View Full Version : Methodist Church Ordains First ‘Non-Binary Trans Person’ As Deacon

10th June 2017, 04:00 PM
The United Methodist Church — a mainline Protestant denomination boasting some 12 million members worldwide — has commissioned its first brazenly “non-binary trans person” as a deacon.

The newly-minted “non-binary trans” deacon is the Rev. M Barclay, according to United Methodist News Service.

That’s her first name: M. She’s a woman — born with the name Mary Ann Kaiser — who refuses to identity as either female or male. She’s totally just neutral.

Also, she wants everyone to use plural pronouns — they, them and theirs — to refer to her.


10th June 2017, 05:05 PM
The Methodist "church" will be the first to adopt a politically-correct, thought-sanitized abomination perversion of the Bible, with all "hate" removed. Something along the lines of the Queen James "bible."

10th June 2017, 05:06 PM
[Also, she wants everyone to use plural pronouns — they, them and theirs — to refer to her.

You get a choice of he, she, or it.

10th June 2017, 05:22 PM
at least she/it doesnt hide her breasts
“I believe that being biblically obedient means that orientation and gender identity should not be a barrier to following a call to be a leader in Church,” Butler said. “Jesus taught us to love all, and many of his followers included those who were denied a voice and excluded from society.”
https://www.dailytexanonline.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_main_image/public/images/2013/06/2013-06-24_University_UMC_MaryAnn_Emily_Ng0608.jpg?itok=dR d-_5f_

10th June 2017, 05:33 PM
“I believe that being biblically obedient means that orientation and gender identity should not be a barrier to following a call to be a leader in Church,” Butler said. “Jesus taught us to love all, and many of his followers included those who were denied a voice and excluded from society.”

Refusing to accept the fact God made you FEMALE is a huge "fuck you! to Him.

It's fine - and required - to reach out to the mental and moral defectives who are gender-confused/gender-perverted.

It's not fine to "justify" their sinful love for such defects. And, speaking of sinful love, I don''t believe for a second she/it is doing this on principle, but rather as a matter of prideful desire for attention.

10th June 2017, 05:54 PM
Muh religion. :rolleyes: