View Full Version : Child marriage LEGAL in 27 states

midnight rambler
31st May 2017, 01:27 PM
There is NO 'floor' for minimum age in 27 states, just as Goldie cited.



31st May 2017, 01:30 PM
Dishonestly titled thread.

midnight rambler
31st May 2017, 01:32 PM
Dishonestly titled thread.

It IS *legal* you knucklehead! Did you even bother to check the link I posted?

Here it is AGAIN -


31st May 2017, 01:34 PM
Before the jews took over society.

Age of Consent [Table]

Information on the ages used historically in western age of consent is not readily available. This table has been compiled from a combination of historical and contemporary sources. By 1880, the first date chosen, many western nations had established an age of consent for the first time, typically of 12 or 13 years. By 1920, when the influence of reform campaigns that established a new link between the age of consent and prostitution had run its course, most had revised their age upward, to 14 or 15 in European nations, and 16 in the Anglo-American world. In the last decades of the 20th century, states and nations with ages below those averages amended to move closer to them. In Europe that growing conformity owed much to moves toward greater European integration. Given that the rationale for the age of consent has remained essentially unchanged in its emphasis on the need to protect 'immature' children, the table highlights the shifting and various definitions of childhood employed across time and cultures.

Date compiled from the following sources: Hirschfeld, Magnus. The Homosexuality of Men and Women. Translated by Michael Lombardi-Nash. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, 2000; Killias, Martin. "The Emergence of a New Taboo: The Desexualization of Youth in Western Societies Since 1800." European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 8 (2000): 466; Odem, Mary. Delinquent Daughters: Policing and Protecting Adolescent Female Sexuality in the United States, 1885-1920. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995; "Worldwide Ages of Consent," AVERTing HIV and Aids, www.avert.org/aofconsent.htm (accessed November 29, 2007).
Primary Source Text
Age Limit in Age of Consent in Selected Countries
1880 1920 2007
Austria 14 14 14
Belgium - 16 16
Bulgaria 13 13 14
Denmark 12 12 15
England & Wales 13 16 16
Finland - 12 16
France 13 13 15
Germany 14 14 14
Greece - 12 15
Italy - 16 14
Luxembourg 15 15 16
Norway - 16 16
Portugal 12 12 14
Romania 15 15 15
Russia 10 14 16
Scotland 12 12 16
Spain 12 12 13
Sweden 15 15 15
Switzerland various 16 16
Turkey 15 15 18
Argentina - 12 13
Brazil - 16 14
Chile 20 20 18
Ecuador - 14 14
Canada 12 14 14
New South Wales 12 16 16
Queensland 12 17 16
Victoria 12 16 16
Western Australia 12 14 16
United States
Alabama 10 16 16
Alaska - 16 16
Arizona 12 18 18
Arkansas 10 16 16
California 10 18 18
Colorado 10 18 15
Connecticut 10 16 16
District of Columbia 12 16 16
Delaware 7 16 16
Florida 10 18 18
Georgia 10 14 16
Hawaii - - 16
Idaho 10 18 18
Illinois 10 16 17
Indiana 12 16 16
Iowa 10 16 16
Kansas 10 18 16
Kentucky 12 16 16
Louisiana 12 18 17
Maine 10 16 16
Maryland 10 16 16
Massachusetts 10 16 16
Michigan 10 16 16
Minnesota 10 18 16
Mississippi 10 18 16
Missouri 12 18 17
Montana 10 18 16
Nebraska 10 18 17
Nevada 12 18 16
New Hampshire 10 16 16
New Jersey 10 16 16
New Mexico 10 16 17
New York 10 18 17
North Carolina 10 16 16
North Dakota 10 18 18
Ohio 10 16 16
Oklahoma - - 16
Oregon 10 16 18
Pennsylvania 10 16 16
Rhode Island 10 16 16
South Carolina 10 16 16
South Dakota 10 18 16
Tennessee 10 18 18
Texas 10 18 17
Utah 10 18 16
Vermont 10 16 16
Virginia 12 16 18
Washington 12 18 16
West Virginia 12 16 16
Wisconsin 10 16 18
Wyoming 10 16 16



Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was pregnant when she was in her early to mid teens. And she was betrothed to a man in his 60s/70s. Did God set up humanity to approved something forbidden? God does not understand modern notions. St. Joseph would travel around as husband of this pregnant young teen woman.

How are saints to view this issue? How did St. Joseph respond to the Christian High Priest telling him to take Mary as a wife to remain a virgin her whole life? St. Joseph did not say, "the Christians will arrest and stone me for having such a young bride". What he did say is how all innocent people react to this when it involves Christians. St. Joseph said, "I will be the laughing stock of Israel". All the Christians of Israel would laugh at him at when he says this is not his granddaughter but his wife. You are suppose to laugh (in a non-mean way) at Christians who marry someone in their young teens and they are in their 70s.

Not modern jewry where they say kill, rape, torture any 18 year old who marries a 17 year old.

Source of St. Joseph's story: http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0847.htm

The story in The Protoevangelium of James is completely apart of the Orthodox Tradition, it is not quite on the level of Sacred Scriptures, but is accepted fully with Tradition.

midnight rambler
31st May 2017, 01:34 PM
FYI, a chick I dated several years ago (she was 20 at the time) got married at 14, not because she 'had to'...she had her daughter when she was 16. It just so happened that her father (who was happily married to her mother) was a longtime sheriff of a west Texas county.

31st May 2017, 01:39 PM
everything is interconnected... sorry, but when bumping too many times into the same preconceived ideas, we/I need to set the record straight.

I refrain from doing this many times and will tend to start my own threads as a result, sometimes it is impossible

31st May 2017, 01:41 PM
It IS *legal* you knucklehead! Did you even bother to check the link I posted?

Here it is AGAIN -


Give me EVEN ONE court case of such a marriage occurring anywhere in the USA since before World War II.

Some states still have anti-cohabitation statutes on the books, not enforced for decades.

Perhaps you should define "child." Under 18? Then in all 50 states, "child" marriage is legal. Under 12? Under 10? Sure, like any judge would sign off on that, and even if they did, we'd see a "child protection agency" suing to block it. Hence, it's as "legal" as hundreds of other statutes that are unenforceable.

31st May 2017, 01:45 PM
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was pregnant when she was in her early to mid teens. And she was betrothed to a man in his 60s/70s. Did God set up humanity to approved something forbidden? God does not understand modern notions.

God set the threshold for mating in biology itself. And excepting sexual abuse, the earliest that comes for girls is 10+.

Goldissima brought up the phony case of the "11-year old 'forced' to marry her rapist" as an attempt to justify the Pedophile Muhammad's "marriage" to a SIX-YEAR OLD.

6 =/= 16

6 =/= 13

6 =/= 12

31st May 2017, 01:55 PM
how many times before WW2 does NOT matter CT, what matters is that it is POSSIBLE today...

11-year-old girl 'forced to marry her rapist' from church in Florida

Sherry Johnson says she was raped four times by age 10
Tuesday 30 May 2017

IN the United States today, thousands of children under 18 have recently taken marital vows — mostly girls married to adult men, often with approval from local judges.

How is this possible? The minimum marriage age in most states is 18, but every state allows exceptions under which children under age 18 can wed.

The first common exception is for children marrying with “parental consent.” Most states allow children age 16 or 17 to marry if their parents sign the marriage license application.

Of course, one person’s “parental consent” can be another’s “parental coercion,” but state laws typically do not call for anyone to investigate whether a child is marrying willingly. Even in the case of a girl’s sobbing openly while her parents sign the application and force her into marriage, the clerk usually has no authority to intervene. In fact, in most states there are no laws that specifically forbid forced marriage.

The second common marriage-age exception is for children marrying with judicial approval. This exception lowers the marriage age below 16 in many states, and many states do not specify a minimum age. Judges in those states can allow the marriage even of an elementary school student.

But judges would never do that, right?

Shockingly, 91 percent of the children were married to adults, often at ages or with age differences that could have triggered statutory-rape charges, not a marriage license.

31st May 2017, 01:58 PM
pedophilia IS pedophilia, you hate that it is taking place in the US, I understand, it hurts... but I do not make shit up...

going down the path of moral relativism will not make you right, I am afraid

The pedophilia epidemic cannot be addressed by targeting the muslims only, and MR was even not speaking of it. Child marriage is a WORLD issue (see pedophile thread, I have documented all that). And only looking at the muslim side equates to a big bias. I think the coran is far worse than any other monopoly religions

Goldissima brought up the phony case of the "11-year old 'forced' to marry her rapist" as an attempt to justify the Pedophile Muhammad's "marriage" to a SIX-YEAR OLD.

.... She's trying to run interference for Jizzlam, hence, her posting it here.

31st May 2017, 02:22 PM
Yes, you make shit up. You call it a "theory', but it's really just making shit up. It's funny you think I'm somehow feel threatened by your delusions. Whatever you have to tell yourself lady.. nothing could he further from the truth. The world deals in facts (most of the time), you're a contrarion just for the sake of being a contrarion. You offer no individual thoughts and spout the theories and thoughts of others as somehow gospel. You buy into absolute bullshit without even cross checking sources and you expect us to not call you out on it?

As for your loop hole, show me an 8 or 9 year old getting married in the state of Florida. If you can't shut the fuck up already with your God damn bullshit.

;D ... continue to ridicule yourself. Resorting to moral relativism is all what you have left now. 8 or 9 as opposed to 11... I see. No individual thoughts ??? But you support darwin, and defend him... where are **your** original thoughts? But of course when I quote from darwin's much less known quote, I cannot cross check. Give me a break.

Sure living geometry is more than 4000 years old, that I have not cross checked... even plato was into it and because I support such theory, I am making this up or have no originality of my own. Newton is right and the EU is BS. Do you think you can ever win any debate like this? My stance is the planet lives in a gigantic lie and that cultural/economic/nature destruction is the consequence of this lie. And that old thinking (like which you demonstrate) is part of the problem

do me a favor, spread the word about the 27 states offering child marriage loopholes... something you just learned from somebody who cannot cross check. Just like the black moors ruling over spain?? In fact, you have learned quite a few things with me. ;D

I am sorry that you do not want to consider the impact of Natural Laws on society, because of that you will be always proven wrong. I am sorry... this was known several millennia ago.

as for meat gluttony destroying kidneys, I believe so. Isnt gluttony a capital sin?

so stay on the other side of the line and leave me alone.

31st May 2017, 05:28 PM
how many times before WW2 does NOT matter CT, what matters is that it is POSSIBLE today...

"Since before World War II" means occurred from September 1, 1939 TO TODAY.

Shockingly, 91 percent of the children were married to adults, often at ages or with age differences that could have triggered statutory-rape charges, not a marriage license.


The New York Times...all the news that fits.

Guy who turned 18 today has sex with girl who turns 18 tomorrow = "statutory rape."

Still waiting for you to cite ONE CASE - with court docket number.

31st May 2017, 05:51 PM
The first common exception is for children marrying with “parental consent.” Most states allow children age 16 or 17 to marry if their parents sign the marriage license application.

Of course, one person’s “parental consent” can be another’s “parental coercion,” but state laws typically do not call for anyone to investigate whether a child is marrying willingly. Even in the case of a girl’s sobbing openly while her parents sign the application and force her into marriage, the clerk usually has no authority to intervene. In fact, in most states there are no laws that specifically forbid forced marriage.

Only Muslims allow this and consider it OK. I'll be politically incorrect, it's an issue with Islam. Just say it. They allow and encourage forced marriage from young girls and consider them property for trading.

No Christian community would allow this to exist.

If there are any laws that support this behavior, it can only be attributed to liberals who don't want to "hurt the feelings" of the bad people, whom do what they want under religious BS beliefs.

31st May 2017, 06:23 PM
I read from every source, and sometimes you learn a great deal from the mouth of your opponent because every side of the argument is trying to pull the blanket (french saying). Pedophilia is raging as much in the western as in the muslim world.

there are stats posted in the pedophile thread

the child marriage laws in america is well documented and I believe they have existed for a long while as a last resort for fundamentalists parents to save their honor.

"Since before World War II" means occurred from September 1, 1939 TO TODAY.

The New York Times...all the news that fits.

Guy who turned 18 today has sex with girl who turns 18 tomorrow = "statutory rape."

Still waiting for you to cite ONE CASE - with court docket number.

31st May 2017, 06:40 PM
Only Muslims allow this and consider it OK. I'll be politically incorrect, it's an issue with Islam. Just say it. They allow and encourage forced marriage from young girls and consider them property for trading.

No Christian community would allow this to exist.

If there are any laws that support this behavior, it can only be attributed to liberals who don't want to "hurt the feelings" of the bad people, whom do what they want under religious BS beliefs.

In fact, it was practically invented by Christians on a large scale that women have the free choice in whom to marry. Wherever Christian civilization went, freedom to choose who you marry went with it. Before this it was a parental right to determine who your daughters (and often sons) marry.

31st May 2017, 06:57 PM
Only Muslims allow this and consider it OK. I'll be politically incorrect, it's an issue with Islam. Just say it. They allow and encourage forced marriage from young girls and consider them property for trading.

No Christian community would allow this to exist.

If there are any laws that support this behavior, it can only be attributed to liberals who don't want to "hurt the feelings" of the bad people, whom do what they want under religious BS beliefs.

American Colonies and Early States
The common law exported by Britain to its American colonies shaped early
marriage laws, and the common law’s influence endures today.

You’re thinking: “Child marriage? That’s what happens in Bangladesh or Tanzania, not America!”
More than half the states have no firm minimum age for marriage.

31st May 2017, 07:12 PM
In fact, it was practically invented by Christians on a large scale that women have the free choice in whom to marry. Wherever Christian civilization went, freedom to choose who you marry went with it. Before this it was a parental right to determine who your daughters (and often sons) marry.

we have had a thread, a long while ago, and women in ancient rome were too pretty free to marry and divorce (upper middle and rich classes)

31st May 2017, 07:38 PM
Women ruin everything

31st May 2017, 07:39 PM
accused of making shyt up for pointing to a fact??? Is it fake news stupid or what ???

the early marriage laws were not designed for muslims in the first place but are now an issue because of it

New Jersey governor refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'
'An exclusion without exceptions would violate the cultures and traditions of some communities

A high profile Republican governor has declined to sign into law, a measure that would have made his state the first to ban child marriage without exception.

Chris Christie, the governor of New Jersey and someone who has been a staunch supporter of Donald Trump, said such a ban would conflict with religious customs. He did not specify what religions he was referring to.

Reuters said underage marriage is widespread in the US, where about 170,000 children were wed between 2000 and 2010 in 38 of the 50 states where data was available.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vigorously defends child marriage, vetos ban citing "religious customs." https://t.co/Omzzuqm6HM
— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) May 11, 2017

Although age 18 is the minimum for marriage in most of the nation, every state has legal loopholes allowing children to wed. The New Jersey bill would have prohibited any marriage of children under age 18.

31st May 2017, 07:42 PM
we have had a thread, a long while ago, and women in ancient rome were too pretty free to marry and divorce (upper middle and rich classes)

The Roman fathers would marry them off (forced), often in their teens, the women could divorce their husbands only when they reached the age of majority - after 25.

This is well known, all historians agree on this.

And with divorce not allowed in Christianity, so combine the two (Roman and Christian) and women lose any choice in they "adult" (after age 25) years, if their fathers already married them off. It was not until around the the year 1000, give or take 200 years, I forget the year exactly, but a member of the ruling elite, a woman was in a forced marriage with someone she did not want to marry and she took the case to the Church (IIRC) and the Church established henceforth, maidens had the right to reject their parent's choice in marriage, and by extension young men also had this right. It's been atleast 6 years since I last thought about this case, so I am bit rusty on the exact year and if she went to the Church or if the Church stepped in.

On the Ancient Greeks would usually marry off their daughters from age 8-15, unlike the Romans whose minimum age for marriage was 12 for women. The Greek daughters did not have a choice IIRC, I don't ever recall learning Greek daughters had a choice. Women in greek society did not have many rights.

31st May 2017, 07:56 PM
I did some research when the Chinese married, at what age. So I checked history of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty. In my first research of a Emperor marrying his Empress, where it says when the Empress was born. The empress was married to the 43 year old emperor when she was 12 or 13. So even throughout Chinese history, pubsencent and post-pubestent women were married off when they were 12 or 13. The second one was married when they were both 14. The third emperor I checked, she was 19. The fourth was another very young, early teen marriage age for the woman, while the emperor was in his 30s, IIRC. So marrying of young women after they show signs of puberty (early to mid-teens) was acceptable in China and the rest of the world until the jews and masons took over society. And all the modern feminists love it because the longer the woman stays outside a marriage, the more likely she will be a spiritually ugly feminist. Get her in college and she'll be "I'm with her" hillary supporter. Unless she learns about 9-11 and false flags and other evils of jews (and realizes it is the jew telling her to abort her baby and kill whites), if she does not realize reality she is lost.

31st May 2017, 07:57 PM
c.martel, we had a thread on marriage licenses, and this came out about the rich women in ancient rome... but greeks, as you stipulate, were kinda bad in the field for the average women. The upper class' choices are never which of the poor. But I get what you mean and thus partially agree with you

midnight rambler
31st May 2017, 08:16 PM
My grandmother married my grandfather when she was 14 and he was 16. They remained happily married until they passed in their 80s, so they were married ~60 years.

31st May 2017, 08:40 PM
Only Muslims allow this and consider it OK. I'll be politically incorrect, it's an issue with Islam. Just say it. They allow and encourage forced marriage from young girls and consider them property for trading.

No Christian community would allow this to exist.

If there are any laws that support this behavior, it can only be attributed to liberals who don't want to "hurt the feelings" of the bad people, whom do what they want under religious BS beliefs.

There are no such laws. The statutes she claims support pedophilia were written decades ago, and for the purpose of guaranteeing a child a father and mother (and in support of the Christian nuclear family). They were never intended to be used for Islamic-style "marriage" (i.e., pre-pubescent), and, because the authors couldn't conceive of such horrid things, they didn't actually find the need to put a "minimum age" in many of the statutes.

31st May 2017, 08:46 PM
I read from every source, and sometimes you learn a great deal from the mouth of your opponent

I always study the thoughts of the Enemy. I do not automatically assume he is telling the truth, however. As you do.

Pedophilia is raging as much in the western as in the muslim world.

There are multiple definitions of pedophilia. There is the biological definition: prior to menstruation. There is the social definition, multiple ones, actually: someone "too old" for someone "too young." And then there are the legal definitions: in California, it's under 14 for "hard" pedophilia ("lewd & lascivious" conduct with a child under 14); statutory rape - "soft" pedophilia - for older teens.

the child marriage laws in america is well documented and I believe they have existed for a long while as a last resort for fundamentalists parents to save their honor.

What you call "child marriage" dates back to the beginning of time. As I said, the God-designed delineation of girl/woman is when she menstruates. Granted, this current society has not endeavored to help such young females to mature in correlation with their bodies, though, so such young marriage is not appropriate, IN MY OPINION. My opinion should not be "law," though: if a 14 year old is more mature than the typical 22-year old Millennial, let her marry.

31st May 2017, 08:51 PM
In fact, it was practically invented by Christians on a large scale that women have the free choice in whom to marry. Wherever Christian civilization went, freedom to choose who you marry went with it. Before this it was a parental right to determine who your daughters (and often sons) marry.

Indeed. Those who wish to find fault with God or Christianity insist the ancient Biblical laws about sexual relationships (including forcing the rapist to marry the victim) must not be understood in context. In pagan societies, a raped woman was "damaged goods," and could be discarded. The Old Testament law forced the rapist to be bound to her permanently, assuring that she would be taken care, and taking away his freedom. NOT the standard or ideal of today, but progressive 2500 years ago. Christian morality evolved over time to grow into the fundamental rights leftists insist come from government.

31st May 2017, 09:49 PM
My grandmother married my grandfather when she was 14 and he was 16. They remained happily married until they passed in their 80s, so they were married ~60 years.

Everybody has ancestors that married soon after puberty. And nearly all Europeans have ancestors in heaven, enjoying the bliss of heaven, ancestors who married someone young when they were 18 years or older. What the jew want is for you to hate your ancestors, to hate the saints in heaven that got pregnant in their teens and their husbands in heaven with them. Jews (demons) want to make someone die in a state where if they were to go to heaven, they would immediately start killing off 1/8 of the inhabitants of heaven for being "child molesters". This is just a drop in the bucket of insanity of the modern "world" (it is hell).

Anybody who wants the death of "child molesters" (those "child molesting" 18 year olds that marry a 17 year old "infant" "out of diapers") is automatically disqualified from entering into heaven, you have murder in your heart against the saints, against normal society. You are banished to hell, where you can hate, hate, hate.

I won't even judge Mohammad, he supposedly waited until his youngest bride hit puberty. In Christian Tsarist Russia, the Age of Consent was 10. In much of Europe it was 12, the age of adulthood for women. 10 could have been the age of Aisha when she officially married Mohammad.

Aisha was six or seven years old when she was married (betrothed since it was not consummated) to Muhammad with the marriage not being consummated until she had reached puberty at the age of nine or ten years old.

I don't care for invading and killing 1 million people, 1 million per country, to bring (((democracy))) and (((liberty))) to Muslims, especially to ruin Muslim girls to take chemical abortions and to teach them to hate men. I will definitely tolerate a world where there are thousands of instances of Aisha, or more. The Third Rome, Tsar Russia tolerated consent at age 10 in their society for heterosexuals. If it means we are free from the jew and the masons and the communists, and the "Christian" zionists, and get back to how things were 150 years ago.

1st June 2017, 03:05 AM
go back and read what I said, that sometimes you can learn the truth from your opponent... never said automatically. As I am sure that most states have **a minimum age to marry officially** BUT then have LOOPHOLES in case the young girl gets pregnant and can get married with the sig of her parents. And which is now used as a weapon in favor of muslim immigrants... well... this is the conspiracy. The laws should have been changed decades ago

The floridagvdotcom link made it clear.

In my view, if kids werent fed with all these artificial hormones found in the food chain, a girl wouldnt get pregnant by age 10. In my time, the average age was 12-14. These days we see 9 and 10. Unless one lives in a remote tribe where lifespans are short (nature addresses this by herself), it is not normal.

I always study the thoughts of the Enemy. I do not automatically assume he is telling the truth, however. As you do

1st June 2017, 05:10 AM
in all cultures we can find a so-called young age of consent determined by men exclusively. Millennia have passed and obviously nothing changed, got even worse. Men have always made sure they could fondle whenever possible. And mohammed fondled Aisha too. There is no culture that is better than another one in this regard, and that is precisely why now the situation is out of control. Men should be taught the spiritual virtue of controlling their sperm flow from a very early age. The Tao teaches this. Sexuality is sacred. It is the Force that holds this Universe together... the mating of elements. No wonder that debauchery has always been an elite agenda, to deter humans from finding about it. Sex sells as a result and of course anything goes... money and sexuality are incompatible, and bring about self-destruction.

You do not care about killing but that is precisely why we have a death cult, your last paragraph demonstrates the faulty reasoning... there is always a good reason for killing, now the war trauma has turned everybody psychopathic. Can sell 100 billion worth in weapons and the majority does see a thing. But of course, I have no original thought of my own when saying this, that one does not fight evil/savagery with evil/savagery. And the devil knows this. We have been doing just this since ever, did it help?

I won't even judge Mohammad, he supposedly waited until his youngest bride hit puberty. In Christian Tsarist Russia, the Age of Consent was 10. In much of Europe it was 12, the age of adulthood for women. 10 could have been the age of Aisha when she officially married Mohammad.

I don't care for invading and killing 1 million people, 1 million per country, to bring (((democracy))) and (((liberty))) to Muslims, especially to ruin Muslim girls to take chemical abortions and to teach them to hate men. I will definitely tolerate a world where there are thousands of instances of Aisha, or more. The Third Rome, Tsar Russia tolerated consent at age 10 in their society for heterosexuals. If it means we are free from the jew and the masons and the communists, and the "Christian" zionists, and get back to how things were 150 years ago.

1st June 2017, 06:15 AM
In my view, if kids werent fed with all these artificial hormones found in the food chain, a girl wouldnt get pregnant by age 10. In my time, the average age was 12-14. These days we see 9 and 10.

On this, we agree. The stress of sexual abuse also induces early menstruation.

1st June 2017, 03:00 PM
something to chew on... does the bible condone loopholes in marriage laws?
In the Bible, both Exodus and Deuteronomy argue that a man who seduces or rapes a virgin must marry her and pay a bride price at the virgin rate, which is higher than the non-virgin rate.[12]

1st June 2017, 09:06 PM
something to chew on... does the bible condones loopholes in marriage laws?
In the Bible, both Exodus and Deuteronomy argue that a man who seduces or rapes a virgin must marry her and pay a bride price at the virgin rate, which is higher than the non-virgin rate.[12]

As I explained before, in the context of the era it was implemented, this was very progressive. To the pagans, a rape victim was "damaged goods" and could be discarded from society. Old Testament law forced the perpetrator to take care of her.

9th July 2017, 05:38 AM
between 2000 and 2015, 207K minors were married in the US, of which 87% are girls... 67% were 16-17 years old ... only 4% were 15yo.... but still 985 were 14 years of age... on the male side: 368 over 40s, and 61 in their 50s, and and 31 over 60's married a minor
