View Full Version : Gun Owners FORCED To Forfeit Or Go To Jail After What Dems Just Snuck In Overnight

27th June 2017, 06:52 PM
BREAKING: Gun Owners FORCED To Forfeit Or Go To Jail After What Dems Just Snuck In Overnight

By Amanda Shemale (http://freedomdaily.com/author/billybob/)

The crackdown on gun control had come to a screeching halt once Donald Trump took office, but that didn’t stop Democrats from getting their way. Without warning or knowing what was going on, gun owners are now waking up to horrible news about their Seconde Amendment right which has just been incredibly infringed upon in a way that’s beyond unconstitutional. Sneaky liberals plotted against Republicans and surprised everyone with what they were able to pass through the night, forcing law-abiding Americans into forfeiture or face jail time.

The old saying goes that “nothing good happens after midnight” and that’s certainly the case as people are realizing what Democrats did to people who legally and rightfully purchased their weapons. Starting on July 1, millions of people’s armories are going to change for the worse as they are being forced to turn in the simplest of magazines for their guns that renders them ineffective. Of course, this doesn’t apply to criminals who don’t follow laws that liberals or anyone else makes, they will get and keep their guns to use against the now defenseless.

Beginning July 1, 2017, Californian’s will be forced once again to give up more of their Second Amendment right to the state thanks to the state’s liberal leadership employing the use of fear mongering to get their way once again. They are asking the citizens to turn in their gun magazines that hold ten rounds or more. They are asked to forfeit all of their magazines that hold over ten rounds, to local law enforcement, an authorized gun dealer who might purchase them from the person, or they can ship them to someone in a state that don’t share similar laws.

While the people of California are being forced to give up magazines that they spent their hard-earned money on and once legally purchased, the state is also not offering any compensation to those who comply with the law. Although the forfeiture is voluntary, because law enforcement also doesn’t have the capital to search and seize the magazines, they are now criminal to own if and could lead to punishment if you’re caught in possession of them.

However, this is just the start of a long list of constitutional breaches in this particular area. Even though owners are allowed to have magazines that hold ten rounds or less, they may not be able to get any bullets to put in them.

According to The Sacramento Bee (http://www.sacbee.com/news/state/california/article158150224.html):

Starting in January, Californians who want to buy ammunition online or through catalogs will have to ship their purchases through a licensed dealer. In July 2019, ammunition buyers will have to undergo background checks at retailers. Under the existing rules, anyone age 18 or older (21 or older for handguns) can buy ammunition without a background check, and sellers need no special training or license.

“The gun controllers in California don’t care that none of these laws will stop criminals from getting high-capacity magazines or from getting ammunition without a background check,” the Federalist Papers (http://thefederalistpapers.org/second-amendment-2/millions-of-gun-owners-may-become-criminals-on-july-1) reported. “Because these people don’t actually care about stopping criminals; they only care about controlling law-abiding citizens who simply want to practice their fundamental human right to self-defense.”

The government hits to the gun owner don’t stop there as today the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review a law that would allow California’s citizens to apply for a concealed carry permit. The current law states that unless you have “good cause” to have a permit, you will be denied that right. Ordinary, law-abiding people, now not only don’t have the right to carry anything over ten rounds, they can’t conceal either unless they can convince the unrelenting government of their need and right to do so — a burden which is completely on the individual.

Justices Thomas and Gorsuch both state that the court should have reviewed the appellate ruling in this case. “Thomas said the decision not to hear the case ‘reflects a distressing trend: the treatment of the Second Amendment as a disfavored right’,” Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/06/26/us-supreme-court-declines-to-take-up-2nd-amendment-case-look-at-california-law.html) reported.

The liberal government of California continues to stifle the rights of gun owners in its state. It does this while it grants a safe haven for violent criminals in its sanctuary cities. The hard working taxpayers aren’t allowed to effectively protect their families because the “rulers” of the state continue to believe they have a better understanding of our constitution than our forefathers.

27th June 2017, 07:13 PM
I no longer live in California but I have family there and visit often. I keep a AR and PTR91 in my mom's safe. Both rifles have a grip fin* and the flash hider memoved. This makes them featurless, like a Mini 14, so there's no longer a requirment for a silly bullet button. My mags are standard capacity pinned to ten rounds with a easy to remove rivet. There will always be a work around, until confiscation, but thats a other can of worms.

*The grip fin is not uncomfortable at all and becomes intuitive quickly. The problem is access to the safety.

27th June 2017, 07:41 PM
The author of the article is Amanda "Shemale". Is this some sort of transvestite reporter? Only in Cali.

27th June 2017, 07:54 PM
The author of the article is Amanda "Shemale". Is this some sort of transvestite reporter? Only in Cali.

Spell check forgot the real name but moot...

27th June 2017, 09:00 PM
Here's the important part:

Starting in January, Californians who want to buy ammunition online or through catalogs will have to ship their purchases through a licensed dealer. In July 2019, ammunition buyers will have to undergo background checks at retailers. Under the existing rules, anyone age 18 or older (21 or older for handguns) can buy ammunition without a background check, and sellers need no special training or license.

27th June 2017, 09:31 PM
Here's the important part:

This will stop someone from driving across the boarder to Nevada and loading up on Ammunition how?

Cultural Marxism lunacy.

midnight rambler
27th June 2017, 09:45 PM
You watch - this is going to work SO WELL that they'll just progress even further...just like Chicongo.

27th June 2017, 10:55 PM
This will stop someone from driving across the boarder to Nevada and loading up on Ammunition how?

Cultural Marxism lunacy.

The next round of legislation where they have to "close these loopholes"

28th June 2017, 03:31 AM
The article is largely FUD.

On Saturday, it will become "illegal" - an infraction, similar to a speeding ticket - to simply own ("possess") a normal capacity (i.e., over 10 round) magazine. You are not "facing jail" for them. Further, 98% of California gunowners with normal capacity magazines will hand over shit despite the anti-constitutional statute.

Thankfully, I have no such murderous demon devices, so I have nothing to turn in.

As for ammunition background checks, that will be a hassle and extra expense, but not unworkable, even though anti-constitutional. Most of us have acted on that long before the rush comes.

All of this bullshit can be flushed down the shitter with ONE SCOTUS ruling. But, in the shadow of the "travel ban" ruling, most people aren't aware the SCOTUS REFUSED to hear the challenge to the anti-constitutional position of California's "government" regarding both open and concealed carry. At this time, Californians cannot "bear arms" ("legally") without the consent of their local pig-apparatchik (Sheriff or Chief of Police). Fortunately, many of the rural counties (including mine) are virtual "shall-issue," but that doesn't diminish the anti-constitutionality of all rules other than constitutional carry.


28th June 2017, 03:44 AM
This will stop someone from driving across the boarder to Nevada and loading up on Ammunition how?

Cultural Marxism lunacy.

The next round of legislation where they have to "close these loopholes"

"They" already have decreed it "illegal" to bring in ammunition to California in this "law."

The California Border Checkpoints (originally, "Agricultural Inspection Stations" but now renamed to "Border Protection Stations") will be used to check for ammunition smugglers. Anyone "looking suspicious" will be searched...so, pickups will be most risky for smuggling. I suggest you use a late-model Cadillac or Mercedes, and simply look like a high-stakes gambler instead of a freedom fighter. ;D There are also a few routes that one can deftly use to avoid the Border Guards.

Further, I have already heard reports of retailers in (northern) Nevada demanding ID for 2A-related purchases, including magazines. Likely to be expanded to ammo. There is a Cabela's right over the border on I-80, and a large Scheels in Sparks. These corporations don't want trouble from the Excremento Criminals, filing suits against them. Some have reported that California Department of "Justice" thugs stakeout the Reno Gun Show each year, looking for Cali plates.

28th June 2017, 05:57 AM
It's Komiefornia, they get what they asked for. The rest of the country laughs at them

28th June 2017, 06:33 AM
I moved from Texas to Montana because I thought Texas was getting bad. How can anyone stay in Mexifornia?