View Full Version : Frankenskies

22nd June 2017, 10:11 AM
brand new doc on chemtrails
Matt Landman

Published on Jun 20, 2017

Support the film release here!!


FrankenSkies is an 80 minute social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth. The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military industrial complex with its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening truth feature.

An impeccably timed eye opening expose, the film reveals the campaign to normalize chemical cloud formations via atmospheric aerosol dispersals. Up against a normalization timetable encompassing a controlled media and an indoctrinated educational and political system, activists ask the question : Is your silence your consent?

A shocking informative film on climate engineering, frequency control and CIA manipulation, the film's narrative unfolds through a historical timeline of experimentation on humanity, bringing us to a modern day laboratory that encompasses the air we breath and dictates when and where the sun shall shine, or not...


Matt Landman "Geo-engineering Is Total Control Of Food, Water, Weather, Medicine & Movement."


22nd June 2017, 10:41 AM
Where I live, they have stopped chem-spraying since Trump took office... about 90% stopped.

In Pasadena, where I work, chem-spraying continues as usual.


22nd June 2017, 08:36 PM
I'm surprised this was fully released. He's obviously been forced to. Maybe some problems with the limited release at Vimeo.


At least I'll be able to watch again with the password hassle of vimeo. :)

25th June 2017, 06:41 PM
I locked my dup'ers delight thread on this vid:
Thread: FrankenSkies (FULL) New Geoengineering/Chemtrails Docu' (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?95955-FrankenSkies-%28FULL%29-New-Geoengineering-Chemtrails-Docu)

and I'll just bump this one, and add the 5 min trailer from my OP:

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9X7tqx9fNQ) FrankenSkies Trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9X7tqx9fNQ)
Matt Landman (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4fttWX2A2PQ5nOHUV6dyEQ)

5 months ago

FrankenSkies is a feature length documentary film about the Solar Geongineering Governance Regime.

25th June 2017, 09:55 PM
Here in Boise, Idaho our sky was criss-crossed with chemtrails a week ago.

26th June 2017, 12:23 AM
We have been trailed every day except a few hours in a day, real strange. They almost seem to lead a front system. Dropped the vid and need to watch it when I get a bit of time.

26th June 2017, 08:12 AM
watched last night; very impressive! It's unique among it's peers in that it's a bit "music video" like, with music backdrop throughout. Also the breadth of angles, the disinfo game afoot, social media, etc.

that bumbling David Keith buffoon; a dinjoo-nuffin? (((:(??)))

26th June 2017, 07:56 PM
watched last night; very impressive! It's unique among it's peers in that it's a bit "music video" like, with music backdrop throughout. Also the breadth of angles, the disinfo game afoot, social media, etc.

that bumbling David Keith buffoon; a dinjoo-nuffin? (((:(??)))

the creator was very cognizant of the attention span of his target audience. He is also very aware that anyone just now reaching adult hood does not know about 911 and does not know of skies without trails. In the crrow777 interview, linked to my posting of this movie .see post #3 in this thread or go here (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?95890-Block-the-Sun-Frankenskies&highlight=frankenskies). He talks about the remastering of older movies and TV shows where they are putting chem trails in the skies of those movies to give the impression chem trails have always been with us.

Another interesting point he made was that, even what we know as "con trails" - shorter trails, were still actually chem trails. The use of Barium only, in the trails produces that shorter duration trail. So basically he is saying, any and all trails from aircraft regardless of how many years, have always been chem trails. Some were just less visually persistent than others.

3rd July 2017, 10:57 PM
Sofia S. with the film creator. She just posted this to her podcast page (http://aboutthesky.com/podcasts) within the past 2-3 days, coz that's about how often I roll by there; so I don't know what to make of the 5/31 date?

Matt Landman 5/31/17

Matt recently released a documentary aptly titled Frankenskies, now available on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNeOTOytEeA)and gathering views like lightning. We talk here about what led him to make the film, the first half of which is an extraordinary collection of news clips spanning decades, with what I call "the mouthpieces" (mainstream media and experts) telling us about weather modification programs and experiments. All of this has taken place, folks, and they are telling the tale themselves. If your friends and fam are still dubious, have them watch the first half of Frankenskies -- no arguments possible! Matt is an activist in the raw, you could say, and hasn't stopped since he put 2+2 together himself, which began on a farm in California ... Let him tell you the story, and please visit ActualActivists.com (http://www.actualactivists.com) for more information (your part in all this).

Listen here (http://aboutthesky.com/images/stories/audio/SSmallstorm_podcast_072_05-31-17.mp3)

3rd July 2017, 11:50 PM
Vid sucks, absolutely nothing we don't already know. Not sure if this is even good for newbies.

4th July 2017, 12:35 AM
from the ground in houston, these are the facts:

1. the spraying planes are not normal air traffic. they are dedicated.

2. all of the sprayers look the same. twin engine, all white with possibility of silver. NO colors

3. they perform all kinds of strange maneuvers -- especially climbs -- they sometimes do near vertical climbs

4. the spraying here is year round. sometimes heavy, sometimes sparse

5. the gulf of mexico gets A LOT of spraying. regularly see 6-8 sprayers headed out there in less than an hour of observation. 9-11 a.m. is very busy with sprayers crossing over me heading south into the gulf of mex. if anyone has access to flight data - you'll see a steady stream, spaced 4-7 minutes apart, flying south over galveston, tx into the gulf. EVERY one of them are the all white twin engine sprayers

4th July 2017, 06:56 AM
Vid sucks, absolutely nothing we don't already know. Not sure if this is even good for newbies.

So the snappy musical score didn't work for you, then? :(??

The first ~half is bulletproof in demonstrating that geoengineering/chemtrails are real, for those neanderthal level mis/dis-informers who cling to their "contrails" mantra.

This Barrett show yesterday describes itself as about chemtrails; but they get off on the vaccines track at some point and it ends up dominating the show! Still pretty good; that "Duluth Reader" paper sounds like a real gem.

1 hr: Download
(https://archive.org/download/TruthJihadRadioWithKevinBarrett2017.07.03/Truth%20Jihad%20radio%20with%20Kevin%20Barrett%202 017.07.03.mp3)
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Gary Kohls, MD on "The Elephant in the Sky: Chemtrails, Contrails and Climate Engineering" (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2017/07/gary-kohls-md-on-elephant-in-sky.html)



Gary Kohls, MD writes for the Duluth Reader (http://duluthreader.com/home), one of the last genuinely free media outlets in America. (His columns are archived HERE (http://duluthreader.com/search?search_term=duty+to+warn&search_type=).)

In this interview we discuss his latest column "The Elephant in the Sky: Chemtrails, Contrails and Climate Engineering (http://duluthreader.com/articles/2017/06/28/10420_the_elephant_in_the_sky)." It begins:

One of the most concise summaries concerning the secretive, experimental operations that are being conducted in the earth’s atmosphere (in order to modify the weather) by America’s military-industrial complex and our nation’s allies around the world, can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FlqChTYow0.


It is a 15 minute youtube video produced by Dane Wigington of GeoEngineeringWatch. Our duty as citizens is to be well-informed about serious threats to our nation and the planet, even if the powers-that-be wish us not to be. There are many emperors without clothes out there – especially in arenas of power and wealth - that need their comeuppance. Wigington has been courageously trying to expose the evils of the secret, unacknowledged operation that is spraying aerosolized substances from military jets for decades now. (The spray contains mostly nanoparticulate metals, including the known neurotoxins aluminum, barium and strontium.) Wigington also offers one of the best weekly commentaries on the survivability of the planet and its creatures.

Along with the chemtrails/geoengineering issue, we also discuss vaccines, one of Dr. Kohls' areas of expertise (and the subject of his last several columns (http://duluthreader.com/search?search_term=duty+to+warn&search_type=)). Listen to this show before you allow Big Pharma to poison your children for profit!

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-P9U5L7a5X1A/WVm4gg3FrnI/AAAAAAAAEOI/vZNHxHW-zx4Zpr3xAPXh5UScBrDRUl0NgCLcBGAs/s400/david-dees-1.jpg (https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-P9U5L7a5X1A/WVm4gg3FrnI/AAAAAAAAEOI/vZNHxHW-zx4Zpr3xAPXh5UScBrDRUl0NgCLcBGAs/s1600/david-dees-1.jpg)

Posted by Kevin Barrett (https://www.blogger.com/profile/11522769898898884227) at 8:18 PM

Labels: chemtrails (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/chemtrails), duluth reader (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/duluth%20reader), duty to warn (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/duty%20to%20warn), gary kohls (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/gary%20kohls), geoengineering (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/geoengineering), vaccines (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/vaccines), Vaxxed (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/search/label/Vaxxed)

4th July 2017, 08:47 AM
Richie from Boston... funny, the man-child whose attacking him on chemtrails, NateTalksToYou (https://www.youtube.com/user/NateTalksToYou/videos), has 180K YT sub's :o, despite posting only 9 featherweight vids in the past 12 months; veeeery suspicious! :rolleyes:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/30sLa8ZV3sM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCp3CiKguzj3x_VAGQ1q1M3lSjY8A (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30sLa8ZV3sM) 12:03
RFB ATTACKED By a LBGT Global Warming Loving Little Boy. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30sLa8ZV3sM)

15 hours ago