make a deal with the Republicans. He agreed to run with one of theirs as his VP in exchange for their support. Which was a crappy deal because he never got their support anyways.
The establishment chose Mike Pence because his loyalties have been well hidden and he has not done anything overt (except for what is exposed in this video which happened over a decade ago) to betray who he is and who he truly works for. If you remember, Pence was named as Trump’s VP right after Trump met with Henry Kissinger.)
During campaign season if you looked at the body language and non verbal cues between the two, it was obvious to anyone paying attention to details that Trump and Pence didn’t even seem to really like each other. Dave Hodges spoke about this alot after Trump chose Pence as his running mate.
Emigrate While You Still Can! Learn More...

I don’t blame people for doubting Trump is the real deal after we’ve been burned so many times but I’m confident he is real. And he will get things done…but he really made a bad decision choosing Mike Pence. Because with Pence next in line for the presidency we are one bullet away from another globalist puppet in the White House. And it is WAY too tempting for the PRICS (psychopaths really in charge) who are pissed their plans have been derailed.

Some more of my notes on Pence-
Pence has done nothing for abortion. He was FOR Obama care. He SUPPORTED the TPP and easily gave into gay rights bullies. Same thing happened with Reagan. He was forced to take a deal to use Bush as his VP running mate and not long after they tried to assassinate him.

“At the Republican National Convention in 1980 Reagan promised a small group of delegates led by Dr. W. Cleon Skousen, that he would not, “under any circumstance, have that man,” George Bush, as his running mate.

The next day Reagan announced Bush as his vice presidential selection. The small group confronted Reagan with the contradictions to which Reagan responded before walking away, “Had one Hell of a night with David and Henry.”

I reasoned that the establishment found it necessary to work with Reagan because of unplanned popular support and could drop their intense opposition to him if he would accept their man, a former CFR director, as his vice president.

The CFR could still govern indirectly through Vice President George Bush on the things that mattered most to them.” -Source (http://gold-silver.us/forum/safari-reader://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://libertyunderfire.org/2016/07/trump-revolution-more-profound-than-realized/)

They chose Pence because he’s a closet globalist. Ppl don’t know much about his connections or his record and many things about him have been hidden which was why he was the best choice to force on Trump as a running mate. Also right before he was announced as VP after Trump met with Kissinger all of Pences congressional records were suddenly sealed.

“Pence recently sealed his congressional library until 2022. The records could be unsealed if the governor were to die before that date. That’s 12 years’ worth of records from his time in Congress. Michael Cherkis of The Huffington Post spoke with the archives director, Dina Kellams, at the University of Indiana in Bloomington, where the records are kept. She said, “It’s not standard but it’s not unusual. A vast swath of Pence’s public records have been sealed off from reporters.

Papers from Pence’s time in Congress, spanning 2001 to 2012, are currently housed at Indiana University in Bloomington. According to the library’s website, the collection comprises “23 cartons and approximately 70 GB of electronic records.” But under the donor agreement, the public is forbidden from seeing these materials until either Dec. 5, 2022, or the death of the donor ― whichever is later.

His archives could offer an important glimpse into the governor’s experience in Washington. Pence served on various House committees and subcommittees regarding everything from farming to international terrorism to the judiciary. He held leadership posts and was involved in some of the critical legislative battles of this century ― battles that resonate in the current election ― including immigration reform and the Wall Street bailout.

Pence’s communications office did not respond to a request for comment. “ -Source (http://gold-silver.us/forum/safari-reader://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mike-pence-sealed-records_us_5786778fe4b03fc3ee4edf55)


Anyways watch the video to see what role Pence played after 9-11 that outs him (in my opinion) as “one of them”. It’s very compelling.

Please don’t forget Abigail and her father Brent who has now been locked up for 8 months without a trial.​

Mike Pence is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

21st May 2017, 06:41 PM
That's for suckers. Giving "the office" respect is identical in result to giving the thug occupying it respect.

I give these pricks a vote of no confidence.

God deserves all praise. Neither Trump nor Pence, nor the "Office of President" nor the "Office of Vice President" do.

You can make a difference


21st May 2017, 06:46 PM
Mike Pence is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

This case is a perfect example of why I don't respond to Amber Alerts: the so-called "authorities" never explain the circumstances of why the "suspect" has the kid. Much of the time, surely it is no "abduction" at all, but a rescue from "the courts" and its "family court"-sponsored abuse.

Another thing: I know some will "disagree" with me, but why would a good father surrender his child in the face of state-sanctioned abduction? You know what they're going to do to your kid: abduct them, brainwash them, and highly likely, abuse them, emotionally and possibly sexually. You use deadly force to repel or at least resist the home invaders, even if it means your death, and the mercy death of your child.

Is your child "growing up" to be a permanently damaged, enduringly-tormented, drug-addicted loser better than taking a stand?

This System values "quantity of life" over quality of life. It's what anti-humans do: destroy the humanity within, and turn people into compliant and/or manipulable "human resources." This is why "family court" decides the "best interests of the child" (over the decision of the decent parent or even of this child him/herself), because it is actually the best interests of the State and/or its profit-oriented machine.

21st May 2017, 06:55 PM
they are going after the child because she is a witness. Plain and simple. One of the two involved will die. Bad situation but thats what it is.

21st May 2017, 07:05 PM
they are going after the child because she is a witness. Plain and simple. One of the two involved will die. Bad situation but thats what it is.

Then even more so: defend the child, to the death.

21st May 2017, 07:20 PM
walk out on your boss and see what happens. ......

21st May 2017, 07:32 PM
You can make a difference

How does Trump's cock taste today?

21st May 2017, 07:38 PM
How does Trump's cock taste today?

I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood you...I thought you were rooting for the collapse of our country and the mass killing that will ensue.

Sometimes it's hard to tell what people are thinking in their posts. I'm just used to all the liberals rooting for Trump's impeachment and the destruction of our country, it sounded like you want the same thing?

21st May 2017, 07:43 PM
I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood you...I thought you were rooting for the collapse of our country and the mass killing that will ensue.

I support the Will of Yahweh, and "blessing America" is no longer His Will. America chose long ago its fate, and the logical and expected consequences are here. Yes, "You Asked for This."

Sometimes it's hard to tell what people are thinking in their posts. I'm just used to all the liberals rooting for Trump's impeachment and the destruction of our country, it sounded like you want the same thing?

Trump is doing nothing to stop the logical consequences of America's chosen fate, which is, of course, destruction and descent into a permanent Turd World state. DACA, still not repealed. Jewish banksters and other crooks riddle his "administration." Kissing the asses of our enemies in the Middle East, both in "Israel" and Saudi Arabia, to whip up a war against Iran.

21st May 2017, 07:44 PM
No,he just wants to know what Trumps Cock tastes like.

21st May 2017, 07:44 PM
No,he just wants to know what Trumps Cock tastes like.

I do not share your desires.

21st May 2017, 07:47 PM
I do not share your desires.

That is the exact answer you asked for twat.

21st May 2017, 07:49 PM
That is the exact answer you asked for twat.

I asked him his opinion of the taste. I couldn't care less what it actually does taste like. But you would know.

21st May 2017, 07:52 PM
I support the Will of Yahweh, and "blessing America" is no longer His Will. America chose long ago its fate, and the logical and expected consequences are here. Yes, "You Asked for This."

So I was right the first time

Trump is doing nothing to stop the logical consequences of America's chosen fate, which is, of course, destruction and descent into a permanent Turd World state. DACA, still not repealed. Jewish banksters and other crooks riddle his "administration." Kissing the asses of our enemies in the Middle East, both in "Israel" and Saudi Arabia, to whip up a war against Iran.

Other that all that, everything is pretty good, no?
If you have your health, enough money and people you care about, what more could you ask for? We really are only here a short time. Whatever comes, it will be the new normal to the next generation. I'll just milk the rest of my life for what it's worth and move on.

21st May 2017, 07:53 PM
I asked him his opinion of the taste. I couldn't care less what it actually does taste like. But you would know.

It probably tastes like every other dick you've had, except maybe older.

21st May 2017, 07:53 PM
I asked him his opinion of the taste. I couldn't care less what it actually does taste like. But you would know.

Change the rules as you go, typical (((skype))) Suck that dick fag.

21st May 2017, 10:35 PM
It probably tastes like every other dick you've had, except maybe older.

Since I've never touched another man's dick, let alone sucked on one, I can't speak from personal experience, like you.

21st May 2017, 10:37 PM
Change the rules as you go, typical (((skype)))

It's called context, Race Mixer.

You should love the Khazar Jews...they're Mongoloid in origin, too.

21st May 2017, 10:48 PM
So I was right the first time

You prefer to worship America, rather than God.

God has withdrawn His blessings from America. That is not actively destroying her; He is merely giving Americans their choice. The logical consequences of choosing the wrong "leaders" for over a century are here.

You want America to prosper while refusing to honor God. Perhaps - just perhaps - if the majority of Americans fell to their knees, and begged God, sincerely, to save us, America would turn around. But that's not going to happen, because the American population is as corrupt as the ancient Sodomites.

Other that all that, everything is pretty good, no?
If you have your health, enough money and people you care about, what more could you ask for? We really are only here a short time. Whatever comes, it will be the new normal to the next generation. I'll just milk the rest of my life for what it's worth and move on.

There is satisfaction seeing what the so-called "Greatest Generation" did to Germany and Europe visit the country that saved the Soviet Union.

I've attempted to move my family and myself out of the way of the mass of self-inflicted disaster Mystery America has brought upon itself. The idea that Mystery America's collapse is due to "liberals" is insane. It is due to corruption, pervading through every political, socio-economic, and religious sect in America. Americans of all types love their money, and their perversions. Republicans bitch about "liberals" and their worship of sodomy, while they themselves refuse to honor the marriage covenant. Democrats bitch about killing of innocents in war, while running the most efficient infanticide scheme in world history.

Hitler was a man who made many errors, even grave mistakes, but at least he tried to arrest the lethal degeneracy presented to us by the Jews and embraced en masse by billions of Goyim. America is the embodiment of Judaism, and waged total war on Europe's saviors in Germany and elsewhere. Millions of idiot Goyim swallowed it all, and shrieked - and still shriek - about "Nazis." Now, what the "Nazis" fought to the death against is here, as represented in my avatar. You rejected what that soldier fought for, and have now earned the subhuman lurking in the background, literally and figuratively burning your cities and civilization to the ground. Enjoy.

7th trump
22nd May 2017, 04:53 AM
You prefer to worship America, rather than God.

God has withdrawn His blessings from America. That is not actively destroying her; He is merely giving Americans their choice. The logical consequences of choosing the wrong "leaders" for over a century are here.

You want America to prosper while refusing to honor God. Perhaps - just perhaps - if the majority of Americans fell to their knees, and begged God, sincerely, to save us, America would turn around. But that's not going to happen, because the American population is as corrupt as the ancient Sodomites.

There is satisfaction seeing what the so-called "Greatest Generation" did to Germany and Europe visit the country that saved the Soviet Union.

I've attempted to move my family and myself out of the way of the mass of self-inflicted disaster Mystery America has brought upon itself. The idea that Mystery America's collapse is due to "liberals" is insane. It is due to corruption, pervading through every political, socio-economic, and religious sect in America. Americans of all types love their money, and their perversions. Republicans bitch about "liberals" and their worship of sodomy, while they themselves refuse to honor the marriage covenant. Democrats bitch about killing of innocents in war, while running the most efficient infanticide scheme in world history.

Hitler was a man who made many errors, even grave mistakes, but at least he tried to arrest the lethal degeneracy presented to us by the Jews and embraced en masse by billions of Goyim. America is the embodiment of Judaism, and waged total war on Europe's saviors in Germany and elsewhere. Millions of idiot Goyim swallowed it all, and shrieked - and still shriek - about "Nazis." Now, what the "Nazis" fought to the death against is here, as represented in my avatar. You rejected what that soldier fought for, and have now earned the subhuman lurking in the background, literally and figuratively burning your cities and civilization to the ground. Enjoy.

You stupid fool!
Blacks are not subhumans...anyone thinking and promoting what He created in His image as "subhuman" is himself deserving of Gods rath.
God did not create anything unperfect.
Man has tainted himself.
If any race has the ability to destroy ......its the white man as he is basically the only race that is blessed for who they are.
No other race gets blessings and curses as the white man.
The white man was to be a pillar and example to the rest.
We are all judged the same.
The white man has turned his face away from God.

So take your cured self-righteous attitude and stick it up your worthless ass.
You're sick.....get some professional help!

22nd May 2017, 08:31 AM
Continued from previous . . .

VP Mike Pence Named in Child Abduction Case (http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/04/vp-mike-pence-named-in-child-abduction-case-3500757.html)

(Before It's News) (http://before-its-news.com/alternative/2017/04/vp-mike-pence-named-in-child-abduction-case-3500757.html)

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492186207057.pngScreenshot from Dan Swaller’s Facebook page (Brent’s father)

Why would the Federal Marshalls service, come on a Friday, using full force and do such a thing? They took Brent on Friday because the following business day on Monday, Brent was scheduled to testify against Mike Pence in a court of law. What would it look like if Pence had to leave Trump on the campaign trail to come and testify in a case such as this one? And possibly even be prosecuted for this crime of utter disregard and clear negligence in his home state? Pence knew that for him to secure the opportunity to be Vice President of the United States of America that he would have to dispose of Brent Swallers first. This is tampering with a witness.

And if it wasnt such a big deal then why would the Federal Marshall’s Service specifically seek out and confiscate all of Brent’s court documents regarding his case against Mike Pence and these thieves? This is tampering with evidence.

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492140708266.pngScreenshot from Dan Swaller’s Facebook page (Brent’s father)

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492140672542.pngScreenshot from Dan Swaller’s Facebook page (Brent’s father)

Eight months later, Brent is still locked away without indictment, without any charges and without a conviction. In fact, the Federal Marshall’s Service shuttled Brent from Indiana to Kentucky and hid Brent. Brent doesn’t even show up on the “inmate roster list” of the facility where they have him hidden.

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492186328762.pngScreenshot taken from Brent Swaller’s Facebook page (written by his father Dan Swaller)

Marilyn Moores is the judge that stole Abigail and refused to give her back, even though she has said from the bench that she knows how much Brent loves Abby. She told Brent, “It’s just that you and I have a different belief system”.

She’s an imposter who uses a dead woman’s SSN. And she is married to a man on the SWAT team that illegally came without a warrant and stole Abigail.

Then, Pence had Brent kidnapped and shuffled out of state on the Friday before they were to go to court the following Monday. Brent has been held almost 8 months without a trial. He has not even been given a date for the possibility of a trial. This is probably because they know there is nothing that will stand up in a court of law to keep him in jail. And they also know that Brent will not stop seeking justice for himself and his daughter if released.

It’s quite chilling wondering why our own govt has put so much time and effort into getting Abigail. What could their motive possibly be? Well with the revelations of pizzagate I think we know the answer to that. And if Mike Pence is such an upstanding guy, why has he not jumped in to help this poor man…who simply wants to protect and care for his daughter? It appears Mike Pence is only concerned about his image….which is why Brent Swaller’s has been “taken care of”.
-Source (https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1644027258948046&id=100000223630810) (Brent’s Story)

http://50shadesofpissedoff.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/wp-1492150333614.pngScreenshot of Facebook comment by Dan Swaller (Brent’s father)

Also, there have been serious allegations against Pence as being involved in child trafficking, rape and murder. These allegations were made by Tory Smith, a victim himself, turned activist, who began making videos in 2015, outing the corrupt politicians and people who were raping and killing children in Milab bases.

Well on May 19th, 2016, Tory Smith began outing the wrong politician….Mike Pence, and less than two months later on July 10th, 2016 Tory was dead. Is it a coincidence that Tory died the same week that Mike Pence was publicly announced as Trump’s VP pick? This was also the week that Brent was taken. Sounds like someone was cleaning up some messes for Mr. Pence.

Here is Tory Smith’s story:
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Another great video on it:
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And in case you missed it, I’m reprinting my blog post that I wrote about Mike Pence a few months ago below. Make sure you watch the video in this blog. It’s the most important part:
What You Don’t Know About Mike Pence: Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing (https://wordpress.com/posts/50shadesofpissedoff.wordpress.com)

The following is a clip I took out of a video that I think everyone needs to see.

Mike Pence did something during Bush’s administration that outs him as another establishment, globalist puppet. This is VERY important to know. The establishment is hoping Conservatives don’t remember what he did right after 9-11.

I took this 7 min clip out of Anthony Antonello’s 2 hour video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CofK6i3g8oE) called “What you don’t know about Mike Pence, Election Day 4″. Its very short and IT IS A MUST SEE.
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The main point of this blog post is the video above. The following are just some of my extra notes about Pence:

VP Mike Pence Named in Child Abduction Case

Mike Pence is BFF’s with Paul Ryan which is huge clue #1. Did you see how excited Paul Ryan was when Pence was selected for VP? It is my personal opinion that Trump had to make a deal with the Republicans. He agreed to run with one of theirs as his VP in exchange for their support. Which was a crappy deal because he never got their support anyways.
The establishment chose Mike Pence because his loyalties have been well hidden and he has not done anything overt (except for what is exposed in this video which happened over a decade ago) to betray who he is and who he truly works for. If you remember, Pence was named as Trump’s VP right after Trump met with Henry Kissinger.)
During campaign season if you looked at the body language and non verbal cues between the two, it was obvious to anyone paying attention to details that Trump and Pence didn’t even seem to really like each other. Dave Hodges spoke about this alot after Trump chose Pence as his running mate.
Emigrate While You Still Can! Learn More...

I don’t blame people for doubting Trump is the real deal after we’ve been burned so many times but I’m confident he is real. And he will get things done…but he really made a bad decision choosing Mike Pence. Because with Pence next in line for the presidency we are one bullet away from another globalist puppet in the White House. And it is WAY too tempting for the PRICS (psychopaths really in charge) who are pissed their plans have been derailed.

Some more of my notes on Pence-
Pence has done nothing for abortion. He was FOR Obama care. He SUPPORTED the TPP and easily gave into gay rights bullies. Same thing happened with Reagan. He was forced to take a deal to use Bush as his VP running mate and not long after they tried to assassinate him.

“At the Republican National Convention in 1980 Reagan promised a small group of delegates led by Dr. W. Cleon Skousen, that he would not, “under any circumstance, have that man,” George Bush, as his running mate.

The next day Reagan announced Bush as his vice presidential selection. The small group confronted Reagan with the contradictions to which Reagan responded before walking away, “Had one Hell of a night with David and Henry.”

I reasoned that the establishment found it necessary to work with Reagan because of unplanned popular support and could drop their intense opposition to him if he would accept their man, a former CFR director, as his vice president.

The CFR could still govern indirectly through Vice President George Bush on the things that mattered most to them.” -Source (http://gold-silver.us/forum/safari-reader://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://libertyunderfire.org/2016/07/trump-revolution-more-profound-than-realized/)

They chose Pence because he’s a closet globalist. Ppl don’t know much about his connections or his record and many things about him have been hidden which was why he was the best choice to force on Trump as a running mate. Also right before he was announced as VP after Trump met with Kissinger all of Pences congressional records were suddenly sealed.

“Pence recently sealed his congressional library until 2022. The records could be unsealed if the governor were to die before that date. That’s 12 years’ worth of records from his time in Congress. Michael Cherkis of The Huffington Post spoke with the archives director, Dina Kellams, at the University of Indiana in Bloomington, where the records are kept. She said, “It’s not standard but it’s not unusual. A vast swath of Pence’s public records have been sealed off from reporters.

Papers from Pence’s time in Congress, spanning 2001 to 2012, are currently housed at Indiana University in Bloomington. According to the library’s website, the collection comprises “23 cartons and approximately 70 GB of electronic records.” But under the donor agreement, the public is forbidden from seeing these materials until either Dec. 5, 2022, or the death of the donor ― whichever is later.

His archives could offer an important glimpse into the governor’s experience in Washington. Pence served on various House committees and subcommittees regarding everything from farming to international terrorism to the judiciary. He held leadership posts and was involved in some of the critical legislative battles of this century ― battles that resonate in the current election ― including immigration reform and the Wall Street bailout.

Pence’s communications office did not respond to a request for comment. “ -Source (http://gold-silver.us/forum/safari-reader://beforeitsnews.com/r2/?url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mike-pence-sealed-records_us_5786778fe4b03fc3ee4edf55)


Anyways watch the video to see what role Pence played after 9-11 that outs him (in my opinion) as “one of them”. It’s very compelling.

Please don’t forget Abigail and her father Brent who has now been locked up for 8 months without a trial.​

Mike Pence is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Good god, these people are monsters. Giving a child back to the home that sexually assaulted her. A judge who is using a dead person's SSN??

If that were my child, I wouldn't be in prison I'd be dead and a few people would be coming with me.

25th May 2017, 06:20 AM
mark 'librul lunatics vs righteous conservatives' dice; notice the powder-blue JWO necktie on sKerry:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9OP3TcrwK1U/hqdefault.jpg?custom=true&w=336&h=188&stc=true&jpg444=true&jpgq=90&sp=68&sigh=L3Q69_hmgoanb1XO3gYDfPDSBFw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OP3TcrwK1U) 5:37
The Liberal Hysteria Is Getting Worse! - John Kerry's Idiotic Commencement Speech at Harvard (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OP3TcrwK1U)

48 minutes ago