View Full Version : Exploding the Glass-Steagall Myth

30th May 2017, 05:10 AM
when everything comes together again

no law can circumvent "buy low, sell high".... so destructive economics are here to stay. As long as the majority dreams of becoming a millionaire, nothing will change.
Carter Glass
The Banking Panic of 1907 put the Banking and Currency committee in the spotlight, and Glass found himself chairman when his friend Woodrow Wilson was elected president. minneapolisfed.org
The Truth About Glass-Steagall


Exploding the Glass-Steagall Myth

1st June 2017, 05:21 AM
bump... just in case you missed it

of course some will say that I do not cross check because I bring up another deception

A better society will definitely depends on the ability to "let go" all the lies

1st June 2017, 10:04 AM
That is a long video (1 hour 20 minutes) opposed to Glass-Stiegall, so has anybody seen it all the way through and can sum it up for us in a paragraph or two? What is the main point they are trying to make?

I thought Glass-Stiegal was supposed to keep banks and Savings & Loans from "risky" investing so that hard working blokes (like me for all those years) could actually SAVE some of our hard earned money and have it there for us when we needed it later in life (for me, that is NOW).

I was always glad to have those kind of controls in place and I thought that Glass-Stiegall was what kept it safe for us - I heard horror stories about relatives losing all their money in the bank during the 30's. If there is a genuine point to be made as to why that is not a good idea, I'm willing to listen but I have to point out that IT WORKED for all those years it was in place.

So, Singular_me (or anyone who sat through this youtube), if you can just tell us what it says and whether or not you think Glass-Stiegall was good or bad, and why?

I worked for over 30 years and I managed to SAVE along the way because I believed in Glass-Siegall and it sure seemed to work...until they abandoned it.

1st June 2017, 10:10 AM
if you watch the first 20mins you will get a good sense of it.

it basically establishes that the repeal of glass-steagall has nothing to do with the 2008 crash and that it was created to give the illusion of market protection.

1st June 2017, 12:42 PM
if you watch the first 20mins you will get a good sense of it.

it basically establishes that the repeal of glass-steagall has nothing to do with the 2008 crash and that it was created to give the illusion of market protection.

the first 19 minutes are totally worthless. wtf? i might listen to the rest later

1st June 2017, 01:17 PM
sorry, the 2nd third.... have just watched many vids over last 2 days.

But corbett makes it compelling, even when played in the background

25-45 mins is most important segment