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30th May 2017, 04:37 AM
Today's "tweet" from the Chumpster is one for the record books.

Trump: We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will change

they pay FAR LESS than they should
they pay FAR LESS than they should
they pay FAR LESS than they should

Note: Trump is DICTATING to ANOTHER COUNTRY how MUCH this country should be PAYING NATO for MILITARY!

30th May 2017, 05:02 AM
The NATO agreement requires that member countries spend a minimum of 2% of their GDP on their defense. How much is Germany spending?

30th May 2017, 05:54 AM
The NATO agreement requires that member countries spend a minimum of 2% of their GDP on their defense. How much is Germany spending?


30th May 2017, 06:25 AM
Today's "tweet" from the Chumpster is one for the record books.

Trump: We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will change

they pay FAR LESS than they should
they pay FAR LESS than they should
they pay FAR LESS than they should

Note: Trump is DICTATING to ANOTHER COUNTRY how MUCH this country should be PAYING NATO for MILITARY!

Why do we need Germany? How is Trump dictating to Germany on an agreement they are not honoring? Fuck Germany!
In 10 years Germany will be a Muslim nation and an enemy of the US.

I'm sorry your candidate lost. Globalist Hillary would have given Germany anything they wanted to further globalist Merkel's globalist agenda.
With your candidate, we would already have a carbon tax and new controls on everything we do.

Maybe you can connect with your ally here, crimethink, and rent a couple trucks together, to make a difference?

30th May 2017, 06:32 AM
Germany is destroying europe by flooding it with muslims, while at the same time getting a free pass from the US on yrade and security. They aren't an ally anymore. Fuck em, time to pay up bitches.

30th May 2017, 07:02 AM
Germany is destroying europe by flooding it with muslims, while at the same time getting a free pass from the US on yrade and security. They aren't an ally anymore. Fuck em, time to pay up bitches.

Only a sucker wouldn't speak up when he's being used.

NATO: Article 5 and Mutual Defense are Dangerous
Posted on May 26, 2017 by Clear and Candid
By Vincent J. Truglia

European allies were unhappy that when visiting NATO headquarters in Brussels, President Trump did not provide a restatement of US willingness to come to the aid of any other NATO member under attack. Rather, he stated, the US would “never forsake the friends that stood by our side.” This would represent a far smaller number of nations than the present 28 NATO members. This centers on Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, which relates to mutual defense.

Mutual defense sounds like a nice idea, but when explored more deeply, it is not in the national interest of the US to abide by it as required by the antiquated NATO treaty. Article 5 basically says that if any NATO country is attacked, it would be considered an attack on all NATO countries, and therefore all other NATO countries would have to come to the aid of that country. Sounds benign, but it isn’t.

Article 5

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

This made sense when the West faced a Communist threat centered in Eastern Europe. During the Cold War, when NATO countries pledged to protect each other, they were promising to protect what were regarded as their own vital national interests.

Rapid Accession of Small Countries

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the Communist threat disappeared. Then a number of smaller former East bloc countries joined NATO, including Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, and most dangerously, the three Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. None of these countries represent a vital national interest to the US. I doubt they even represent any national interest to the US. I am pretty sure most Americans don’t realize that if there is a Russian move into Estonia or Latvia, that the US might be drawn into a nuclear war with Russia. That is bizarre idea.

Estonia and Latvia

The risks are especially high regarding Estonia and Latvia in that both countries have large Russian-speaking minorities, which are generally, by most international standards, treated as second-class citizens. Given developments in Ukraine, it would not be surprising if at some point, Russia demands better treatment for Russian speaking minorities in both these countries even more forcefully than in the past. Lithuania is far less a risk because it doesn’t have a large Russian-speaking minority.

Frankly, I would hope that before Russian military force becomes a real threat, that Estonia and Latvia would better respect their Russian-speaking minorities. If they don’t, and Russia intervenes in either one, I would absolutely oppose the use of force by the US to prevent such intervention by Russia.


Poland is one Eastern European country, which I believe is of vital national interest to the US. As a result of World War II’s redrawing of boundaries in Eastern and Central Europe, Poland got shifted westward, so that now the Polish border is a mere 60 miles or about 100 kilometers from Berlin. Any attack on Poland should and would require a military response because of its proximity to Germany.


Turkey represents a peculiar case, even if we recognize Trump’s statement as a new Trump Doctrine. The reason is that Turkey has indeed stood by NATO and the US for many decades. However, the nature of the Turkish government has changed radically in recent years. Islamization of the government has steadily progressed, a change, which is diametrically opposed to what past Turkish governments stood for. Automatically pledging to go to Turkey’s aid seems problematic.

Article 12

How could this problem be resolved? The US could invoke Article 12 of the Treaty, which allows for a review of the Treaty. The US could then demand that it will only come to the defense of certain NATO countries, not necessarily all of them, or in some way make it discretionary. The Treaty says:

After the Treaty has been in force for ten years, or at any time thereafter, the Parties shall, if any of them so requests, consult together for the purpose of reviewing the Treaty, having regard for the factors then affecting peace and security in the North Atlantic area, including the development of universal as well as regional arrangements under the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance of international peace and security.

Article 13

If other NATO members do not agree, then the US could invoke Article 13, which allows any country to leave the alliance with one year’s notice.

I believe that instead of dismantling NATO, the core NATO states would prefer an amendment to the treaty rather than a US departure from the alliance.


I don’t want to put our military at risk to protect Estonia and Latvia, especially since their treatment of their Russian-speaking minority is poor. Also, I strongly believe almost all Americans would not want to go to war if Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, or Slovakia were attacked. Most Americans don’t even know where these countries are on a map. They are certainly not of any vital interest to the US.

As always, Clear and Candid.

30th May 2017, 09:35 AM
Germany is not paying their fair share so we, the American taxpayer, have been picking up the slack. We are no longer interested in carrying Germany. I'm in favor of pulling out all the US resources from Germany and letting them stand on their own. Enough already!
Today's "tweet" from the Chumpster is one for the record books.

Trump: We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will change

they pay FAR LESS than they should
they pay FAR LESS than they should
they pay FAR LESS than they should

Note: Trump is DICTATING to ANOTHER COUNTRY how MUCH this country should be PAYING NATO for MILITARY!

30th May 2017, 09:40 AM

old steel
30th May 2017, 09:42 AM
Been all downhill for Germany since Hitler was gone, shame really.

30th May 2017, 09:48 AM
That's the thing. People need to remember that Germany has been gone for sometime and replaced by another country, also named Germany but in no way resembles the old one.
Been all downhill for Germany since Hitler was gone, shame really.

midnight rambler
30th May 2017, 10:00 AM
That's the thing. People need to remember that Germany has been gone for sometime and replaced by another country, also named Germany but in no way resembles the old one.

Yeah, Jewlandia.

30th May 2017, 10:19 AM

30th May 2017, 04:46 PM
Why do we need Germany? How is Trump dictating to Germany on an agreement they are not honoring? Fuck Germany!
In 10 years Germany will be a Muslim nation and an enemy of the US.

The German people never asked for the American occupation force. The Jüdischerepublik Deutschland is purely the product of Jewish America, and has never represented the German people.

Trump wants to withdraw USAREUR? Please! Do it yesterday! US forces in Germany have never been about "protecting freedom," but assuring that a patriotic German government could not arise and overthrow the monstrous Jew York City puppet regime in charge. It's also been the vehicle for decades of race mixing.

I'm sorry your candidate lost.

My country lost. Fucktard faggots like yourself voted for Trump, and other fucktard faggots voted for Hillary Clinton. You were too dumb to understand the rulers of America won, because with those "choices," America couldn't win.

Maybe you can connect with your ally here, crimethink, and rent a couple trucks together, to make a difference?

You sure have a fetish about truck bombings. Does the FBI need to keep an eye on you?

30th May 2017, 04:48 PM
Germany is destroying europe by flooding it with muslims, while at the same time getting a free pass from the US on yrade and security. They aren't an ally anymore. Fuck em, time to pay up bitches.

Germany tried to save Europe, and Jewish America obliterated their country to stop that.

This thing in Berlin (the regime) is the product of Jew York City, not Germany.

America owes a debt to the German people that could never possibly be repaid.

30th May 2017, 05:01 PM
The German people never asked for the American occupation force. The Jüdischerepublik Deutschland is purely the product of Jewish America, and has never represented the German people.

Trump wants to withdraw USAREUR? Please! Do it yesterday! US forces in Germany have never been about "protecting freedom," but assuring that a patriotic German government could not arise and overthrow the monstrous Jew York City puppet regime in charge. It's also been the vehicle for decades of race mixing.

My country lost. Fucktard faggots like yourself voted for Trump, and other fucktard faggots voted for Hillary Clinton. You were too dumb to understand the rulers of America won, because with those "choices," America couldn't win.

You sure have a fetish about truck bombings. Does the FBI need to keep an eye on you?

No bombs, just drivers. How do you plan to make a difference? By whining about it?

As I told you before, I'm okay with the planet becoming a big cinder under Trump, as long as it's not under Hillary.
With Trump I'll enjoy the ride cheering him on. That is far better then cheering against Hillary. Positive energy as opposed to the negative energy you produce.

30th May 2017, 07:10 PM
Germany tried to save Europe, and Jewish America obliterated their country to stop that.

This thing in Berlin (the regime) is the product of Jew York City, not Germany.

America owes a debt to the German people that could never possibly be repaid.

I'm with you. But we can't enable their government to keep doing what its doing.

7th trump
30th May 2017, 07:18 PM
The German people never asked for the American occupation force. The Jüdischerepublik Deutschland is purely the product of Jewish America, and has never represented the German people.

Trump wants to withdraw USAREUR? Please! Do it yesterday! US forces in Germany have never been about "protecting freedom," but assuring that a patriotic German government could not arise and overthrow the monstrous Jew York City puppet regime in charge. It's also been the vehicle for decades of race mixing.

My country lost. Fucktard faggots like yourself voted for Trump, and other fucktard faggots voted for Hillary Clinton. You were too dumb to understand the rulers of America won, because with those "choices," America couldn't win.

You sure have a fetish about truck bombings. Does the FBI need to keep an eye on you?

Poland didn't ask Germany to save them by Blitzkrieg invasion and occupation either.
The only reason America occupied Germany was due to the Soviets building the wall.....and the cold war begun.

Stop being a crybaby little ass racist punk.
God did not give the OK to Hitler to invade......it was an act of War.

31st May 2017, 07:17 AM
The only reason America occupied Germany was due to the Soviets building the wall.....and the cold war begun.

Imbecile, American occupation began May 8, 1945, long before the wall.

Stop being a crybaby little ass racist punk.

It's clear that you yourself are a Nigger. You just pretend to be White.

7th trump
31st May 2017, 07:52 AM
Imbecile, American occupation began May 8, 1945, long before the wall.

It's clear that you yourself are a Nigger. You just pretend to be White.

We stayed in Germany because of the soviet occupation. Stop being the little immature asshole you are.
Hitler brought the occupation on the German people when he blitzkrieg'd Poland....so get over your sorry self righteous ass.
The Soviets would have done to Germany what they did to Russia if we didn't stay......but youre too damn blind from your hatred of America.

God did not give Hitler the OK to invade his own race and neighbor. Face it......Hitler fucked up and millions senselessly died because of it.
Hitler should have stayed within his borders and he would have been a beacon of humanity and Europe. And the jews exposed.

midnight rambler
31st May 2017, 08:40 AM
The card-carrying Communist dung beetle has his own version of history which conveniently excludes the facts of the matter. lol

7th trump
31st May 2017, 10:29 AM
The card-carrying Communist dung beetle has his own version of history which conveniently excludes the facts of the matter. lol
I'm sure its not the same as what the commies indoctrinated you with growing up in commy russia........the soviets were known liars and the world didnt rust them.

31st May 2017, 01:09 PM
False sub-human spew deleted

You completely ignored my assertion that you yourself are a Nigger. You've been found out, BOY.

31st May 2017, 01:10 PM
the soviets were known liars and the world didnt rust them.

"You can trust the US government, just ask an Indian."

31st May 2017, 02:24 PM
Lands have been conquered since man's beginnings. Are you going to pass judgement on every civilization or just the white American people and their ancestors?
"You can trust the US government, just ask an Indian."