View Full Version : Jews ban race-mixing book for their own

10th June 2017, 12:51 PM
While we deal with the Jews' constant push of race-mixing for Whites, when it comes to their own little kike babies, such ideas are banned, to the point that they literally ban books they don't like.


Israel’s Education Ministry gave Dorit Rabinyan a gift in late 2015 by banning her book “Gader Haya” from the list of required reading for high school literature classes.

The ministry reasoned that the book threatened “the identity and the heritage of students in every sector,” because it portrayed a love story between an Israeli Jew and a Palestinian Muslim. Those identities, the ministry insisted, are best kept “separate.”

“Young people of adolescent age don’t have the systemic view that includes considerations involving maintaining the national-ethnic identity of the people and the significance of miscegenation,” the ministry said in a statement.

10th June 2017, 01:30 PM
being a few decades past high school myself, anyone know of US/EU/etc books which are common high school required reading today, which "celebrate divershitty/miscegenation?"

dinjoo-nuffins watch (((teevee & movies))) too, and I'd guess these are the main vectors today for encouraging miscegenation, no? Show/movie casts, commercial actors, "news" presenters, mixed race relationships between pop stars etc...

10th June 2017, 04:03 PM
being a few decades past high school myself, anyone know of US/EU/etc books which are common high school required reading today, which "celebrate divershitty/miscegenation?"

dinjoo-nuffins watch (((teevee & movies))) too, and I'd guess these are the main vectors today for encouraging miscegenation, no? Show/movie casts, commercial actors, "news" presenters, mixed race relationships between pop stars etc...

The main vector would be the teachers and administrators. They are just spouting what they were taught by their Marxist college professors. The text books are just the another affirmation of the teacher talk.

10th June 2017, 04:48 PM
being a few decades past high school myself, anyone know of US/EU/etc books which are common high school required reading today, which "celebrate divershitty/miscegenation?"

High school? "Before 8 or it's too late," as the pedophiles say:


Nigger father, White mother, as is the usual meme.

dinjoo-nuffins watch (((teevee & movies))) too, and I'd guess these are the main vectors today for encouraging miscegenation, no? Show/movie casts, commercial actors, "news" presenters, mixed race relationships between pop stars etc...

The Jew is a parasitoid, which dies with the host. Measures against Jew/Goy mixing are the exception, not the norm. Most are on-board with the train wreck. Jew/Nigger crosses are common:






10th June 2017, 04:54 PM
The main vector would be the teachers and administrators. They are just spouting what they were taught by their Marxist college professors. The text books are just the another affirmation of the teacher talk.

I disagree. The main vector is Poop "Culture." The public skools follow from that; the tidal wave of sewage from Holowood, Jew York, and Shekelcon Valley is overwhelming. Even a decade ago, teachers expected there to be a Talmudvision in the home for "education" purposes. Even the post-secondary apparatus is largely mass-media-driven.

10th June 2017, 06:13 PM

10th June 2017, 07:46 PM


10th June 2017, 09:10 PM

Didn't show.

11th June 2017, 12:15 AM
Didn't show.

The source, 4chan, prevents hotlinking:


11th June 2017, 10:56 PM
Its good that the jew does not race mix. Imagine the numbers they would have if the jew took non-jews to create more demons? Their numbers would double. Double the Bernie Maddoffs, Bill Kristols, George Soroses, Alan Greenspans and so on.

Half jews are jews, quarter jews are jews, eighth jews are jews. How so? They get perks from the rabbis to control, ruin and kill the goyim. The only remedy to end it is baptism and for them to expose the jewish world conspiracy and the evil Talmud. Then they are no longer jews, in theory.

With jews race mixing, not only is that vile for jew are demons, there would be hundreds of millions of jews soon. The secret societies could retire. "Daddy, why are the jews in power everywhere?" "The holocaust, they have money and political power because of the holocaust and because they are the Devil's own, they are very precious to the Devil".

And partial jews have the holohoax to identify with as their group. Their grandparents sat out World War 2 and they are angry at Hitler and the goyim.

The last three heads of the Federal Reserve have been jews. The last five democratic nominees to the Supreme Court have been jews. 2% of the population and the jews run the media, "government", entertainment industry, medical establishment, banks, wall street.

If Obama had a jew mother, then he is a jew. He was ready to go to war with Syria for the jew, then his administration got caught in a statement and Assad accepted the deal and Assad was not Gaddafied by Obama.