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30th May 2017, 07:18 AM
How to Correct Your Political Status and Why (https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/04/23/how-to-correct-your-political-status-and-why/)

Posted on April 23, 2017 (https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/04/23/how-to-correct-your-political-status-and-why/)by David Robinson (https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/author/drobin88/)
https://mainerepublicemailalert.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/12405-judge2banna.png?w=640 Judge Anna von Reitz

Chances are you aren’t obligated to be considered any form of federal Municipal CITIZEN nor as a federal Territorial Citizen, but you have been entrapped in a profit-making scheme that pretends that you have knowingly and willingly agreed to act as a volunteer federal employee— specifically, as a “Withholding Agent” — a Warrant Officer in the Merchant Marine Service, and that you have purposefully and knowingly enrolled in the Social Security program which is only available to federal employees in order to receive benefits from the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) which was organized in the wake of the Civil War for welfare relief of former plantation slaves.

What? You never worked a day for the federal government? You were never told that “Social Security” is only for federal employees and dependents? You aren’t a former plantation slave? You never got any benefits?

Well, then, you have to stop calling yourself any kind of “US citizen” — because citizens all work for the government. They have a duty and obligation to obey every statute, code, and whim of the government as a result, and they are also liable to pay federal income taxes. You also have to stop voting in any “US elections” including “State of State” elections, because the States of States are just local franchises of the federal corporation(s) defined at 28 USC 3002 (15).

So, Step One— withdraw and rescind any and all applications and enrollments as a “registered voter”. You have no natural interest in the elections of a foreign corporation that you don’t work for, right?

If you don’t get a paycheck direct from the federal government and you don’t want to function as a for-free Withholding Agent and aren’t interested in any “benefits” that you pay for yourself and don’t want to be held subject to the whims of a foreign entity that is supposed to be providing you with Good Faith Service instead– then read on.

You have been mis-characterized and defrauded and you have prima facie evidence of that readily available. You think of it as your Birth Certificate, but it isn’t. It is a “certification” that a federal MUNICIPAL “PERSON” was created and named after you and that at one point in your life you were a real American. You were born on your birthday, but the MUNICIPAL PERSON has a birth date which is several days or weeks later—the filing date shown on the certificate.

Please note that the “Birth Certificate” is printed on bond paper. It is a security instrument. Please also note that it has been signed by the Registrar — an officer of the probate court. This is prima facie evidence that your earthly estate was probated when you were only a few days or weeks old and that it was seized upon by the State of ___________ or STATE OF_________ and operated for its benefit from that time on.

So, Step Two—- ditch the federal MUNICIPAL PERSON and the responsibilities and obligations associated with it.

You need to get the Birth Certificate authenticated if that is still possible in your state, or certified, if not, and then you need to endorse it and “surrender” it to the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.

(Please note the two dots between the “U” and the “S”—– the U.S. Treasury.) and make Steven T. Mnuchin the Fiduciary responsible for IT.

The endorsement is simple but exact. The authenticated or certified Birth Certificate that the birth State Secretary of State sends back to you will have a cover page riveted or hard stapled and firmly attached to the front of the BC. You leave that cover page attached and on the front of the BC itself in the upper left hand corner and in red ink you write: “Accepted by Drawee” and sign it by: Your Upper Lower Case Signature, and date it.

Then turn the BC over and on the back anywhere write: Pay to the Order of the United States of America, U.S. Treasury. Without Recourse. And again, write— by: Your Upper and Lower Case Signature, and date it.

Next comes the Form 56, which is the IRS Form called “Notice of Fiduciary Relationship”. This is your Notice to Mr. Mnuchin that you are making him and his office responsible for the PERSON named after you.

The Form 56 is very simple — the name of the PERSON is the NAME on the BC which you are returning to the Treasury.

The name of the Fiduciary is Steven T. Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury. You can look up the address online. I believe it is 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20220.

Section A (f) — “Other” — Public Commercial Trust Administration

Section B(4) — Check (a) (b) and (h) “Other” and just say, “All forms that may be necessary”.

On the back, Part II, 7 (C) “Other” — Surrender of federal “PERSON” to U.S. Treasury

On the back, Part III “Court and Administrative Proceedings” — enter the name and address of the agency issuing the BC. The “date proceeding initiated” will be the File Date which is never your birthday, but a few days or weeks later. The “docket number” will be the State File Number on the BC. The time will be the time you were actually born, and the place of “other” proceedings will be “usa”.

On the back, Part IV, “Signature” —- you write the word “by” like a by-line to a newspaper story—- by: Your Name (Upper and Lower Case), Authorized Representative, and the date.

Underneath the Signature is a blank space. It is appropriate to say that you wish to be indemnified against claims or losses under the sovereign usa Private Registered Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 RA393427640US.

This is basically a bond posted in behalf of all the actual states of the Union and all the people living in those states insuring them against any further claims related to the MUNICIPAL PERSON(S) they have surrendered back to Mr. Mnuchin.

And that is that. You have now surrendered the MUNICIPAL “CITIZEN” back whence it came and you have insured yourself against any further claims or losses or charges brought against that PERSON.

Along with the Form 56 you should include a brief letter stating that it is your instruction to operate exclusively under 100% commercial liability and without benefit of any limited liability or other benefit of the Public Charitable Trust (PCT).

You are going to send this package of documents via Registered Mail to the Treasury. Each red and white Registered Mail label (available with instructions at all Post Offices) is unique and has an alpha-numeric identifier to track it. This includes a nine-digit number that is compatible with the federal system. As part of your assignment letter, instruct Mr. Mnuchin to open a Treasury Direct Account with that number and to please inform you when it is open for business. Also ask him to settle all debts and charges related to YOUR NAME and deposit the remainder and all other credits owed into the new Treasury Direct Account.

Thank him for his time and attention.

Well, that was a Royal Pain and you shouldn’t have ever been entrapped and obligated by your employees in the first place, but now you have taken action to sever the presumption that you are volunteering to act as a federal MUNICIPAL CITIZEN, and nobody can say otherwise. From now on, “IT” is Mr. Mnuchin’s problem and you are indemnified against any further claims or complaints related to “IT”.

Step 3…. Notify both the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service at Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, P.O. Box 480, Holtsville, New York, 11742-0480 and the Internal Revenue Office of the Commissioner, Room 3000, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20204-0002, that you have retired from all presumed federal service and you are revoking your election to pay federal income taxes effective October 1 of 2016. Send these Notices via Registered Mail, too. Save a copy and the mailing receipts and the Green Card Return Receipt Requested for your Eternally Done and Over File.

No more Voter Registration, no more obligation to file Federal Income Taxes and no Municipal United States PERSON for the US DISTRICT COURT — that is, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION DISTRICT COURT to address.

That much is done and over.

But there’s more.

You also have to rebut and return the allegation of Territorial United States Citizenship. You do this by recording an Act of Expatriation.

This is as simple as saying that your allegiance is to the soil of your native birth state, say, Louisiana, and that you act only as a private American state trading vessel and birthright member of the unincorporated private trade association doing business as The United States of America.

Now, no matter what kind of word-smithing and duplicitous redefining of terms that goes on forever afterward, no incorporated entity or franchise of any incorporated entity can claim that you are operating as a Foreign Situs Trust belonging to them or abandoned for their benefit—- which was FDR’s fraudulent claim against Americans in 1933.

You have declared that at home you are living on the land and at sea your Name is an American vessel engaged in international trade— not subject to federal regulation of commerce and owed all the protections of the actual Constitution and treaties backing it.

So now they have no grounds to “presume” that you are a Territorial United States Citizen, either.

X and X.

Finally, the rats have created “International Organizations” and run them “in your name”. You need to seize upon these organizations and file liens against them. You do this using a UCC-1 Financing Statement Form. The organizations doing business as your FIRST MIDDLE LAST and FIRST M.I. LAST are the DEBTORS and your non-Territorial Lawful Trade Name (aka Christian Name– First Middle Last) is the Secured Party. This is not a Notice of your interest, because you have already given plenty of public notice. You can lien these organizations directly by checking the “Non-UCC” claim in Box 6.

When filling out the UCC-1 Form be sure to write the names in the proper style. Everything related to the DEBTORS including USA should be in all capital letters. Everything related to the Secured Party should be Upper and Lower Case, except that for the Secured Party it should be “usa” — the actual organic states.

And now, finally, you have provided your employees with a fistful of paperwork refuting all their lies and presumptions about you. They can no longer presume anything about your political status, except that it is private and that you are operating lawfully and without any obligation to them or their organization. Quite the opposite— they are in fact your employees and obligated to you.

Your final stop should be the State Secretary of State’s Office to present him with another copy of “your” authenticated/certified BC.

I want you to stare that man or woman right in the eye and say: “This is prima facie evidence of a Public Trust…..”

If necessary, continue on—– “and also prima facie evidence of intent to defraud.”

“I have reclaimed my birthright political status and I want the proper passport I am owed. If you aren’t authorized to issue it, get on the phone and find out who is.”

If they attempt to drag you into one of their courts ask them where they will find the authority to address you? And where will they find a jury of your peers?

The Great Fraud is over.

The international trustees responsible for this Mess know that it is. You know that it is. It is just a matter of time before the whole world wakes up and goes—- WT…..?

30th May 2017, 07:18 AM
Dear Lucretia — Mortgage Relief — And the Rest of the Story (https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/05/30/dear-lucretia-mortgage-relief-and-the-rest-of-the-story/)Posted on May 30, 2017 (https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/2017/05/30/dear-lucretia-mortgage-relief-and-the-rest-of-the-story/)
by David Robinson (https://mainerepublicemailalert.com/author/drobin88/)
https://mainerepublicemailalert.files.wordpress.com/2016/09/12405-judge2banna.png?w=640 Judge Anna von Reitz

Dear Lucretia,

The federal government has claimed that you were a federal government employee throughout your working life, but once you retire, you retire—-and you are owed your pension and your freedom from any further presumption of federal obligation or employment.

You simply send a letter to the State Secretary of State and inform him or her that you have retired and have returned to your birth right political status as an American state national. They owe you your retirement just like any other big corporation owes its employee pensions.

If you are like my Mother and offended that she was ever considered to be—or tricked into serving as—- a federal citizen at all, you can express your ire, too. It’s time these “public servants” got a wake-up call.

If you have children, this is a good time to repent of the mistakes that so many of us were misled or forced to make when we misidentified our children as “US citizens” and unwittingly “enrolled” them as such at the hospital when they were born. My Mother provided a sworn testament that she recorded in the public record, stating that she had been confused by the similar jargon and that the only “United States” we ever were part of was the fifty states of the Union. I recommend that all Mothers do this for their children. I have done it for my son.

If you actually worked for the federal government the portion of your pension that is based on federal employment is taxable, but if like so many of us, you never actually worked for the federal government or only served in the military for a couple years, etc., so that the amount of pension money from actual federal employment is negligible, you are eligible to claim your exemption from federal income taxes. You send a Letter of Revocation of Election to the Commissioners of both the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service and tell them that you revoke your election to pay federal income taxes beginning with October the first of last year or any prior year you choose.

Internal Revenue
Office of the Commissioner
Room 3000
1111 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20204- 0002

Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service
Department of the Treasury
P.O. Box 480
Holtsville, New York 11742-0480

If you follow the process I set out for everyone last month in the article called “How to Correct Your Political Status and Why” you are also eligible to claim your exemption from the mortgage that has been placed on your home. I know this will be hard to grasp, but you the living woman, have never had a mortgage in your life. You have never owed any property taxes, either. Why? Because you are, as a natural born American, the actual landlord.

The mortgage is owed by a Municipal United States STATE franchise corporation that is merely named after you or your husband or both. You have been tricked into paying off ITS mortgage. If you are now elderly and unable to pay the mortgage because your income is fixed and hasn’t kept pace with inflation, or because of medical bills or other issues, you can force those responsible for entrapping you and misinforming you to pay for both the mortgage and the court case costs.

Now I want you to follow along very carefully. You are going to send your IRS Form 56 appointing Mr. Mnuchin your Fiduciary and the copy of your Birth Certificate properly endorsed and “surrendered” to the U.S. Treasury and a letter to Mr. Mnuchin telling him that you are waiving any benefit of the Public Charitable Trust or Limited Liability insurance and that you are instead operating under Private Indemnity Bond AMRI00001 for your state of the union. You are going to send this to him via Registered Mail. All this is covered in the article “How to Correct Your Political Status and Why” published April 2017 on my website, www.annavonreitz.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F&h=ATOP7emDs9F_SyV9leYQItk4OxVl3rfCZ1ezGzvN7nlYgzv5 93TqjeWp2DZKu9_AgTlRUQI4dTgMIMG5Nlv1EEIyy17q0x-JxIcTFMUsKYI702u3yidWwU3gkId3z-I8U5evPCTOeH7ehIwon4JK&enc=AZP7UmG8YthEv2ymLG3_Ao3Tsslgcu9gCQU3Fk-k0UDGC4YiMZEJwvIWKmUi3IxOJz35jlduwLkRf5wrrVyqgP8ye kbBLDe3pAXn6EoZD_9yfqWN4JG_za-NuZl1A2mgCpBSV-AKdpRuoJbIGPB34kN0HrwVpoSpVYeq-SX7Q1opMA2XK1eKEwH-tvMhf_u5yCSUOFJZ2Ca-53QmJ-WODMQG&s=1)

Go to the Post Office and get a red and white Registered Mail Label and the white service receipt and the instructions you will need to send a letter using Registered Mail.

Each red and white Registered Mail Label has a unique nine digit number associated with it. Typically, the whole number will read something like this: RA 123 456 789 US. You are going to tell Mr. Mnuchin that you need him to do two things: (1) discharge and settle all debts related to Social Security Masterfile Account #123-45-6789 (whatever SSN you have) and (2) set up a new Treasury Account using the number of your Registered Mail packet as the account number.

Now go to a print shop and order yourself a self-inking red ink stamp.

That stamp needs to read like this:

all rights reserved, Without Recourse
Exemption ID: [ fill in your SSN without dashes]
Deposit to US Treasury Charge the same to
YOUR NAME [ written FIRST MIDDLE LAST] and YOUR SSN with dashes
Private Indemnity Bond # AMRI00001 (your birth state like Colorado)
Registered Treasury Acct. # (your Registered Mail Number)

In the end, it’s going to look like this, only with you own numbers and information filled in:

all rights reserved, Without Recourse
Exemption ID: 123456789
Deposit to US Treasury Charge the same to
JOHN MICHAEL DOE 123-45-6789
Private Indemnity Bond # AMRI00001 Idaho
Registered Treasury Acct. # RE 123 453 673 US

You put this stamp on the front and the back of a copy of the docket sheet — the first sheet of every pleading in your foreclosure case that shows the name of the court and the PLAINTIFF and the DEFENDANT and the Court Case Number. Just put it right in the middle of a copy of the first filing you received.

Now you are going to sign this stamp block by: Last Name, First Name Middle Name. Like this: Doe, John Michael on the line above the words “all rights reserved, Without Recourse”.

Do it both front and back of that first page and send that page back to the Clerk of Court Registered Mail.

This gives that Clerk all the information that he or she needs to discharge the Bid Bond in that Foreclosure Case and return the property to you and release the case. Request re-conveyance of the property in a letter addressed to the Clerk at the same time. They should reply with a one-page Deed of Re-Conveyance that you then take to the Land Recording Office and record. In most cases you will need to wait 30 days and then file a Corrected Deed on the Deed of Re-Conveyance changing the NAME to your Upper and Lower Case Name and making the address an “in care of” address or changing it to a different mailing address entirely. This will complete the changeover of the records.

If you are African American they may try to challenge this, but you hang tight and claim your Equal Civil Rights guaranteed under Title 42 and the Brother’s Keeper Clause of Title 18 USC 241 and 242 if they do.

If they continue to give you any trouble, you are going to go to the IRS website at www.irs.gov/forms (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.irs.gov%2Fforms&h=ATNfkLyMPI_qezrgARZv45MLf82T6srclAlgMIczOnN4dXLu mr69RF8c9xd0h_RJB1V518sxF_O6O7ytkKmLhd3dY485vmu3df M-MS83BoRn2DYNX12GXqWCnTvdLyTwxCq4COZcWqYtGa7KlYuu&enc=AZP_D7QbzWx7HqmoA5ALJ5FMeIYG6X_nodN8_7Qgp5mV1K zGuePlK1gVUIoGtnB6EEcNK0B184CKzWY3Km2bp1jy869p8jtA JWXy5ToILAUx5cFNCGHpHe6o8meaeno5cdkpe4JHvQ2e3ziHos Lcl6b4B5niEB_txm9M61jekUqnf9leTA-aE5fkN9xNGQmgMCXkq00tJNhZOBhXwWoOyPVU&s=1) and you are going to order a Form 1096 and a Form 1099A and a Form 1040 V.

Form 1096 is a cover letter that just tells the IRS what kind(s) of other forms you are enclosing with it.
Form 1099A is a triplicate form with three copies each of three little coupon-like forms all attached together.
Form 1040 V is a single Voucher form and again, it is just a little slip of paper about the size of a check that comes printed on the bottom of its instruction sheet. You have to cut it free with a pair of scissors.

Okay, you check off the kinds of forms you are sending on the 1096 cover letter: 1096, 1099, 1040V.

The 1099A is called “Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property”.

Now the first piece of property you want to claim is your own trust account.

The first box on the 1099A asks the LENDER’s name and address. The LENDER is YOUR NAME, sent in care of your normal mailing address. LENDER’s ID number is YOUR SSN without dashes. The BORROWER’s NAME is the Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20220. The Account Number box is going to be your SSN Without Dashes/Your Registered Treasury Account Number (the Registered Mail Number you used). Box Number 1 is going to be the File Date (not your actual birthday) found on your Birth Certificate. The Balance and Fair Market Value are going to be “Unknown”. Box 5 you leave blank. Box 6 you write: Assumed Names Related to Trust Account at 31 USC 1321, being claimed per 31 USC 1322 by Beneficiary.

The second Form 1099A on that sheet of three is where you claim your house back.

At the top of the form it asks for the name of the LENDER and their address. The LENDER is YOUR NAME sent in care of your normal mailing address. LENDER’s ID number is YOUR SSN without dashes. The BORROWER’s NAME is the name of the bank or mortgage servicing company that is foreclosing on you and their business address. Under that you will see an “Account Number— write YOUR SSN without any dashes/Your new Registered Treasury Account : RE 123 345 598 US (whatever it turns out to be) and the Borrower’s Account Number— whatever they use to mark the mortgage account in their system when they send bills to you.

The date of the lender’s acquisition will be the first year of the mortgage. The balance of principal outstanding will be: “unknown” and so will the “fair market value”. You will leave Item 5 blank because you don’t know the arrangements made in YOUR behalf. Item 6 will be the description of the property you are claiming— Lot and Block or Street address, however, it appears in the mortgage and foreclosure paperwork.

You can use the third 1099 A on that sheet to claim back any other property you have a valid interest in. I’d suggest that you claim the Court Case — again, the LENDER is YOUR NAME, the BORROWER is the Court name and address, the “account” is the Court Case Number, the year is whenever the foreclosure started, the balance and fair market value are unknown, and the description is: “Foreclosure of Property Case and Bid Bond”.

Basically, any bill that gets sent to LUCRETIA is a bill that you are exempt from having to pay.

Any bill that you get addressed to LUCRETIA can be discharged using your little stamp and signing it Last Name, First Middle,—- once you get things straight with the Treasury and reclaim your birthright.

Now, the IRS is your friend. They are going to do all the work of researching everything for you and collecting on all that is owed to you. You are going to pay them for all this service by issuing a 1040 V. This is the little coupon-like voucher you have to cut off the bottom of the instruction page that comes with it. It is pretty self-explanatory. You just use your red stamp on the back of the 1040V and you write: ” Use my pass-through account to pay any taxes or charges and to research claims and perform
collections” above the stamp information and you sign it as you always do for your stamp, Last Name, First Middle.

You leave the amount blank because neither you nor the IRS has any idea how much this investigation/prosecution/tax payment is going to cost— and yes, this is like giving them a blank check; however, they are sworn to serve you and your trust and have to account to the Treasury for their charges, so all things considered it is the most expeditious way for everyone to operate right now and in time to save your house if the Court Clerk is either too stubborn or ignorant to do the right thing.

You fold up your 1096, your three (or more) 1099A Forms, your stamped 1040V, and you send the whole thing in Registered Mail to: Internal Revenue Service CID at Post Office Box 192, Covington, Kentucky 41050.

Now I know it is shocking to think of the IRS as your friend and ally, but that’s the way it is. And I know this LOOKS like a lot of work and complexity, but it really isn’t. The forms are simple and worst part is waiting for the IRS to send them. It takes a week or two sometimes.

This process and information — both that contained in “How to Correct Your Political Status and Why” and this information that is the follow-up of it, will profoundly change your relationship with the “federal government” and your life. Some people go hog wild and try to do crazy things that are not allowed and they get into trouble as a result. I want to caution you against doing anything extravagant or unreasonable or vindictive.

This is information provided to do justice and nothing else. It is provided to you as an elderly woman who has been loyal to this country and worked hard all your life to protect you and to save you from losing your home. This information and the power to discharge debts addressed to YOUR NAME has to be used in Good Faith or you will end up in federal jail.

So what do I mean by Good Faith? The way you would want to be treated. Let me give you some examples.

It is fair for you to discharge a mortgage on your principal dwelling when you need to do so: you are elderly and can’t keep up, you are sick and can’t afford it, your business has failed, you went through an unpleasant divorce…..there are all sorts of valid reasons that you might need to do this, but, you wouldn’t do it just for a lark or go out and buy up ten luxury vacation properties and plead necessity for discharging all of them. That’s not reasonable or prudent or fair. That is not “Good Faith”. That is a purposeful manipulation that isn’t allowed and you will get in trouble for it.

It is fair for you to discharge utility bills that you cannot afford. Again, you are elderly or sick or just starting out and struggling really hard and for whatever good, decent, actual reason need to “let go of the rope” — use your stamp. You’ve been a Good Joe and done your part for 79 years. Nobody has any right to complain if you kick back now and discharge all your utility bills so long as they are public utilities. In most places that means electrical, water, waste management, and gas.

Same thing with your car payments, college debts, medical bills, property taxes. It doesn’t mean that you should run out and buy a Lexus and two Hummers and charge them off against the U.S. Treasury, but if it’s hard for you to pay for your 2015 Chevy that you need to get to work, or too much for your family to pay tuition, or you got hit with a medical bill you just can’t cope with— then by all means, six generations of Americans have suffered so that you could not have to worry about that, so that you could get back on your feet after an illness, a divorce, a business failure, or so many other things that can happen.

We did not suffer and “loan” our resources so that 79-year-old women could be kicked out of their homes by foreign banks and attacked by out of control government agencies. There’s a line— a fine line—- between what is good and what is bad, what is fair and what is unjust. Somewhere in our own hearts and minds, we know where that line is. Pay attention to it and you will find that friendship and decency still abide, that you are free and you are safe, and that the foreclosures and tax debts and so many other things that have been oppressive weights and worries for you, can go away.

At your age, there are often maintenance issues with a house or car that you need to fix, but you are kept so burdened down with light bills and heat bills and mortgages and whatever else, that you can’t keep your home safe and in repair. Use your Treasury Account to pay the things that can be paid with that, and use your private money to take care of the rest. I know seniors who are facing a choice between paying the mortgage or eating. Charge back the mortgage and buy that organic grapefruit, Lucretia.

You and your husband and your parents and grandparents all earned it. There is no reason to feel bad or ashamed or like you are getting an unearned handout. You are just flipping a switch and learning to operate your own business in a different way and accessing resources you didn’t know you had.

Everyone needs to know that there are those who do have to pay federal taxes and can’t — at this point in their lives — claim their exemption. Actual federal employees both civilian and military have to pay income taxes, for example. Black Americans never received their actual state national political status, so their route to freedom and access to their resources is a bit different. Certain other categories of people can’t do this — foreigners seeking political asylum, actual wards of the government such as people who have been permanently hospitalized for mental illness, and other such actual dependents.

But for most of us, the time has come to become aware of the history and those reliefs and remedies that are available at this time, while we work toward a systemic end to all mortgages worldwide.

https://external.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQBn61DMdvljfZai&w=158&h=158&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2Fanna194.jp g&cfs=1&upscale=1&sx=0&sy=23&sw=194&sh=194&_nc_hash=AQDExprBDmLms1Ez www.annavonreitz.com (https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.annavonreitz.com%2F&h=ATOP7emDs9F_SyV9leYQItk4OxVl3rfCZ1ezGzvN7nlYgzv5 93TqjeWp2DZKu9_AgTlRUQI4dTgMIMG5Nlv1EEIyy17q0x-JxIcTFMUsKYI702u3yidWwU3gkId3z-I8U5evPCTOeH7ehIwon4JK&enc=AZP7UmG8YthEv2ymLG3_Ao3Tsslgcu9gCQU3Fk-k0UDGC4YiMZEJwvIWKmUi3IxOJz35jlduwLkRf5wrrVyqgP8ye kbBLDe3pAXn6EoZD_9yfqWN4JG_za-NuZl1A2mgCpBSV-AKdpRuoJbIGPB34kN0HrwVpoSpVYeq-SX7Q1opMA2XK1eKEwH-tvMhf_u5yCSUOFJZ2Ca-53QmJ-WODMQG&s=1)

31st July 2017, 09:49 PM
There is a group of people who are accessing their Teasury Direct Accounts (TDA's)'using the UCC law. Two of them were arrested, one a woman lawyer, Heather Ann Tucci apparently not a bar attorney and another man. The case begins with an 'identity hearing. I havent watched all the videos so don't have all the information, but I believe Heahter Tucci is refusing jurisdiction and is proceeding as a flesh and blood woman. There are previous videos on the channel. I chose this one because from the title it looks like the point where the Tucci woman gets involved and leading up to her arrest in Washington D.C..







31st July 2017, 09:54 PM
Heather Ann Tucci Federal Court Case







31st July 2017, 09:56 PM
Heather Ann Tucci Hearing extnsion granted for Friday. The youtube channel:

Crypto News



2nd August 2017, 08:01 PM
More conspiracy, Heather Ann Tucci Money Laundering Case update
Documents at this link:

