View Full Version : The Republic Has Fallen: The Deep State's Plot To Take Over America Has Succeeded

23rd May 2017, 08:32 PM
No doubt about it.

The coup d’etat has been successful.

The Deep State - a.k.a. the police state, a.k.a. the military industrial complex - has taken over.

The American system of representative government has been overthrown by a profit-driven, militaristic corporate state bent on total control and global domination through the imposition of martial law here at home and by fomenting wars abroad.

When in doubt, follow the money trail.

It always points the way.

Every successive president starting with Franklin D. Roosevelt has been bought—lock, stock and barrel—and made to dance to the tune of the Deep State.

Enter Donald Trump, the candidate who swore to drain the swamp in Washington DC.

Instead of putting an end to the corruption, however, Trump has paved the way for lobbyists, corporations, the military industrial complex, and the Deep State to feast on the carcass of the dying American republic.

Just recently, for instance, Trump agreed to sell Saudi Arabia more than $110 billion in military weapons.

Meanwhile, Trump—purportedly in an effort to balance the budget in 10 years—wants to slash government funding for programs for the poor, ranging from health care and food stamps to student loans and disability payments.

The military doesn’t have to worry about tightening its belt, however. No, the military’s budget—with its trillion dollar wars, its $125 billion in administrative waste, and its contractor-driven price gouging that hits the American taxpayer where it hurts the most—will continue to grow, thanks to Trump.

This is how you keep the Deep State in power.

The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, the military will get more militaristic, America’s endless wars will get more endless, and the prospect of peace will grow ever dimmer.

As for the terrorists, they will keep on being played for pawns as long as Saudi Arabia remains their breeding ground and America remains the source of their weapons, training and know-how.

Follow the money. It always points the way.

As Bertram Gross noted in Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power in America, “evil now wears a friendlier face than ever before in American history.”

Writing in 1980, Gross predicted a future in which he saw:

…a new despotism creeping slowly across America. Faceless oligarchs sit at command posts of a corporate-government complex that has been slowly evolving over many decades. In efforts to enlarge their own powers and privileges, they are willing to have others suffer the intended or unintended consequences of their institutional or personal greed. For Americans, these consequences include chronic inflation, recurring recession, open and hidden unemployment, the poisoning of air, water, soil and bodies, and, more important, the subversion of our constitution. More broadly, consequences include widespread intervention in international politics through economic manipulation, covert action, or military invasion...
We’ve been losing our freedoms so incrementally for so long—sold to us in the name of national security and global peace, maintained by way of martial law disguised as law and order, and enforced by a standing army of militarized police and a political elite determined to maintain their powers at all costs—that it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it all started going downhill, but we’re certainly on that downward trajectory now, and things are moving fast.

The “government of the people, by the people, for the people” has perished.

It will not be revived or restored without a true revolution of values and a people’s rebellion the likes of which we may not see for a very long time.

America is a profitable business interest for a very select few, and war—wars waged abroad against shadowy enemies and wars waged at home against the American people—has become the Deep State’s primary means of income.

After all, war is big business.

In order to maintain a profit margin, one would either have to find new enemies abroad or focus on fighting a war at home, against the American people, and that’s exactly what we’re dealing with today.

Wars waged abroad to the tune of trillions of dollars since 9/11.
Military equipment sold to foreign enemies.
Local police transformed into a standing army in the American homeland through millions of dollars’ worth of grants to local police agencies for military weapons, vehicles, training and assistance.
The public acclimated to the sights and sounds of martial law through urban training exercises and domestic military training drills timed and formulated to coincide with or portend actual crises.
The citizenry taught to fear and distrust each other and to welcome the trappings of the police state.
Had the government tried to ram such a state of affairs down our throats suddenly, it might have had a rebellion on its hands. Instead, the American people have been given the boiling frog treatment, immersed in water that slowly is heated up—degree by degree—so that they’ve fail to notice that they’re being trapped and cooked and killed.

“We the people” are in hot water now.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the Constitution doesn’t stand a chance against a federalized, globalized standing army protected by legislative, judicial and executive branches that are all on the same side, no matter what political views they subscribe to: suffice it to say, they are not on our side or the side of freedom.

From Clinton to Bush, then Obama and now Trump, it’s as if we’ve been caught in a time loop, forced to re-live the same thing over and over again: the same assaults on our freedoms, the same disregard for the rule of law, the same subservience to the Deep State, and the same corrupt, self-serving government that exists only to amass power, enrich its shareholders and ensure its continued domination.

The republic has fallen to fascism with a smile.

Elections will not save us.

Learn the treacherous lessons of 2008 and 2016: presidential elections have made a mockery of our constitutional system of government, suggesting that our votes can make a difference when, in fact, they merely serve to maintain the status quo.

Don’t delay.

Start now—in your own communities, in your schools, at your city council meetings, in newspaper editorials, at protests—by pushing back against laws that are unjust, police departments that overreach, politicians that don’t listen to their constituents, and a system of government that grows more tyrannical by the day.

If you wait until 2020 to rescue our republic from the clutches of the Deep State, it will be too late.


23rd May 2017, 09:18 PM
The greatest opportunity is when the bulk of the military is abroad. Although the speed at which they can steam home is much faster than it was.

So long as the communication channels remain open to the zombie hordes, turning back the tide would be difficult. They have achieved what they have achieved through secrecy. Creating secret networks (societies) and being ruthless with anyone who threatens that secrecy from within and without. The same would be required in a defiant response. It would have to be utterly ruthless.

This leaves a stark truth facing the world. There is going to be massive bloodshed. It is unavoidable now. Question which may not take long to find the answer to is who's?

A massive Orc army has been assembled while the world walks in slumber and those awake spend their time praying and hoping for 1 (and only 1) who will fix the problem all the while not bothering to look and find that 1. Just sitting, waiting, praying and doing nothing. Expecting that 1 to arrive to great fanfare and chariots in the sky. 1 has been twice before and more besides but detected and removed without any one looking or noticing.

23rd May 2017, 09:33 PM
The republic has fallen to fascism with a smile.


Fascism is the way out of this hellhole. It is the way up out of hell. What were have is a visible rule by the plutocrats, oligarchs, masons, zionists. All these serve the jew. Fascism is a political and economic system focused on putting the workers first, instead of the jews and masons. It is the catholic reaction to revolutionary masonic liberalism. The Catholic guilds were destroyed in the French Revolution and by protestant Laissez-faire economics (the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few). The guilds provided a moral compass (widow pensions, retirement, insurance, workers becoming masters at their craft and owning the business instead of corporations owning the business) in the moral field of economics. With the guilds destroyed (expect for relic guilds such as the gondoliers in Venice) the workers were at the mercy of the the greedy. Catholic fascism rectified this injustice. But they were not left-wing revolutionaries, pushing what the vile jew wants, so the left will always hate fascists. In righting the wrongs in society, the jew and mason looses power and fascism is described as authoritarian, because it does not give power to the rich or mega-rich or let corrosive elements in society ruin the political, social and economic spheres.

23rd May 2017, 10:15 PM

Got any Lost in a Roman?

26th May 2017, 10:12 AM
More cold war enemies, please!!

26th August 2017, 05:08 AM


28th August 2017, 09:37 AM
Something has to be done soon or the true price of raw materials may shine through.

Power cannot be transfered to weak miners hands...

Hence a "loosely formed" soylent green climate change acts..

28th August 2017, 06:10 PM
The deepstate succeeded in 1865. The last legitimate government was that of the confederacy.

28th August 2017, 06:20 PM
The deepstate succeeded in 1865. The last legitimate government was that of the confederacy.

There is no "deep state." There is only the original "world government," the Elders of Zion, most often doing business through their premiere enterprise, the Bank(s) of Rothschild.

But yes, the CSA was last government which enjoyed the genuine, informed consent of (part of) the American people, as well as moral authority.* But alas, it, too, was compromised:


* Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science....the first government ever instituted upon the principles in strict conformity to nature, and the ordination of Providence, in furnishing the materials of human society. Many governments have been founded upon the principle of the subordination and serfdom of certain classes of the same race; such were and are in violation of the laws of nature. Our system commits no such violation of nature's laws.

28th August 2017, 07:17 PM
There is no "deep state." There is only the original "world government," the Elders of Zion, most often doing business through their premiere enterprise, the Bank(s) of Rothschild.

But yes, the CSA was last government which enjoyed the genuine, informed consent of (part of) the American people, as well as moral authority.* But alas, it, too, was compromised:


* Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth. This truth has been slow in the process of its development, like all other truths in the various departments of science....the first government ever instituted upon the principles in strict conformity to nature, and the ordination of Providence, in furnishing the materials of human society. Many governments have been founded upon the principle of the subordination and serfdom of certain classes of the same race; such were and are in violation of the laws of nature. Our system commits no such violation of nature's laws.

I assumed those here knew that already. Some of us have been beating that drum a long time. '06 for me