View Full Version : Orange Jesus will fix everything.

old steel
30th June 2017, 05:06 PM
That is what orange Jesus does.


30th June 2017, 05:33 PM
More like Pompous Pilate, doing the bidding of the Jews.

30th June 2017, 08:39 PM
Nah, what he's doing is teaching white people how to win.

Jesus said turn the other cheek. Trump says if they slap your cheek, break their nose.

30th June 2017, 08:46 PM
Nah, what he's doing is teaching white people how to win.

Sure, if your definition of "White people" includes Khazar Jews.

Mine doesn't.

30th June 2017, 09:05 PM
Sure, if your definition of "White people" includes Khazar Jews.

Mine doesn't.

Step back for a minute. Look at the mentality.

Trump is teaching white people how to not be cuckolds. There are 6 year old kids right now who will be 14 when Trump leaves office. He's teaching a generation of whites how to act like men.

Almost all other cultures already know not to be cuckolds. Whites don't. Its the change in mentality that is important. It was change in mentality that destroyed our society, and it is now whats needed to fix society.

30th June 2017, 10:08 PM
^ Fiffy!

30th June 2017, 10:11 PM
Absolutely if the parents aren't stupid fucks. I teach this every day to my kid even tho she has no clue and my son and wife even if the blow it off it remains in 'dos' for a bit.It works and they tell others in their own way, this is the only way it spreads.

1st July 2017, 03:42 AM
Step back for a minute. Look at the mentality.

Trump is teaching white people how to not be cuckolds. There are 6 year old kids right now who will be 14 when Trump leaves office. He's teaching a generation of whites how to act like men.

You're serious?! Really?!




1st July 2017, 05:30 AM
Orange is the only color which is 33 and no question this "MEME" is Satanic!


1st July 2017, 09:59 AM
Trump's Kabbalah teacher...

1st July 2017, 12:02 PM
Yeah, we'll see. We have no idea what's going on behind closed doors. Personally, I'm tired of trying to figure it out anymore. I'm just going to be sure my seatbelt is fastened and I enjoy the ride. Trump is the nigger in charge now, let's see what happens after the smoke clears. Right now we still have a lot of smoke!
More like Pompous Pilate, doing the bidding of the Jews.

Twisted Titan
2nd July 2017, 04:57 AM
Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in a generation.

Just watching the liberal media and sjw run around with their hair on fire on a hourly basis now is worth it all by itself.

They are still trying to figure out what they are going to do with him because if they were to bump him off the country is so polarized it would be open war in this country and the power mongers are not sure that they can maintian their lock on things.

Its anybodies guess but i am sure as shit enjoying the show.

2nd July 2017, 07:26 AM
Anyone calling Trump a crook and a con man are calling his wife and whole family the same. I personally don't believe Melania, or his family would continue to stand by his side if his motives weren't righteous. He truly is here to save America. It may not go as some would like, but he's already had a profound effect on our country and the world.
He's teaching boys how to be men again.

2nd July 2017, 08:24 AM
Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in a generation.

Just watching the liberal media and sjw run around with their hair on fire on a hourly basis now is worth it all by itself.

They are still trying to figure out what they are going to do with him because if they were to bump him off the country is so polarized it would be open war in this country and the power mongers are not sure that they can maintian their lock on things.

Its anybodies guess but i am sure as shit enjoying the show.

(((Bill Still)))

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LxDxf7Op5qI/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLACU3IbAe1iLyDeA2MTUH4dTTpMxQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxDxf7Op5qI) 6:03
Anti Trump is Collapsing, 1686 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxDxf7Op5qI)

5 days ago

Hodges/Common Sense Show; can kill it when he transitions into the ad for his sponsor:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7STPn2XYOE4/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCPEnttn5H_MEasyaj_MnsNWtIoug (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7STPn2XYOE4) 3:43
Hollywood Is No Longer Calling for Taking Out Trump-Hollywood Want an All-Out Takeover (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7STPn2XYOE4)

7 hours ago

2nd July 2017, 08:47 AM
There is a whole lot of Trump Hopium smoking around here. Be careful you don't overdose on that stuff.

2nd July 2017, 09:18 AM
Anyone calling Trump a crook and a con man are calling his wife and whole family the same. I personally don't believe Melania, or his family would continue to stand by his side if his motives weren't righteous. He truly is here to save America. It may not go as some would like, but he's already had a profound effect on our country and the world.
He's teaching boys how to be men again.

Well said, and I believe this as well. I think it was 60 minutes that did an interview with Melania awhile back, where she gave a tour of their home in the Trump tower, and talked about her life. She really seems like a good woman and a loving wife. During the tour it was obvious she tries to live a simple humble life, despite all the media attention and being surrounded by wealth. She doesn't like media attention and being in the public eye and is all about supporting her family first.

That's one thing about Trump that nobody can argue against. He has a good family and they all support each other.

That says a lot, imo.

2nd July 2017, 11:18 AM
Anyone calling Trump a crook and a con man are calling his wife and whole family the same.


Melania is the moral equivalent of a prostitute. It's clear why she remains his wife.

Ivanka, Donald Jr., Eric...all are crooks, like Daddy. Barron, I'll reserve judgment until he's had a chance. Tiffany is involved with a Jew, so it's probably the same-o.

Anyone who seriously thinks Trump became "successful" in Jew York City as an "honest man" is mentally defective.

I personally don't believe Melania, or his family would continue to stand by his side if his motives weren't righteous.

Yes, because no woman EVER had stayed with someone to sustain their lifestyle. :rolleyes:

He truly is here to save America.

"Save" us from what and for whom?

He's teaching boys how to be men again.

Sure, if your definition of "being a man" is sucking on Jewish cock:


2nd July 2017, 11:19 AM
There is a whole lot of Trump Hopium smoking around here. Be careful you don't overdose on that stuff.

We've gotten to the point that those persisting in defending the Trumpmessiah are no longer those merely ingesting Hopium. They're deliberate shills. Much of the shit he's done is indefensible.

2nd July 2017, 11:25 AM
She really seems like a good woman and a loving wife.


During the tour it was obvious she tries to live a simple humble life


A single painting on the wall alone exceeds the income of the average American family's monthly income.

Her outfit exceeds the cost of the average American family's annual clothing budget.

"Simple humble life." LOL!

She doesn't like media attention and being in the public eye

Which is why she has the latest fashion pieces from the top Jewish and/or homosexual "designers" on every day.

That's one thing about Trump that nobody can argue against....they all support each other.

On this, I agree...Jewish families generally stick together...with their eyes on the mission and ultimate goal.

2nd July 2017, 11:33 AM
At least they spend their own money instead of living off of taxpayers



A single painting on the wall alone exceeds the income of the average American family's monthly income.

Her outfit exceeds the cost of the average American family's annual clothing budget.

"Simple humble life." LOL!

Which is why she has the latest fashion pieces from the top Jewish and/or homosexual "designers" on every day.

On this, I agree...Jewish families generally stick together...with their eyes on the mission and ultimate goal.

2nd July 2017, 12:26 PM
Anyone calling Trump a crook and a con man are calling his wife and whole family the same.


Melania is the moral equivalent of a prostitute. It's clear why she remains his wife.

Ivanka, Donald Jr., Eric...all are crooks, like Daddy. Barron, I'll reserve judgment until he's had a chance. Tiffany is involved with a Jew, so it's probably the same-o.

Anyone who seriously thinks Trump became "successful" in Jew York City as an "honest man" is mentally defective.

You are obviously not a man of faith or religion to be so judgemental. Sounds like you are carrying out the work from your favorite book, The Talmud.

Trump had to work with Jews and the Mafia to get things done. What does that have to do with him caring about our country and giving back?

Trump must have been able to keep his distance from the criminal aspect of his dealings, otherwise someone would have already busted him on it.

I personally don't believe Melania, or his family would continue to stand by his side if his motives weren't righteous.

Yes, because no woman EVER had stayed with someone to sustain their lifestyle.

Her lifestyle will never change, with, or without Trump

He truly is here to save America.

"Save" us from what and for whom?

from despicable people like you that wish to bring our country down

He's teaching boys how to be men again.

Sure, if your definition of "being a man" is sucking on Jewish cock:

You're safe, no one wants to suck your Jewish cock.
Maybe that's your problem why you're so angry and hateful?

2nd July 2017, 03:47 PM

2nd July 2017, 04:10 PM
At least they spend their own money instead of living off of taxpayers

Congress Allocates $120 Million for Trump Family’s Security Costs


Protecting Trump Tower cost NY City $24 million from election to inauguration


The billionaire "can't" fund his own security.

2nd July 2017, 04:31 PM
You are obviously not a man of faith or religion to be so judgemental. Sounds like you are carrying out the work from your favorite book, The Talmud.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Jesus Christ, at John 8:44-45

Trump had to work with Jews and the Mafia to get things done. What does that have to do with him caring about our country and giving back?

Your country is Israel?


from despicable people like you that wish to bring our country down

I gave people like you the benefit of the doubt for months, that you were just drunk on hope, naively believing that Trump was really "on our side."

That position is no longer tenable.

It is now clear you are an active agit-prop shill. You are disingenuous and not sincere. Who or what you are taking orders from is currently unknown.

You're safe, no one wants to suck your Jewish cock.

Follow your leader:



2nd July 2017, 05:27 PM
We've gotten to the point that those persisting in defending the Trumpmessiah are no longer those merely ingesting Hopium. They're deliberate shills. Much of the shit he's done is indefensible.It's pretty evident that at least 80% of Trumpstein's worshippers on GSUS are bagelmunchers.

midnight rambler
2nd July 2017, 05:37 PM
Surest, most simple way of determining who's interests Chump is looking out for - are the wars for IsraHell ramping up or abating?

2nd July 2017, 06:04 PM
Surest, most simple way of determining who's interests Chump is looking out for - are the wars for IsraHell ramping up or abating?

True but he is the closest thing we have had to a president since Kennedy. Kennedy did it wrong, Reagen tried but got shot... and changed his ways. You think Trump don't know what he's up against? He has to tow the line or be gone. Kissing Kike ass is the only way to move anything forward or backwards. So far at least.

2nd July 2017, 06:19 PM
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Jesus Christ, at John 8:44-45

Your country is Israel?


I gave people like you the benefit of the doubt for months, that you were just drunk on hope, naively believing that Trump was really "on our side."

That position is no longer tenable.

It is now clear you are an active agit-prop shill. You are disingenuous and not sincere. Who or what you are taking orders from is currently unknown.

Follow your leader:



Let us have a conversation after Trump's 8 years, when we can add up the score.
We already know what the score would have been, had your queen Hillary have won. 0 wins, all losses.

We have already racked up many wins with Trump.
#1 we beat the liberals! The liberals have been exposed for what they are. RINO's have exposed themselves as the traitors they are.
Conservatives will rule the supreme court. Illegal immigration has been cut down to a trickle. Gun rights have been defended. Jobs are coming back.
And you are miserable because of all this.

What else do we really need?

What do you want that you're not getting? Whatever your answer is, please be ready to offer a realistic plan to get it.
The only thing I want from here, is justice served to the Clinton's, Lynch, Rice, Comey, Lerner and their cohorts.

I've said before, if the planet ends up one big cinder, so be it. At least it was under Trump and not Hillary.

PS: Maybe if you had faith in the almighty, you would believe the evil in your homeland, Israel, will be driven out by divine intervention.

2nd July 2017, 06:54 PM
Let us have a conversation after Trump's 8 years, when we can add up the score.
We already know what the score would have been had your queen Hillary would have won. 0 wins, all losses.

We have already racked up many wins with Trump.
The liberals have been exposed for what they are. RINO's have exposed themselves as the traitors they are.
Conservatives will rule the supreme court. Illegal immigration has been cut down to a trickle. Gun rights have been defended. Jobs are coming back.
And you are miserable because of all this.

What else do we really need?
What do you want that you're not getting? Whatever your answer is, please be ready to offer a realistic plan to get it.
The only thing I want from here, is justice served to the Clinton's, Lynch, Rice, Comey, Lerner and their cohorts.

I've said before, if the planet ends up one big cinder, so be it. At least it was under Trump and not Hillary.

PS: Maybe if you had faith in the almighty, you would believe the evil in your homeland, Israel, will be driven out by divine intervention.

Leave Israel there, in a cesspool of filth and oven climate, who the fuck would want to go there? A vacation perhaps? No thanks man. Let them nuke everyone around them and get the residual fallout from it. The problem lies in the facade of Israel having control of the USi government, which it does not! MSM and the world does not acknowledge the jew control which is the facade. Israel is the spot which has absolutely no meaning or benefit. Israel is nothing at all. It's the fucking JEWS that have infiltrated the governments of the world pushing their banking control shit.

You guys bashing Mr Orange man are just stupid fucks. How you going to take down the world banks? One dude thinks he knows how and I am ALL behind his efforts.

2nd July 2017, 09:11 PM
He truly is here to save America.





https://i1.wp.com/www.barenakedislam.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/3b9a8938dbdca97638db0bbc40734b4d3ea233227feec65707 1cae9b02f6a104_1-e1457407560687.jpg?resize=700%2C396


2nd July 2017, 09:41 PM
your queen Hillary...your homeland, Israel

And, with that, you admit you are nothing but a dishonest troll.

3rd July 2017, 04:39 AM
And, with that, you admit you are nothing but a dishonest troll.

What's amazing, for Trump being such a tool for the Jews, how many Jews hate him. It must be 10 to 1, including you.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it"

3rd July 2017, 04:41 AM
What's amazing, for Trump being such a tool for the Jews, how many Jews hate him. It must be 10 to 1, including you.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it"

You didn't reply what you want Trump to be doing and how he can achieve it? What are you not getting that you expect?

He's already done everything I had hoped for, the wall completes my expectations.

Trump border wall construction to start in San Diego by September

Sticking with past statements by Border Protection, Vitiello said prototypes could stay up in San Diego after construction to act as new barriers. (Fox 5 San Diego)
Phillip Molnar Phillip MolnarContact Reporter

Construction of prototypes for President Trump’s Mexico border wall will be completed by September in San Diego, U.S. Customs and Border Protection said Tuesday at a press conference in Washington. D.C.

Four to eight 30-foot tall prototypes at the U.S. Mexican border will take 30 days to build, said Ronald Vitiello, acting deputy commissioner of Customs and Border Protection.

Vitiello confirmed contracts had not been awarded to build prototypes yet. While money for a full wall along the 1,900-mile Mexican border has not been approved, Congress did allocate $20 million for prototypes that attracted hundreds of bidders from across the country.

Construction on the prototypes, originally set to begin in June, will take place near Otay Mesa. Vitiello did not say what caused the delay or when contracts would be awarded.

At the press conference, Vitiello repeatedly used San Diego as an example of why a border wall was needed. He showed a photo of the San Diego border before and after fencing was added in Operation Gatekeeper in the early 1990s.

“Where there was once lawless and undeveloped land,” he said showing an undated photo of Tijuana and San Diego before the current barrier, “(then) neighborhoods were built and communities and commerce grew.”

Vitiello said having a secure border helps reduce crime rates and help improve natural habitats in the area.

In San Diego, he said an increase in officers and additional border barriers led to a 195 percent reduction in apprehensions from 1992 to 2008. Critics have pointed to migrants just moving further east to more dangerous crossings.

San Diego had a more than 20 percent increase in both apprehensions by Border Patrol and in deportations and returns by Immigration and Customs Enforcement between 2015 and 2016, the Department of Homeland Security said in January.

The president has been pushing for solar panels on the border wall in recent weeks, but Vitiello said that did not affect its prototype selection process.

“It hasn’t impacted the planning,” he said. “Our role is to sort of identify the requirement for where the barrier is. We’re leaning on industry to innovate and use other materials to show us what they think is possible, doable and innovative for this process.”

He said he was unaware of any discussions between the agency and the White House concerning solar panels on the wall.

American Oversight — a left-leaning watchdog group in Washington, D.C., that has sued the federal government for more information on the border wall — said Tuesday the press conference did not go far enough.

“As the administration moves forward with the wall’s construction, major questions remain, from its cost, to its environmental impact and how it will affect homeowners along the border,” the organization said in an emailed statement.

Sticking with past statements by Border Protection, Vitiello said prototypes could stay up in San Diego after construction to act as new barriers.

The $20 million to pay for the prototypes was taken from money in the budget originally set aside for mobile video surveillance used by Customs and Border Protection, said the Democratic staff of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Government Affairs.

Prototypes must be 30 feet tall, can’t be climbed and constructed to prevent digging below the wall for at least 6 feet. Roughly 460 companies replied to requests for proposals to build the wall prototypes, including 23 in San Diego County.

Vitiello said the agency had already decided some areas of the border, around 130 miles, would not require a wall for geographic reasons, such as rivers and mountain ranges.

3rd July 2017, 07:20 AM
What's amazing, for Trump being such a tool for the Jews, how many Jews hate him.How do you prove or disprove whether someone hates someone? Why even make such a nonsensical post?

3rd July 2017, 07:42 AM

Why even bother with these trolls?

3rd July 2017, 08:07 AM
How do you prove or disprove whether someone hates someone? Why even make such a nonsensical post?

I can't, I can only go by the vicious attacks by Jews, like the vicious attacks by crimthink. Do you think crimethink hates Trump? I do.
Do you think Jews like crimthink are only pretending to hate Trump? Next question, why would he pretend?

3rd July 2017, 08:47 AM
Surest, most simple way of determining who's interests Chump is looking out for - are the wars for IsraHell ramping up or abating?

That's my metric also. Trump campaigned very convincingly that he wanted to get along with the rest of the world - all I see is an illegal escalation in Syria, and threatening Iran and Korea with acts of war.

I do like the slowdown in immigration, but I'm not convinced it will make much difference after 40 years of open borders - the die is cast.

Most of what I see is Jewjitsu.

3rd July 2017, 09:15 AM
What's amazing, for Trump being such a tool for the Jews, how many Jews hate him. It must be 10 to 1, including you.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it"

Thank you for your admission that Trump is controlled "opposition."

As for accusing me of being a Jew, a low-brow type like you only gives ammunition to the scum at CNN, that Trump supporters truly are insane.

3rd July 2017, 09:17 AM
You didn't reply what you want Trump to be doing and how he can achieve it? What are you not getting that you expect?

DACA: not repealed.

Hillary: not in jail.

China: not labeled a currency manipulator.

I could go on, but you're disingenuous, so I won't waste my time.

3rd July 2017, 11:07 AM
DACA: not repealed. that's a biggie we all want and a tough one to get through

Hillary: not in jail. I hope they are still working on it, I doubt it will go anywhere

China: not labeled a currency manipulator. still to be determined

I could go on, but you're disingenuous, so I won't waste my time.

One on my wish list is to overturn gay marriage and their spousal rights

Like I said wait and see.

I really don't think you're a Jew, but it sure does upset you when others here call you one. It's the ultimate insult.

If you are what you say you are, I'm glad Hillary didn't win, you would already be dead for mass murdering a bunch of people.
I think you still might have that tendency, even with Trump as president?

midnight rambler
3rd July 2017, 11:18 AM
You Orange Jeebus freaks need to put the hopium pipe down for a few moments, realize that Chump is just the same old shit repackaged, and watch this video.

"Don't watch the words, watch the actions."


3rd July 2017, 11:22 AM
(DACA: ) not repealed. that's a biggie we all want and a tough one to get through

Uh, no. ONE SIGNATURE, and it's over. TRUMP'S - or Kelly's.

(China: not labeled a currency manipulator.) still to be determined

Again, no. Jew Goldman Sachs agent Mnuchin can make one phone call. Trump himself can also do this. Instead, he told the world Dictator Xi is "doing an amazing job."

I really don't think you're a Jew, but it sure does upset you when others here call you one. It's the ultimate insult.

Not really. It's INCREDIBLY stupid.

If you are what you say you are, I'm glad Hillary didn't win, you would already be dead for mass murdering a bunch of people.
I think you still might have that tendency, even with Trump as president?

Who do you work for? What you posted is agent provocateurship. The only violence against innocents being contemplated is in YOUR mind. It never crosses my mind, ever, since I don't fight non-combatants.

18th September 2020, 11:19 AM
Pastor Chuck Baldwin explains Trump's executive order supposedly protecting free speach at colleges



18th September 2020, 11:41 AM
Pastor Chuck Baldwin explains Trump's executive order supposedly protecting free speach at colleges


https://youtu.be/S-x-V6Cu3awI got as far as 1:35.

18th September 2020, 01:29 PM
I got as far as 1:35.

Well you missed out then.

18th September 2020, 02:16 PM
Well you missed out then.When he said Trump was the "first Zionist President" I knew is was like all the other jewtube videos....a waste of my time. Sorry. That's the way I see it.

18th September 2020, 03:07 PM
When he said Trump was the "first Zionist President" I knew is was like all the other jewtube videos....a waste of my time. Sorry. That's the way I see it.
I agree with you. I don't know if the video is a waste of time, but it is definitely wrong about Trump being the 'first' Zionist president. I would think that all of them since Wilson were Zionist of one bent or another with the exception of Kennedy. Trump is however, the first to go full fucktard and violate the first amendment in regard to ass-kissing Israel. We definitely can see with clear vision who is in control of the world stage. If only the common man could see. I've tried and I know many here have tried, but I have given up trying and given up hope. I truly think the common person is too brainwashed and apathetic to see the truth or care.

19th September 2020, 06:05 AM
I truly think the common person is too brainwashed and apathetic to see the truth or care.But Chuck Baldwin is not just a common man. He knows what we all know.
Jewish disinfo agents will tell us many things we already know and throw in a few asinine statements to confuse those we send youtube links to.
The truth is obvious. Why not just state it plainly?
We can't get our people any closer to the truth by sending them youtube videos.

19th September 2020, 09:36 AM
ChuckBaldwinLive.com (https://chuckbaldwinlive.com) is a former christo-zio-dupe pastor who woke up to the jooodeo deception & since he preaches against it. Also been calling out the jooflu19 hoax. Adam Green & TRUnews have interviewed him.


I See A Ray Of Light (https://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Articles/tabid/109/ID/4060/I-See-A-Ray-Of-Light.aspx)

Amidst the rush among the media, medical and political establishments to have a corona vaccine delivered to the American people before the end of the year comes this report that should give us all pause. Writing for ZeroHedge.com, Tyler Durden reports: This really should be one of the biggest scandals in public health, but it’s given little attention – mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved. The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing the outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out. ...

Published: Thursday, September 17, 2020
Read More (https://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Articles/tabid/109/ID/4060/I-See-A-Ray-Of-Light.aspx)

19th September 2020, 09:59 AM
ChuckBaldwinLive.com (https://chuckbaldwinlive.com) is a former christo-zio-dupe pastor who woke up to the jooodeo deception & since he preaches against it.Either that or it's the role he's playing. He didn't "wake up" much if he thinks Trump is the "first Zionist President".

19th September 2020, 10:58 AM
Either that or it's the role he's playing. He didn't "wake up" much if he thinks Trump is the "first Zionist President".

he's arguably the "MOST" zio prez - anywho I wouldn't let that little faux pas deter you from looking at his stuff

w Adam Green 5/23/19

55 mins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idnRIetJdEM


19th September 2020, 11:54 AM
he's arguably the "MOST" zio prez -Maybe the most OPENLY Zionist President, but that's a minor point.