View Full Version : The Jews win!

22nd May 2017, 07:56 AM
When Netanyahu comes to the US, he should be forced to go to a Catholic church and carry a large cross with Jesus Christ on it.


22nd May 2017, 08:00 AM
This picture hurts!!!

22nd May 2017, 08:05 AM
When Netanyahu comes to the US, he should be forced to go to a Catholic church and carry a large cross with Jesus Christ on it.

haha good one :D

we all knew this was inevitable :(

22nd May 2017, 08:24 AM
This picture hurts!!!

I sit here laughing.

"How could he do that?!"

Because he is a product of Jew York City.

The first sitting US President to touch the wall...

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/05/22/16/40AA187A00000578-4529952-Donald_Trump_on_Monday_became_the_first_sitting_U_ S_president_to-a-2_1495465350273.jpg

22nd May 2017, 08:27 AM


22nd May 2017, 08:49 AM


We are on common ground on this. I was just about to post this.

22nd May 2017, 08:57 AM
We are on common ground on this. I was just about to post this.

I hope you now understand my opposition to Trump had nothing to do with support for his alleged "opponent."

22nd May 2017, 09:06 AM
I hope you now understand my opposition to Trump had nothing to do with support for his alleged "opponent."

Our country has been ruled by the Jews for a very long time. With the rhetoric increasing to strike Iran, there is a possibility Iran could strike first and take out Israel?
Who knows what might happen. Pray for God to rectify the evil of the Jewish state.

22nd May 2017, 09:10 AM
Our country has been ruled by the Jews for a very long time. With the rhetoric increasing to strike Iran, there is a possibility Iran could strike first and take out Israel?
Who knows what might happen. Pray for God to rectify the evil of the Jewish state.
That works for me!!!

22nd May 2017, 09:17 AM
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/05/22/16/40AA187A00000578-4529952-Donald_Trump_on_Monday_became_the_first_sitting_U_ S_president_to-a-2_1495465350273.jpg

is that some kind of kosher black trench coat he's wearing?? what next, a big beard & pigly wigly side curls?! :rolleyes:

assuming it's a trench coat, was it to hide the requisite thrusting of his pelvis in copulation simulation fashion?! :( Is Jerusalem cold in May?? :(??

22nd May 2017, 10:14 AM

22nd May 2017, 10:16 AM
That does it for me, FIN!

I'll even go out on a limb and predict now, that Trump has eaten his jew shit,
they will no go after him with abandon - he'll be impeached (and convicted), or worse. The jews like to have a potential non-compliant public figure eat their shit first (in total abject submission) before they destroy him - that way they get their cake and eat it too (a known and traditional jewish fetish).

22nd May 2017, 10:36 AM
Better late then never, we're getting closer.


22nd May 2017, 10:44 AM
That does it for me, FIN!

I'll even go out on a limb and predict now, that Trump has eaten his jew shit,
they will no go after him with abandon - he'll be impeached (and convicted), or worse. The jews like to have a potential non-compliant public figure eat their shit first (in total abject submission) before they destroy him - that way they get their cake and eat it too (a known and traditional jewish fetish).

Jerrylynnb... I visited Jerusalem, once long ago, before I was "joo" enlightened. Actually the trip there woke me up.
I went there pro-israel and left pro-palestine. Some of The Jews there are today's nazis, the way they treat the Palestinians.

I tried to visit as many sites as possible and we went to the wailing wall, I got to touch it from the women's side.

Today, with all I know, I would do it again if I had not touched it years ago, just because it is an experience, not because I suck...

22nd May 2017, 10:57 AM
Jerrylynnb... I visited Jerusalem, once long ago, before I was "joo" enlightened. Actually the trip there woke me up.
I went there pro-israel and left pro-palestine. Some of The Jews there are today's nazis, the way they treat the Palestinians.

I tried to visit as many sites as possible and we went to the wailing wall, I got to touch it from the women's side.

Today, with all I know, I would do it again if I had not touched it years ago, just because it is an experience, not because I suck...

If you go again, take a can of spray paint and write 'JESUS LOVES YOU' on the wall. I'd appreciate it, thanks!


22nd May 2017, 11:19 AM
is that some kind of kosher black trench coat he's wearing?? what next, a big beard & pigly wigly sideburns?! :rolleyes:

assuming it's a trench coat, was it to hide the requisite thrusting of his pelvis in copulation simulation fashion?! :( Is Jerusalem cold in May?? :(??

Looks to me like Trump grabbed the Jewish demon by the pussy but it doesn't show if he humped it or not. He probably did though seeing as how he loves the Jews so much.

22nd May 2017, 12:02 PM
Ximmy, I like all your posts here, but, I don't know what you mean to express when you say it was an experience. I don't want to speculate or jump to conclusions (such as maybe you believing that germans persecuted jews) - can you be specific as to what you mean by "an experience"? Your having left pro-palastinian suggests you refuse to be gullible to jewish lies, and that is definitely a sign of wisdom.

As far as the jews of today being modern "Nazis", I assume you mean the jew-hollywood version of "nazis", and not the true historical movement in Germany of the 30's and 40's that brought them out of despair and into greatness before being overwhelmed by the US, England, and Russia (on behalf of the jews, who lost thier control over Germany via the Rotschild bank and German media).

22nd May 2017, 12:18 PM
as a pro-freedom-voluntarist advocate understanding that political salvation is the ultimate hoax in town, that does not surprise me

VERY GLAD, I take no side in any conflicts

22nd May 2017, 12:38 PM
"an experience"

Christian heritage, archaeology, where Jesus and the apostles preached. etc. It brings a more intimate connection to the places and events of the bible.


If you walk through the holocaust museum there...


... you will see the Hollywood version of the Nazis. As you walk through it you will see a perfect picture of how the jooz treat the Palestinians.
The jooz invented the hollywood nazi, the jooz are the nazis.

22nd May 2017, 02:40 PM
is that some kind of kosher black trench coat he's wearing?? what next, a big beard & pigly wigly sideburns?! :rolleyes:

assuming it's a trench coat, was it to hide the requisite thrusting of his pelvis in copulation simulation fashion?! :( Is Jerusalem cold in May?? :(??


22nd May 2017, 02:42 PM
Look on the bright side. We didn't get to a bunch of humping heebs in the same picture.

midnight rambler
22nd May 2017, 02:47 PM
Look on the bright side. We didn't get to a bunch of humping heebs in the same picture.

Only because (((they))) were carefully kept out of the frame.

midnight rambler
22nd May 2017, 02:49 PM

Ha! Chump DID have a very subtle back and forth motion so he WAS humping the wall at least in spirit. lol

22nd May 2017, 02:51 PM
Ha! Chump DID have a very subtle back and forth motion so he WAS humping the way at least in spirit. lol

I was thinking he was trying to stay awake. He had a "Let's get this shit over with" look to him.

22nd May 2017, 02:56 PM

Doh! While he's obviously trying to be subtle about it, we see him swaying back/forward for several seconds when he first touches it, then he stands still, then the clip cuts before he's finished... so not sure after that. :rolleyes:

22nd May 2017, 03:31 PM
Christian heritage, archaeology, where Jesus and the apostles preached. etc. It brings a more intimate connection to the places and events of the bible.


If you walk through the holocaust museum there...


... you will see the Hollywood version of the Nazis. As you walk through it you will see a perfect picture of how the jooz treat the Palestinians.
The jooz invented the hollywood nazi, the jooz are the nazis.

Very well stated, Ximmy.

22nd May 2017, 03:35 PM
Doh! While he's obviously trying to be subtle about it, we see him swaying back/forward for several seconds when he first touches it, then he stands still, then the clip cuts before he's finished... so not sure after that. :rolleyes:

He did it, he thrust his penis into Satan...damn!

22nd May 2017, 05:31 PM
Very well stated, Ximmy.

Indeed, there is nothing wrong with the Land of Israel...it's just what occupies it, Khazars and A-rab Mooslims.

22nd May 2017, 07:19 PM
He did it, he thrust his penis into Satan...damn!

His jacket was hanging out pretty far in front of him. That was probably on purpose so no one would notice his erection while he humped the Jewish demon.

22nd May 2017, 08:40 PM
His jacket was hanging out pretty far in front of him. That was probably on purpose so no one would notice his erection while he humped the Jewish demon.

yeah that's what prompted me to ask, based on the upper body only pic, if he was wearing a trenchcoat. What POTUS, or pol/suit in general, walks around with their suit's jacket unbuttoned.... let alone, at such a photo op extraordinaire?! :o

22nd May 2017, 08:42 PM
A truly sickening display of obsequity. Kiss your rulers' asses you servile slut!

22nd May 2017, 10:43 PM
I visited Jerusalem...

I tried to visit as many sites as possible and we went to the wailing wall, I got to touch it from the women's side.

Today, with all I know, I would do it again if I had not touched it years ago, just because it is an experience,

...Christian heritage, archeology, where Jesus and the apostles preached. etc. It brings a more intimate connection to the places and events of the bible.

Feelings. You "felt" Him there. Must have been very emotional.


23rd May 2017, 03:46 AM
Trump speaking again wearing a kippah.
Did our president just convert to Judaism?
Will Trump be wearing a kippah when he comes home?
Did Israel finally get the last piece in place to own everything, money, media and US president?

23rd May 2017, 07:04 AM
What STARTS in Israel ENDS AT THE VATICAN (Where Trump gets his FINAL ORDERS FROM)
The VATICAN is where to SEAT of Satan is, it's not in Israel!

23rd May 2017, 10:12 AM
Orthodox Jewish families won’t identify circumcisers who gave babies herpes


Health Department says Orthodox relatives of infected infants refusing to reveal names, obstructing investigation

ed note–please consider for a moment the absolutely insanity of this situation and what it reveals about the Judaic mindset.

These babies are INFECTED and could die from it. The people responsible for doing this risk infecting other infants, but due to the Judaic attachment to this sick, perverse religious ritual of mutilating a little boy’s genitalia and then having one of these herpes-infected animals suck the blood out of the wound, a code of silence is maintained, protecting the animals who will doubtless go out and put more children’s lives at risk.

There simply is no other way to view/state it–Judaism is a sickness of the mind/heart/soul and embracing it in any form leads to mental illness, and until the rest of the sane world comes to this conclusion, mankind will continue to hurdle down the road towards universal armegeddon and will not realize until it is too late that this diagnosis should have been made thousands of years ago.

Times of Israel

The New York City Health Department said it cannot complete an investigation into who infected four infants with herpes through a circumcision rite because the boys’ fervently Orthodox families will not identify the mohels.

“Unfortunately, some in the community are resistant to sharing the name of the mohels,” Health Department spokesman Christopher Miller told DNAinfo New York on Tuesday. “This is a very insular community.”

According to DNAinfo, six families in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, have seen children contract herpes since 2015 from metzitzah b’peh, which involves the ritual circumciser, or mohel, cleaning the circumcision wound by oral suction. Among the six families, only two have provided the names of their mohels, Miller said.

In March, the city ordered those two mohels to stop performing metzitzah b’peh. A herpes infection in a newborn baby can cause brain damage and death.

Rabbi David Niederman, head of the United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg and North Brooklyn, told DNAinfo that the community was “fully cooperating” with the investigation. However, an unnamed source said the community is skeptical about the allegations against the two named mohels because it believes the city wants to make all metzitzah b’peh illegal.

“That’s why we’re not willing to give out the mohels. We know the city is going to ban them without giving them due process,” the source said. “There is not proof that they actually infected the baby.”

The custom, rarely practiced outside the Haredi, or fervently Orthodox, community, has become a political football in New York City with its large Haredi population. In February 2015, the city eliminated a parental consent form mandated by former mayor Michael Bloomberg. In return, the community pledged to test a mohel after an infant contracts herpes.

City Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Travis Bassett said her department considers metzitzah b’peh an “unsafe practice,” but that as a religious practice it enjoys several legal protections.


23rd May 2017, 10:31 AM

The zio-tool's new twitter masthead is this photo. In our face as it gets fellow goyim.


23rd May 2017, 10:42 AM
Feelings. You "felt" Him there. Must have been very emotional.


Feelings, felt, emotional... you are like CNN news now?

23rd May 2017, 10:46 AM
Feelings, felt, emotional... you are like CNN news now?


:rolleyes: it was an invitation to bear your testimony after walking where He walked...


23rd May 2017, 10:48 AM


Excuse my error... You are like a Mormon CNN news broadcaster?

23rd May 2017, 10:51 AM

:rolleyes: it was an invitation to bear your testimony after walking where He walked...



23rd May 2017, 10:58 AM
Now you are like a Mormon CNN newscaster acting like the NYtimes who go back and "fix" the original story.

23rd May 2017, 11:06 AM
Now you are like a Mormon CNN newscaster acting like the NYtimes who go back and "fix" the original story.

Oh. I thought you "experienced" the Holy Land and wanted to share it with us. My bad. Sorry.


Testament vs. testimony

The main definitions of testimony are (1) a declaration of truth or fact, (2) a declaration by a witness under oath, and (3) a public declaration regarding a religious experience. Testament, in addition to meaning (1) something that serves as proof or evidence, may also mean (2) a statement of belief, (3) one of the two main divisions of the Bible, and (4) a written document providing for the disposition of a person’s property. So testament makes more sense in constructions like, “His kindness is testament to the fact that he is a good man.”

Still, testimony is so often used in place of testament that most dictionaries now list something that serves as proof or evidence as an accepted definition of testimony. But that doesn’t change the fact that testament is more conventional for this purpose.

23rd May 2017, 11:09 AM
Oh. I thought you "experienced" the Holy Land and wanted to share it with us. My bad. Sorry.


Oh, I see now that you need a "experience" a fidget spinner... :)


23rd May 2017, 11:18 AM

I visited Jerusalem...

I tried to visit as many sites as possible and we went to the wailing wall, I got to touch it from the women's side.

Today, with all I know, I would do it again if I had not touched it years ago, just because it is an experience,

...Christian heritage, archeology, where Jesus and the apostles preached. etc. It brings a more intimate connection to the places and events of the bible.

Thank you Sister Ximmy for sharing your experience in the Holy Land. One can only wonder what that felt like.


23rd May 2017, 11:27 AM
Thank you Sister Ximmy for sharing your experience in the Holy Land. One can only wonder what that felt like.



23rd May 2017, 04:53 PM
Ximmy, I'll show respect for your reaction as your described it, but, I have to admit that I wouldn't feel anything at all going to a stone wall, no matter what anyone says about its history. But I do understand the idea of getting a swell of a feeling at visiting certain sites that have meaning to you.

Not long ago, my brother and I went to a place way out in the sticks where our grandparents used to live and where we had spent a lot of time as grade schoolers. It is now all grown over with weeds, brush, and trees to the point that one wouldn't even suspect a house was ever there. But, for sure kind lady, I got a powerful feeling remembering my sweet and wonderful grandmother and our powerful and stern granddaddy - I felt like crying just for a moment and so I do understand how visiting certain sites can overwhelm you with emotion if that site has special meaning to you.

I hope you do not condemn me for not sharing that particular feeling you have for that particular place (the so-called "wailing wall") - it is just another spot on earth for me because I don't buy into anything jews have to say about anything, anytime, anywhere. Likewise, my grandparent's old homestead would mean nothing to you should you happen to wander out in the sticks here in north Texas and come across it. To each his own.

My resentment in seeing Trump succumb to his jewish masters, with what I am convinced it pure hypocracy (touching that wall ever so "tenderly" with a phony show of deep sympathy), is because I fell for his campaign rhetoric about making america great again and building a wall and all that bullshit - seeing him eat jewish turds openly and knowingly is just too much for someone who had hoped with such earnest and anticipation for what we all know here *COULD BE* were we to actually get a president like what he pretended to be.


23rd May 2017, 04:55 PM
MK Ultra...

23rd May 2017, 05:07 PM
When Netanyahu comes to the US, he should be forced to go to a Catholic church and carry a large cross with Jesus Christ on it.

Mochelle did desecrate one yesterday.


23rd May 2017, 05:42 PM
Ximmy, I'll show respect for your reaction as your described it, but, I have to admit that I wouldn't feel anything at all going to a stone wall, no matter what anyone says about its history. But I do understand the idea of getting a swell of a feeling at visiting certain sites that have meaning to you.

Not long ago, my brother and I went to a place way out in the sticks where our grandparents used to live and where we had spent a lot of time as grade schoolers. It is now all grown over with weeds, brush, and trees to the point that one wouldn't even suspect a house was ever there. But, for sure kind lady, I got a powerful feeling remembering my sweet and wonderful grandmother and our powerful and stern granddaddy - I felt like crying just for a moment and so I do understand how visiting certain sites can overwhelm you with emotion if that site has special meaning to you.

I hope you do not condemn me for not sharing that particular feeling you have for that particular place (the so-called "wailing wall") - it is just another spot on earth for me because I don't buy into anything jews have to say about anything, anytime, anywhere. Likewise, my grandparent's old homestead would mean nothing to you should you happen to wander out in the sticks here in north Texas and come across it. To each his own.

My resentment in seeing Trump succumb to his jewish masters, with what I am convinced it pure hypocracy (touching that wall ever so "tenderly" with a phony show of deep sympathy), is because I fell for his campaign rhetoric about making america great again and building a wall and all that bullshit - seeing him eat jewish turds openly and knowingly is just too much for someone who had hoped with such earnest and anticipation for what we all know here *COULD BE* were we to actually get a president like what he pretended to be.


I just wanted you to know that not everyone who touches that wall is "plucking satan"... I don't have any "feelings" for the wall.

That wall is the remaining West wall to Fort Antonia. It has no power to bless or curse. It has no power for the jooz. These idiots are worshiping in the wrong place.


The original temple was totally destroyed, the Romans took every stone apart looking for hidden gold.


This fits with the biblical narrative Mat.24:01:

1 (http://biblehub.com/matthew/24-1.htm)Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 (http://biblehub.com/matthew/24-2.htm)“Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”


I was probably most moved by Hezekiah's Tunnel... Freaking incredible and accurate account of the OT story.

... and (Prophetically) the East Gate that the Muslims closed to prevent Jesus from entering (when he comes back) because they knew the prophecy.


The remains of the destroyed original gate, that Jesus walked through the first time, is underground. This later gate is built over it.


23rd May 2017, 05:52 PM
I see Michael's ass is still growing
Mochelle did desecrate one yesterday.


23rd May 2017, 06:47 PM

The zio-tool's new twitter masthead is this photo. In our face as it gets fellow goyim.




23rd May 2017, 11:51 PM
I sit here laughing.

"How could he do that?!"

Because he is a product of Jew York City.

The first sitting US President to touch the wall...

Am I missing something?

24th May 2017, 02:34 AM
Am I missing something?
Barry was a senator when that pic was taken. I don't remember if state or us.

24th May 2017, 03:14 PM
Ah, got ya.

I thought it was odd for DJT to announce during the election campaign that he wasn't going to the wall. Thought he might end up being different.

24th May 2017, 03:36 PM
Ah, got ya.

I thought it was odd for DJT to announce during the election campaign that he wasn't going to the wall. Thought he might end up being different.

MKultra comes to mind again.

24th May 2017, 03:49 PM
Yeah, and I don't remember seeing in this thread that this is the only U.S. president to make Saudi Arabia his first foreign visit

24th May 2017, 04:21 PM
Yeah, and I don't remember seeing in this thread that this is the only U.S. president to make Saudi Arabia his first foreign visit

He also made the first direct flight from Riyadh to Tel Aviv.

24th May 2017, 04:26 PM
He also made the first direct flight from Riyadh to Tel Aviv.

Yeah, I picked up on that too....

midnight rambler
24th May 2017, 04:46 PM
Yeah, and I don't remember seeing in this thread that this is the only U.S. president to make Saudi Arabia his first foreign visit

Chump wanted to show that he loves the (fake) a-rabs as much as he loves da joos.

24th May 2017, 05:00 PM
Wish on, despite reality..

19th September 2017, 10:02 PM
When Netanyahu comes to the US, he should be forced to go to a Catholic church and carry a large cross with Jesus Christ on it.


EE is gonna be Trump's last remaining supporter...lol.

19th September 2017, 10:55 PM
EE is gonna be Trump's last remaining supporter...lol.

Why does every thread end up with Barry Sanders as the main subject?

20th September 2017, 12:15 AM


American politicians going to the western wall, and bring back Satan to America sounds about right. I wonder if there is a change in Trumps behavior pre and post wall humpdy trumpty visit. Did he say anything about North Korea prior to 24th of May? North Korea is just smoke and mirrors to keep the Chinese eyes off Iran, which is the real prize. Still he'll probably use some nukes on Kim.

20th September 2017, 03:08 AM
American politicians going to the western wall, and bring back Satan to America sounds about right. I wonder if there is a change in Trumps behavior pre and post wall humpdy trumpty visit. Did he say anything about North Korea prior to 24th of May? North Korea is just smoke and mirrors to keep the Chinese eyes off Iran, which is the real prize. Still he'll probably use some nukes on Kim.

China bypasses US sanctions on Iran...
http://www.theeventchronicle.com/finanace/us-sanctions-backfire-china-opens-credit-line-iran-bypassing-dollar/?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=facebook_page&utm_medium=The%20Event%20Handbook&utm_content=US%20Sanctions%20Backfire:%20China%20O pens%20Credit%20Line%20to%20Iran,%20Bypassing%20Do llar

According to Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Li Hulai, Iran is days away from joining the so-called Shanghai security bloc, a military alliance led by China and Russia. China is already Iran’s biggest oil consumer and accounts for at least a third of Iran’s overall trade, the Times of Israel notes.

Iran is set to emerge as a major player in Asia and Europe in its desire to use its natural resources to help itself and these partnering nations to become very rich, very fast. Even American allies like Austria, France, and Germany want in on the share of Iran’s abundant resources and the projects it plans to implement. The United States is unilaterally preventing all of these countries from doing so under the guise of concerns about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons.

This is why he screams his head off about North Korea, and probably attack it soon too, to disturb China enough they lose their focus on being the ally of Iran, which will be attacked from Saudi.

old steel
20th September 2017, 08:52 AM
Jews still winning this morning!

Ford to suspend production at 5 North American plants


https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. ZXzIVks_H-H1mQcwcDcyRwEsDm%26pid%3D15.1&f=1

Markets make new all time high!


20th September 2017, 09:10 AM
https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. ZXzIVks_H-H1mQcwcDcyRwEsDm%26pid%3D15.1&f=1

Markets make new all time high!

Trolls are real...

Others calls them neanderthals...

20th September 2017, 06:52 PM
China bypasses US sanctions on Iran...
http://www.theeventchronicle.com/finanace/us-sanctions-backfire-china-opens-credit-line-iran-bypassing-dollar/?utm_campaign=coschedule&utm_source=facebook_page&utm_medium=The%20Event%20Handbook&utm_content=US%20Sanctions%20Backfire:%20China%20O pens%20Credit%20Line%20to%20Iran,%20Bypassing%20Do llar

This is why he screams his head off about North Korea, and probably attack it soon too, to disturb China enough they lose their focus on being the ally of Iran, which will be attacked from Saudi.

Ah the old shanghai bloc, the one where each player has nothing at all in common with eachother except in vain, nothing in common but some mortar glue in an all jewish central banking.

Isreal digs the setup better than ye'ol English empire.