View Full Version : Friedman: US Attack on North Korea is Imminent

midnight rambler
4th June 2017, 03:04 PM

4th June 2017, 03:12 PM
another way to go after china?

4th June 2017, 05:31 PM
Too many cries of WOLF! (or JEW!) in the recent past, so I don't count on anything until it actually happens.

4th June 2017, 05:54 PM
another way to go after china?North Korea doesn't have a Bank of Rothschild.

4th June 2017, 07:09 PM
ask a nyc skype bankster. apparently they are able to interrogate US sec of state...while you would be beaten and detained for yelling a single question at it


In a 2013 discussion with Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton argued that the only way to contain a belligerent Iran would be to “bomb their facilities,” referring to nuclear facilities that a future nuclear deal would temporarily shut down.

When Blankfein challenged Clinton, noting that exclusively aerial assaults of aggressor nations have never stopped a war in history, Clinton agreed, arguing that the Iranian problem is too complicated and no one has come up with a better solution.

The conversation occurred in June 2013 at the Investment Banking Division (IBD) CEO Annual Conference and has been made public through the organization Wikileaks. Neither Clinton nor her campaign have denied the veracity of these speeches, released late last week.

Amid a range of topics, Blankfein asks the former Secretary of State about the threat that Iran presents to both regional and global stability. “You know how we would like things to work out, but it’s not discernable to me what the policy of the United States is towards an outcome either in Syria or where we get to in Iran,” he says, asking Clinton to clarify.

After an extended answer on the current situation in Syria (at the time, the Syrian Civil War was two years old), Clinton responds regarding Iran, “Our policy is prevention, not containment.”

Blankfein appears unsatisfied with this answer. “What do you — I’ve always assumed we’re not going to go to war, a real war, for a hypothetical,” he responds. “So I just assumed that we would just back ourselves into some mutually assured destruction kind of — you know, we get used to it.”

“The rhetoric is there, prevention, but I can’t see us paying that kind of a price, especially what the president has shown,” he continues. “We’re essentially withdrawing from Iraq and withdrawing from Afghanistan. It’s hard to imagine going into something as open ended and uncontainable as the occupation of Iran. How else can you stop them from doing something they committed to doing?”

Clinton responds that the solution is “bombing” Iran.

“Well, you up the pain that they have to endure by not in any way occupying or invading them but by bombing their facilities. I mean, that is the option. It is not as, we like to say these days, boots on the ground,” she says.

Blankfein asks of that option, “Has it ever worked in the history of a war?”

Clinton replies, “No.”

Clinton tries to continue to reason that this is still the best possible option in the current situation, and defends herself for helping come up with the current Obama administration foreign policy.

4th June 2017, 07:25 PM
North Korea doesn't have a Bank of Rothschild.

They will soon. Probably Rothschild Holdings Korea dba "Bank of (South) Korea."

4th June 2017, 07:26 PM
They will soon. Probably Rothschild Holdings Korea dba "Bank of (South) Korea."

think iran already fell under similar op

4th June 2017, 07:35 PM
think iran already fell under similar op

I checked Wikipedia on the history of the "Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran," and found these interesting tidbits:

Established: 1960


During the Achaemenid era, trade boomed and subsequently banking operation expanded to an extent that Iranians managed to learn the banking method from the people of Babylon. (proud to be using Babylonian banking?)


The first state owned Iranian bank, Bank Melli Iran was established in 1927 by the government of Iran. The bank's primary objective was to facilitate government's financial transactions and to print and distribute the Iranian currency (rial and toman). For more than 33 years, Bank Melli Iran was acting as the central bank of Iran with the responsibility to maintain the value of Iranian rial.

In August 1960, the Iranian government established the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) and separated all central banking responsibilities from Bank Melli Iran and assigned it to the newly formed central bank.[7]

The Central Bank of Iran was renamed to "the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran" immediately after the Islamic revolution in 1979 and the overthrow of the Shah of Iran. Scope and responsibilities of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) have been defined in the Monetary and Banking Law of Iran.[8] Iran’s banking system adhered to the new Islamic rules that prohibit earning or paying interest.


Seven economists with at least 15 years of work experience were to become members of the general assembly according to a new law proposed by the Majlis in 2010, thus moving this body from being state-dominated to one where the private sector has greater say in the decision making process. Tenure of each member would be for 10 years and only for one term. Then President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad critiqued this proposal and said that it is important for the Central Bank of Iran not to fall under private control "because it would not benefit the Iranian people" over the long run.

Does this mean the (((Usual Suspects))) have no role? Nope.* Rather odd that Khomeini wouldn't have simply abolished an institution of the Shah...if he could. At least Ahmadinejad is Iran's Andrew Jackson. This is a red flag:

As of January 21, 2010 account holders will no longer be allowed to withdraw more than $15,000 from Iranian banks but they can still write checks for larger amounts. The government wants people to use bank checks and electronic banking systems instead of cash transactions.

* well, well, well, look what I found when I looked up the current CBIRI President, Valiollah Seif:


"Enemies" are permitted to present speeches to the CFR?

4th June 2017, 07:49 PM

Today marks a major milestone in the Iran nuclear deal.

It's known as Implementation Day, the day when the International Atomic Energy Agency, or IAEA, says that Iran has curbed its nuclear program enough to begin receiving relief on sanctions. The terms were laid out last July by Iran, the U.S. and five other world powers.

"Today marks the moment that the Iran nuclear agreement transitions from an ambitious set of promises on paper to measurable action in progress," U.S Secretary of State John Kerry announced Saturday in Vienna.

His statement comes directly on the heels of confirmation from IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano, who said that Iran has completed the necessary steps to begin implementation of the agreement.

"This paves the way for the IAEA to begin verifying and monitoring Iran's nuclear-related commitments under the agreement, as requested by the U.N. Security Council and authorised by the IAEA Board," Amano said in the statement.

#IAEA Director General confirms #Iran took all steps to start the implementation of #JCPOA https://t.co/02H1NTqiQ8 pic.twitter.com/iDV2hwnWAx
— IAEA (@iaeaorg) January 16, 2016

In order to get to this stage, Iran first had to fulfill a number of steps to shrink its nuclear program and render it more transparent to outsiders. Under the agreement, Iran was required to reduce its stockpile of enriched uranium by about 98 percent, remove two-thirds of its centrifuges — leaving a total of 5,060 centrifuges — and remove the core of its heavy water reactor at Arak.

Adopting The Iran Nuclear Deal: What Does It Mean?

Now, Iran is set to receive billions of dollars when its assets are unfrozen. Estimates range from $55 billion to over $100 billion.

Perhaps more significantly, the country "will effectively rejoin the international banking system. In short, Iran will be more of a player in the region and beyond in 2016," NPR's Peter Kenyon reports.

The lifting of sanctions will also impact the world oil market and Iran's trading partners, according to the World Bank. "Iran's full return to the global market will eventually add about a million barrels of oil a day, lowering oil prices by US$10 per barrel next year," the World Bank says, "which also expects economic growth to surge to about 5% in 2016 from 3% this year."

4th June 2017, 08:13 PM
All of this shit is theater for the Goyish boobs. The "leaders" of America, Britain, NATO, Russia, China, and even Iran, and possibly North Korea as well, are just actors, playing roles in a script. There is a small amount of leeway for the best among them to veer away from the predetermined script, and it's allowed if it gives a veneer of "authenticity" to the entire production. That's why Trump is allowed to be himself.

The only enemies they have are US, the little folks who know who and what they really are. They are all on the same team.

5th June 2017, 06:44 AM