View Full Version : The story of who Comey really was and how Trump outplayed him

7th June 2017, 11:46 PM
There are very few crime/mystery novels that approach this true story for compelling drama, intrigue and brinkmanship (with the nation in the balance).
Don’t believe the fake-media story that Trump made a mistake or huge gaffe by firing Comey.
Don’t believe the media narrative from the left that it was an attempt to silence Comey from some investigation into Trump.
Don’t believe the RINO narrative that Comey is a good guy just trying to do his job in terrible circumstances and the timing was bad.
Don’t believe the lie that Comey was admired and respected by career FBI investigators and agents.
Don’t believe the lie that Trump’s “tweets” are not professional and have no strategic purpose. His tweets are weaponized and deadly.
James Comey is a poisonous snake of the highest order… a deep-water Swamp Denizen who has been highly paid to deliberately provide cover for high-level corruption by the Clintons and Obama. He is has been central to trying to destroy the Trump campaign and then the Trump administration from the start. He is as dirty as they come in DC. He had highest-level cover (the FBI no less) and was deep into an effort to eliminate Trump. Trump had to move hard, fast, and at exactly the right time to cut the head off the snake without getting bitten by the snake or being finished by the other swamp denizens.
Begin by noticing how the President fired Comey when Comey was 3,000 miles away from his office, that Comey had no inkling he was being cut, that all his files, computers, and everything in his office were seized by his boss Sessions and the justice department. This was not a violation of protocol, it was tactical. Notice how Prez Trump compartmentalized the strike and did not inform any of his White House “staff” to prevent leaks. Notice how he emasculated Comey and the swamp denizens by letting them know in a tweet that the Attorney General got information (surveillance “tapes” from the seizure of Comey’s office) to let Comey and his handlers know that Trump’s DOJ has the goods on them. This was a brilliant, strategic and totally imperative move at exactly the right time against horrible, evil and corrupt powers infesting our government.
The swamp is on notice that the President is on to them, they are sweating bullets because their criminal games of corruption are being pursued and they know it. They are screaming and ranting because they are desperate denizens of the swamp who are beginning to realize they are roadkill.
THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE COMEY SCAM. Taken from credible public sources (readily available if you want to look or want me to sent them to you), with a few reasonable “fill in the blank” conclusions of my own.
The Highlights:
Comey was a minor assistant US attorney in the late 90’s. He only gained power and money by being the DOJ official who “investigated” and cleared Bill Clinton of any wrong-doing in Clinton’s totally corrupt pardon (for huge payoffs) of criminal financier Marc Rich as Clinton was leaving the Presidency. This is how Comey began his career as a creature of the “swamp” years ago, as a servant of the Clintons.
Comey provided “cover” for the Clintons in their gaining incredible power and wealth after leaving office through pardoning a billionaire money-launderer, arms dealer and criminal. Comey was a key piece in how the Clintons upped their corruption game and gained incredible wealth through their foundation after leaving the White House. A huge part of the scheme was giving Marc Rich a free pass when he should have spent life in prison, and that is what Comey covered-up for the Clintons. This set up Comey to be part of the corruption machine, making him powerful and wealthy.
Immediately after doing the Clinton’s dirty work as a DOJ official, Comey resigned from the DOJ and took a position as the head attorney (Counsel) of the Lockheed Martin company, a huge military contractor. While he was in that position Lockheed became a major contributor (millions) to the Clinton Foundation and its fake charity spin-offs. In return for these payment to Clinton Inc., Lockheed received huge contracts with Hillary’s state department. Comey was the chief legal officer of Lockheed throughout this period of contributions to Clinton Inc. in return for State Dept. contracts.
In late 2012, after overseeing Lockheed’s successful relationship with the Hillary State Department and the resulting profits, Comey stepped down from Lockheed and received a $6 million dollar payout for his services.
In 2013, the largest bank of England, HSBC Holdings, was deep into a scandal. Investigations by federal authorities and law-enforcement had revealed that for years HSBC had been laundering billions of dollars for Mexican Drug Cartels, channeling money for Saudi banks who were financing terror, moving money for Iran in violation of the sanctions, and other major criminal activity. HSBC’s criminality was pervasive and deliberate by the Bank and its officials. HSBC was a huge Clinton Foundation contributor (many millions) throughout the “investigation” and Bill Clinton was being paid large personal fees for speaking at HSBC events (while Hillary was Sec of State). Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department did what they were paid to do, and let HSBC off of the hook for a paltry 1.2 Billion dollar fine (paid by its stockholders), and not one Director, officer or management member at HSBC was fired or charged with any criminal. Exactly when everyone involved with HSBC Bank (including the Clintons and all of their “donors”) were being let off without penalty, and cover had to be provided to HSBC, Comey was appointed as a Director and Member of the Board of HSBC (in the middle of the fallout from the scandal). He was part of the effort to cover up the scandal and make HSBC “respectable” again.
After about a year as HSBC director, despite his lack of any law enforcement experience, no DOJ leadership experience, and no qualifications for the job, Comey was appointed FBI director by Obama. The only qualification Comey had was that the Clinton’s and their cronies knew Comey was in bed with them, was compromised and was willing to do their dirty work. Comey was appointed to the FBI right when Hillary was leaving the State Department, and was vulnerable to the FBI because she had been using a private-server, mis-handling classified information, selling access to favors/contracts from the State Department to Clinton Foundation Donors (including Comey’s Lockheed Martin), and much more. Remember that this was about the time the Inspector General of the State Department found over 2 billion “missing” from the State Department finances during Hillary’s tenure.
The obvious conclusion is that Comey was appointed to the FBI (along with other reliable Clinton-Obama cronies) to run interference for the Clinton’s and Obama’s at the nation’s federal law enforcement agency(in conjunction with a corrupt Department of Justice). Comey was and is owned by the Clintons. He owed all of his power and wealth to being part of their machine and providing them with cover.
In late 2015 and early 2016, information began to come out about the Clinton Foundation and its use by the Clinton’s as a multi-billion dollar slush fund for corruption and political favors. (even Chelsea’s wedding had been paid for by the “charity) This was right as Hillary was beginning her campaign for President. It was revealed that the Foundation had never completed required reports or had an audit. Supposedly the FBI, under Comey, began an “investigation” of the Clinton Funds. A “professional” accounting firm was brought in by the Clintons to do a review, file some reports, make recommendations to the Clinton Foundation Board, and provide a veneer of legitimacy to the Clinton Fund operations. Predictably, one of the partners in the firm that was chosen (and paid lots of money) is the brother of James Comey (FBI Director). This brother owes James Comey $700,000 for a loan James gave him to buy a house, and presumably some of the money from the Clinton Fund was used to make payments to James on the loan. Over 2 years later and nothing has happened as a result of the FBI “investigating” the Clinton Funds under Comey.
No one in congress or federal law enforcement was intending to actually pursue the Clintons, but Judicial Watch and other independent sources obtained information proving that Hillary had been running her own server, sending out classified information, etc. This information began to come out right in the middle of her campaign to be coronated as President. A “show” investigation had to be performed to appear to look into it and clear her. Who to use?…the reliable shill James Comey.
As head of the FBI, Comey (and his lackeys in key positions) deliberately screwed up the investigation into Hillary’s use of a private server and her plain violation of national security law on classified information. The investigation was deliberately mis-handled in every aspect. Comey gave immunity to all of Hillary’s lackeys, did not use subpoenas or warrants, lost evidence, allowed the destruction of evidence, failed to do any searches or seizures of evidence, did not use a grand-jury, did not swear witnesses, did not record testimony, allowed attorneys to represent multiple suspects (corrupting the testimony). Everything that could be done to ruin the FBI investigation and to cover for Hillary was done. A “slam-dunk” case became a mess. Immunity was given every witness even though they provided no help. Maybe more importantly, by focusing the FBI on the email scandal, attention was drawn away from the much bigger scandal of the Clinton Foundation that could bring down a huge number of corrupt politicians, lobbyists, and even governments.
Originally, Comey’s job was simply to totally botch the Hillary investigation and ruin the case against her and her minions within the FBI regarding he emails. At the same time Comey also started work on a parallel assignment to illegally “wiretap” and surveil Donald Trump and every other person involved in the Republican campaign. He was tasked with digging up any dirt or fact that could be used to hurt the Trump campaign later. This included using a fake “dossier” paid for by the Clinton campaign to obtain authorization for the surveillance and to try to associate Trump’s campaign with the Russians. Under Comey’s direction the Trump/republican campaign was monitored and surveilled and all information was provided to the Obama Whitehouse and the Clinton camp all during the campaign.
Lorretta Lynch was supposed to complete the coverup for Hillary as Attorney General by issuing a finding that the deliberately botched FBI “investigation” did not justify prosecution of Hillary. But someone screwed up and Bill Clinton was video’d meeting with Loretta Lynch in Arizona shortly before she was supposed to make her decision on Hillary (interference with a federal investigation), and Lynch could no longer credibly squash the Hillary scandal. The solution, give the job to James. The Clinton’s owned him and he would have to do whatever is necessary to provide cover.
Comey goes on national TV and violates every rule of the FBI, the Justice Department and American law enforcement by revealing some of the FBI’s “evidence” of what Hillary did (enough to make it look like the FBI and Comey did some investigation), then declaring that there was no “intent” and clearing Hillary. He did what he was ordered to do. The Justice Department and Obama backed Comey’s coverup and it looked like Hillary had survived the scandal.
Then, right before the election, the NYPD obtained pervert Anthony Wiener’s laptop and found classified emails from Hillary on the laptop. The NYPD began leaking details to new-media outlets, and the story was about to explode. Comey once again stepped in to cover Hillary. He short-circuited the NYPD leaks by publicly acknowledging the laptop and the emails, but then claimed just days later that hundreds of thousands of emails had all been reviewed and “nothing new” was on the laptop. Once again, he had done his job. Providing cover and FBI “protection” for Hillary on the newest scandal when it broke.
If Hillary had won, Comey would have kept right on providing cover for the corruption of the Clinton machine. He would have kept the FBI paralyzed, prevented the Clinton Fund from being investigated, and continued to do his job as the Clinton’s personal scandal eraser at the FBI.
The Swamp and its bottom-dwelling denizens realize they are at risk from this political outsider who is not connected to the uni-party machines. Before Trump takes office, a “failsafe” plan is implemented to ruin Trump’s administration and try to force him out of the Presidency. The key players committed to the plan are the democrat politicians, the RINO establishment, the media, the Obama-Clinton operatives imbedded throughout the intelligence agencies and the entire bureaucracy, and most importantly, the Obama DOJ and JAMES COMEY. The scheme is to smear Trump with Russian “connections,” through a fake FBI “investigation” and more importantly, to trap him into a charge of criminal interference with the FBI. COMEY IS THE CENTRAL FIGURE IN THE SCHEME TO TAKE DOWN TRUMP.
The surveillance of the Trump campaign is continued after he is elected, all participants are “unmasked” illegally, and the transcripts are leaked throughout the government and to the media. When General Flynn appropriately calls Russian officials on behalf of Trump, they brush off the old fake “dossier” and all of the surveillance of the campaign, and Comey creates the “Russian Conspiracy” investigation. With help by RINO swamp kingpin and warmonger sell-out McCain, the fake “Russian pee dossier” is leaked to the press. There is no actual evidence of any collusion or connection between Trump or his campaign with Russia, but that does not prevent Comey from initiating an “investigation” at the FBI. This provides Comey with protection from Trump firing him immediately. Comey (or his minions) constantly leak news of the “Russia Investigation” to the media, and the media does its scripted part by screaming constantly about “Russia.” The Democrats fill their role and constantly scream about “Russia.” McCain and the RINO establishment do their part by promising to “investigate” how the Russians influenced the campaign.
Immediately after Trump is sworn in, the DOJ Hillary/Obama operatives and Comey start the direct attack. This is before Sessions has been appointed to the Department of Justice and the DOJ is still controlled by Obama operatives. DOJ Obama appointee Sally Yates approaches the Whitehouse with news that General Flynn had been in contact with Russia and alleges that he might be compromised. She reveals that there is an FBI “investigation” into the Russia ties (which they are constantly leaking to the media themselves). The White House Counsel (who Yates talks to, not Trump) asks for some more information.
The day before the promised additional information is to be provided by Yates to the Whitehouse, Comey sets up a dinner with Trump. If he can get Trump to ask about Flynn or try to intervene regarding Flynn or Russia then Trump can be charged with “interfering with an FBI investigation.” MY OPINION IS THAT COMEY SURVEILLED AND “TAPED” THIS MEETING IN HIS ATTEMPT TO SET UP TRUMP.
This is a two-pronged attack. It protects Comey and DOJ democrat holdovers from being terminated by the new administration because they are involved in an “ongoing investigation” that they control the timetable on(albeit one with absolutely no evidence). If Trump fires Comey then he is “interfering with the investigation” which is itself a federal crime that the FBI could then “investigate.” Alternatively, if they can get Trump to question Comey about Flynn or try to get him to back off of Flynn or the “Russia” investigation, then they again have him “interfering.”
Trump knows it is a set up by Comey and that he is probably being recorded (tips from FBI or DOJ who are not part of the corruption?) Maybe because his phone calls in the Whitehouse as President have already been bugged and released to the media. (FBI is in the best position to do this) Maybe because he was used to the Mafia in NY trying to shake him down every time he built a hotel. Comey tells Trump that Trump is not under investigation regarding Russia, but that others involved with the campaign are being investigated. Trump does not take the bait and attempt to intervene about Flynn or the Russia scam. Later, Flynn is cut loose because he is being used by Comey and the Obama-holdover Justice to try to damage Trump. He did not thing wrong, but if he stayed the charge of “interfering with an investigation” might seem to have teeth. Comey verbally tells Trump on two more occasions that he is not being investigated, but refuses to state this fact publicly or when testifying in Congress.
Trump knows everything I have gone through above about Comey. But he has to move carefully. He has to get his Attorney General and Deputy AG in place, get enough leverage on the Russia narrative, and ideally get rid of Comey in a way that allows him to obtain all the information that Comey has been accumulating (if he is taping Trump he is taping others). Comey, and others testify in Congress. Under oath, both Sally Yates and Intelligence officials from the Obama administration state that there has been no actual evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. More importantly, Comey, while refusing to say that Trump is not under investigation, testifies that he has informed the Senate Intelligence Committee heads who exactly is under investigation regarding Russia.
Trump tells almost no one at the White House that he is moving against Comey (so no leaks… no listening in on his conversations) Trump somehow contacts Sen. Grassley (the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee) and confirms that Comey told the Senator that Trump was not under investigation personally. Trump gets both the Attorney General and the new Deputy Attorney General to legitimately review Comey’s unprofessional actions at the FBI and to recommend in writing that Trump terminate Comey. Somehow Comey goes to California (at the request of AG Sessions or already scheduled and someone at FBI telling Trump?).
Trump seizes the moment and acts. While Comey is in California, 3000 miles away and 7 hours from his office, Trump prepares a letter firing him (with Sessions and the Deputy AG recommendations attached). In the letter Trump states that he had been told 3 times by Comey that he (Trump) was not under investigation. The letter is hand-delivered to the FBI headquarters by DOJ officials to lock-down and seize everything in Comey’s office, including all surveillance files (“tapes”) of Trump and others. All of Comey’s files, docs, computers and “tapes” are taken to Sessions at DOJ. They are not taken to the Whitehouse or Trump, but to Sessions, who has every right to have them. Sessions can tell Trump that Comey had surveillance tapes of Trump that contradict what Comey has been telling Trump, and perhaps tapes of conversations with other swamp “conspirators.” But Trump does not have them personally or at the Whitehouse.
Comey learns he has been fired when the media broadcasts it in California. He had no idea it was coming and he is ticked. On cue, the Democrat politicians and media begin screaming about Trump’s “interference with the Russia investigation” in accordance with the plan to set up Trump for that charge. The Swamp wants to blow up the Russia narrative using Comey, and Comey is set to testify before Congress to try to hurt Trump by saying he was interfering with the FBI investigation. Comey intends to follow through with the plan to take down Trump.
But because of his brilliant timing on this, Trump has Comey’s files, documents and information safely with Sessions at DOJ. Trump sends out a “crazy” tweet that says: “James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press.”

The media and the politicians go crazy about the “inappropriateness” of this tweet. They accuse Trump of “taping” everyone at the White House (forgetting that the Presidents phone calls with foreign leaders have been “taped” without his knowledge.)
Notice that Trump did not say he taped anyone, or that he has any tapes at the White House. It seem apparent that Trump is telling Comey that the DOJ (who has every legal right to possess it) has the surveillance information and files from Comey’s office, the “tapes” obtained and kept by Comey. Comey and all the Swamp Creatures understand the clear message… their plan has failed and Trump’s DOJ is now holding all the cards.
The whole Russia interference scheme crashes and burns. While the mouthpiece media, Hollywood and the insane fringe continue to scream about Russia and Comey being fired, the politicians who will soon be in the crosshairs of a legitimate (and ticked) FBI and DOJ are starting to fall strangely silent. Comey realizes all the leverage is with Trump and that he will be lucky if he is not added to the Clinton Death List because of his knowledge (better not take any baths near an electrical outlet or get on any airplanes).
Comey tells Congress he will not testify and writes a public letter to the FBI accepting his firing and telling them he does not want to discuss why or how he was terminated. Senator Grassley and Senator Feinstein (she must be covering her butt in fear …) issue public statements confirming that Comey told them that the “Russia Investigation” does not involve President Trump personally.
AG Sessions and his Deputy AG use the Comey trove of information to determine who has been part of the Comey Syndicate at the FBI. They will be appointing an “interim” Director of the FBI shortly who has not been compromised by Comey, Clinton or Obama. That “interim” Director does not have to be approved by Congress or anyone, and can immediately begin cleaning house at the FBI of all Comey/Clinton/Obama minions, initiating investigations of the Clintons, Clinton Fund, violations of intelligence confidentiality laws by Susan Rice and Obama, human trafficking in DC, political corruption… draining the Swamp. Using the Comey files they can be fairly certain they are not getting another Comey as an “interim”, and they do not have to wait for the circus of appointing a new permanent “Director” through Congressional approval. Most of the heavy lifting on rooting out FBI corruption and starting investigations into the swamp will be done by the “interim” before a new director is appointed. I suspect the Trump administration hopes the approval FBI Director process will be slow and tedious, so there is no political interference with the housecleaning that is starting.
In one masterstroke, Trump has eliminated a truly toxic and dangerous enemy to his administration and our country, dealt a horrendous blow to the Clinton/Obama and deep state machines, begun the restoration of the integrity of the FBI and the DOJ, and gained incredible ammunition to begin hunting the foul creatures in the swamp.


8th June 2017, 05:06 AM
Did Mick format that?

8th June 2017, 05:30 AM
Did Mick format that?

Pot meets kettle.

8th June 2017, 06:55 AM
The quoted part of this article was posted on GSUS earlier with the authors name . . . .

Edit: posted by Joshua01 http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?95628-The-Real-Reason-Trump-Fired-Comey&p=897177&viewfull=1#post897177

I formatted and included comments from the blogger

Jerry E.Pournelle


This is provided as received. I cannot find any confirming source online.

It contains assertions of fact I had not seen in other sources. Take it with as little or as much salt as you deem appropriate.

This unidentified email confirms many suspicions and fills in some details that I could not understand.

There are very few crime/mystery novels that approach this true story for compelling drama, intrigue and brinkmanship (with the nation in the balance).

Don’t believe the fake-media story that Trump made a mistake or huge gaffe by firing Comey.

Don’t believe the media narrative from the left that it was an attempt to silence Comey from some investigation into Trump.

Don’t believe the RINO narrative that Comey is a good guy just trying to do his job in terrible circumstances and the timing was bad.

Don’t believe the lie that Comey was admired and respected by career FBI investigators and agents.

Don’t believe the lie that Trump’s “tweets” are not professional and have no strategic purpose. His tweets are weaponized and deadly.

James Comey is a poisonous snake of the highest order… a deep-water Swamp Denizen who has been highly paid to deliberately provide cover for high-level corruption by the Clintons and Obama. He is has been central to trying to destroy the Trump campaign and then the Trump administration from the start. He is as dirty as they come in DC. He had highest-level cover (the FBI no less) and was deep into an effort to eliminate Trump.

Trump had to move hard, fast, and at exactly the right time to cut the head off the snake without getting bitten by the snake or being finished by the other swamp denizens.

Begin by noticing how the President fired Comey when Comey was 3,000 miles away from his office, that Comey had no inkling he was being cut, that all his files, computers, and everything in his office were seized by his boss Sessions and the justice department. This was not a violation of protocol, it was tactical. Notice how Prez Trump compartmentalized the strike and did not inform any of his White House “staff” to prevent leaks. Notice how he emasculated Comey and the swamp denizens by letting them know in a tweet that the Attorney General got information (surveillance “tapes” from the seizure of Comey’s office) to let Comey and his handlers know that Trump’s DOJ has the goods on them. This was a brilliant, strategic and totally imperative move at exactly the right time against horrible, evil and corrupt powers infesting our government.

The swamp is on notice that the President is on to them, they are sweating bullets because their criminal games of corruption are being pursued and they know it. They are screaming and ranting because they are desperate denizens of the swamp who are beginning to realize they are roadkill.

Taken from credible public sources (readily available if you want to look or want me to sent them to you), with a few reasonable “fill in the blank” conclusions of my own.

The Highlights:
Comey was a minor assistant US attorney in the late 90’s. He only gained power and money by being the DOJ official who “investigated” and cleared Bill Clinton of any wrong-doing in Clinton’s totally corrupt pardon (for huge payoffs) of criminal financier Marc Rich as Clinton was leaving the Presidency. This is how Comey began his career as a creature of the “swamp” years ago, as a servant of the Clintons.

Comey provided “cover” for the Clintons in their gaining incredible power and wealth after leaving office through pardoning a billionaire money-launderer, arms dealer and criminal. Comey was a key piece in how the Clintons upped their corruption game and gained incredible wealth through their foundation after leaving the White House. A huge part of the scheme was giving Marc Rich a free pass when he should have spent life in prison, and that is what Comey covered-up for the Clintons. This set up Comey to be part of the corruption machine, making him powerful and wealthy.

Immediately after doing the Clinton’s dirty work as a DOJ official, Comey resigned from the DOJ and took a position as the head attorney (Counsel) of the Lockheed Martin company, a huge military contractor. While he was in that position Lockheed became a major contributor (millions) to the Clinton Foundation and its fake charity spin-offs. In return for these payment to Clinton Inc., Lockheed received huge contracts with Hillary’s state department. Comey was the chief legal officer of Lockheed throughout this period of contributions to Clinton Inc. in return for State Dept. contracts.

In late 2012, after overseeing Lockheed’s successful relationship with the Hillary State Department and the resulting profits, Comey stepped down from Lockheed and received a $6 million dollar payout for his services.

In 2013, the largest bank of England, HSBC Holdings, was deep into a scandal. Investigations by federal authorities and law-enforcement had revealed that for years HSBC had been laundering billions of dollars for Mexican Drug Cartels, channeling money for Saudi banks who were financing terror, moving money for Iran in violation of the sanctions, and other major criminal activity. HSBC’s criminality was pervasive and deliberate by the Bank and its officials. HSBC was a huge Clinton Foundation contributor (many millions) throughout the “investigation” and Bill Clinton was being paid large personal fees for speaking at HSBC events (while Hillary was Sec of State). Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department did what they were paid to do, and let HSBC off of the hook for a paltry 1.2 Billion dollar fine (paid by its stockholders), and not one Director, officer or management member at HSBC was fired or charged with any criminal. Exactly when everyone involved with HSBC Bank (including the Clintons and all of their “donors”) were being let off without penalty, and cover had to be provided to HSBC, Comey was appointed as a Director and Member of the Board of HSBC (in the middle of the fallout from the scandal). He was part of the effort to cover up the scandal and make HSBC “respectable” again.

After about a year as HSBC director, despite his lack of any law enforcement experience, no DOJ leadership experience, and no qualifications for the job, Comey was appointed FBI director by Obama. The only qualification Comey had was that the Clinton’s and their cronies knew Comey was in bed with them, was compromised and was willing to do their dirty work. Comey was appointed to the FBI right when Hillary was leaving the State Department, and was vulnerable to the FBI because she had been using a private-server, mis-handling classified information, selling access to favors/contracts from the State Department to Clinton Foundation Donors (including Comey’s Lockheed Martin), and much more. Remember that this was about the time the Inspector General of the State Department found over 2 billion “missing” from the State Department finances during Hillary’s tenure.

The obvious conclusion is that Comey was appointed to the FBI (along with other reliable Clinton-Obama cronies) to run interference for the Clinton’s and Obama’s at the nation’s federal law enforcement agency(in conjunction with a corrupt Department of Justice). Comey was and is owned by the Clintons. He owed all of his power and wealth to being part of their machine and providing them with cover.

In late 2015 and early 2016, information began to come out about the Clinton Foundation and its use by the Clinton’s as a multi-billion dollar slush fund for corruption and political favors. (even Chelsea’s wedding had been paid for by the “charity) This was right as Hillary was beginning her campaign for President. It was revealed that the Foundation had never completed required reports or had an audit. Supposedly the FBI, under Comey, began an “investigation” of the Clinton Funds. A “professional” accounting firm was brought in by the Clintons to do a review, file some reports, make recommendations to the Clinton Foundation Board, and provide a veneer of legitimacy to the Clinton Fund operations. Predictably, one of the partners in the firm that was chosen (and paid lots of money) is the brother of James Comey (FBI Director). This brother owes James Comey $700,000 for a loan James gave him to buy a house, and presumably some of the money from the Clinton Fund was used to make payments to James on the loan. Over 2 years later and nothing has happened as a result of the FBI “investigating” the Clinton Funds under Comey.

No one in congress or federal law enforcement was intending to actually pursue the Clintons, but Judicial Watch and other independent sources obtained information proving that Hillary had been running her own server, sending out classified information, etc. This information began to come out right in the middle of her campaign to be coronated as President. A “show” investigation had to be performed to appear to look into it and clear her. Who to use?…the reliable shill James Comey.

As head of the FBI, Comey (and his lackeys in key positions) deliberately screwed up the investigation into Hillary’s use of a private server and her plain violation of national security law on classified information. The investigation was deliberately mis-handled in every aspect. Comey gave immunity to all of Hillary’s lackeys, did not use subpoenas or warrants, lost evidence, allowed the destruction of evidence, failed to do any searches or seizures of evidence, did not use a grand-jury, did not swear witnesses, did not record testimony, allowed attorneys to represent multiple suspects (corrupting the testimony). Everything that could be done to ruin the FBI investigation and to cover for Hillary was done. A “slam-dunk” case became a mess. Immunity was given every witness even though they provided no help. Maybe more importantly, by focusing the FBI on the email scandal, attention was drawn away from the much bigger scandal of the Clinton Foundation that could bring down a huge number of corrupt politicians, lobbyists, and even governments.

Originally, Comey’s job was simply to totally botch the Hillary investigation and ruin the case against her and her minions within the FBI regarding he emails. At the same time Comey also started work on a parallel assignment to illegally “wiretap” and surveil Donald Trump and every other person involved in the Republican campaign. He was tasked with digging up any dirt or fact that could be used to hurt the Trump campaign later. This included using a fake “dossier” paid for by the Clinton campaign to obtain authorization for the surveillance and to try to associate Trump’s campaign with the Russians. Under Comey’s direction the Trump/republican campaign was monitored and surveilled and all information was provided to the Obama Whitehouse and the Clinton camp all during the campaign.

Lorretta Lynch was supposed to complete the coverup for Hillary as Attorney General by issuing a finding that the deliberately botched FBI “investigation” did not justify prosecution of Hillary. But someone screwed up and Bill Clinton was video’d meeting with Loretta Lynch in Arizona shortly before she was supposed to make her decision on Hillary (interference with a federal investigation), and Lynch could no longer credibly squash the Hillary scandal. The solution, give the job to James. The Clinton’s owned him and he would have to do whatever is necessary to provide cover.

Comey goes on national TV and violates every rule of the FBI, the Justice Department and American law enforcement by revealing some of the FBI’s “evidence” of what Hillary did (enough to make it look like the FBI and Comey did some investigation), then declaring that there was no “intent” and clearing Hillary. He did what he was ordered to do. The Justice Department and Obama backed Comey’s coverup and it looked like Hillary had survived the scandal.

Then, right before the election, the NYPD obtained pervert Anthony Wiener’s laptop and found classified emails from Hillary on the laptop. The NYPD began leaking details to new-media outlets, and the story was about to explode. Comey once again stepped in to cover Hillary. He short-circuited the NYPD leaks by publicly acknowledging the laptop and the emails, but then claimed just days later that hundreds of thousands of emails had all been reviewed and “nothing new” was on the laptop. Once again, he had done his job. Providing cover and FBI “protection” for Hillary on the newest scandal when it broke.

If Hillary had won, Comey would have kept right on providing cover for the corruption of the Clinton machine. He would have kept the FBI paralyzed, prevented the Clinton Fund from being investigated, and continued to do his job as the Clinton’s personal scandal eraser at the FBI.

The Swamp and its bottom-dwelling denizens realize they are at risk from this political outsider who is not connected to the uni-party machines. Before Trump takes office, a “failsafe” plan is implemented to ruin Trump’s administration and try to force him out of the Presidency. The key players committed to the plan are the democrat politicians, the RINO establishment, the media, the Obama-Clinton operatives imbedded throughout the intelligence agencies and the entire bureaucracy, and most importantly, the Obama DOJ and JAMES COMEY. The scheme is to smear Trump with Russian “connections,” through a fake FBI “investigation” and more importantly, to trap him into a charge of criminal interference with the FBI. COMEY IS THE CENTRAL FIGURE IN THE SCHEME TO TAKE DOWN TRUMP.

The surveillance of the Trump campaign is continued after he is elected, all participants are “unmasked” illegally, and the transcripts are leaked throughout the government and to the media. When General Flynn appropriately calls Russian officials on behalf of Trump, they brush off the old fake “dossier” and all of the surveillance of the campaign, and Comey creates the “Russian Conspiracy” investigation. With help by RINO swamp kingpin and warmonger sell-out McCain, the fake “Russian pee dossier” is leaked to the press. There is no actual evidence of any collusion or connection between Trump or his campaign with Russia, but that does not prevent Comey from initiating an “investigation” at the FBI. This provides Comey with protection from Trump firing him immediately. Comey (or his minions) constantly leak news of the “Russia Investigation” to the media, and the media does its scripted part by screaming constantly about “Russia.” The Democrats fill their role and constantly scream about “Russia.” McCain and the RINO establishment do their part by promising to “investigate” how the Russians influenced the campaign.

Immediately after Trump is sworn in, the DOJ Hillary/Obama operatives and Comey start the direct attack. This is before Sessions has been appointed to the Department of Justice and the DOJ is still controlled by Obama operatives. DOJ Obama appointee Sally Yates approaches the Whitehouse with news that General Flynn had been in contact with Russia and alleges that he might be compromised. She reveals that there is an FBI “investigation” into the Russia ties (which they are constantly leaking to the media themselves). The White House Counsel (who Yates talks to, not Trump) asks for some more information.

The day before the promised additional information is to be provided by Yates to the Whitehouse, Comey sets up a dinner with Trump. If he can get Trump to ask about Flynn or try to intervene regarding Flynn or Russia then Trump can be charged with “interfering with an FBI investigation.” MY OPINION IS THAT COMEY SURVEILLED AND “TAPED” THIS MEETING IN HIS ATTEMPT TO SET UP TRUMP.

This is a two-pronged attack. It protects Comey and DOJ democrat holdovers from being terminated by the new administration because they are involved in an “ongoing investigation” that they control the timetable on(albeit one with absolutely no evidence). If Trump fires Comey then he is “interfering with the investigation” which is itself a federal crime that the FBI could then “investigate.” Alternatively, if they can get Trump to question Comey about Flynn or try to get him to back off of Flynn or the “Russia” investigation, then they again have him “interfering.”

Trump knows it is a set up by Comey and that he is probably being recorded (tips from FBI or DOJ who are not part of the corruption?) Maybe because his phone calls in the Whitehouse as President have already been bugged and released to the media. (FBI is in the best position to do this) Maybe because he was used to the Mafia in NY trying to shake him down every time he built a hotel. Comey tells Trump that Trump is not under investigation regarding Russia, but that others involved with the campaign are being investigated. Trump does not take the bait and attempt to intervene about Flynn or the Russia scam. Later, Flynn is cut loose because he is being used by Comey and the Obama-holdover Justice to try to damage Trump. He did not thing wrong, but if he stayed the charge of “interfering with an investigation” might seem to have teeth. Comey verbally tells Trump on two more occasions that he is not being investigated, but refuses to state this fact publicly or when testifying in Congress.

Trump knows everything I have gone through above about Comey. But he has to move carefully. He has to get his Attorney General and Deputy AG in place, get enough leverage on the Russia narrative, and ideally get rid of Comey in a way that allows him to obtain all the information that Comey has been accumulating (if he is taping Trump he is taping others). Comey, and others testify in Congress. Under oath, both Sally Yates and Intelligence officials from the Obama administration state that there has been no actual evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. More importantly, Comey, while refusing to say that Trump is not under investigation, testifies that he has informed the Senate Intelligence Committee heads who exactly is under investigation regarding Russia.

Trump tells almost no one at the White House that he is moving against Comey (so no leaks… no listening in on his conversations) Trump somehow contacts Sen. Grassley (the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee) and confirms that Comey told the Senator that Trump was not under investigation personally. Trump gets both the Attorney General and the new Deputy Attorney General to legitimately review Comey’s unprofessional actions at the FBI and to recommend in writing that Trump terminate Comey. Somehow Comey goes to California (at the request of AG Sessions or already scheduled and someone at FBI telling Trump?).

Trump seizes the moment and acts. While Comey is in California, 3000 miles away and 7 hours from his office, Trump prepares a letter firing him (with Sessions and the Deputy AG recommendations attached). In the letter Trump states that he had been told 3 times by Comey that he (Trump) was not under investigation. The letter is hand-delivered to the FBI headquarters by DOJ officials to lock-down and seize everything in Comey’s office, including all surveillance files (“tapes”) of Trump and others. All of Comey’s files, docs, computers and “tapes” are taken to Sessions at DOJ. They are not taken to the Whitehouse or Trump, but to Sessions, who has every right to have them. Sessions can tell Trump that Comey had surveillance tapes of Trump that contradict what Comey has been telling Trump, and perhaps tapes of conversations with other swamp “conspirators.” But Trump does not have them personally or at the Whitehouse.

Comey learns he has been fired when the media broadcasts it in California. He had no idea it was coming and he is ticked. On cue, the Democrat politicians and media begin screaming about Trump’s “interference with the Russia investigation” in accordance with the plan to set up Trump for that charge. The Swamp wants to blow up the Russia narrative using Comey, and Comey is set to testify before Congress to try to hurt Trump by saying he was interfering with the FBI investigation. Comey intends to follow through with the plan to take down Trump.

But because of his brilliant timing on this, Trump has Comey’s files, documents and information safely with Sessions at DOJ. Trump sends out a “crazy” tweet that says: “James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press.”

The media and the politicians go crazy about the “inappropriateness” of this tweet. They accuse Trump of “taping” everyone at the White House (forgetting that the Presidents phone calls with foreign leaders have been “taped” without his knowledge.)

Notice that Trump did not say he taped anyone, or that he has any tapes at the White House.

It seem apparent that Trump is telling Comey that the DOJ (who has every legal right to possess it) has the surveillance information and files from Comey’s office, the “tapes” obtained and kept by Comey. Comey and all the Swamp Creatures understand the clear message… their plan has failed and Trump’s DOJ is now holding all the cards.

The whole Russia interference scheme crashes and burns. While the mouthpiece media, Hollywood and the insane fringe continue to scream about Russia and Comey being fired, the politicians who will soon be in the crosshairs of a legitimate (and ticked) FBI and DOJ are starting to fall strangely silent. Comey realizes all the leverage is with Trump and that he will be lucky if he is not added to the Clinton Death List because of his knowledge (better not take any baths near an electrical outlet or get on any airplanes).

Comey tells Congress he will not testify and writes a public letter to the FBI accepting his firing and telling them he does not want to discuss why or how he was terminated. Senator Grassley and Senator Feinstein (she must be covering her butt in fear …) issue public statements confirming that Comey told them that the “Russia Investigation” does not involve President Trump personally.

AG Sessions and his Deputy AG use the Comey trove of information to determine who has been part of the Comey Syndicate at the FBI. They will be appointing an “interim” Director of the FBI shortly who has not been compromised by Comey, Clinton or Obama. That “interim” Director does not have to be approved by Congress or anyone, and can immediately begin cleaning house at the FBI of all Comey/Clinton/Obama minions, initiating investigations of the Clintons, Clinton Fund, violations of intelligence confidentiality laws by Susan Rice and Obama, human trafficking in DC, political corruption… draining the Swamp. Using the Comey files they can be fairly certain they are not getting another Comey as an “interim”, and they do not have to wait for the circus of appointing a new permanent “Director” through Congressional approval. Most of the heavy lifting on rooting out FBI corruption and starting investigations into the swamp will be done by the “interim” before a new director is appointed. I suspect the Trump administration hopes the approval FBI Director process will be slow and tedious, so there is no political interference with the housecleaning that is starting.

In one masterstroke, Trump has eliminated a truly toxic and dangerous enemy to his administration and our country, dealt a horrendous blow to the Clinton/Obama and deep state machines, begun the restoration of the integrity of the FBI and the DOJ, and gained incredible ammunition to begin hunting the foul creatures in the swamp.

Once again, I warn you that this analysis contains statements I have not verified, and clearly states opinions as well as facts. I will add that I have always been puzzled at why a private corporate lawyer, with no real investigative experience, and no law enforcement background, was suddenly called out of his private practice to become the head of the major investigative arm of the federal government.

In that capacity he headed the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s unlawful e-mail server, allowing destruction of evidence – deletion of much of the content on Mrs. Clinton’s judgment that it was not relevant, and the physical destruction of the device after those deletions – and other violations of law. The Clinton server investigation came to nothing despite hard evidence of compromise of classified information.

He was also head of the Russian collusion investigation, although, as Harvard Professor Dershowitz a leading liberal figure, observes there has been no allegation of a crime (http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/alan-dershowitz-special-counsel-end-hell-find-no-crime-no-obstruction-justice): it would be politically inadvisable, but there is no law preventing a Presidential Candidate from asking a foreign government for assistance in an election. Even the aged Logan Act does not prevent that. The “Russian investigation” was kept open for months despite no allegation that any crime whatever was committed, or any effective Russian act was undertaken..

But then Martha Stewart was jailed by then Assistant US Attorney (for Southern New York) Comey for denying that she said something that was not a crime if she said it. She was not under oath at the time, thus providing a new code of conduct in dealing with Federal Authorities even in unsworn statements: Say Nothing About Anything. Cooperation Could Get You Jailed.

Attorney General Lynch recused herself from deciding whether to prosecute Mrs. Clinton and left the decision to the FBI; this is not normal practice for an investigative agency, but then it is not normal to call in a Corporate Counsel from private practice to head the FBI.

Exceeds 30,000 word limit - continued

8th June 2017, 06:57 AM
Continued from above:

With regard to the Flynn affair: I remind you that Flynn called the Russian Ambassador after President Obama declared persona non grata about 30 Russian diplomats and their families. If there is anyone who believes that the National Security Advisor designate (this was after the election but before inauguration) could talk to the Russian Ambassador and that subject would not come up, I have yet to meet that person; thus if Flynn, who called from the Trump Tower on a Trump phone with Trump permission was somehow being evasive about what he talked with the Russian Ambassador, it would be strange – especially when Flynn must have known that the FBI was listening to that phone call. And sure enough, Flynn, whose identity was supposed to be kept masked, was publicly unmasked and the details leaked to the Press: and that unmaking and leak is the one black letter felony we know of, proved to have happened, in this affair. It has yet to be prosecuted. There were other FISA unmaskings dating back to last summer, where the identities of US citizens known to have talked to foreign FISA tapped phones were commonly circulated in the White House during the campaign. No charges have ever been made about this although once again it is a black latter law felony The FBI must have been too busy investigating the Russian incidents to have time to look into these felonies.

8th June 2017, 03:20 PM
Corrupt "law enforcer" vs. corrupt "businessman" and "president."

It's not a swamp; it's cancer. And only radiation therapy will cure it.

Stop Making Cents
8th June 2017, 05:42 PM
Fantastic read! Thank you! Trump and Sessions are going to destroy the deep state communists. I'm still amazed at how Trump plays 3D chess. Absolutely amazing. This man has God's help. There's no doubt about it.

7th trump
8th June 2017, 07:42 PM
Corrupt "law enforcer" vs. corrupt "businessman" and "president."

It's not a swamp; it's cancer. And only radiation therapy will cure it.

You're gonna be disappointed.............fool!

You cry, kick and scream louder than any pussy liberal I've ever witnessed.

7th trump
8th June 2017, 07:44 PM
Fantastic read! Thank you! Trump and Sessions are going to destroy the deep state communists. I'm still amazed at how Trump plays 3D chess. Absolutely amazing. This man has God's help. There's no doubt about it.

Dont say that too loud.
Dumbthink will hear you.

8th June 2017, 07:57 PM
Fred's in the corner crying his little eyes out. He was CERTAIN Trump would be impeached this time for sure!!!

Hey Fred:

Dont say that too loud.
Dumbthink will hear you.

8th June 2017, 08:48 PM
This man has God's help.

God helps habitual liars, serial adulterers, and unrepentant sinners?

More likely: Trump made a better deal with Satan.

8th June 2017, 08:50 PM
Fred's in the corner crying his little eyes out. He was CERTAIN Trump would be impeached this time for sure!!!

The Republicans can keep Trump, or, the House & Senate. They have about a year to decide. Pence is waiting there, with a lot less baggage.

Oh, and my "president" is Jesus Christ.

7th trump
8th June 2017, 08:51 PM
God helps habitual liars, serial adulterers, and unrepentant sinners?

More likely: Trump made a better deal with Satan.

Been listening to liberals havent you fool!

8th June 2017, 08:51 PM
The Republicans can keep Trump, or, the House & Senate. They have about a year to decide. Pence is waiting there, with a lot less baggage.

Oh, and my "president" is Jesus Christ.http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/d8/d832b77e3e8b0c173a0a7664bc5f6fb3a9a44e92a2f27eb0bc 1e6379cacd37f8.jpg

8th June 2017, 08:58 PM
So the big news in all of this is and was the Lynch angle. It's clear Bill did ask Lynch to interfere with the investigation of the Hillary server when they met on the airport runway.

Story confirmed. What will happen? The Clintons are nice people. Is Lynch a nice people too?

It's also clear Comey was on the receiving end of a specific type of encouragement via Lynch. I wonder if his clock is now ticking? He should steer clear of hills.

8th June 2017, 09:03 PM
No one will be charged. No one will go to jail. DC is a cesspool of filth and corruption and it's too big to fail!
So the big news in all of this is and was the Lynch angle. It's clear Bill did ask Lynch to interfere with the investigation of the Hillary server when they met on the airport runway.

Story confirmed. What will happen? The Clintons are nice people. Is Lynch a nice people too?

It's also clear Comey was on the receiving end of a specific type of encouragement via Lynch. I wonder if his clock is now ticking? He should steer clear of hills.

8th June 2017, 09:53 PM
No one will be charged. No one will go to jail. DC is a cesspool of filth and corruption and it's too big to fail!

I think shit's about to happen. Probably not the clintons yet but the stairway chipping away to get there is getting closer.

9th June 2017, 11:58 AM

9th June 2017, 02:07 PM
We have a few conflicts going on between Trump and Comey. Heard a little on NPR today and they don't even know how to spin it. One of the 2 are lying and trump says he will testify against Comey 100%. Wish I had some time to look through all that has transpired these last 2 days. I think Trump ruined Comey and this all leads back to the clittons in which Trump needs to do nothing and let the legalities take care of it all... lol. Greatest Show on Earth!



9th June 2017, 03:49 PM
I'm sure Trump approves any conflict, as it distracts from the case of that DNC Rep. who were offed.

9th June 2017, 04:18 PM
I'm sure Trump approves any conflict, as it distracts from the case of that DNC Rep. who were offed.

Did you ever play 3D chess?

7th trump
9th June 2017, 04:35 PM
Trump is tackling this with caution and precision. Trump has never done anything in his life that wasnt to win.
He didnt have to go for being president but he knew if he didnt everything he built was for not.
He knows the inside and who they are...and you cant come out of the gate bucking and kicking with both barrels firing.......you get murdered if you do.

Theres decades upon decades of filthy communist and career greedy sell out politicians in government. You have to be careful.
There are forces Trump is up against...give him time. Hes giving them all the public rope to hang themselves. If you watch trump closely he's making them admit they are liars and fools.
Comey is just the begining.

9th June 2017, 05:12 PM
I dont think there is any strategy deeper there than covering a bald spot.

Its all just a distraction to remove power from already weak to jew hands.

9th June 2017, 06:26 PM
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8cba100a44060cfd5afc3a97dd51e09a60d8efff45013f114c b38afbf1407e70.gif?w=800&h=351

9th June 2017, 06:28 PM
Cue Crapthink in 3....2....1....
Trump is tackling this with caution and precision. Trump has never done anything in his life that wasnt to win.
He didnt have to go for being president but he knew if he didnt everything he built was for not.
He knows the inside and who they are...and you cant come out of the gate bucking and kicking with both barrels firing.......you get murdered if you do.

Theres decades upon decades of filthy communist and career greedy sell out politicians in government. You have to be careful.
There are forces Trump is up against...give him time. Hes giving them all the public rope to hang themselves. If you watch trump closely he's making them admit they are liars and fools.
Comey is just the begining.

10th June 2017, 01:05 AM
Swamp creature Comey threw Lynch, Trump, the press under the bus on Thursday

Now Playing James Comey’s testimony in 3 minutes

The Senate committee leadership deserves kudos for maintaining some sense of professionalism, comity, and civility at the recent hearing with James Comey. Chairman Burr and vice chairman Warner demonstrated an effective working relationship in a highly partisan environment. This is the one positive take away from the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing with former FBI Director Comey.

The rest of the day, however, went downhill. Those who watched didn’t see much that would instill confidence or pride into Washington. The star and only witness, James Comey, was anything but a star witness. He did not make America proud. The mainstream media talked about his credibility and integrity. But was it really? James Comey continuously threw people under the bus, Exposing the Washington that the American people have grown to distrust. He proved that Washington is a swamp that needs draining.

The first group of people Mr. Comey threw under the bus was former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and the Obama administration. He recounted the directive that he received from Ms. Lynch describing the investigative work surrounding the Clinton email scandal as a matter rather than an investigation. Surprisingly, Mr. Comey followed her political directive even though he felt uncomfortable and queasy about the order. His actions were wrong when he failed to stand up against her political bias. She was wrong to direct it.

The second person Mr. Comey threw under the bus was President Trump. He repeatedly called the President a liar. This is an opinion, not a fact. Mr. Comey also claimed he took notes of their meetings because he assumed the President would lie. Yet he never used this standard with Loretta Lynch or others in the Obama Administration. He characterized the President’s description of the FBI at the time of his firing as nothing but falsehoods. In reality the President was articulating his own opinions, as well as those of individuals like Minority Leaders Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and others. They all agreed Mr. Comey had failed in his leadership of the FBI.

Furthermore, Mr. Comey threw the media under the bus. He characterized the media as frequently erring in its reporting. He called much of the coverage dead wrong. He didn’t call it “fake news”, but he clearly implied that much of their reporting is just sloppy journalism at best.
Lastly, Mr. Comey threw himself under the bus. Not only was he unable to stand up to Loretta Lynch and President Trump when he thought it was required, he also decided to leak personal notes to the media. He leaked information through a third party and remained an anonymous source.

Comey should have taken his notes to the Justice Department or to the appropriate committees in the House and Senate. He chose to take it to the press because his clear intention was to achieve a political objective and damage the President. There are further indications that this may not have been his only leak. This is an issue that should be examined in depth.

The former chief law enforcement officer of the United States will now forever be known as a leaker and a political-manipulator-in-chief. It makes you wonder how our FBI agents feel today.

Other than the performance by the Senate Intelligence Committee, the rest of the day looked very much like the swamp the American people need drained. The former Director of the FBI showed himself to be anything but a fair enforcer of the law. Under political pressure, he succumbed to the wishes of an Attorney General, he continually name-called the President, he exposed the media as guilty of producing sloppy journalism, and he engaged in the unethical leaking of sensitive information. Yes, Mr. Comey uncovered the seamy underside of the Washington swamp. He also very much confirmed himself to be a part of it. James Comey poured salt into the open wounds of America’s distrust of the swamp that is Washington.

Pete Hoekstra is the Shillman senior fellow at the Investigative Project on Terrorism (http://www.investigativeproject.org/). He is the former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and is author of "Architects of Disaster: The Destruction of Libya. (https://www.amazon.com/Architects-Disaster-Destruction-Libya-Calamo-ebook/dp/B0179MAGZK/)"

10th June 2017, 04:08 AM
What do you think about that article/Op Ed Cebu?

I think this kind of piece is indicative of media obscuring the true despicableness of politicians behaviours. Minimizing it's immorality and criminality.

For me its been an interesting series of exposures. I won't call them revelations because we're obviously not surprised by any of this stuff. I am reading the Politico commentary with interest though. Especially when Politicians and public Servants are frying under the intense rays of the magnifying glasses of congressional committees and editorial opinionators as in this case.

While its easy to criticize someone who hasn't adhered to a ethically with strictness and it's easy to accuse them of being no better than the swamp they are bathing in, sometimes it's worth remembering, they are bathing in that swamp with all the dangers it involves AND it may not be so easy to swim in another direction and stay above water at the same time.

Ideally there would not be a swamp and ideally there would not be politicians with all their corruption. But there is. I'm not making excuses because there is supposedly always a choice to stand and deliver or fold and sink below the water line. I think Comey. as compromised as he is trying to make the most of what he's up against. Not saying that's an exemption for previous dubious behaviour but I think at least he's not going down without a fight and hopefully he can really take some others down with him. At this point I think he has little choice. Or 2 choices.

10th June 2017, 10:48 AM
I think comey is carefully exposing some of the swamp most likely to save his ass just like a dope dealer plea bargaining by narking on his supplier.

10th June 2017, 01:38 PM
Here is the OP with links included.


There are very few crime/mystery novels that approach this true story for compelling drama, intrigue and brinkmanship (with the nation in the balance).

Don’t believe the fake-media story that Trump made a mistake or huge gaffe by firing Comey. (http://archive.is/VYmA0/image)
Don’t believe the media narrative from the left that it was an attempt to silence Comey from some investigation into Trump.
Don’t believe the RINO narrative that Comey is a good guy just trying to do his job in terrible circumstances and the timing was bad.
Don’t believe the lie that Comey was admired and respected by career FBI investigators and agents. (http://archive.is/cyabg)
Don’t believe the lie that Trump’s “tweets” are not professional and have no strategic purpose. His tweets are 'weaponized' and deadly.

James Comey is a poisonous snake of the highest order… a deep-water Swamp Denizen who has been highly paid to deliberately provide cover for high-level corruption by the Clintons and Obama. He is has been central to trying to destroy the Trump campaign and then the Trump administration from the start. He is as dirty as they come in DC. He had highest-level cover (the FBI no less) and was deep into an effort to eliminate Trump. Trump had to move hard, fast, and at exactly the right time to cut the head off the snake without getting bitten by the snake or being finished by the other swamp denizens.

Begin by noticing how the President fired Comey when Comey was 3,000 miles away from his office, (http://archive.is/tgs8t) that Comey had no inkling he was being cut, that all his files, computers, and everything in his office were seized by his boss Sessions and the justice department.

This was not a violation of protocol, it was tactical. Notice how Prez Trump compartmentalized the strike and did not inform any of his White House “staff” to prevent leaks. Notice how he emasculated Comey and the swamp denizens by letting them know in a tweet that the Attorney General got information (surveillance “tapes” from the seizure of Comey’s office) to let Comey and his handlers know that Trump’s DOJ has the goods on them. This was a brilliant, strategic and totally imperative move at exactly the right time against horrible, evil and corrupt powers infesting our government. The swamp is on notice that the President is on to them, they are sweating bullets because their criminal games of corruption are being pursued and they know it. They are screaming and ranting because they are desperate denizens of the swamp who are beginning to realize they are roadkill.

THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE COMEY SCAM. Taken from credible public sources (readily available if you want to look or want me to sent them to you), with a few reasonable “fill in the blank” conclusions of my own.

The Highlights:
Comey was a minor assistant US attorney in the late 90’s. He only gained power and money by being the DOJ official who “investigated” and cleared Bill Clinton of any wrong-doing in Clinton’s totally corrupt pardon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton_pardon_controversy) (for huge payoffs) of criminal financier Marc Rich as Clinton was leaving the Presidency. This is how Comey began his career as a creature of the “swamp” years ago, as a servant of the Clintons.

Comey provided “cover” for the Clintons in their gaining incredible power and wealth after leaving office through pardoning a billionaire money-launderer, arms dealer and criminal. Comey was a key piece in how the Clintons upped their corruption game and gained incredible wealth through their foundation after leaving the White House.

A huge part of the scheme was giving Marc Rich a free pass when he should have spent life in prison (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/obituaries/marc-rich-businessman-who-was-named-on-the-fbi-s-most-wanted-fugitive-list-8679454.html), and that is what Comey covered-up for the Clintons. This set up Comey to be part of the corruption machine, making him powerful and wealthy.

Immediately after doing the Clinton’s dirty work as a DOJ official, Comey resigned from the DOJ and took a position as the head attorney (Counsel) of the Lockheed Martin company (https://www.opensecrets.org/revolving/rev_summary.php?id=70344), a huge military contractor. While he was in that position Lockheed became a major contributor (millions) to the Clinton Foundation (https://www.clintonfoundation.org/clinton-global-initiative/commitments/urban-sustainability-triage-and-realization) and its fake charity spin-offs. In return for these payment to Clinton Inc., Lockheed received huge contracts with Hillary’s state department. Comey was the chief legal officer of Lockheed throughout this period of contributions to Clinton Inc. in return for State Dept. contracts.

In late 2012, after overseeing Lockheed’s successful relationship with the Hillary State Department and the resulting profits, Comey stepped down from Lockheed and received a $6 million dollar payout for his services.
In 2013, the largest bank of England, HSBC Holdings, was deep into a scandal. (http://www.corp-research.org/HSBC) Investigations by federal authorities and law-enforcement had revealed that for years HSBC had been laundering billions of dollars for Mexican Drug Cartels, channeling money for Saudi banks who were financing terror, moving money for Iran in violation of the sanctions, and other major criminal activity.
HSBC’s criminality was pervasive and deliberate by the Bank and its officials. HSBC was a huge Clinton Foundation contributor (http://archive.is/uymYj) (many millions (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/10/hillary-clinton-foundation-donors-hsbc-swiss-bank)) throughout the “investigation” and Bill Clinton was being paid large personal fees for speaking at HSBC events (while Hillary was Sec of State). Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department did what they were paid to do (http://observer.com/2014/11/obama-pick-for-ag-let-hsbc-off-the-hook/), and let HSBC off of the hook for a paltry 1.2 Billion dollar fine (paid by its stockholders), (http://www.bbc.com/news/business-20673466) and not one Director, officer or management member at HSBC was fired or charged with any criminal.

Exactly when everyone involved with HSBC Bank (including the Clintons and all of their “donors”) were being let off without penalty, and cover had to be provided to HSBC, Comey was appointed as a Director and Member of the Board of HSBC (http://archive.is/T0jgP) (in the middle of the fallout from the scandal). He was part of the effort to cover up the scandal and make HSBC “respectable” again.

After about a year as HSBC director, despite his lack of any law enforcement experience, no DOJ leadership experience, and no qualifications for the job, Comey was appointed FBI director by Obama.

The only qualification Comey had was that the Clinton’s and their cronies knew Comey was in bed with them, was compromised and was willing to do their dirty work. Comey was appointed to the FBI right when Hillary was leaving the State Department, and was vulnerable to the FBI because she had been using a private-server, mis-handling classified information, selling access to favors/contracts from the State Department to Clinton Foundation Donors (including Comey’s Lockheed Martin), and much more.
Remember that this was about the time the Inspector General of the State Department found over 2 billion “missing” (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/4/state-dept-misplaced-6b-under-hillary-clinton-ig-r/) from the State Department finances during Hillary’s tenure.

The obvious conclusion is that Comey was appointed to the FBI (along with other reliable Clinton-Obama cronies) to run interference for the Clinton’s and Obama’s at the nation’s federal law enforcement agency (in conjunction with a corrupt Department of Justice). Comey was and is owned by the Clintons. He owed all of his power and wealth to being part of their machine and providing them with cover.

In late 2015 and early 2016, information began to come out about the Clinton Foundation (https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/wp/2015/02/18/foreign-donations-to-hillary-clintons-foundation-raise-major-ethical-questions/) and its use by the Clinton’s as a multi-billion dollar slush fund for corruption and political favors (even Chelsea’s wedding had been paid for by the “charity.)

This was right as Hillary was beginning her campaign for President. It was revealed that the Foundation had never completed required reports or had an audit. (http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-clinton-taxes-exclusive-idUSKBN0NE0CA20150423) Supposedly the FBI, under Comey, began an “investigation” of the Clinton Funds. A “professional” accounting firm (http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/27/exclusive-clinton-foundation-auditor-has-troubled-regulatory-history/) was brought in by the Clintons to do a review, file some reports, make recommendations to the Clinton Foundation Board, and provide a veneer of legitimacy to the Clinton Fund operations. Predictably, one of the partners in the firm that was chosen (and paid lots of money) is the brother of James Comey (FBI Director).
This brother owes James Comey $700,000 for a loan James gave him to buy a house, and presumably some of the money from the Clinton Fund was used to make payments to James on the loan. Over 2 years later and nothing has happened as a result of the FBI “investigating” the Clinton Funds under Comey.

No one in congress or federal law enforcement was intending to actually pursue the Clintons, but Judicial Watch and other independent sources obtained information proving that Hillary had been running her own server, sending out classified information, etc. This information began to come out right in the middle of her campaign to be coronated as President. A “show” investigation had to be performed to appear to look into it and clear her. Who to use?…the reliable shill James Comey.

As head of the FBI, Comey (and his lackeys in key positions) deliberately screwed up the investigation into Hillary’s use of a private server and her plain violation of national security law on classified information. The investigation was deliberately mis-handled in every aspect.

Comey gave immunity to all of Hillary’s lackeys (http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/23/the-immunized-five-meet-the-people-covering-for-hillary/)
Did not use subpoenas or warrants *
Lost evidence (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/06/fbi-files-reveal-missing-email-boxes-in-clinton-case-allegations-evidence-tampering.html)
Allowed the destruction of evidence (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/doj-side-agreements-let-agents-destroy-laptops-in-clinton-email-case/article/2603450)
Failed to do any searches or seizures of evidence (http://www.nationalreview.com/article/441715/hillary-clinton-email-investigation-anthony-weiners-huma-abedins-laptop)
Did not use a grand-jury *
Did not swear witnesses (http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/286849-fbi-didnt-record-clinton-interview-no-sworn-oath)
Did not record testimony (http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/286849-fbi-didnt-record-clinton-interview-no-sworn-oath)
Allowed attorneys to represent multiple suspects (corrupting the testimony). (http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/hillary-clinton-fbi-strategy-emails-221435)

(Around the time / after this OP was made - it was revealed a Grand Jury and subpoenas were used (http://hotair.com/archives/2017/04/28/judicial-watch-fbi-got-subpoenas-grand-jury-targeting-hillary-clinton/) but I have no idea in what manner as I haven't researched fully - we've know some people were issued subpoenas but I don't know the extent and who was and wasn't served. Grand jury info just came out April/May 2017. )

Everything that could be done to ruin the FBI investigation and to cover for Hillary was done. A “slam-dunk” case became a mess. Immunity was given every witness even though they provided no help.

Maybe more importantly, by focusing the FBI on the email scandal, attention was drawn away from the much bigger scandal of the Clinton Foundation that could bring down a huge number of corrupt politicians, lobbyists, and even governments.

Originally, Comey’s job was simply to totally botch the Hillary investigation and ruin the case against her and her minions within the FBI regarding he emails. At the same time Comey also started work on a parallel assignment to illegally “wiretap” and surveil Donald Trump and every other person involved in the Republican campaign. He was tasked with digging up any dirt or fact that could be used to hurt the Trump campaign later.

This included using a fake “dossier” (https://www.forbes.com/sites/paulroderickgregory/2017/01/13/the-trump-dossier-is-false-news-and-heres-why/#4a3cbe1d6867) paid for by the Clinton campaign (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/byron-york-senate-committee-targets-fbi-no-2-in-trump-dossier-probe/article/2619120) to obtain authorization for the surveillance and to try to associate Trump’s campaign with the Russians. (http://archive.is/n0Ew5) Under Comey’s direction the Trump/republican campaign was monitored and surveilled and all information was provided to the Obama Whitehouse and the Clinton camp all during the campaign.

Lorretta Lynch was supposed to complete the cover-up for Hillary as Attorney General by issuing a finding that the deliberately botched FBI “investigation” did not justify prosecution of Hillary. But someone screwed up and Bill Clinton was video’d meeting with Loretta Lynch (http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/bill-clinton-loretta-lynch-224972) in Arizona shortly before she was supposed to make her decision on Hillary (interference with a federal investigation), and Lynch could no longer credibly squash the Hillary scandal.

The solution, give the job to James. The Clinton’s owned him and he would have to do whatever is necessary to provide cover. Comey goes on national TV and violates every rule of the FBI, the Justice Department and American law enforcement by revealing some of the FBI’s “evidence” of what Hillary did (enough to make it look like the FBI and Comey did some investigation), then declaring that there was no “intent” and clearing Hillary. (https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/statement-by-fbi-director-james-b-comey-on-the-investigation-of-secretary-hillary-clinton2019s-use-of-a-personal-e-mail-system) He did what he was ordered to do. The Justice Department and Obama backed Comey’s coverup and it looked like Hillary had survived the scandal.

Then, right before the election, the NYPD obtained pervert Anthony Wiener’s laptop and found classified emails from Hillary on the laptop. (http://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/2017/01/12/hillary-clinton-email-criminal-investigation-to-reopen.html) The NYPD began leaking details (https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/24549-nypd-source-weiner-laptop-has-enough-evidence-to-put-hillary-away-for-life) to new-media outlets, and the story was about to explode. Comey once again stepped in to cover Hillary. He short-circuited the NYPD leaks by publicly acknowledging the laptop and the emails, but then claimed just days later that hundreds of thousands of emails had all been reviewed and “nothing new” was on the laptop. (http://archive.is/R9gL7) Once again, he had done his job. Providing cover and FBI “protection” for Hillary on the newest scandal when it broke.

The surveillance of the Trump campaign is continued after he is elected, all participants are “unmasked” (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/03/31/intelligence-official-who-unmasked-trump-associates-is-very-high-up-source-says.html) illegally, and the transcripts are leaked throughout the government and to the media.

When General Flynn appropriately calls Russian officials on behalf of Trump, they brush off the old fake “dossier” and all of the surveillance of the campaign, and Comey creates the “Russian Conspiracy” investigation.

With help by RINO swamp kingpin and warmonger sell-out McCain, the fake “Russian pee dossier” is leaked to the press (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jan/10/fbi-chief-given-dossier-by-john-mccain-alleging-secret-trump-russia-contacts). There is no actual evidence of any collusion or connection between Trump or his campaign with Russia, but that does not prevent Comey from initiating an “investigation” at the FBI. This provides Comey with protection from Trump firing him immediately.

Comey (or his minions) constantly leak news of the “Russia Investigation” to the media, and the media does its scripted part by screaming constantly about “Russia.” The Democrats fill their role and constantly scream about “Russia.” McCain and the RINO establishment do their part by promising to “investigate” how the Russians influenced the campaign.
Immediately after Trump is sworn in, the DOJ Hillary/Obama operatives and Comey start the direct attack. This is before Sessions has been appointed to the Department of Justice and the DOJ is still controlled by Obama operatives.

DOJ Obama appointee Sally Yates approaches the Whitehouse with news that General Flynn had been in contact with Russia (http://archive.is/ir38s) and alleges that he might be compromised. She reveals that there is an FBI “investigation” into the Russia ties (which they are constantly leaking to the media themselves). The White House Counsel (who Yates talks to, not Trump) asks for some more information.

This is a two-pronged attack. It protects Comey and DOJ democrat holdovers from being terminated by the new administration because they are involved in an “ongoing investigation” that they control the timetable on (albeit one with absolutely no evidence).

If Trump fires Comey then he is “interfering with the investigation” which is itself a federal crime that the FBI could then “investigate.” Alternatively, if they can get Trump to question Comey about Flynn or try to get him to back off of Flynn or the “Russia” investigation, then they again have him “interfering.”

Trump knows it is a set up by Comey and that he is probably being recorded (tips from FBI or DOJ who are not part of the corruption?) Maybe because his phone calls in the Whitehouse as President have already been bugged and released to the media. (FBI is in the best position to do this.) Maybe because he was used to the Mafia in NY trying to shake him down every time he built a hotel.

Comey tells Trump that Trump is not under investigation (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/comey-confirms-telling-trump-he-was-not-under-investigation/article/2625241) regarding Russia, but that others involved with the campaign are being investigated. Trump does not take the bait and attempt to intervene about Flynn or the Russia scam. Later, Flynn is cut loose because he is being used by Comey and the Obama-holdover Justice to try to damage Trump. He did nothing wrong, but if he stayed the charge of “interfering with an investigation” might seem to have teeth. Comey verbally tells Trump on two more occasions that he is not being investigated, but refuses to state this fact publicly or when testifying in Congress.
Trump knows everything I have gone through above about Comey. But he has to move carefully. He has to get his Attorney General and Deputy AG in place, get enough leverage on the Russia narrative, and ideally get rid of Comey in a way that allows him to obtain all the information that Comey has been accumulating (if he is taping Trump he is taping others.)

Comey, and others testify in Congress. Under oath, both Sally Yates and Intelligence officials from the Obama administration (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2017/05/30/clapper_no_direct_evidence_of_political_collusion_ between_the_trump_campaign_and_the_russians.html) state that there has been no actual evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. More importantly, Comey, while refusing to say that Trump is not under investigation, testifies that he has informed the Senate Intelligence Committee heads who exactly is under investigation regarding Russia.

Trump tells almost no one at the White House that he is moving against Comey (so no leaks… no listening in on his conversations.) Trump somehow contacts Sen. Grassley (the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee) and confirms that Comey told the Senator that Trump was not under investigation personally. Trump gets both the Attorney General and the new Deputy Attorney General to legitimately review Comey’s unprofessional actions at the FBI and to recommend in writing that Trump terminate Comey. Somehow Comey goes to California (at the request of AG Sessions or already scheduled and someone at FBI telling Trump?)

Trump seizes the moment and acts. While Comey is in California, 3000 miles away and 7 hours from his office, Trump prepares a letter firing him (http://www.businessinsider.com/james-comey-fbi-farewell-letter-fired-2017-6) (with Sessions and the Deputy AG recommendations attached). In the letter Trump states that he had been told 3 times by Comey that he (Trump) was not under investigation.

The letter is hand-delivered to the FBI headquarters by DOJ officials to lock-down and seize everything in Comey’s office, including all surveillance files (“tapes”) of Trump and others. All of Comey’s files, docs, computers and “tapes” are taken to Sessions at DOJ. They are not taken to the Whitehouse or Trump, but to Sessions, who has every right to have them. Sessions can tell Trump that Comey had surveillance tapes of Trump that contradict what Comey has been telling Trump, and perhaps tapes of conversations with other swamp “conspirators.” But Trump does not have them personally or at the Whitehouse.

Comey learns he has been fired when the media broadcasts it in California. He had no idea it was coming and he is ticked. On cue, the Democrat politicians and media begin screaming about Trump’s “interference with the Russia investigation” in accordance with the plan to set up Trump for that charge.

The Swamp wants to blow up the Russia narrative using Comey, and Comey is set to testify before Congress to try to hurt Trump (http://archive.is/D1gVZ) by saying he was interfering with the FBI investigation. Comey intends to follow through with the plan to take down Trump. But because of his brilliant timing on this, Trump has Comey’s files, documents and information safely with Sessions at DOJ. Trump sends out a “crazy” tweet that says: “James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press.” (https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/863007411132649473)
The media and the politicians go crazy about the “inappropriateness” of this tweet. (http://archive.is/00NPw) They accuse Trump of “taping” everyone at the White House (forgetting that the Presidents phone calls with foreign leaders have been “taped” without his knowledge.)

Notice that Trump did not say he taped anyone, or that he has any tapes at the White House. It seem apparent that Trump is telling Comey that the DOJ (who has every legal right to possess it) has the surveillance information and files from Comey’s office, the “tapes” obtained and kept by Comey.

Comey and all the Swamp Creatures understand the clear message… their plan has failed and Trump’s DOJ is now holding all the cards.

The whole Russia interference scheme crashes and burns. (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/chris-matthews-trump-russia-collusion-theory-came-apart-with-comey-testimony/article/2625372) While the mouthpiece media, Hollywood and the insane fringe continue to scream about Russia and Comey being fired, the politicians who will soon be in the crosshairs of a legitimate (and ticked) FBI and DOJ are starting to fall strangely silent. Comey realizes all the leverage is with Trump and that he will be lucky if he is not added to the Clinton Death List because of his knowledge (better not take any baths near an electrical outlet or get on any airplanes).

AG Sessions and his Deputy AG use the Comey trove of information to determine who has been part of the Comey Syndicate at the FBI. They will be appointing an “interim” Director of the FBI shortly who has not been compromised by Comey, Clinton or Obama.

That “interim” Director does not have to be approved by Congress or anyone, and can immediately begin cleaning house at the FBI of all Comey/Clinton/Obama minions, initiating investigations of the Clintons, Clinton Fund, violations of intelligence confidentiality laws by Susan Rice and Obama, human trafficking in DC, political corruption… draining the Swamp.

Using the Comey files they can be fairly certain they are not getting another Comey as an “interim”, and they do not have to wait for the circus of appointing a new permanent “Director” through Congressional approval. Most of the heavy lifting on rooting out FBI corruption and starting investigations into the swamp will be done by the “interim” before a new director is appointed. I suspect the Trump administration hopes the approval FBI Director process will be slow and tedious, so there is no political interference with the housecleaning that is starting.

In one masterstroke, Trump has eliminated a truly toxic and dangerous enemy to his administration and our country, dealt a horrendous blow to the Clinton/Obama and deep state machines, begun the restoration of the integrity of the FBI and the DOJ, and gained incredible ammunition to begin hunting the foul creatures in the swamp.

11th June 2017, 11:59 AM
Trump's legal team to file complaint with DOJ about Comey leak

Katherine Faulders

Jun 9, 2017, 12:44 PM ET

http://a.abcnews.com/images/US/gty-comey-sworn-in-ps-170608_12x5_1600.jpgPlayBrendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images
WATCH Comey accuses Trump of lying about him, FBI

President Trump’s personal lawyer Marc Kasowitz will file a complaint with the Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General asking for an inquiry into James Comey over his leaking the details of his conversations with the president and the memos about those conversations, according to a source close to the Trump legal team.

Kasowitz is also drafting a similar submission to be sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the former FBI (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/federal-bureau-of-investigation.htm) director's Senate testimony Thursday and “other matters,” the source told ABC news.

The plans come after Trump (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/donald-trump.htm) broke his silence on Twitter today and posted, "WOW, Comey is a leaker!"
Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication...and WOW, Comey is a leaker!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 9, 2017 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/873120139222306817)

Trump's former campaign manager calls James Comey 'the deep state' (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/president-trumps-campaign-manager-corey-lewandowski-calls-james/story?id=47933793)

ANALYSIS: Comey goes nuclear in showdown with Trump (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/analysis-comey-nuclear-showdown-trump/story?id=47918344)

Comey testified Thursday that he handed over his memos on the interactions he had with Trump to a "close friend" with the intention that they be shared widely.

"My judgment was I need to get [the memos] out into the public square," Comey said. "So I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memos with a reporter. I didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel."

Comey did not appear to commit a crime by leaking his memos about his conversations with Trump, according to some legal experts. (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/legal-questions-arising-james-comeys-testimony/story?id=47927692)
It would only be a crime if the information was classified, the experts told ABC News but, that said, his actions were improper and violated well-established norms.

Kasowitz said Thursday, "Although Mr. Comey testified he only leaked the memos in response to a tweet, the public record reveals that the New York Times was quoting from these memos the day before the referenced tweet, which belies Mr. Comey’s excuse for this unauthorized disclosure of privileged information and appears to entirely retaliatory.”

But Kasowitz's statement offers an inaccurate chronology of events.

Comey was fired May 9 and Trump tweeted May 12, "James Comey better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"

In the hearing Thursday, Comey said he woke up "in the middle of the night on Monday night," May 15, "because it didn't dawn on me originally, there might be corroboration, a tape."

Comey went on to say that's when he shared the memos with his friend who is a Columbia Law professor.

The New York Times ran its report (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/16/us/politics/james-comey-trump-flynn-russia-investigation.html) on Comey's memos on Tuesday, May 16. In his statement Thursday, Kasowitz appeared to be referring to a New York Times article from May 11 (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/11/us/politics/trump-comey-firing.html?_r=0), which makes no mention of memos and only cites “two people who have heard [Comey’s] account of the dinner.”

President Trump also said he feels "total and complete vindication" despite "so many false statement and lies" in an apparent swipe at Comey.

While the president doesn’t specify his target for the "false statements and lies," Trump's lawyer refuted two key parts of Comey's testimony Thursday.

Contradicting Comey's testimony, Kasowitz said Thursday the president never told Comey he "need[s] loyalty" and he never asked Comey to drop the investigation into former national security (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/news/us/national-security.htm) adviser Mike Flynn.

Kasowitz said Comey confirmed publicly what he had told Trump privately: "That is, that the president was not under investigation as part of any probe into Russian interference."

"The president feels completely vindicated and is eager to continue moving forward with his agenda, with the business of this country, and with this public cloud removed," Kasowitz said.

ABC News' Jon Karl and Lauren Pearle contributed to this report.

11th June 2017, 03:08 PM
subliminal pic


11th June 2017, 03:54 PM
subliminal pic

Above the rest?

11th June 2017, 03:54 PM
Some others get it now too. Although given what quarter its coming from you have to be wary. Of course you need a Congressional Committee, chaired by a DNC no doubt.

How about we just move straight to Grand Jury and let them decide what should happen?

Feinstein: "Congress Should Investigate If Lynch Pressured Comey To Cover For Hillary Clinton"
In a surprisingly non-partsian take by Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, the California senator said that Congress should investigate whether - as we discussed last Thursday - former Attorney General Loretta Lynch pressured former FBI Director James Comey to cover for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

"I think we need to more about that, and there's only one way to know about it and that's to have the Judiciary committee take a look at that."

"I think we need to know more about that," Feinstein told Briana Keilar on CNN's State of the Union, adding that "there's only way to know about it, and that's to have the Judiciary Committee take a look at that."
Separately, Feinstein said she has not yet decided from Comey's testimony whether Trump's interactions with the ex-FBI director amount to obstruction of justice. “I don't know whether it's obstruction of justice. I don’t intend to draw any conclusions until investigations are finished,” she added.

It seems pretty clear what it was on the face of it.


11th June 2017, 04:00 PM
Above the rest?yea, 6' 8" with his powerhouse red tie.

11th June 2017, 08:44 PM
Above the rest?

Yes. And the light effect makes him appear "holy."

WTF did he go into cop work for? Should've been a basketball player...6 fucking 8!

12th June 2017, 07:10 AM

12th June 2017, 07:44 AM

I'm not a fan of Sessions, but maybe he can bring a slingshot to go up against Goliath, I mean Comey.

12th June 2017, 07:05 PM
The Anwan brothers have everyone by the balls. That's why their name is never mentioned anywhere.

Never heard of them? DYODD.

12th June 2017, 07:13 PM
The Anwan brothers have everyone by the balls. That's why their name is never mentioned anywhere.

Never heard of them? DYODD.

they seem to have. wonder what they've got on everyone.

12th June 2017, 08:40 PM
The Anwan brothers have everyone by the balls. That's why their name is never mentioned anywhere.

Never heard of them? DYODD.


Just FYI, it's Awan, no extra "n."

Those H-1Bs came back to haunt the Democrats? LOL

13th June 2017, 12:40 PM
they seem to have. wonder what they've got on everyone.

Not "everyone"


18th June 2017, 04:04 PM
Former FBI Agent outs Comey,

BREAKING: Ex-FBI Agent just Outed Comey in Clinton Cover-Up. Look what he RECEIVED! (https://swampdrain.com/thank-sean-spicer-job-well-done-looks-whos-next-can-get-big-hl-yeah/)

Dan Sessions (https://swampdrain.com/author/aggvsadmin_98761234/)June 18, 2017

https://swampdrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/19357782_10210960361858277_790453036_n.jpg (https://swampdrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/19357782_10210960361858277_790453036_n.jpg)Swamp Drain

Cesar Paz was a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation for 22 years. He is intimately familiar with James Comey, his career path, and many of the conflicts of interest Comey had involving the Clintons, Comey’s secret finances, and much more. Last week Mr. Paz decided he just could not hold back any longer and he made this video. (VIDEO BELOW)

“I’m a retired agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, not the the Federal Bureau of Matter, or Matters.”

Cesar Paz, retired special agent with the FBI

There are many SHOCKING Revelations in this video. It appears that former FBI director James Comey, who President Trump just fired, enriched himself greatly using his government, and Clinton connections. This is HUGE! The Crooked Liberal Media will hide this. Please SHARE with everyone you know as soon as you read the questions below the video. (VIDEO BELOW)


Here is a list of some of Agent Paz’s questions for Comey:
** Please SHARE this when you finish reading. It is URGENT that we get this out!

Isn’t it true that you were an assistant U.S. attorney for a prosecutor between 1996 and 2003?
In your official capacity at the Department of Justice, did you investigate and did you clear Bill Clinton of any wrongdoing for extending a presidential pardon to Marc Rich, a fugitive from justice, a fugitive of the United States?

Isn’t it true that between 2003 and 2005, you held a position with the office of the Attorney General?
Isn’t it true that in 2005, you resigned from the Department of Justice and accepted a job as the senior vice-president with the office of general counsel at Lockheed Martin, a company that is a major, major military contractor?

Isn’t it true that in 2010, when you were employed with Lockheed Martin, Lockheed won 17 approvals for private contracts with the Department of State while Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State?

Isn’t it true that in 2010, while you were employed with Lockheed Martin, Lockheed became a major contributor to the Clinton Foundation and non-profit organizations?

Isn’t it true that in late 2010, after Lockheed was awarded those contracts by the Hillary Clinton State Department, you stepped down from Lockheed and received a $6 million payout for your services?

Isn’t it true that in 2013, the largest bank of England, HSBC, was being investigated by federal authorities for laundering billions of dollars for the Mexican drug cartels, channeling money to the Middle East, specifically Iran, which is in violation of law?

Isn’t it true that Robert Mueller, former director of the FBI and now the special counsel to investigate the alleged “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia… isn’t it true that Mr. Mueller was the chief counsel at HSBC… the same bank that was laundering money for the cartels?

Isn’t it true that HSBC was a significant Clinton Foundation contributor? That Bill Clinton was being paid about $200,000 for his speeches at HSBC events… and this is while Mrs. Clinton was the Secretary of State? No conflict of interest there?

Isn’t it true that HSBC was basically let off the hook with a $1.2 billion fine – which was paid by shareholders – and none of its officers, managers, directors were charged criminally or let go? Isn’t it true that while all hell was breaking loose at HSBC, YOU, Mr. Comey, were appointed as a director and member of the board at HSBC to assist with damage control?
** Please SHARE this when you finish reading. It is URGENT that we get this out!

Isn’t it true, Mr. Comey, that your salary went from $206,000 in 2002 when you were a government employee, to $33.5 million in 2012…. And that you earned these moneys while working for entities that were major contributors to the Clintons?

Isn’t it true that you worked for Bridgewater Associates between 2010 and 2013, and that they are also a major contributor to the Clintons?

Isn’t it true that you worked for Columbia University in 2013 as a senior research scholar at the school of law, and that Columbia University is also a major contributor to the Clintons?

Isn’t it true that you gave this memo that you wrote on Bureau time on a classified computer in a Bureau car… and you gave this memo to Daniel Richman, your friend, a liberal professor (at Columbia), and he gave this memo to the New York Times?

Mr. Comey, you were appointed FBI Director by former President Obama in 2013, as Secretary Clinton was leaving the State Department. Isn’t it true that you were appointed by Obama as FBI Director because you had proven yourself to be of service to the Clintons and their associates and entities that contribute millions of dollars to the Clintons’ non-profit organizations?

Isn’t it true that you, as Director of the FBI in 2013 did absolutely nothing in regards to the missing $2 billion from the State Department finances, and this happened while Mrs. Clinton was Secretary of State?

Isn’t it true, that while you were Director of the FBI, for over two years, nothing happened as a result of the FBI “investigations” into the Clinton non-profit organizations?

If it had not been for the emails that were leaked involving Mrs. Clinton and her associates, all this would be unknown to everyone. But these emails were leaked… and fortunately, the truth is coming out.

Isn’t it true that Mrs. Clinton and other subjects of the investigation were never advised of their Miranda rights, which is used by FBI agents during interviews… this form was never executed.

If you support President Trump, please SHARE this with all your friends on Facebook and Twitter. The Crooked Liberal Media will hide and distort the TRUTH. It’s up to us, Trump social media warriors, to get the truth out. If we don’t, no one will!

18th June 2017, 05:13 PM
Talk is cheap, wake me when Clinton and all her lieutenants are led to jail in chains. Yioutube videos no longer blow my skirt up!