View Full Version : Vatican launches probe into group of exorcists who 'made a pact with Satan

19th June 2017, 11:33 AM
very bizarre story

Vatican launches probe into group of exorcists who 'made a pact with Satan over the death of Pope Francis'
19 June 2017 GMT

Video shows members of Heralds of the Gospel recount conversation with devil
Entity predicted death of Pope Francis and that group's leader will replace him
The leader, João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, has resigned as the Vatican investigates

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4615862/Probe-group-exorcists-pact-Satan.html#ixzz4kTTPFlA2

19th June 2017, 05:32 PM
Heralds of the Gospel

This says "mercury" to me. The Herald for the Gods. Alchemy. etc. Will try and take a look at the story details soon.

I've come across some interesting information these last few weeks on Alchemy. Seems to be a continuing thing where suddenly a topic becomes a flood of info as lots of people are all looking into it at the same time and discussing/sharing. Alchemy isn't just a physical transmutation of something physical. It can also mean to transmute spirit and mind. Now that I have this comprehension of it..... along with some other elements its' easy to see so much of what we are fed, we call fake news or false flags or outright lies are a form of alchemy, mind control, mind confusion, misleading etc. Seems it's all a part of Alchemy.

Snake oil sales men, theoretical physicists, philosophers (stone). politics. All alchemy.

Actually thats not 100% accurate. The practices of conmen and alchemy have been entwined for aeons. They ply their trade by con-vincing people they can turn something worthless into something valuable. To do this they practice alchemy of the mind or spirit and con their target, not by actually delivering the transmuted thing but by con-vincing the target that they have or will do it. This is the alchemical aspect of the mid.

19th June 2017, 06:57 PM
The Vatican made a pact with Satan in 1962.

19th June 2017, 07:10 PM
The Vatican made a pact with Satan in 1962.


19th June 2017, 07:16 PM
The Vatican made a pact with Satan in 1962.

yes, seems so. Although it may have been much earlier. Perhaps someone tried to make a another pact or their own pact. No loyalty amongst ..... what ever they all are. People making such pacts should not expect the other side to uphold their end of the bargain or they should expect to get it good and hard.

Brings me back to Dantes Inferno. How low people will go in order that they can climb over and above others. Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it. (and more besides).

19th June 2017, 07:49 PM

I believe he is speaking of Vatican 2.

It established a new anti-Christ Church of this:

ROME, April 13 — Pope John Paul II, embracing the world's Jews as ''our elder brothers,'' today paid the first recorded papal visit to a synagogue and condemned persecution and displays of anti-Semitism ''at any time and by anyone.''

''I repeat, 'By anyone,' '' John Paul declared to ringing applause at Rome's central synagogue, situated in what was once the Rome ghetto, established by the decree of one of his predecessors.

Quoting extensively from ''Nostra Aetate,'' or ''In Our Times,'' the Vatican II document that rejected the longstanding belief among many Catholics that Jews were collectively responsible for Christ's death, the Pope declared:

''So any alleged theological justification for discriminatory measures or, worse still, for acts of persecution is unfounded.''


The anti-Christ "Church" has instituted Holocaustianity as the core belief of followers of Vatican 2, more important than belief in Jesus. Nobody needs to believe in Jesus anymore according to their own statements, but the Holohoax must be believed by all.

Where is John Paul the Jew?


20th June 2017, 12:16 AM

As C.Martel explicitly noted, "Vatican II" or formally, the Second Vatican Council, which "fundamentally transformed" Roman Catholic doctrine into a perversion of what had been "truth" for 1800 years prior.

Many believe that Vatican II is when Jewish domination of the Roman church became a fait accompli.

20th June 2017, 04:13 AM
everything is corrupt and twisted. At that level of realization (that mind and matter are same), indeed the temptation to use it to CON people is certainly huge because the average people will not even be able to wrap their minds around such an Idea. Though the more are able to, the less evil in the world.

Not saying that I got it all yet but this is 101 mind control. Mind control stems from a metaphysical divide operating within, that is why the NWO laughs all the way long when we fight among each others because most will not see where the divide originated from. But it is all there: God is within. Devil is separation.

whoever run the scam is UNimportant, it is in every belief system.

This says "mercury" to me. The Herald for the Gods. Alchemy. etc. Will try and take a look at the story details soon.

I've come across some interesting information these last few weeks on Alchemy. Seems to be a continuing thing where suddenly a topic becomes a flood of info as lots of people are all looking into it at the same time and discussing/sharing. Alchemy isn't just a physical transmutation of something physical. It can also mean to transmute spirit and mind. Now that I have this comprehension of it..... along with some other elements its' easy to see so much of what we are fed, we call fake news or false flags or outright lies are a form of alchemy, mind control, mind confusion, misleading etc. Seems it's all a part of Alchemy.

Snake oil sales men, theoretical physicists, philosophers (stone). politics. All alchemy.

Actually thats not 100% accurate. The practices of conmen and alchemy have been entwined for aeons. They ply their trade by con-vincing people they can turn something worthless into something valuable. To do this they practice alchemy of the mind or spirit and con their target, not by actually delivering the transmuted thing but by con-vincing the target that they have or will do it. This is the alchemical aspect of the mid.

20th June 2017, 07:10 AM
As C.Martel < JESUIT TRAINED explicitly noted, ....."fundamentally transformed" Roman Catholic doctrine into a perversion of what had been "truth" .

The Catholic church has been a PAGAN CULT since DAY ONE, if anything it only gets MORE pagan and MORE satanic.
This is a clever RUSE to make you THINK (crimeTHINK) that the catholic church WAS okay FOR AWHILE

B A L O N E Y!!


20th June 2017, 10:26 AM
The Catholic church has been a PAGAN CULT since DAY ONE, if anything it only gets MORE pagan and MORE satanic.
This is a clever RUSE to make you THINK (crimeTHINK) that the catholic church WAS okay FOR AWHILE

Despite its flaws, including doctrinal flaws, the Roman church was God's instrument in the world for well over a millennia. It has now become an integral part of the Mystery Babylon System (and no, it doesn't "control" the System - it was co-opted by those who do, the Elders of Zion).

Error and schism has existed within Christianity since Christ's ascension. Not all Catholics are "bad" nor is everything the Roman church has done "evil." Far from it.

21st June 2017, 05:26 AM
Religion is the biggest scam in history

midnight rambler
21st June 2017, 05:38 AM
Pope John Paul II, embracing the world's Jews as ''our elder brothers,''

A nod to the Elders of Zion.