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4th June 2017, 02:57 PM
PM Theresa May On Defeating Terrorism: Yes, That Means Taking Military Action’

June 4, 2017 By Robert Gehl (http://thefederalistpapers.org/author/rgehl) 6 Comments (http://thefederalistpapers.org/us/pm-theresa-may-on-defeating-terrorism-yes-that-means-taking-military-action#comments)

While London Mayor Sadiq Khan still seems to be in a state of denial about the threat of terrorism, Prime Minister Theresa May is under no such illusions.

Responding to Saturday’s terrorist attack that left seven dead and dozens injured, May promised to end terrorists’ “safe spaces” on the internet and in the “real world.”

There have been three terrorist attacks in Britain this year alone and May said five more thave been thwarted.

Clearly, she said, the current method of preventing terror attacks isn’t working and things need to change. She identified four ways that the new war on Islamic Extremists will change:

The first change would be to realize that the solution is not a permanent counter-terrorism effort, but defeating the ideology itself through making people understand that “pluralistic British values” are “superior to anything offered” by an extremist ideology.

Her second focus is on an end to “safe spaces” online for extremists. “We need to work with allied democratic governments to reach international agreements that regulate cyberspace to prevent the spread of extremist and terrorism planning,” she said.

Her third focus is going to be on those same “safe spaces” that the terrorists occupy in the real world.

“We must not forget about the safe spaces that continue to exist in the real world. Yes, that means taking military action to destroy Isis in Iraq and Syria,” she said.

Great Britain is also one of those “safe spaces” they’ve found, she said, due to the tolerance of an ideology that seeks to destroy the western world.

“[T]here is – to be frank – far too much tolerance of extremism in our country. So we need to become far more robust in identifying it and stamping it out across the public sector and across society.” She said. “That will require some difficult, and often embarrassing, conversations.”

Finally, she called for a full review of Britain’s counterterrorism strategy and implementation of any necessary changes.
She ended by saying that British society should continue to function as it normally would, except when it comes to extremism and terrorism – that “Enough is enough.”

H/T: TownHall (https://townhall.com/tipsheet/jennifervanlaar/2017/06/04/theresa-may-on-defeating-terrorism-yes-that-means-taking-military-action-n2336121)

4th June 2017, 05:16 PM
Less freedom, more foreigners, yeah, that's the ticket!

Until the non-British go back, this will continue.

Twisted Titan
4th June 2017, 10:51 PM
The first change would be to realize that the solution is not a permanent counter-terrorism effort, but defeating the ideology itself through making people understand that “pluralistic British values” are “superior to anything offered” by an extremist ideology.

how are you going to make them understand???

what are you going to use??? harsh launguage???

5th June 2017, 01:41 AM
The first change would be to realize that the solution is not a permanent counter-terrorism effort, but defeating the ideology itself through making people understand that “pluralistic British values” are “superior to anything offered” by an extremist ideology.

how are you going to make them understand???

what are you going to use??? harsh launguage???

It's all rhetoric in the grand theater. The "refugees" will continue to flood in, while they implement their "solutions." More cameras, more checkpoints, more automatic weapons on the streets..gee, who are those actually targeted against, the terrorists...or the native British people?

5th June 2017, 06:33 AM
Those who trade freedom for security deserve (and will have) neither. The Brits haven't figured that out yet. Retarded Americans are following down the same path.
It's all rhetoric in the grand theater. The "refugees" will continue to flood in, while they implement their "solutions." More cameras, more checkpoints, more automatic weapons on the streets..gee, who are those actually targeted against, the terrorists...or the native British people?

5th June 2017, 04:21 PM
Hopefully she scares voters away with "military action", and the false flag backfires. Depending on the polls there may be more May events.

5th June 2017, 06:29 PM
Hopefully she scares voters away with "military action", and the false flag backfires. Depending on the polls there may be more May events.

"Elections" - there and here - are rigged. You don't realize that yet?

old steel
5th June 2017, 06:57 PM
Hegelian dialect hard at work.

Theresa May says the internet must now be regulated following London Bridge terror attack

The Prime Minister said terrorists had ‘safe spaces’ online

Is the internet selling weapons to terrorists?



old steel
5th June 2017, 07:03 PM
Theresa May suppresses release of report on who funds terrorism in UK until after UK election #Saudi

(https://twitter.com/hashtag/Saudi?src=hash)Inquiry is thought to focus on Saudi Arabia, which the UK recently approved £3.5bn worth of arms export licenses to



old steel
5th June 2017, 07:29 PM
1940s England: "We shall never surrender!"
2017 England: "Run and hide."


5th June 2017, 07:41 PM
Fucking British pussies. They are no longer an ally in my mind. They're in the same trash heap as Germany and France. They'll all die at some point, they just need to wait for it!

old steel
5th June 2017, 07:45 PM
Ask yourselves why the police & politicians get body armor in England but people aren't even allowed to have firearms to protect themselves?


5th June 2017, 08:40 PM
1940s England: "We shall never surrender!"
2017 England: "Run and hide."

Damn good thing Britain "won" World War II, eh?