View Full Version : Donald Trump just led everyone on a 40-day wild goose chase

22nd June 2017, 04:23 PM
It really doesn't get any better than this, I think Comey is fucked. Trump didn't make tapes, others did. 6D chess...

Donald Trump just led everyone on a 40-day wild goose chase

Washington (CNN)This is a master of innuendo at work -- President Donald Trump never actually CLAIMED there were tapes of his conversations with fired FBI Director James Comey.

What he did say, in a tweet, is that Comey had better hope there weren't any RECORDINGS.

James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2017 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/863007411132649473)

"James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"
It was a bluff. And Comey called it during HIS Senate testimony when he said, "Lordy, I hope there are tapes."

Trump: I did not make recordings of Comey
Now we know that Comey's prayers are likely to go unanswered, after Trump said he didn't make any. Trump was the first to suggest they existed, so that means the tapes don't exist, right?

But just like he never actually, clearly said there were tapes, Trump -- in attempting to put the issue to rest -- doesn't actually say there are not tapes, either. It's also that kind of chatter, tactical but also reckless, that could land Trump in boiling hot water as a special counsel and congressional committees turn their attention to whether his words somehow obstructed Comey's work.

What's undeniable is that the President of the United States misled the American people and allowed them to go on a quixotic scavenger hunt from May 12 until June 22. And to some extent, it continues today.

...whether there are "tapes" or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 22, 2017 (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/877932956458795008)

Pay attention to his words in these two tweets Thursday:
"With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of information, I have no idea...

"...whether there are 'tapes' or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings."

So there you have it. Trump still allows for the possibility there are tapes. But if there are, well, he didn't make them and he doesn't have them. By bringing up reports of electronic surveillance and intercepts and all that, he further muddies the water. So, who knows what Trump is saying?

Everything the White House has said about Oval Office tapes
And that's the point.

That little smidge of doubt means that, even as your heart and your mind are both telling you there are no tapes, and though you can know to an incredible degree of certainty there are no tapes ... well, there are those reports of surveillance and intercepts, unmasking and leaking. Who can ever be sure of anything? (Again: That's the point.)

It also feeds into Trump's apparent incapacity to admit he was wrong. He's not going to come out and say he messed up -- that his tapes gambit failed and maybe even backfired, with Comey taking the tweet as a challenge, and subsequently burning the President through leaked memos and public testimony. That? That's not a reality you're likely to find reflected in a Trump tweetstorm.

Innuendo is how Trump commanded media attention to the idea of tapes for months, right up to Thursday. It's also why he suggested over and over again that millions of illegal voters had robbed him of the popular vote. It's how he fanned the birther conspiracy for years.

Trump might have been a great defense attorney; he's not proving things beyond a reasonable doubt, he's casting shadows on it.

22nd June 2017, 06:03 PM
I read somewhere (during the campaign) that when he told his wife he was thinking about running for president, she said to him, "if you do, you will win."

That sounds credible, and, as she seems like a very smart lady, and no one knows a man like his wife, she probably learned over the years that Trump is a master manipulator when dealing with people. She made that comment from her own assessment of his chances, knowing well how he operates in just about any arena where the image you present either makes, or breaks, the game.

Whatever else we may think about traitor Trump, I do recognize he is very apt when dealing in the business, and now, the political, arena. And as upset as I am at his turncoating (and fooling the hell out of me), I believe that he will accomplish his agenda, whatever the hell that is.

The last thing I would want to be right now is Trump's enemy. I just wish he'd either resign or get impeached, even though, as crimethink pointed out, his VP will probably be worse (but NOT as an effective player, sneaky, and thinking things out so far ahead, and playing angles that don't reveal how this or that will work out as the scenario develops).

We live in interesting times (a curse, you know).

7th trump
22nd June 2017, 06:27 PM
Trump's no traitor and hes no politician....straight up business man that the white house has been in need of for a long long time.
Hes up against some extreme odds and established powerful enemies, but hes singling them out one by one and getting rid of them. Hes moving major pieces out of his way which takes time and when hes done with that pulling the plug is easy to drain the swamp.
I'm just getting a kick out of all the fools saying this and that against trump....truth is you wouldnt last 2 seconds with trump. He'd figure you out in about 2 seconds.

All you nay saying assholes just think you can jump in and overnight drain the swamp without any disaster. It doesnt work that way.....fools!

22nd June 2017, 08:58 PM
He seems to give everyone plenty to talk about.

Here is a list of MSM news meltdown videos

I haven't watched any but I'm sure they're entertaining.

Chaos. Magic.

22nd June 2017, 10:21 PM
Absolute master of 4D chess...

22nd June 2017, 11:20 PM
The Left Melts Down After Trump Declares: 'There Are No Comey Tapes' http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-234204.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/therealfly)
by The_Real_Fly (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/therealfly)
Jun 22, 2017 10:56 PM


Content originally published at iBankCoin.com (http://ibankcoin.com/)
I've procured the full rundown for those of you interested in consuming the tears of liberals. This is the worst meltdown on the left since Trump took two scoops of iced cream (http://ibankcoin.com/flyblog/2017/05/13/final-straw-president-trump-two-scoops-iced-cream-everyone-else-one/), while giving everyone else 1.
In summary, several weeks ago Trump alluded to the existence of tapes, recordings of conversations between himself and Comey. Today, he admitted, after teasing the media for weeks, that there weren't any tapes. Meanwhile, coal miners in Virginia and programmers in San Francisco don't give two shits whether there are tapes or not. The point: this is an issue that only political freaks and media shills care about. The net result is total and complete meltdown -- with the media sojourning deep into the crevasses of despair -- calling the President a liar, a suicide bomber, to demanding that Robert Mueller investigates these so called tapes -- asking whether Trump intimidated a witness (Comey).
The crimes of Trump keep piling up, 'self-inflicted wounds' and Russian nightmares plague DC, in an everlasting melodic symphony of Trump crashing whipped cream pies into the faces of his petty enemies.
(Note: he even forces the media to turn their cameras off during the daily press briefings).

MSNBC: Trump is a suicide bomber.

CNN: Trump lied.

Jake Tapper implies Trump lies all the time.

MSNBC: Trump is like candy crush, wasting our time.

Greta has a serious meltdown. Senator Markey demands Mueller investigates Trump over tapes. HAHAHAAHAHAH

"This is stunning. Just stunning. Americans deserve better from their president."
~@greta (https://twitter.com/greta) on Donald Trump admitting there are no tapes
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) June 22, 2017 (https://twitter.com/JoeNBC/status/878010954146996224)
Schiff: Trump can't be a reality teevee host anymore (that's where you're wrong kiddo).

22nd June 2017, 11:40 PM
Trump's no traitor and hes no politician....straight up business man that the white house has been in need of for a long long time.
Hes up against some extreme odds and established powerful enemies, but hes singling them out one by one and getting rid of them. Hes moving major pieces out of his way which takes time and when hes done with that pulling the plug is easy to drain the swamp.
I'm just getting a kick out of all the fools saying this and that against trump....truth is you wouldnt last 2 seconds with trump. He'd figure you out in about 2 seconds.

All you nay saying assholes just think you can jump in and overnight drain the swamp without any disaster. It doesnt work that way.....fools!

Even though 7th trump and I rarely see eye to eye, this post is what I believe.
I could not have said it more succinctly or tacitly (except for the cusswords. :) )
This is where the spirit of truth unites us.


CNN & MSNBC opted not to cover the Trump rally in Iowa.

23rd June 2017, 01:44 AM

CNN & MSNBC opted not to cover the Trump rally in Iowa.


Trump's putdown of wind energy whips up a backlash in Iowa

President Trump's putdown of wind energy at his Iowa rally was denounced Thursday across the state, which has been a national leader in wind generation.

Trump was talking up his support for coal during his speech in Cedar Rapids on Wednesday when he said: "I don't want to just hope the wind blows to light up your homes and your factories." He added "as the birds fall to the ground," a reference to birds killed by turbines.

The remark didn't go over well across Iowa, where the rapid growth of the state's wind energy industry has been a bipartisan success story.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andy McGuire called it an "attack on Iowa's economy." Republican U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley reiterated his vow to oppose any Trump efforts to pass anti-wind policies.

Is the guy stupid? Or just corrupt and focused on his corporate agenda?

23rd June 2017, 02:14 AM
I have always thought those huge wind blades were something of a massive waste of money and engineering talent. If you want energy and you are thinking windmills are an important source, then you are going BACKWARDS to the 1800's and early 1900's.

Burn gas, gasoline, or coal, and get 10 times as much energy for the growing population (I am just guessing about how much more energy gas and coal provide - it might even be more than that - nations have fought wars over access to coal, oil, and gas). If Trump was badmouthing windmills, I hate to say it (as I can't stand Trump now), but I'm glad to see someone with a huge audience say out loud what so many down-to-earth ordinary citizens MUST BE THINKING.

All those engineers, all that natural resource (in the production of the precision, highly fabricated, blades) all for a little boost when the wind blows. And, YES, birds didn't evolve in the midst of these unnatural (VERY UNNATURAL) behemoths sticking up, in what looks like farms of hundreds, spinning with a ferocity that would make mince meat of any flesh that just happened to get in the way. And how about a tornado? Are you ready for those giant sticks to go flying off for who knows where? And how about the reduction in the natural ground wind speed you WOULD GET if the land was left in its natural state. So many objections - they always looked to me like some dumbass futuristic idiot convinced some fools with money to go way out on a limb, just to act out of some idiotic philosophy about some imagined harm to the environment by mining coal, drilling for oil, and tapping gas. Or maybe its just my Texas upbringing that makes me always look for the bottom line with a hard-boiled temperament about foolish people doing something stupid.

23rd June 2017, 04:30 AM
I have always thought those huge wind blades were something of a massive waste of money and engineering talent. If you want energy and you are thinking windmills are an important source, then you are going BACKWARDS to the 1800's and early 1900's.

Burn gas, gasoline, or coal, and get 10 times as much energy for the growing population (I am just guessing about how much more energy gas and coal provide - it might even be more than that - nations have fought wars over access to coal, oil, and gas). If Trump was badmouthing windmills, I hate to say it (as I can't stand Trump now), but I'm glad to see someone with a huge audience say out loud what so many down-to-earth ordinary citizens MUST BE THINKING.

All those engineers, all that natural resource (in the production of the precision, highly fabricated, blades) all for a little boost when the wind blows. And, YES, birds didn't evolve in the midst of these unnatural (VERY UNNATURAL) behemoths sticking up, in what looks like farms of hundreds, spinning with a ferocity that would make mince meat of any flesh that just happened to get in the way. And how about a tornado? Are you ready for those giant sticks to go flying off for who knows where? And how about the reduction in the natural ground wind speed you WOULD GET if the land was left in its natural state. So many objections - they always looked to me like some dumbass futuristic idiot convinced some fools with money to go way out on a limb, just to act out of some idiotic philosophy about some imagined harm to the environment by mining coal, drilling for oil, and tapping gas. Or maybe its just my Texas upbringing that makes me always look for the bottom line with a hard-boiled temperament about foolish people doing something stupid.

Personally, my belief is that far more research needs to be spent on nuclear fusion research, since that is the most likely long-term energy source for the future. Perhaps as a stop-gap measure, thorium-based nuclear fission can be deployed (far safer than current uranium/plutonium systems - no Chernobyls or Fukushimas). I don't have opposition to continued use of petroleum energy, since that is what powers the world, and will do so for decades to come. Coal, however, has many repercussions that must be dealt with, however.

As for Trump badmouthing wind power in Iowa, my point is not whether wind has a legitimate role in new energy production.; it is that he was attacking an energy technology that works for Iowa. Iowa is a long-term Red state, that voted for Trump, and gets a third of its electricity from windmills. Was his uncouthness a matter of stupidity, or does he care only about his corporatist (i.e., petroleum corporatist) mission? Or maybe it's just that (((New York))) chutzpah talking? At best, he's a pompous clown every bit as much as Obama was (is).

23rd June 2017, 08:21 AM
I have always thought those huge wind blades were something of a massive waste of money and engineering talent. If you want energy and you are thinking windmills are an important source, then you are going BACKWARDS to the 1800's and early 1900's.

Burn gas, gasoline, or coal, and get 10 times as much energy for the growing population (I am just guessing about how much more energy gas and coal provide - it might even be more than that - nations have fought wars over access to coal, oil, and gas). If Trump was badmouthing windmills, I hate to say it (as I can't stand Trump now), but I'm glad to see someone with a huge audience say out loud what so many down-to-earth ordinary citizens MUST BE THINKING.

All those engineers, all that natural resource (in the production of the precision, highly fabricated, blades) all for a little boost when the wind blows. And, YES, birds didn't evolve in the midst of these unnatural (VERY UNNATURAL) behemoths sticking up, in what looks like farms of hundreds, spinning with a ferocity that would make mince meat of any flesh that just happened to get in the way. And how about a tornado? Are you ready for those giant sticks to go flying off for who knows where? And how about the reduction in the natural ground wind speed you WOULD GET if the land was left in its natural state. So many objections - they always looked to me like some dumbass futuristic idiot convinced some fools with money to go way out on a limb, just to act out of some idiotic philosophy about some imagined harm to the environment by mining coal, drilling for oil, and tapping gas. Or maybe its just my Texas upbringing that makes me always look for the bottom line with a hard-boiled temperament about foolish people doing something stupid.

It would be something if they started going to war over windmills wouldn't it? Perhaps it will happen when the oil and coal and gas run out. If Iowa has lots of those then let them burn it. If it's also windy in Iowa, burn it upwind right on the state line. Pollution be someone else's problem. If that don't work they've always got the windmills to blow the fumes away. :p

23rd June 2017, 08:39 AM
Trump Explains Why He Bluffed On 'Comey Tapes' http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Jun 23, 2017 9:29 AM

After weeks without a live interview, President Trump, much to the dismay of the left-leaning MSM, appeared on Fox & Friends this morning with Melania. The interview will undoubtedly be described throughout the day as a 'softball' piece but it did at least result in some new insights, maybe.
First, on the now infamous 'Comey tapes.' Given that Trump has now admitted that there never were any 'tapes,' at least as far as he knows, why the bluff? Apparently, Trump believes the bluff helped to steer Comey toward the path of truth in his testimony, a path that Trump believes he'd lost before the bluff. Here's Trump on the topic:

“Well I didn’t tape him. You never know what’s happening when you see that the Obama administration and perhaps longer than that was doing all this unmasking and surveillance and you read all about it and I’ve been reading about it for the last couple of months about the seriousness of the and the horrible situation of surveillance all over the place."

“But I didn’t tape, and I don’t have any tapes, and I didn’t tape, but when he found out that there may be tapes out there, whether its governmental tapes or anything else and who knows, I think his story may have changed."

“You’ll have to take a look at that. Because then he’ll have to tell what actually took place at the events. And my story never changed. My story was the straight story. My story was always the truth.”

"But you'll have to determine for yourself whether or not his story changed. He did admit that what I said was right. And, if you look further back, before he heard about that, I think maybe he wasn't admitting that. So, you'll have to do a little investigative reporting to determine that, but I don't think it will be that hard."

.@POTUS (https://twitter.com/POTUS) on why he wanted former FBI Dir. James Comey to believe there were tapes of their conversations pic.twitter.com/pCuibM5Z6k (https://t.co/pCuibM5Z6k)
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) June 23, 2017

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-23/trump-explains-why-he-bluffed-comey-tapes-blasts-muellers-hiring-clinton-supporters (https://twitter.com/foxandfriends/status/878202728144445442)


23rd June 2017, 08:44 AM
Trumpo hasn't disappointed in the entertainment value area. Imagine how boring politics would be if (may Allah forgive me for uttering his name) Jeb Bush had been elected!