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1st July 2017, 04:37 PM
hoarder will appreciate this thread...





A grave in a Jewish cemetery in Bucharest, Romania. The deceased is said to have died in 1892. Is the grave authentic, or a post-1933 hoax? A coincidence, or an enlightening beacon? It was "repaired" in 1987 due to damage (allegedly) occurring during World War II.

1st July 2017, 06:20 PM
Any attempt by any jew to communicate to any non-jew, anywhere, anytime, under any circumstance, using any media, over any time period, and for any supposed purpose, is an invitation, in stealth and beyond detection, to be deceived.

Its the stars, or jews -> your choice. (Wolf Wall Street, autumn, 2016).

This alleged cemetery headstone should be viewed as draft pages in a fanciful tale being spun by a gifted jewish child learning the tricks of his trade (entertaining and captivating deception). If you pay it any mind, it ropes you in and then you're hooked. But if you promptly, as by instinct, swat it away as you would a pesky, irritating fly, then you remain in full charge of your own mind YOURSELF.

Its the stars (the REAL stars), or jews (the FAKE stars) -> your choice.

Chose well, western man, your civilization and advanced culture are at stake.

1st July 2017, 07:37 PM
Well spoken!
Any attempt by any jew to communicate to any non-jew, anywhere, anytime, under any circumstance, using any media, over any time period, and for any supposed purpose, is an invitation, in stealth and beyond detection, to be deceived.

Its the stars, or jews -> your choice. (Wolf Wall Street, autumn, 2016).

This alleged cemetery headstone should be viewed as draft pages in a fanciful tale being spun by a gifted jewish child learning the tricks of his trade (entertaining and captivating deception). If you pay it any mind, it ropes you in and then you're hooked. But if you promptly, as by instinct, swat it away as you would a pesky, irritating fly, then you remain in full charge of your own mind YOURSELF.

Its the stars (the REAL stars), or jews (the FAKE stars) -> your choice.

Chose well, western man, your civilization and advanced culture are at stake.

1st July 2017, 07:52 PM
Any attempt by any jew to communicate to any non-jew, anywhere, anytime, under any circumstance, using any media, over any time period, and for any supposed purpose, is an invitation, in stealth and beyond detection, to be deceived.

Its the stars, or jews -> your choice. (Wolf Wall Street, autumn, 2016).

This alleged cemetery headstone should be viewed as draft pages in a fanciful tale being spun by a gifted jewish child learning the tricks of his trade (entertaining and captivating deception). If you pay it any mind, it ropes you in and then you're hooked. But if you promptly, as by instinct, swat it away as you would a pesky, irritating fly, then you remain in full charge of your own mind YOURSELF.

Its the stars (the REAL stars), or jews (the FAKE stars) -> your choice.

Chose well, western man, your civilization and advanced culture are at stake.Whichever story has the most strategic value. Sometimes they lie, sometimes they tell the truth, sometimes they tell one side of the story and not the other, sometimes they tell the truth and lie about the motives, sometimes they tell the truth and leave out the most important details and sometimes they make up the most outrageous lies and get us to believe them.

Personally, I apply the law of isolation. Jews want to isolate the Jew-wise goyim from the rest of the goyim because it has strategic value. Attaching a swastika to the lips of every goy who tells their secrets serves to isolate them.

Will this man enlighten anyone?

1st July 2017, 07:58 PM
Define 'enlighten'
Whichever story has the most strategic value. Sometimes they lie, sometimes they tell the truth, sometimes they tell one side of the story and not the other, sometimes they tell the truth and lie about the motives, sometimes they tell the truth and leave out the most important details and sometimes they make up the most outrageous lies and get us to believe them.

Personally, I apply the law of isolation. Jews want to isolate the Jew-wise goyim from the rest of the goyim because it has strategic value. Attaching a swastika to the lips of every goy who tells their secrets serves to isolate them.

Will this man enlighten anyone?

1st July 2017, 08:32 PM
Define 'enlighten'Successfully convey Jewish secrets. Success being defined as acknowledgement from the receiving end.

2nd July 2017, 11:36 AM
Any attempt by any jew to communicate to any non-jew, anywhere, anytime, under any circumstance, using any media, over any time period, and for any supposed purpose, is an invitation, in stealth and beyond detection, to be deceived.

Its the stars, or jews -> your choice. (Wolf Wall Street, autumn, 2016).

This alleged cemetery headstone should be viewed as draft pages in a fanciful tale being spun by a gifted jewish child learning the tricks of his trade (entertaining and captivating deception). If you pay it any mind, it ropes you in and then you're hooked. But if you promptly, as by instinct, swat it away as you would a pesky, irritating fly, then you remain in full charge of your own mind YOURSELF.

I used to think hoarder was a nut, who was so Hell-bent on "hating Hitler" that I disregarded anything he said about Hitler and his motives. Was Hitler a Jew? Almost certainly not. I can no longer say with absolute certainty "definitely not." He definitely made grave errors (?) in judgment, including surrounding himself with unscrupulous men like Martin Bormann (Soviet agent "Werther") and quack "doctor" Theodor Morell (who looked like a Jew). Either he was bamboozled and/or drugged by them into losing the war, or, it was all conscious.

Chose well, western man, your civilization and advanced culture are at stake.

A once-respectable man told me we could give up everything - all property, land, everything - except our genetic heritage, and we would simply do as we have so many times before, create a new paradise.

If it assured our genetic (and therefore, cultural) survival, I'd agree to such a "deal." But the Aryan race's love for luxury and glory is at the root of what is killing us. The Jew is only so gleefully willing to fulfill our base, sinful, desires.

2nd July 2017, 12:56 PM
Hitler just like the founding fathers made the same errors, on purpose or not, that doesnt really matter. The founders knew that the british monster would eventually come back.

Following the money and the aftermath tells always more than anything else.

People must learn to turn their backs to power, as simple as that. Power has always been deceiving and we have 2 millennia of human history documenting this.

The success will always lie in the Unknown. Groupthink is too often against that. But the only groupthink that is worth it is unity against any form or coercion. As much as ((they)) are united in mankind destruction. Same motivation, two different mindsets.

2nd July 2017, 11:49 PM
If it assured our genetic (and therefore, cultural) survival, I'd agree to such a "deal." But the Aryan race's love for luxury and glory is at the root of what is killing us. The Jew is only so gleefully willing to fulfill our base, sinful, desires.

I am not sure our love for luxury and glory is such a problem. I think a much bigger issue is our sense of fairness, altruism and naivety in our downfall.

2nd July 2017, 11:53 PM
I am not sure our love for luxury and glory is such a problem. I think a bigger issue is our sense of fairness, altruism and naivety is a much bigger issue in our downfall.

Those are but secondary reasons:


“...the swamps of our sins.”

2nd July 2017, 11:58 PM
I used to think hoarder was a nut, who was so Hell-bent on "hating Hitler" that I disregarded anything he said about Hitler and his motives. Was Hitler a Jew? Almost certainly not. I can no longer say with absolute certainty "definitely not." He definitely made grave errors (?) in judgment, including surrounding himself with unscrupulous men like Martin Bormann (Soviet agent "Werther") and quack "doctor" Theodor Morell (who looked like a Jew). Either he was bamboozled and/or drugged by them into losing the war, or, it was all conscious.

There is the question what Hitler were doing in the "Red Army" of Bavaria in Munich between March-May 1919?

3rd July 2017, 02:25 AM
@3:20mins, this vid contends that hitler won election for saying that jews should be moved to plastine/israel? So he was in support of zionism?

Another paradox, the left ((they)) have created is now the new evil... another step further into divide and conquer... abandoning the POWER bandwagon is the wisest thing to do. Political salvation is at the core issue, and the motion they use to enslave us all.

Whitewashed: Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party


will finish this tonight

Manly P. Hall - First Line of Defense Against Adversity

3rd July 2017, 11:10 AM
There is the question what Hitler were doing in the "Red Army" of Bavaria in Munich between March-May 1919?

I wouldn't give much credence to this, but, it is true Hitler's young life is a great mystery, only some documentation is trustworthy. There have always been rumors of Hitler being a homo escort in Wien, and him having a deep crush on a Jewess named Stefanie Isak. The primary explanation of what Hitler was doing immediately after WWI, which led to him becoming involved in the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (which he renamed to the NSDAP), was that he was a spy for patriotic elements within the government, and was "monitoring" so-called "extremist" groups. Was this the reason he didn't actively combat the Bavarian Bolshevists? We simply don't know.

14th January 2019, 03:18 AM

14th January 2019, 06:17 AM

At 25 min. in, a statement that Hitler removed from printing all jewish publications other than a single Zionist jew publication.

This to me sounds like a great way for any populist jew military type dictator to steer jew public opinion.

End Times
14th January 2019, 06:30 AM

Took less than a minute for the piece to prove it lacks credibility. I mean, if you can't get the man's name right, what else did you get wrong?

"Adolph Hitler"?

He never spelled it that way, and no one who knew him ever spelled it that way. It comes directly from City of London propaganda...

14th January 2019, 06:44 AM
At 25 min. in, a statement that Hitler removed from printing all jewish publications other than a single Zionist jew publication.

This to me sounds like a great way for any populist jew military type dictator to steer jew public opinion.

Both Hoarder and I have long been expressing our opinion that the Nazi Party was put in place by Zionists and the destruction of European peoples and society was just one of their aims. Not only does the end justify the means (to them), but the end results are an indication of the plan of the Nazis all along. May as well call it the Ashke'Nazi' party.

14th January 2019, 06:48 AM
Took less than a minute for the piece to prove it lacks credibility. I mean, if you can't get the man's name right, what else did you get wrong?

"Adolph Hitler"?

He never spelled it that way, and no one who knew him ever spelled it that way. It comes directly from City of London propaganda...

There is beginning to be a preponderance of evidence. So many anomalies that shouldn't exist. I understand the need for some to have a childlike infatuation with a leader they consider to be a paragon of virtue. In this case the man led that nation to a horrible slaughter and I am reminded of Antonio's infatuation with Joseph Stalin.

End Times
14th January 2019, 07:25 AM
There is beginning to be a preponderance of evidence.

What "evidence" would that be? This video by a crank who can't even spell the man's name right? It's raw bovine excrement. And I have to laugh at how some claim "documentary evidence" that favors Hitler cannot be trusted "because Jews write all documentary evidence," but "documentary evidence" that is anti-Hitler should be added to the "proof" that Hitler was a Jew, Rothschild, Satan's begotten child, what-the-fuck-ever.

So many anomalies that shouldn't exist.

Such as?

I understand the need for some to have a childlike infatuation with a leader they consider to be a paragon of virtue.

I understand the inability of most to accept that which is "verboten" must not be believed, especially that which is very verboten. The infantile mind cannot grasp that which it is not programmed for, and while it may pretend to be "independently minded," it stills adheres to the spectrum of permissible "thought" subconsciously. "Hitler was a Jew" is a very peculiar variant of "Hitler is the epitome of evil."

In this case the man led that nation to a horrible slaughter

LOL, please turn off the "History" (sic) Channel.

The woman resisted her rape, and since she was unsuccessful, it's her fault that the rapist penetrated her then slit her throat. "The end result reveals the original intention" ("woman wanted it").

14th January 2019, 07:47 AM
What "evidence" would that be? This video by a crank who can't even spell the man's name right? It's raw bovine excrement. And I have to laugh at how some claim "documentary evidence" that favors Hitler cannot be trusted "because Jews write all documentary evidence," but "documentary evidence" that is anti-Hitler should be added to the "proof" that Hitler was a Jew, Rothschild, Satan's begotten child, what-the-fuck-ever.

Such as?

I understand the inability of most to accept that which is "verboten" must not be believed, especially that which is very verboten. The infantile mind cannot grasp that which it is not programmed for, and while it may pretend to be "independently minded," it stills adheres to the spectrum of permissible "thought" subconsciously. "Hitler was a Jew" is a very peculiar variant of "Hitler is the epitome of evil."

LOL, please turn off the "History" (sic) Channel.

The woman resisted her rape, and since she was unsuccessful, it's her fault that the rapist penetrated her then slit her throat. "The end result reveals the original intention" ("woman wanted it").

You ask for my time to refute your points.. I don't have the time. We will have to disagree. If you can't see the truth that is plain to me and others, then go on with your immature hero worship of the man and the party that destroyed Europe. He was working in concert with American Zionist leaders also. Did you read any of Douglas Reed's book 'The Controversy of Zion'? He has come to the same conclusion. Yes, I know, you believe he is a crank also. Just because you claim he is a crank, does not mean that he is. Watch the video with an open mind. I don't think you can because your mind is closed. His points are salient to the highest degree and he backs them up with research. He has done far better to prove his point than you could possibly do to refute him.

14th January 2019, 08:02 AM
What "evidence" would that be? This video by a crank who can't even spell the man's name right? It's raw bovine excrement. And I have to laugh at how some claim "documentary evidence" that favors Hitler cannot be trusted "because Jews write all documentary evidence," but "documentary evidence" that is anti-Hitler should be added to the "proof" that Hitler was a Jew, Rothschild, Satan's begotten child, what-the-fuck-ever.

LOL, please turn off the "History" (sic) Channel.

The woman resisted her rape, and since she was unsuccessful, it's her fault that the rapist penetrated her then slit her throat. "The end result reveals the original intention" ("woman wanted it").

So, was Hitler a winner or a loser? He can't be both. If he was a winner, then he destroyed Germany on Purpose. If he was a loser, what does that say about your choice of heros.

As far as the History Channel, I have not watched TV in 15 years. It is all poisonous garbage. It is a surreal experience to see it briefly when others have it on.

As far as Germany resisting her rape; It was an Hegelian Dialectic. All history is proving to be that. The conditions were purposefully created for Germany to follow someone who promised to lead it out of the hell that was raining down on it, the very hell that those who initiated the Nazi party created. Germany and European man suffered a horrible genocide because of Zionism.

End Times
14th January 2019, 08:05 AM
You ask for my time to refute your points.. I don't have the time.

You have time to watch and post bullshit videos. :)

If you can't see the truth that is plain to me and others

"Truth"? LOL

The inability to embrace the reality of who and what Hitler was is the inability to breach the second-to-last most verboten threshold. Like I said, you can't move beyond a variant of "Hitler was (evil, that is, a Jew)."

then go on with your immature hero worship of the man and the party that destroyed Europe.

I've said it many times, and I'll say it again: you and I both owe our very existence to Adolf Hitler and his heroes. For if he hadn't rallied the Germans and allies to delay Stalin, the abject degeneracy we see in the world today would have happened over 70 years ago...and much, much more, to all of Europe, then America.

He was working in concert with American Zionist leaders also.

That's the best you can do? Hitler didn't want to slaughter all of the Jews?

Hey, if I could get all Jews in America to move to "Israel" tomorrow, would I? You bet I would!

Did you read any of Douglas Reed's book 'The Controversy of Zion'? He has come to the same conclusion. Yes, I know, you believe he is a crank also.

I came across his work nearly 30 years ago. Dismissed, as that of a British elitist "conservative."

Just because you claim he is a crank, does not mean that he is.

History shows he was a crank. The nut resigned in protest at Chamberlain's noble efforts for peace, and justice for Germans. He is nothing more than the typical "conservative" you see in the Republican party.

Watch the video with an open mind.

I watched some more of it. Nothing he presented is unknown to me. But the interpretation is in error and/or fantastic (in the negative sense).

I don't think you can because your mind is closed.


If you watched this presentation with an open mind you'd be a Hitlerite like me! -


Alas, your programming remains, and you cannot move past the acceptable Kosher interpretations of Hitler: he was a satanic anti-Semite, or, he was a one-balled homosexual, or, he was a Rothschild offspring bent on murdering Goyim. Your programming does not allow "Hitler was exactly what he claimed to be."

His points are salient to the highest degree and he backs them up with research.


So do the Holocaust™ propagandists.

He has done far better to prove his point than you could possibly do to refute him.

You actually have no clue about my research or my publications in the real world. :)

I could recount all of my research here, and you'd simply dismiss it. "I don't have time."

End Times
14th January 2019, 08:18 AM
So, was Hitler a winner or a loser? He can't be both. If he was a winner, then he destroyed Germany on Purpose. If he was a loser, what does that say about your choice of heros.

"90-pound Penny deserved to be raped if she couldn't successfully fight off the 300-pound Nigger..."


As far as the History Channel, I have not watched TV in 15 years. It is all poisonous garbage. It is a surreal experience to see it briefly when others have it on.

Surprising, since so much of your opinion of Hitler is verbatim from the "History" (sic) Channel.

As far as Germany resisting her rape; It was an Hegelian Dialectic. All history is proving to be that.

You're hypothesizing upon something without actual God's eye view evidence to back it up. In other words, assumptions.

The conditions were purposefully created for Germany to follow someone who promised to lead it out of the hell that was raining down on it, the very hell that those who initiated the Nazi party created.

This is called, in "entertainment," retconning.

The Anglo-French hatred for Germany, the most potentially-threatening competitor, simmered for generations before Hitler was even born. The Versailles Treaty was not some "master plan" by Jews to create Hitler. It was simply mercantile hatred for the nation that could challenge Britain's and France's empires.

The Bolshevists almost succeeded in Germany, before most Germans had heard of the funny-mustachioed dude. It was German patriots who made sure they didn't.

You're assuming the Jews have supernatural insight and superhuman cognition, making it possible for them to outwit the Goyim not only in major strategy, but in every fine detail. If your vision of the Jew were true, maybe they should rule the world! However, the Jew is not nearly as omniscient as you pretend he is, just an excellent opportunist for those things fate have presented to him.

Germany and European man suffered a horrible genocide because of Zionism.

European man suffered a horrible genocide 1914-1918, then again in 1918 to 1933. Before Hitler had a chance to try to set things right.

Friend, I'm sorry, but your position on Hitler reminds me of the NPC position on Trump: "Orange Man bad because he attacks Syria...Orange Man bad because he withdraws from Syria." Neither can win.

14th January 2019, 08:49 AM
"90-pound Penny deserved to be raped if she couldn't successfully fight off the 300-pound Nigger..."

:rolleyes:Sounds like the argument you use to blame White people for "letting" Jews screw them over.

You're assuming the Jews have supernatural insight and superhuman cognition, making it possible for them to outwit the Goyim not only in major strategy, but in every fine detail. If your vision of the Jew were true, maybe they should rule the world! We have to understand the weaknesses of our own people, or the strategic cleverness of the Jewish hierarchy, whichever you choose. The average White person's capacity for logic and strategy is downright pathetic.

14th January 2019, 08:52 AM
Took less than a minute for the piece to prove it lacks credibility. I mean, if you can't get the man's name right, what else did you get wrong?

"Adolph Hitler"?

He never spelled it that way, and no one who knew him ever spelled it that way. It comes directly from City of London propaganda...Semantics from a man who spells socialism with a "Z".

midnight rambler
14th January 2019, 09:08 AM
Sounds like the argument you use to blame White people for "letting" Jews screw them over.

Silence is acceptance.

14th January 2019, 09:09 AM
I don't know how I missed it when I read Contro of Zion many years ago 2004.

I guess I was looking for evidence that backed my biases then.

Anyhow the most interesting thing I picked up from the slower chapter be chapter reading is Hitler did not start out as making war on Jews. He instead made war on all German's who did not like the direction he was taking the country. Over 90 percent of the people locked up were German's. But the Jewish controlled news media morphed the story into a war on Jews.

I love how book backs up my view with the display of what he calls the overwhelming support for Hitler.

My take is if you don't support Hitler your next dwelling place is a concentration camp.

14th January 2019, 09:23 AM
I don't know how I missed it when I read Contro of Zion many years ago 2004.

I guess is was looking for evidence that backed my biases then.

Anyhow the most interesting thing I picked up from the slower chapter be chapter reading is Hitler did not start out as making war on Jews. He instead made war on all German's who did not like the direction he was taking the country. Over 90 percent of the people locked up were German's. But the Jewish controlled news media morphed the story into a war on Jews.

I love how book backs up my view with the display of what he calls the overwhelming support for Hitler.

My take is if you don't support Hitler your next dwelling place is a concentration camp."You're either with us or against us" is a favorite mantra of controlled opposition.

End Times
14th January 2019, 09:52 AM
Sounds like the argument you use to blame White people for "letting" Jews screw them over.

It's the "argument" you and woodman make when you blame Hitler for the rape of Germany.

We have to understand the weaknesses of our own people, or the strategic cleverness of the Jewish hierarchy, whichever you choose. The average White person's capacity for logic and strategy is downright pathetic.

In other words, the Jews ARE a Master Race, and should rule the world! We Goyim are just too stupid to defend ourselves.

That is, indeed, your "argument."

End Times
14th January 2019, 10:04 AM
Semantics from a man who spells socialism with a "Z".

And WTF are you talking about?

14th January 2019, 10:18 AM
Semantics from a man who spells socialism with a "Z".

And a bad case of tartar.

14th January 2019, 10:49 AM
Both Hoarder and I have long been expressing our opinion that...


Yeah, and since GIM1, both Fred and I have been correcting you two.


14th January 2019, 10:50 AM
Hitler knew the name of the game since day 1, he was an insider... he knew he stood no chance if starting a war... he was either a delusional megalomaniac or agreed to be "the" pawn on the chessboard

End Times
14th January 2019, 10:54 AM
he knew he stood no chance if starting a war... he was either a delusional megalomaniac or agreed to be pawn on the chessboard

Or he had no choice but to try...

14th January 2019, 11:11 AM
In other words, the Jews ARE a Master Race, and should rule the world! We Goyim are just too stupid to defend ourselves.

That is, indeed, your "argument."Yes they are the Master Race and no they should not rule the world. One does NOT follow the other. They have their weaknesses that we must take advantage of. They are fewer. They are dependent on parasitism. Their house is a house of cards with a foundation of lies.

And WTF are you talking about?You are the one who insists that NAZI stands for national socialism and has no reference to the AshkeNAZIS who ran that party, as they do all political parties.

14th January 2019, 11:18 AM
So, was Hitler a winner or a loser? He can't be both. If he was a winner, then he destroyed Germany on Purpose. If he was a loser, what does that say about your choice of heros..


German-Americans (and other dumb goyim) were tricked into murdering their own relatives for this:

https://static.timesofisrael.com/atlantajewishtimes/uploads/2018/04/ED-Briefs-chabad.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b5/Reagan_receives_menorah_1986.jpg/350px-Reagan_receives_menorah_1986.jpg

https://www.collive.com/pics/s_nf_7E-02_4035449.jpg https://viciousbabushka.typepad.com/.a/6a010536b72a74970b0163062e4622970d-600wi


Who was the real loser of WWII?


14th January 2019, 11:51 AM
Or he had no choice but to try...

when you know history as well as I know (and I am no scholar)... no chance

End Times
14th January 2019, 01:19 PM
Yes they are the Master Race


and no they should not rule the world.

Why not? If they "are the Master Race," why shouldn't the "best" be in charge?

You are the one who insists that NAZI stands for national socialism

Uh, no. Never did nor do I "insist" the Jew-Bolshevist slur "Nazi" stands for National Socialism. They do. YOU do.

"Nazi" was derived from "Not-zee-uh-nall" - the German pronunciation of "National." Not Sozialismus. Really hard for you to be taken seriously on any of these crank/kook theories about Hitler of yours when you don't even know that.

End Times
14th January 2019, 01:29 PM
when you know history as well as I know (and I am no scholar)


14th January 2019, 03:44 PM

Why not? If they "are the Master Race," why shouldn't the "best" be in charge? Your ideology, not mine. The Master Race has the lowest morals yet the most clever sense of strategy backed with ambition.

Uh, no. Never did nor do I "insist" the Jew-Bolshevist slur "Nazi" stands for National Socialism. They do. YOU do.

"Nazi" was derived from "Not-zee-uh-nall" - the German pronunciation of "National." Not Sozialismus. Really hard for you to be taken seriously on any of these crank/kook theories about Hitler of yours when you don't even know that.An "S" becomes a "Z" and it's merely a coincidence that NAZI is the last four letters of AshkeNAZI.

End Times
14th January 2019, 03:45 PM
Did you read any of Douglas Reed's book 'The Controversy of Zion'?

"The intellectual faculties of the Jew have been trained through thousands of years. Today the Jew is looked upon as specially ‘cunning’; and in a certain sense he has been so throughout the ages. His intellectual powers, however, are not the result of an inner evolution but rather have been shaped by the object-lessons which the Jew has received from others."


"Once, as I was strolling through the inner city, I suddenly encountered an apparition in a black caftan and black hair locks. Is this a Jew? was my first thought."

"For, to be sure, they had not looked like that in Birmingham. I observed the man furtively and cautiously, but the longer I stared at this foreign face, scrutinizing feature for feature, the more my first question assumed a new form: is this an Englishman?"


Due to his own original special nature, the Jew cannot possess a religious institution, if for no other reason because he lacks idealism in any form, and hence belief in a hereafter is absolutely foreign to him. And a religion in the European sense cannot be imagined which lacks the conviction of survival after death in some form. Indeed, the Talmud is not a book to prepare a man for the hereafter, but only for a practical and profitable life in this world.

The best characterization is provided by the product of this religious education, the Jew himself. His life is only of this world, and his spirit is inwardly as alien to true Christianity as his nature two thousand years previous was to the great founder of the new doctrine. Of course, the latter made no secret of his attitude toward the Jews, and when necessary he even took the whip to drive from the temple of the Lord this adversary of all humanity, who then as always saw in religion nothing but an instrument for his business existence. In return, Christ was nailed to the cross, while our present-day party Christians debase themselves to begging for Jewish votes at elections and later try to arrange political swindles with atheistic Jewish parties-- and this against their own nation.


“While the Zionists try to make the rest of the World believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Gentiles. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organisation for their international world swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

-- Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion

I have to say, the author of those statements has pretty profound insights on the Jews.

End Times
14th January 2019, 03:57 PM
Your ideology, not mine.

You're the one that called them "the Master Race."

I call them sewage of history.

An "S" becomes a "Z" and it's merely a coincidence that NAZI is the last four letters of AshkeNAZI.

You'll have to ask the Khazars if they intended to mock their greatest modern enemy that way. The Jew has always gleefully co-opted Goyish products, adding insult to injury. Just witness the fake idol they have set up, Einstein, who stole his valuable ideas from Goyim, such as Frenchman Henri Poincaré, Italian Olinto De Pretto, Dutchman Hendrik Lorentz and German Calvinist David Hilbert. Jewish media and Jewish academics then "made" him into a god-like figure.

No reason to believe they may not have very well created the "Nazi" slur to mock National Socialism, connecting it with non-German "German Jewry," the Ashkenazim.

But I hope you're not suggesting the common German pronunciation of national, which is centuries-old, was created for the Jews in the 1920s? Couldn't get more kooky than that.

14th January 2019, 04:31 PM
You're the one that called them "the Master Race."

I call them sewage of history.Call them what you want, but they have much more power over you than you or we have over them. As I recall, you even say that turning things around is completely hopeless. Seems pretty clever of them.
Much of what transpired or is claimed to have transpired during the WW2 era is a projection of Jewish attitudes and characteristics on "Joymans". "Uber alles", "Master Race", eugenics, genocides etc... Hitler proved to have been a useful tool in these projections and did a very poor job of convincing Whites around the world that they were victims of Jews.

I'm puzzled at what kind of mindset would think that if one's enemy is more clever, that submission is natural and inevitable. Even Blacks, as simple as they are, don't give up that easily and they are acutely aware of their inferiority.

When I suggest that Khazars are the Master Race, it does not mean I think they are "better" people. But the history of mankind shows that it has always been race against race, nation against nation and religion against religion, so success at power stuggles being the yardstick that matters most to most people, of course they are the Masters.

End Times
14th January 2019, 04:53 PM
-- Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion

Oh, my, I do believe I made a mistake...Douglas Reed didn't write all that.

Adolf Hitler did, in Mein Kampf.

14th January 2019, 04:54 PM
Busy day for me. Missed the commentary here. Built and installed cabinet for wife. Funny, she has been after me to build a cabinet for a corner of the kitchen where things pile up. Me, I get sidetracked. A cabinetry book that I've had for years turns up on my bedside table. "Where'd the book come from?" "I don't know. One of the grandkids must've put it there." LOL. Okay, I got her cabinet done, minus the doors. She made delicious stuffed cabbage rolls for supper. Life is good.

I am not convinced Hitler nor the Nazi party were German patriots. I see a darker side. "We will provide your opposition leaders." I am in good company. If I saw it the other way, I'd still be in good company. You guys are bright, and you're alright. We just disagree. Note that Timothy Kelley and Joe Atwell whom I have a lot of respect for, side with me. They are no fools. Mike King sees it your way. He is a bright guy.

I certainly don't believe the Jews are supermen. There is an ancient Cabbal that is using the Jews for their own purposes. They have been students of deception for thousands of years. They need to be studied by us; studied as carefully as we study physics and geology and psychology and any other science. We are excellent at solving puzzles and this is a puzzle we must solve for the very future of the human race. The Jews have been imprisoned for hundreds and thousands of years by this fiercely protective and secret Cabbal. They are used as a force against the human race, all races, all countries. They have infiltrated all things, just as freemasonry has been used. When you hold something down, you coalesce certain properties and some things that are suppressed lead to accelerated growth in other dimensions. Look at the coyote. It has been hunted and hounded and the terrain that it inhabited has been laid to waste. All this did was to serve it's numbers in the end. It's main predators, wolves, large cats, etc., have been largely eliminated and the coyote remains. It's area once small, has expanded into all states. It even thrives in the cities.

We need to wise-up.

End Times
14th January 2019, 05:08 PM
Call them what you want, but they have much more power over you than you or we have over them. As I recall, you even say that turning things around is completely hopeless. Seems pretty clever of them.

Clever? There you go again, implying omniscience and omnipotence.

We've let them have their way too far and for too long, so, yes, it cannot be turned around short of a phenomenal Black Swan.

Hitler proved to have been a useful tool in these projections and did a very poor job of convincing Whites around the world that they were victims of Jews.

So, which is it? Are the Jews masterfully clever, hoodwinking Goyim, or, are we not victims of Jews, doing ourselves in?

"Hitler...useful tool..." I could say the same about you, every time you push the canard that Hitler was a Jew (tool).

I'm puzzled at what kind of mindset would think that if one's enemy is more clever, that submission is natural and inevitable.

You called them "the Master Race," not me.

Is it not logical that "the better" or "the best" rules? Surely you can't disagree that if what you say is true, that we did not give up our own "White supremacy" of the world, the Jews took it from us?

Even Blacks, as simple as they are, don't give up that easily and they are acutely aware of their inferiority.

I'm not a Nigger, savage brutes whose eternal nature is savagery. They don't "give up," no, they attack their betters, wreck or burn down their own habitats...

End Times
14th January 2019, 05:17 PM
There is an ancient Cabbal that is using the Jews for their own purposes...The Jews have been imprisoned for hundreds and thousands of years by this fiercely protective and secret Cabbal. They are used as a force against the human race, all races, all countries. They have infiltrated all things, just as freemasonry has been used.

I disagree that there is a "Cabal" running the Jews. The Jews are the Cabal. Freemasonry is but Judaism for Gentiles. In past eras, yes, there were other evil enterprises and evil armies working against humanity, but since old Babylon, it's been "the Jews." St. John in Revelation gives us a huge clue who and what will be the instrument to bring about the Hell-on-Earth the leads to Armageddon, when he names the Enemy "Mystery Babylon the Great." Who has carried old Babylon's culture into modern times, into our world? The Jews, of course, via their traditions of the Elders, which Christ condemned as Satanic, and which are now known as the Babylonian Talmud. The Babylonian Woe goes into this socio-econo-political heritage in more secular terms (but doesn't tie-in the role of Satan's officer corps, the Jews, adequately). The "mystery" is because it will remain hidden to most people. The Jewish impostorship is wildly successful...they are embraced as "great people," whereas the Bible tells us quite otherwise.

Biblical Prophecy...we're living it!

14th January 2019, 05:27 PM
Clever? There you go again, implying omniscience and omnipotence.

We've let them have their way too far and for too long, so, yes, it cannot be turned around short of a phenomenal Black Swan. If we "let" them subjugate us, are we not inferior at power struggles? You can't have it both ways. All things are relative. Whether we let them or they out manipulated us, either way, one has to be better at power struggles than the other.
You don't lose because you're better at strategy. It's the other way around.

"Hitler...useful tool..." I could say the same about you, every time you push the canard that Hitler was a Jew (tool). A tool is someone who assists them. How do I assist them by demolishing the demon they created to subjugate us? Regardless of how you look at Hitler, regardless of whether you think it was because or in spite of........ The mere mention of his name or his political party universally puts Jews in a better position. He who wears the swastika or adores Adolf is a tool.

Is it not logical that "the better" or "the best" rules? I'll explain it once more. having mastery over others is a matter of being the best in strategic terms, not being better at inventing, having better morals, being better looking, being more honorable. None of the latter amount to much when you are subjugated.

Surely you can't disagree that if what you say is true, that we did not give up our own "White supremacy" of the world, the Jews took it from us?

Same thing. One is better at strategy than the other. You blame the victims if you want.

14th January 2019, 05:28 PM
I disagree that there is a "Cabal" running the Jews. The Jews are the Cabal. Freemasonry is but Judaism for Gentiles. In past eras, yes, there were other evil enterprises and evil armies working against humanity, but since old Babylon, it's been "the Jews." St. John in Revelation gives us a huge clue who and what will be the instrument to bring about the Hell-on-Earth the leads to Armageddon, when he names the Enemy "Mystery Babylon the Great." Who has carried old Babylon's culture into modern times, into our world? The Jews, of course, via their traditions of the Elders, which Christ condemned as Satanic, and which are now known as the Babylonian Talmud. The Babylonian Woe goes into this socio-econo-political heritage in more secular terms (but doesn't tie-in the role of Satan's officer corps, the Jews, adequately). The "mystery" is because it will remain hidden to most people. The Jewish impostorship is wildly successful...they are embraced as "great people," whereas the Bible tells us quite otherwise.

Biblical Prophecy...we're living it!

No, there is a malign intelligence behind all governments and they are directing the currents of history for their own secret and not so secret purposes. The 'Jews', that is all jews are not complicit. Many are, but many Christians are right there beside them and cheering them on. I would say that anyone who looks for a 'messiah' to save them are complicit due to inaction. Jews are good and bad, enlightened and ignorant, wise and foolish, just as we are.

Jesus isn't coming to town Fred. We are on our own here.

14th January 2019, 05:49 PM
There is an ancient Cabal that is using the Jews for their own purposes...The Jews have been imprisoned for hundreds and thousands of years by this fiercely protective and secret Cabal.


I join Fred in mocking this post.


14th January 2019, 05:59 PM
Jews are good and bad, enlightened and ignorant, wise and foolish, just as we are.



14th January 2019, 06:12 PM

I join Fred in mocking this post.


Mock away bro. It is of no importance. I am just a little man and am trying to understand. I have a long way to go. This I know; If we alienate 'all' Jews by lumping them together as an entirely evil and unreachable race of alien beings, then we are doomed by our own entrenched and malign attitude, doing the work of those who have been steering the Jews for thousands of years (yes the Jews have leaders). This will only serve to coalesce their resolve. Yes, many Jews have horrible traits and it is easy to see them all in a bad light. I look around at my fellow man and I see the same traits just not as coalesced. Not as pointed, not as powerful due to bluntness of purpose. The Jews have been given purpose, even though it is thoroughly malign in it's intent. They as a people, do certainly intend to enslave and wipe us out. There is nothing we can do to please them except die off.

I endorse the message of Jesus. I welcome them if they are willing to lay down their arms and assimilate. Just what do you propose? Don't tell me, I already know; You have been completely unmanned by the fear of the Jews. In your view it is a done deal, they have conquered the world and we are toast; So you will do nothing but bemoan your awful fate.

14th January 2019, 07:53 PM
Ofcourse the cabal of jews would in all cases disassociate itself from the jews (ie: Hitler) The jew outter ring where all attacks should be directed.

Direction towards attacking Zionist ideals is about the only target anyone would have chance at and why its made available. Semite hate or direct attack only strengthens their cause and outter jew ring, the only thing that drives them is greed for local power influence. (working with the or any system to achieve)

14th January 2019, 07:56 PM
...So you will do nothing but bemoan your awful fate.

List three things that Woodman himself is DOING to promote his children's fate:





14th January 2019, 08:11 PM
If we alienate 'all' Jews by lumping them together as an entirely evil and unreachable race of alien beings, then we are doomed by our own entrenched and malign attitude, doing the work of those who have been steering the Jews for thousands of years (yes the Jews have leaders).

1) All Jews are in a position to know the supremacist and parasitic designs of the tribal heirarchy and most other Jews.
2) There aren't more than a handful of Jews sincerely speaking out and exposing it. If I'm wrong, name them.
3) If we lump them all together, we only malign a handful who are not our enemies.

Call it a cabal if you wish, but the heirarchy of Jews are all Jews. Jews may be using other Jews, but it's all for the benefit of the tribe.

14th January 2019, 08:23 PM
I am not moaning that it is over. I refuse to foster a defeatist attitude. Nor am I waiting for Jesus to come and make it all better. I still think your beloved Adolph was a Jew and if not a Jew, certainly a Jew Tool.

End Times
14th January 2019, 09:03 PM
A tool is someone who assists them. How do I assist them by demolishing the demon they created to subjugate us? Regardless of how you look at Hitler, regardless of whether you think it was because or in spite of........ The mere mention of his name or his political party universally puts Jews in a better position. He who wears the swastika or adores Adolf is a tool.

You operate on a premise based on totally false assumptions. If Hitler was not a Jew or Jew-tool, then your entire premise disintegrates. Similarly to if the Holocaust™ was not actually history...

There are two things that are most, most forbidden in this Kosher world:

1) praise for the "anti-Semitic" Jesus Christ and His Gospel;
2) praise for Adolf Hitler.

Almost anything else is permitted, to a point.

Each time you libel Hitler with false accusations and retcon his work, you reinforce #2.

Oh, and BTW, I don't wear Swastikas and I don't "adore" Hitler. I respect him for the great visionary he was, and I revere him for the nobility of character he displayed. You, however, are willing to shit all over his memory because you assume that the Jews are right: Hitler was evil.

End Times
14th January 2019, 09:08 PM
No, there is a malign intelligence behind all governments and they are directing the currents of history for their own secret and not so secret purposes.

That "malign intelligence" is singular. The Bible told us who and what it is long ago. "Satan" is the most common name.

Are we to believe that Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Soros, are really that smart?

The 'Jews', that is all jews are not complicit.

No, not all those of Jewish heritage are complicit. But anyone who embraces the Talmud is. We've seen often in history that Jews will sacrifice little Jews, even on a whim.

Many are, but many Christians are right there beside them and cheering them on.

You forgot the quotation marks around "Christian." No follower of the real Christ would give a millisecond of willing support to these devils in human form.

I would say that anyone who looks for a 'messiah' to save them are complicit due to inaction.

I've asked before: please tell us your "plan." Please also document the personal "action" you have engaged in. We wouldn't want to have to put you on the list of noose candidates for "complicity due to inaction" now, would we? :)

Jews are good and bad, enlightened and ignorant, wise and foolish, just as we are.

You're right. Some Jews have accepted the Messiah Jesus Christ, and some still believe the "traditions of the Elders" are from God.

Jesus isn't coming to town Fred. We are on our own here.

That's what the Jews hope the Goyim believe. They've been at it for 1989 years now...

End Times
14th January 2019, 09:23 PM
This I know; If we alienate 'all' Jews by lumping them together as an entirely evil and unreachable race of alien beings, then we are doomed by our own entrenched and malign attitude, doing the work of those who have been steering the Jews for thousands of years (yes the Jews have leaders). This will only serve to coalesce their resolve.

You're not seriously proposing an alliance with "good Jews," right?

I have no problem with non-violence towards them provided they are not actively working against us (that includes covert Sayanim work). But "they're just like us, only a different faith/ethnicity," uh, no. History shows that is a guaranteed defeat.

Yes, many Jews have horrible traits and it is easy to see them all in a bad light. I look around at my fellow man and I see the same traits just not as coalesced. Not as pointed, not as powerful due to bluntness of purpose. The Jews have been given purpose, even though it is thoroughly malign in it's intent. They as a people, do certainly intend to enslave and wipe us out. There is nothing we can do to please them except die off.

The mark of a non-combatant Jew is obvious: denunciation/renunciation of the Talmud, such as by Brother Nathanael. Anything less is weasel words by anthropomorphic weasels. They must disconnect themselves from "their people," and join humanity, as a Goy of Jewish heritage.

I endorse the message of Jesus. I welcome them if they are willing to lay down their arms and assimilate.

Please see my immediately above comments.

Oh, and "assimilation" is not on the table for the vast majority. A few could be allowed to live out their lives amongst us, but even then that's potentially dangerous. Best they be given a comfortable ghetto somewhere under protection. All hypothetical, of course.

In your view it is a done deal, they have conquered the world and we are toast; So you will do nothing but bemoan your awful fate.

Again: please detail your personal actions that have caused even minor harm to the Kosher Juggernaut steamrolling Aryan civilization every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year.

At this point, I'm just trying to stand my ground until the Cavalry from Calvary arrives.

End Times
14th January 2019, 09:25 PM
1) All Jews are in a position to know the supremacist and parasitic designs of the tribal heirarchy and most other Jews.
2) There aren't more than a handful of Jews sincerely speaking out and exposing it. If I'm wrong, name them.
3) If we lump them all together, we only malign a handful who are not our enemies.

Call it a cabal if you wish, but the heirarchy of Jews are all Jews. Jews may be using other Jews, but it's all for the benefit of the tribe.

hoarder and I agree on key points!

End Times
14th January 2019, 09:28 PM
I am not moaning that it is over. I refuse to foster a defeatist attitude. Nor am I waiting for Jesus to come and make it all better. I still think your beloved Adolph was a Jew and if not a Jew, certainly a Jew Tool.

Who's "Adolph"?

Adolph Green?

Adolph "Harpo" Marx?

Adolph Zukor?

Yeah, they were all Jews.

14th January 2019, 10:30 PM
Takes two to make a tango, a long thread an opposing ethnic state in the middle east.

15th January 2019, 03:07 AM
any serious leader would NEVER choose war to take down the world pyramid structure, but EXPOSE the whole truth via the media restlessly. Asking one's people to sacrifice them lives when they barely know -- or not at all -- about the issues is unethical and criminal. A true leader will risk his/her own life instead.

That people still choose to rally for war is puzzling and disturbing, followers are more of problem than those giving orders. People are afraid to take responsibility because they know if they ever did, they would lose their possessions/job/friends (anything material) in the process. This is a spiritual battle above all... but we now are about to lose everything, so what now?

Mark Passio has an excellent lecture about the evil caused by order following... no sovereign being would ever follow the order to kill and pillage... war are what they are... blood sacrifices serving evil because obviously wars have not been eradicated yet and never will if we continue doing that.

15th January 2019, 03:56 AM
You operate on a premise based on totally false assumptions. If Hitler was not a Jew or Jew-tool, then your entire premise disintegrates. Similarly to if the Holocaust™ was not actually history...

There are two things that are most, most forbidden in this Kosher world:

1) praise for the "anti-Semitic" Jesus Christ and His Gospel;
2) praise for Adolf Hitler.

Almost anything else is permitted, to a point.

Each time you libel Hitler with false accusations and retcon his work, you reinforce #2.Each time I suggest Hitler was a Jew, I detach Germany from the false guilt associated with WW2. This is not what Jews want. What they do want is that all their opposition is attached to the devil they have created, thus isolating them from the rest of the White population and preventing them from communicating Jewish secrets.

15th January 2019, 05:23 AM
As Reed says Adolf Hitler man of mystery who appears just when Jewry needs him to apply the whip and create the Second World War with the cooperation of the communists of Russia, almost all Jews.

Just too convenient for the Jews, to be an accident.

15th January 2019, 05:30 AM
As Reed says Adolf Hitler man of mystery who appears just when Jewry needs him to apply the whip and create the Second World War with the cooperation of the communists of Russia, almost all Jews.

Just too convenient for the Jews, to be an accident.That sums up the two most important points of logic to use when analyzing the past: Cui bono and Modus Operandi.
Jews have a long history of controlling both sides in nearly every major conflict and Jews are the beneficiaries of these major conflicts, especially this one.

End Times
15th January 2019, 07:00 AM
any serious leader would NEVER choose war to take down the world pyramid structure, but EXPOSE the whole truth via the media restlessly.


The Protocols have been published for over a century, and the Jews have only gained ground immensely during this time of "education."

White folk have maybe two generations more to "educate the masses" before we are simply no more.

Please tell us more about your "expose the whole truth" so-called "strategy." LOL

End Times
15th January 2019, 07:06 AM
Each time I suggest Hitler was a Jew, I detach Germany from the false guilt associated with WW2.

You are a real hoot! Germany is "guilty" because they are...Goyim. Guilty for World War ONE, as well. Not Wilhelm II...GERMANS. Their only means to atone for their "sins" of "anti-Semitism" across centuries is death.

preventing them from communicating Jewish secrets.

No man in the last 500 years has done more than to expose "Jewish secrets" to the masses than Adolf Hitler. His Mein Kampf laid out how Jews operate to tens of millions in his own country, then tens of millions more around the world.

If you'd bother reading Mein Kampf, your crank/kook theories would likely evaporate. "Hitler was a Jew, which is why he exposed their modus operandi to the Goyim" could not be repeated with a straight face.

End Times
15th January 2019, 07:08 AM
As Reed says Adolf Hitler man of mystery who appears just when Jewry needs him to apply the whip and create the Second World War with the cooperation of the communists of Russia, almost all Jews.

Just too convenient for the Jews, to be an accident.

What is "mysterious" about him?

Who started World War II? Not Hitler. The Rothschild's City of London and the Rothschild's "Republique Francais" did, on September 3, 1939. Hitler did not attack or even threaten Britain and France.

End Times
15th January 2019, 07:10 AM
the two most important points of logic

You really do think you're smarter and have keener insights than you actually do.


15th January 2019, 08:50 AM

My tag team-mate Fred won the entire previous thread page and I didn't even have to enter the ring...lol.


15th January 2019, 09:12 AM

My tag team-mate Fred won the entire previous thread page and I didn't even have to enter the ring...lol.


The Jew says winning is everything, truth is anything we say it is.

15th January 2019, 09:22 AM
...I guess I was looking for evidence that backed my biases then...

You still are.


15th January 2019, 09:24 AM
You still are.


Look in the mirror, you too.

15th January 2019, 09:36 AM
What is "mysterious" about him?

Who started World War II? Not Hitler. The Rothschild's City of London and the Rothschild's "Republique Francais" did, on September 3, 1939. Hitler did not attack or even threaten Britain and France.


How soon we forget:
There is the question what Hitler were doing in the "Red Army" of Bavaria in Munich between March-May 1919?
https://libcom.org/forums/history/hi...ublic-28062011 (https://libcom.org/forums/history/hitler-bavarian-soviet-republic-28062011)

I wouldn't give much credence to this, but, it is true Hitler's young life is a great mystery, only some documentation is trustworthy. There have always been rumors of Hitler being a homo escort in Wien, and him having a deep crush on a Jewess named Stefanie Isak. The primary explanation of what Hitler was doing immediately after WWI, which led to him becoming involved in the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (which he renamed to the NSDAP), was that he was a spy for patriotic elements within the government, and was "monitoring" so-called "extremist" groups. Was this the reason he didn't actively combat the Bavarian Bolshevists? We simply don't know.

Reed tried to find info on Adolf and came up with not much. Kind of strange for the leader of a whole country, most other leaders have a detailed history going back several generations. But not Adolf.

15th January 2019, 09:44 AM
Reed tried to find info on Adolf and came up with not much. Kind of strange for the leader of a whole country, most other leaders have a detailed history going back several generations. But not Adolf.


Jews rewrote history since 1945. Who owns all the publishing/media companies Bigjon?

End Times
15th January 2019, 09:47 AM
Reed tried to find info on Adolf and came up with not much. Kind of strange for the leader of a whole country, most other leaders have a detailed history going back several generations. But not Adolf.

I guess rising from being a common man to head of state is a crime. That sounds Jewish.

Who of us here, even in 2019, has a detailed history of their childhood and young adulthood? Unless we were born into money and/or privilege, we were "nobodies" to the Jewish media. Likewise with Hitler. As for his genealogy, that's been settled for decades. No "Rothschild" or common Jew in it. Only ignoble element in his heritage was the common-in-Central Europe inbreeding; folks from the same village(s) married their cousins (first, second, third).

The Aryan Way is to presume innocence, not guilt. The assumption that Hitler was nefarious is very Kosher. It's like when Irving pointed out not a single shred of documentation existed with Hitler's signature commanding his forces to "gas" anyone. "It must be somewhere, it must have been destroyed to keep it secret." Uh, no, it never existed. Same with "Hitler was a Jew / Jew-tool / instrument of the Rothschilds / minion of Gargamel" - not a single piece of evidence. Just speculation. Same kind of speculation that has Hitler boiling in hot excrement in Hell.

15th January 2019, 10:27 AM
No man in the last 500 years has done more than to expose "Jewish secrets" to the masses than Adolf Hitler. His Mein Kampf laid out how Jews operate to tens of millions in his own country, then tens of millions more around the world.He may have "laid it out" to them, but few actually read it. You don't enlighten the White people of the world by preachin' at the choir, telling those who already know. You have to actually reach the one who don't know. And when you control public schools and make little effort to reach them there, one has to wonder....

15th January 2019, 11:03 AM
You have to actually reach the one who don't know.



Your pithy platitudes (http://wordinfo.info/words/images/platitude-3.jpg) have become annoying Hoarder.


15th January 2019, 11:17 AM

Jews rewrote history since 1945. Who owns all the publishing/media companies Bigjon?

Thanks for admitting to the facts, why did they cover up all the details about Herr Hitler? Seems like they could not let this info out.

15th January 2019, 11:21 AM
I guess rising from being a common man to head of state is a crime. That sounds Jewish.

Who of us here, even in 2019, has a detailed history of their childhood and young adulthood? Unless we were born into money and/or privilege, we were "nobodies" to the Jewish media. Likewise with Hitler. As for his genealogy, that's been settled for decades. No "Rothschild" or common Jew in it. Only ignoble element in his heritage was the common-in-Central Europe inbreeding; folks from the same village(s) married their cousins (first, second, third).

The Aryan Way is to presume innocence, not guilt. The assumption that Hitler was nefarious is very Kosher. It's like when Irving pointed out not a single shred of documentation existed with Hitler's signature commanding his forces to "gas" anyone. "It must be somewhere, it must have been destroyed to keep it secret." Uh, no, it never existed. Same with "Hitler was a Jew / Jew-tool / instrument of the Rothschilds / minion of Gargamel" - not a single piece of evidence. Just speculation. Same kind of speculation that has Hitler boiling in hot excrement in Hell.

I have a very detailed history and many cousins who know me and not that there is much to tell, they do know where I stand on just about every issue.
No big mystery man here.
Not at all like Hitler.

15th January 2019, 11:25 AM


Your pithy platitudes (http://wordinfo.info/words/images/platitude-3.jpg) have become annoying Hoarder.


Thanks again for proving Reed's point about Hitler's war on everyday any man German's. When you don't show up for the rally you better have a good reason or you could be moved to a new address, one with barbed wire all around it.
And you better look enthusiastic, the SS is watching YOU.

15th January 2019, 11:36 AM
He may have "laid it out" to them, but few actually read it. You don't enlighten the White people of the world by preachin' at the choir, telling those who already know. You have to actually reach the one who don't know. And when you control public schools and make little effort to reach them there, one has to wonder....

The book "Mein Kampf" does provide the info the Jews need to prove what an anti-Semite he is, the better for them to chose him as their champion to prove their overriding meme "Jews are always the victim". He killed 6 million Jews and he claims to be one of the Nordic Master Race.

It's an epic worthy of Cecil B. DeMille.

End Times
15th January 2019, 02:13 PM
He may have "laid it out" to them, but few actually read it. You don't enlighten the White people of the world by preachin' at the choir, telling those who already know. You have to actually reach the one who don't know. And when you control public schools and make little effort to reach them there, one has to wonder....


You love to "talk" out of both sides of your mouth. "Educate the masses" / "DON'T educate the masses."

"Few actually read it"? That's a JEWISH propaganda meme. Plenty of folks read it.

As for Jew-wise education in German public schools, are you just ill-informed or deliberately lying?

In Sütterlin script, "The Jews are our greatest enemy":



Classroom education for adults, too:


I seem to recall you once revealing that your mother's family were from "that era" of Germany, and even worked for one of the Jewish-owned "newspapers." Am I mistaken? And if not, perhaps there is a familial resentment against Hitler for shutting down their propaganda organ career...

15th January 2019, 02:15 PM
When you don't show up for the rally you better have a good reason or you could be moved to a new address, one with barbed wire all around it.
And you better look enthusiastic, the SS is watching YOU. It IS A POLICE STATE.


Annoying illogical nonsense you keep posting here at GSUS. Look at this photo. Really LOOK at it. How many SS guys in that crowd you think are counting frowns?

Take your meds Bigjon.


End Times
15th January 2019, 02:17 PM
Thanks for admitting to the facts, why did they cover up all the details about Herr Hitler? Seems like they could not let this info out.

The Jews suppressed the publication of Mein Kampf in Germany for over 70 years. Now that Germany's sickness is irreversible, they've "allowed" publication, with heavy (((annotation))).

All the important details about Hitler are known, if you look with a keen mind free of idiot biases. Of course, the answer to "did Hitler take a crap on August 3, 1910 in Vienna" is not among them.

15th January 2019, 02:26 PM

You love to "talk" out of both sides of your mouth. "Educate the masses" / "DON'T educate the masses."

"Few actually read it"? That's a JEWISH propaganda meme. Plenty of folks read it.

As for Jew-wise education in German public schools, are you just ill-informed or deliberately lying?

I seem to recall you once revealing that your mother's family were from "that era" of Germany, and even worked for one of the Jewish-owned "newspapers." Am I mistaken? And if not, perhaps there is a familial resentment against Hitler for shutting down their propaganda organ career...Hitler didn't shut it down at all. The FAZ remained under Jewish control continually and my (clueless) grandfather remained an editor there the whole time.
My German mother, aunt and uncle were school age and attended German schools during the entire war (with exceptions for bomb raids etc) and were clueless about Jews their whole lives.

BTW, what excuses do you make for Hitler never mentioning the Khazars?

End Times
15th January 2019, 02:28 PM
Thanks again for proving Reed's point about Hitler's war on everyday any man German's.

An honest account of "Nazi Germany" from the author of The Rising Tide of Color, a key work in warning the White race against what has happened now, T. Lothrop Stoddard:


When you don't show up for the rally you better have a good reason or you could be moved to a new address, one with barbed wire all around it.
And you better look enthusiastic, the SS is watching YOU.

Imbecile, Germany had over 67,000,000 citizens. The rally grounds couldn't hold even 1% of that figure.

Dachau had a capacity of 5,000 inmates...plenty of room for people like you?

What exactly would you have done about the COMINTERN and Bolshevists pervasive in Germany society 1925-1933? "Oh, noes, a 'police state,' we need to have an (((open society)))* and let everyone be 'free' even though Jew-Bolshevists are trying to murder us..."

* https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/

End Times
15th January 2019, 02:32 PM
The book "Mein Kampf" does provide the info the Jews need to prove what an anti-Semite he is, the better for them to chose him as their champion to prove their overriding meme "Jews are always the victim".

Jonny's "solution": don't be an anti-Semite!

He killed 6 million Jews

Do you believe in the Easter Bunny, as well?

End Times
15th January 2019, 02:34 PM

Annoying illogical nonsense you keep posting here at GSUS. Look at this photo. Really LOOK at it. How many SS guys in that crowd you think are counting frowns?

Take your meds Bigjon.


Largest family gathering in world history. Sincerely happy faces across the crowd...no coercion needed.

Fucktards in today's America have no clue what these people felt.

15th January 2019, 02:39 PM
Largest family gathering in world history. Sincerely happy faces across the crowd...no coercion needed.

Fucktards in today's America have no clue what these people felt.

Do you think any of them knew (or even guessed) that their entire neighborhood would become ruble shortly due to terrible management?

15th January 2019, 02:48 PM

Annoying illogical nonsense you keep posting here at GSUS. Look at this photo. Really LOOK at it. How many SS guys in that crowd you think are counting frowns?

Take your meds Bigjon.


Germany A POLICE STATE where crowds show up or ELSE.

USA, not a police state where volunteers show up.

You are doing a great job, showing the difference, booky.

LOL I must be over the target look at Booky and Fred scream.

15th January 2019, 02:57 PM
Largest family gathering in world history. Sincerely happy faces across the crowd...no coercion needed.

Fucktards in today's America have no clue what these people felt.I don't get what you and Book are trying to point out with these pics of large gatherings. Hitler got behind stated good intentions that the people wanted. How does this have any bearing whether or not Hitler was a Jew?

15th January 2019, 03:10 PM

The Strange Role of the Press

The years which followed, 1933-1939, were those of the brewing of the Second World War. “Prussian militarism,” supposed to have been laid low in 1918, rose up more formidable than ever and the spectacle so absorbed men's minds that they lost interest in the affair in Palestine, which seemed unrelated to the great events in Europe. In fact it was to loom large among those “causes and objects” of the second war which President Wilson had called “obscure” in the first one. The gap left by the collapse, in 1917, of the legend of “Jewish persecution in Russia” was filled by “the Jewish persecution in Germany” and, just when Zionism was “helpless and hopeless,” the Zionists were able with a new cry to affright the Jews and beleaguer the Western politicians. The consequences showed in the outcome of the ensuing war, when revolutionary-Zionism and revolutionary-Communism proved to be the sole beneficiaries.

The trained observers in Berlin were agreed that he (Hitler; bj) would make war if allowed


and so advised their governmental or editorial superiors in London. The Chief Correspondent of The Times in Berlin, Mr. Norman Ebbutt (I was the second correspondent) reported early in 1933 that war must be expected in about five years unless it were forethwarted, and this particular report was printed. He, I and many other reporters during the following years grew alarmed and perplexed by the suppression, “burking” and ignoring of despatches, and by the depictment of Hitler, in Parliament and the newspapers, as an inherently good man who would remain peaceable if his just grievances were met (at others' expense).

This period has become known as that of “the policy of appeasement” but encouragement is the truer word, and the policy changed the probability of war into certainty. The strain brought Mr. Ebbutt to physical collapse. From 1935 on I was Chief Correspondent in Vienna, which was then but another vantage-point for surveying the German scene. From there, late in 1937, I informed The Times that both Hitler and Goering had said that the war would begin “by the autumn of 1939”; I had this information from the Austrian Chancellor. I was in Vienna during Hitler's invasion and then, after brief arrest by Storm Troops on the way out, transferred to Budapest, where I was when the supreme capitulation of Munich followed in September 1938. Realizing then that a faithful reporter could do nothing against “the policy of appeasement,” and that his task was meaningless, I resigned by expostulant letter, and still have the editor's discursive acknowledgement.

15th January 2019, 03:20 PM

Those golden nazi/roman legion Aquila atop the flags went down in history named and known as "White/Blonde Sheep Shears"

15th January 2019, 03:24 PM

In the case of “the Jewish persecution” in Germany I found that impartial presentation of the facts gradually gave way to so partisan a depictment that the truth was lost. This transformation was effected in three subtle stages. First the persecution of “political opponents and Jews” was reported; then this was imperceptibly amended to “Jews and political opponents”; and at the end the press in general spoke only of “the persecution of Jews.” By this means a false image was projected on to the public mind and the plight of the overwhelming majority of the victims, by this fixing of the spotlight on one group, was lost to sight. The result showed in 1945, when, on the one hand, the persecution of Jews was made the subject of a formal indictment at Nuremberg, and on the other hand half of Europe and all the people in it were abandoned to the selfsame persecution, in which the Jews had shared in their small proportion to populations everywhere.

At that period I, typical of Englishmen of my generation, had never thought of Jews as different from myself, nor could I have said what might make a Jew, in his opinion, different from me. If I later became aware of any differentiation, or of the desire of a powerful group to assert one, this was not the result of Hitler's deeds but of the new impediment to impartial reporting which I then began to observe. When the general persecution began I reported it as I saw it. If I learned of a concentration camp containing a thousand captives I reported this; if I learned that the thousand included thirty or fifty Jews I reported that. I saw the first terror, spoke with many of the victims, examined their injuries, and was warned that I incurred Gestapo hostility thereby. The victims were in the great majority, certainly much over ninety percent, Germans, and a few were Jews. This reflected the population-ratio, in Germany and later in the countries overrun by Hitler. But the manner of reporting in the world's press in time blocked-out the great suffering mass, leaving only the case of the Jews.

I illustrate this by episodes and passages from my own experience and reporting. Rabbi Stephen Wise, writing in 1949, gave the following version of events personally reported by me in 1933, and undoubtedly purveyed the same version in the presidential circle of which he was a familiar during those years: “The measures against the Jews continued to outstrip in systematic cruelty and planned destruction the terror against other groups. On January 29, 1933 Hitler was summoned to be chancellor … at once the reign of terror began with beatings and imprisonment of Jews …We planned a protest march in New York on May 10, the day of the ordered burning of Jewish books in Germany … the brunt of the attack was borne by Jews … concentration camps were established


and filled with Jews.”

All these statements are false. The measures against the Jews did not outstrip the terror against other groups; the Jews were involved in a much larger number of others. The reign of terror did not begin on January 29, 1933, but in the night of the Reichstag fire, February 27. No “burning of Jewish books” was ordered; I attended and reported that bonfire and have looked up my report published in The Times, to verify my recollection. A mass of “Marxist” books was burned, including the works of many German, English and other non-Jewish writers (my books, had they then been published, would undoubtedly have been among them); the bonfire included some Jewish books. The “brunt” of the terror was not borne by Jews, nor were the concentration camps “filled with Jews.” The number of Jewish victims was in proportion to their ratio of the population.

Nevertheless this false picture, by iteration, came to dominate the public mind during the Second War. At the time of my resignation, which was provoked solely by the “policy of appeasement” and the imminent advent of “the unnecessary war,” this other hindrance to faithful reporting was but a secondary, minor annoyance. Later I discerned that the motive behind it was of major importance in shaping the course and outcome of the Second War.” When I came to study the story of Mr. Robert Wilton I perceived that there was also a strong resemblance between my experience and his. He sought to explain the nature of an event in Russia and thus was inevitably led into “the Jewish question.” Twenty years later I observed that it was in fact impossible to draw public attention to the misreporting of the nature of the persecution of Germany and to explain that the Jews formed only a small fraction of the victims.

That matter had nothing to do with my resignation, but I was becoming aware of it around that time, and this widening perception is reflected in the two books which I published after renouncing journalism. The first, Insanity Fair, was devoted entirely to the menace of war. I thought, somewhat vaingloriously, that one voice might still avert it, and today's reader may still verify that motive. To account for this excess of zeal in me, the indulgent reader, if he be old enough, might recall the feeling of horror which the thought of another world war caused in those who had known the first one. This feeling can never be fully comprehended by those of later generations, who have become familiar with the thought of a series of wars, but it was overpowering at the time.

The second book, Disgrace Abounding, on the eve of war continued the warning theme, but in it, for the first time, I gave some attention to “the Jewish question.” My experience was widening and I had begun to discern the major part it would play in forming the shape and issue of the Second War which then was clearly at hand. My thought from then on was much given to it; in this way I came in time to write the present book and in that light the remaining chapters on the brewing, course and aftermath of the Second War, are written.

15th January 2019, 03:29 PM

Annoying illogical nonsense you keep posting here at GSUS. Look at this photo. Really LOOK at it. How many SS guys in that crowd you think are counting frowns?

Take your meds Bigjon.



How many Bigjon? How many SS guys were needed to force that many people to gather for the Hitler speech?

Give us your number...


15th January 2019, 03:36 PM

How many Bigjon? How many SS guys were needed to force that many people to gather for the Hitler speech?

Give us your number...


I'm not sure, but if you look closely you'll notice the SS line was double deep creating a sandwich of some fanatical flag holders who were apparently being protected for some reason as fanatical flag holders.

Or "Nazi Sspecial Uber First Class Fanatical Flag Holders"... this does not bode well for future wannabe fanatical flag holders.

15th January 2019, 03:37 PM
I don't get what you and Book are trying to point out with these pics of large gatherings.

To show just how illogical and goofy Bigjon is asserting that thousands and thousands of undercover "SS Men" scared that many people to attend. If Bigjon was taking his meds he would by now admit his silliness and stand corrected...


15th January 2019, 03:38 PM

How many Bigjon? How many SS guys were needed to force that many people to gather for the Hitler speech?

Give us your number...


How many Gestapo were there?
A few thousand, I suppose and if they lock up a 1000 unenthusiastic NAZI's, the word gets around. Better show up and look happy; Or else, it could be YOU in the camp.

Link (http://controversyofzion.info/Controversybook/Controversybook_eng_36.htm) This is an actual event that Reed took testimony from Germans imprisoned by the Gestapo.

If I learned of a concentration camp containing a thousand captives I reported this; if I learned that the thousand included thirty or fifty Jews I reported that. I saw the first terror, spoke with many of the victims, examined their injuries, and was warned that I incurred Gestapo hostility thereby. The victims were in the great majority, certainly much over ninety percent, Germans, and a few were Jews. This reflected the population-ratio, in Germany and later in the countries

15th January 2019, 03:45 PM
Better show up and look happy; Or else, it could be YOU in the camp.


Take your meds Bigjon. You still apparently think THIS many people were scared into attending the speech.


15th January 2019, 03:51 PM
To show just how illogical and goofy Bigjon is asserting that thousands and thousands of undercover "SS Men" scared that many people to attend. If Bigjon was taking his meds he would by now admit his silliness and stand corrected...

Thanks. I don't agree with BigJons take on that. I'll give benefit of doubt to their voluntary attendance. Though it looks like quite a crowd, I think it only represented a small fraction of the total German population. If Germany had 67 million people at the time, this crowd of supporters couldn't represent more than 2% on the high side, so this gathering doesn't even suggest that Hitler did a good job of educating the masses about the Khazar supremacists. And further, the movement was one of nationalism so I won't even assume that any significant percentage of the crowd was anywhere near as knowledgeable about the real problem than the few of us here at GSUS.

15th January 2019, 04:03 PM
Thanks. I don't agree with BigJons take on that. I'll give benefit of doubt to their voluntary attendance. Though it looks like quite a crowd, I think it only represented a small fraction of the total German population. If Germany had 67 million people at the time, this crowd of supporters couldn't represent more than 2% on the high side, so this gathering doesn't even suggest that Hitler did a good job of educating the masses about the Khazar supremacists.


Thanks! Hopefully you can slap Bigjon into Reality or get him back on his meds.

You are again being illogical. Show us a photo with a larger number of attendees to a speech. Any photo from any speech anywhere ever.

Illogical because you intentionally ignore the fact that similar massive voluntary gatherings would also happen across Germany.


Many of your posts are just vague platitudes to cast illogical doubt about thread topics...like this one.


15th January 2019, 04:04 PM
"Gerhaert, Gertrude komm schnell, did you see me getting sandwiched by those roving SS officers while pressing my die vater-ismus today!"


15th January 2019, 04:07 PM

Take your meds Bigjon. You still apparently think that many people were scared into attending the speech.


Hitler's gestapo is locking up people who he does not like, who NAZI's do not like, there is no rule other than the rule the Leader.

You are the one who is on something, hopium maybe?

15th January 2019, 04:10 PM
Horn (http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?3304-Horn)
http://gold-silver.us/forum/image.php?u=3304&dateline=1540494448 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?3304-Horn)

Posts 24,652

I keep spamming this Hitler thread with nonsense because I'm a Costa Rican kike. That's what us kikes do on forums.


15th January 2019, 04:16 PM

Your sad part Jewboo, is that the photo shows no more nazis than it does people showing for Obama's inauguration.

Yet you view it as LARGER! and then chant "We are The Losers" as some sort of glorification.

and again separating yourself from a jew Semitics as any jewish cabal leader/enabler would.

15th January 2019, 04:19 PM
Illogical because you intentionally ignore the fact that similar massive voluntary gatherings would also happen across Germany.What is the relevance of large gatherings of a tiny fraction of the population attending a speech? I don't see how it has any bearing on whether Hitler was a Khazar. If schoolchildren of the Hitler era could grow up completely clueless of the Khazar problem as my relatives did, I think it indicates that no serious attempt was made to educate them.

15th January 2019, 04:19 PM
Horn (http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?3304-Horn)
http://gold-silver.us/forum/image.php?u=3304&dateline=1540494448 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?3304-Horn)

Posts 24,652

I keep spamming this Hitler thread with nonsense because I'm a Costa Rican kike. That's what us kikes do on forums.


15th January 2019, 04:25 PM
What is the relevance of large gatherings of a tiny fraction of the population attending a speech?


"Fraction of the population"

Duh. What gathering isn't a fraction of the population? You make no sense Hoarder. Show us one photo of a larger speech gathering.


15th January 2019, 04:28 PM

Again Kahlil, Book, Mr. Rogers.

Separating yourself away in some Semite fashion. What exactly is it you're trying to prove by proving that Hitler was Not a jew,

That unsuspecting blondes can be bombed off the face of the planet in threepeat under horrible management well and again?

15th January 2019, 04:40 PM
What is the relevance of large gatherings of a tiny fraction of the population attending a speech? I don't see how it has any bearing on whether Hitler was a Khazar. If schoolchildren of the Hitler era could grow up completely clueless of the Khazar problem as my relatives did, I think it indicates that no serious attempt was made to educate them.

All those photoed are/were hopeless sods, imo

Jewboo somehow fantasizes that he also enjoys large gatherings, when its only played for his Semite thanky points.

End Times
15th January 2019, 04:49 PM
Hitler didn't shut it down at all. The FAZ remained under Jewish control continually and my (clueless) grandfather remained an editor there the whole time.

Thanks for confirming my memory was not entirely faulty.

However, your memory is apparently faulty, since the FAZ was founded in 1949. You probably mean the FZ: Frankfurter Zeitung. It was not "under Jewish control continually." It was purged of Jews in early 1933, but not purged of Shabbos Goyim, as you yourself admit. Hence, it had to be banned in 1943, despite IG Farben buying it in 1933, and despite Goebbels' ministry having major oversight earlier. Staffing obviously matters, Jew or otherwise.

The FZ was utterly notorious, and your claim that your grandpappy was "clueless" is obviously a (family?) lie. This reflects well on why you have your revulsion towards Hitler. The FZ was favorable to Jewish criminality as far back as 1915, when its Constantinople bureau ran interference for the (((Young Turks))) and their real genocide of Christian Armenians. The FZ had the well-known reputation of being a hard-left rag, equivalent to today's Washington Post. It praised the outrageous Versailles Treaty long before the world heard of Hitler and Goebbels.

Grandpappy, clueless? Sure...

My German mother, aunt and uncle were school age and attended German schools during the entire war (with exceptions for bomb raids etc) and were clueless about Jews their whole lives.


The only way a German in the Third Reich could have been "clueless" about Jews is because they wanted to be clueless about Jews. To be fair, they could simply be terrified of admitting their actual knowledge, since we know plenty of NSDAP members destroyed all their party identification after the collapse, and feigned ignorance: "me, I was never a Nazi, I HATED Hitler!" Likewise with a lot of soldiers..."I was just a street cleaner."

Note the publicly-displayed poster in the middle...kiosks like this were all over Germany:


This movie was played at hundreds of cinemas across Germany, and posters advertising it were everywhere. Millions watched, and learned:



Considering the facts you've admitted to, and then placed into context by me, Occam's Razor dictates that your revulsion towards Hitler has a much simpler explanation than your claim you don't like him because he was "a Jew" / "Jewish agent."

BTW, what excuses do you make for Hitler never mentioning the Khazars?

Hitler and other NSDAP leaders made very clear the Jewish Problem was at the core that of (Bolshevist-minded) "Eastern Jews," from the Pale of Settlement (Khazar descendants), not the ancient Hebrews who settled in the Rheinland during Roman times. Jews born in Germany who fought for Germany and who did not push Jew Bolshevism were unmolested except for mating restrictions due to the Nürnberg Laws.

The Khazar origin of these "Eastern Jews" became commonly known only after Arthur Koestler's The Thirteenth Tribe in 1976. Even "anti-Semitic" scholars weren't aware of it until after the war. This means your question is actually a Red Herring.

15th January 2019, 04:58 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn2X...ctr=1547434213 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn2XSq7Z0B8&bpctr=1547434213)

At 25 min. in, a statement that Hitler removed from printing all jewish publications other than a single Zionist jew publication.

This to me sounds like a great way for any populist jew military type dictator to steer jew public opinion.

Anyone (and all jews onboard) have any way to verify that postulation.

Or if I am in fact spamming Semite/separate notices by asking, then please don't let me know.

15th January 2019, 05:01 PM

Yeah, some of us kikes fled to Costa Rica after my grandpa saw all those popular Hitler gatherings. Down here, I organ harvest the locals and get paid shekels from Israel.


End Times
15th January 2019, 05:07 PM
Germany A POLICE STATE where crowds show up or ELSE.

USA, not a police state where volunteers show up.

Yup, all volunteer:


America was such an "open society" (George Soros' term) that it even had vacation camps for American citizens! -



And awards ceremonies for open-minded folks:


You are doing a great job, showing the difference, booky.

What Book and I long for:


The "freedom" you prefer for America:


If happy, healthy children are a "Police State," give me 1984! You can keep your faggot "freedom." Are you a Sodomite yourself, BTW? You give me pink triangle vibes.

LOL I must be over the target look at Booky and Fred scream.

We are LAUGHING at you.

Norwegians have a long and ignoble history of being traitors...national and racial. Norwegians objected to Germany's defensive invasion, while inviting the invasion Churchill was cooking up but was too slow to implement. Norwegians were instrumental in Stalin winning World War II, as well.

15th January 2019, 05:09 PM
Ya see, what was once a witting sardonic observation and cannibalistic desire.

Hath become engorged by the fruit (his eye) that he plucked then swallowed.

Its Biblical.

End Times
15th January 2019, 05:10 PM
I don't get what you and Book are trying to point out with these pics of large gatherings. Hitler got behind stated good intentions that the people wanted. How does this have any bearing whether or not Hitler was a Jew?

Another diversion tactic. Red Herring Hoarder!

End Times
15th January 2019, 05:12 PM
Recycled City of London Propaganda Deleted

"Hitler was bent on war."

"Hitler was bent on world rule."

"Hitler was bent on subjugating all free peoples."

To translate from Newspeak to English, simply replace "Hitler" with "The Jew."

15th January 2019, 05:14 PM

"Fraction of the population"

Duh. What gathering isn't a fraction of the population? You make no sense Hoarder. Show us one photo of a larger speech gathering.

Either I missed your point or you missed mine or both. You haven't told how the gathering is relevant to whether Hitler was a Jew. If I was President for several years, you can bet all the little schoolchildren would be taught the basics of Talmudic supremacy, none would grow up clueless.

End Times
15th January 2019, 05:17 PM
The victims were in the great majority, certainly much over ninety percent, Germans, and a few were Jews.

"Victims." Dey dindu nuffin'!

Dachau, and later, many more camps, were filled with common criminals, Communists, Sodomites (like yourself, Jonny), alcoholics, and similar degenerates. GOOD!

You and Reed both sound like the modern "liberal" who shrieks about those who deserve to be expunged from society being incarcerated. How was your last Black Lives Matter rally?

Until Germany invaded Poland and other lands where millions of Khazar Jews were, the numbers in concentration camps necessarily remained low.

End Times
15th January 2019, 05:20 PM
This is an actual event that Reed took testimony from Germans imprisoned by the Gestapo.


And here I thought the Dindu Nuffin' meme started recently!

999 out of 1000 Gestapo arrestees deserved it.

15th January 2019, 05:23 PM
Either I missed your point or you missed mine or both.


Well...maybe first you can finally admit that the above photo proves that the German Volk adored Hitler. I can post dozens more photos like this if you insist...

Let's start with this point.


End Times
15th January 2019, 05:24 PM
Hitler's gestapo is locking up people who he does not like, who NAZI's do not like, there is no rule other than the rule the Leader.

You are the one who is on something, hopium maybe?

Here's a selection from the 2025 Hugo Boss Collection for your wardrobe, Jonny:


https://fashionelite.com/userfiles/image/fe%20designers/hugo_boss/about/3_untitled.jpg ;D

15th January 2019, 05:25 PM
Thanks for confirming my memory was not entirely faulty.

However, your memory is apparently faulty, since the FAZ was founded in 1949. You probably mean the FZ: Frankfurter Zeitung. It was not "under Jewish control continually." It was purged of Jews in early 1933, but not purged of Shabbos Goyim, as you yourself admit. Hence, it had to be banned in 1943, despite IG Farben buying it in 1933, and despite Goebbels' ministry having major oversight earlier. Staffing obviously matters, Jew or otherwise.

The FZ was utterly notorious, and your claim that your grandpappy was "clueless" is obviously a (family?) lie. This reflects well on why you have your revulsion towards Hitler. The FZ was favorable to Jewish criminality as far back as 1915, when its Constantinople bureau ran interference for the (((Young Turks))) and their real genocide of Christian Armenians. The FZ had the well-known reputation of being a hard-left rag, equivalent to today's Washington Post. It praised the outrageous Versailles Treaty long before the world heard of Hitler and Goebbels.

Grandpappy, clueless? Sure... "Apa" as we called him never lost his job or position as goy figurehead as best I can remember. My mother had mentioned something about restarting the paper after the bombing. If I had controlled the paper during those years, I would have educated people about the Khazar problem not just print war news, comics and classifieds as they did.

The only way a German in the Third Reich could have been "clueless" about Jews is because they wanted to be clueless about Jews. To be fair, they could simply be terrified of admitting their actual knowledge, since we know plenty of NSDAP members destroyed all their party identification after the collapse, and feigned ignorance: "me, I was never a Nazi, I HATED Hitler!" Likewise with a lot of soldiers..."I was just a street cleaner." I understand about denial, but I think that family members would have discussed things quietly among themselves if they understood the problem. They never did.

Hitler and other NSDAP leaders made very clear the Jewish Problem was at the core that of (Bolshevist-minded) "Eastern Jews," from the Pale of Settlement (Khazar descendants), not the ancient Hebrews who settled in the Rheinland during Roman times. If so, they were referred to as "Eastern Jews", which does not reveal much.

End Times
15th January 2019, 05:26 PM
If schoolchildren of the Hitler era could grow up completely clueless of the Khazar problem as my relatives did

That's because your relatives:

1) lied about what really happened in their childhood;
2) wanted to remain ignorant of the Jewish Problem;
3) had something to hide about their "experience" in the Third Reich.

15th January 2019, 05:34 PM
The entire thread finalizes the argument for Stasserism.

Hitler defaults to jew even if aryan for inability to tolerate his own brother.

Red herrings for accurate photo descriptions of all jew state gatherings, pfft!



End Times
15th January 2019, 05:35 PM
"Apa" as we called him never lost his job or position as goy figurehead as best I can remember. My mother had mentioned something about restarting the paper after the bombing.

We can believe your "Apa's" "memory," or your "memory," or we can believe the overwhelming amount of facts which Jews could not and cannot concoct (despite your insistence to the contrary).

Considering that pornographic lies like The Holocaust™ are based entirely on "memory" of its alleged "victims," I'll say "memory" in this case is...defective...again.

Your "Apa" was one of the Shabbos Goyim, nominally Aryan, yet still disloyal to Goyish/German self-interest and ideals, who were foolishly allowed to stay at the FZ. Unlike Sodomite Jon's claim of Germany being a "Police State" on the level of (((Uncle Joe's Hell Hole))), Hitler's Germany was far more liberal (classic sense) than the Jewsmedia leads on. The FZ was allowed to remain open, when a real fanatic would have shut it down hard.

If I had controlled the paper during those years, I would have educated people about the Khazar problem not just print war news, comics and classifieds as they did.

Your "Apa" was part of the controlling elements at the FZ, so, yeah, they probably didn't work to educate Germans about the facts.

I understand about denial, but I think that family members would have discussed things quietly among themselves if they understood the problem. They never did.

Probably a much bigger story they never shared with you nor talked about. A lot of Germans from that era were/are like that...even Hitlerites.

If so, they were referred to as "Eastern Jews", which does not reveal much.

It reveals all that's needed to recognize them as enemy combatants...a foreign disease invading the body of the German Volk.

End Times
15th January 2019, 05:37 PM
The entire thread finalizes the argument for Stasserism.

Hitler defaults to jew even if aryan for inability to tolerate his own brother.

Is it just me, or does it seem like Horn is always intoxicated from some variety of substance?

15th January 2019, 05:38 PM
Well...maybe first you can finally admit that the above photo proves that the German People adored Hitler. I can post dozens more photos like this if you insist...

Let's start with this point.

I don't doubt that many did, but it's a matter of proportion. As we discussed earlier, that pic you love posting so often is probably less than 2% of the population so now explain how that's relevant to whether he was a Jew or not. More than 2% of the US population adores Obama. It proves nothing.

If I was a President Or Prime Minister of a country where I had as much control over press and education, the majority of it's people would be well educated about the Khazar problem, regardless whether I had charisma and was a great leader or not, because they would learn it in school every day and read it in the paper.

15th January 2019, 05:44 PM
Is it just me, or does it seem like Horn is always intoxicated from some variety of substance?


Before Christmas, Horn admitted (bragged) to being whacked on both pot and alcohol.


End Times
15th January 2019, 05:48 PM
That's because your relatives:

1) lied about what really happened in their childhood;
2) wanted to remain ignorant of the Jewish Problem;
3) had something to hide about their "experience" in the Third Reich.

I suspect that 1 & 3 may be the case of hoarder's then-young forebears.

Even today, the Kosher ghouls drag 90-year old nursing home residents out of their abode to send them to Kangaroo "trials" abroad. Hoarder's then-young forebears, after the collapse of the German government, had to 1) lie to survive, and, 2) disgustingly, often had to do anything, to survive - especially women and girls. I can't fathom the trauma that could have inflicted on those people. Secrets would be etched into memory, and covered by a pathological fear, for the rest of one's life. Hoarder's forebears could very well have lost their US citizenship if they ever talked about what they might have actually done.

What they might have actually done involved, at least, active membership in the BdM. Possibly much more. Hoarder's Mom may very well have gotten 100% on the public school test, "How to identify a Jew"...and honestly "forgets" it due to the trauma after the war.

This would then color hoarder's upbringing and current perception of Hitler as "evil," though a variant of the common "Hitler Devil" meme the Jews peddle.

15th January 2019, 05:57 PM
I don't doubt that many did, but it's a matter of proportion.

https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/newpix/2018/04/11/10/4B0AA35A00000578-5602497-image-a-2_1523440788310.jpg https://envisioningtheamericandream.files.wordpress.com/2016/11/hitler-nazi_rally-color.jpg https://c8.alamy.com/comp/CXGA65/german-children-and-soldiers-give-the-nazi-salute-during-parade-CXGA65.jpghttps://4.bp.blogspot.com/_SGny6uyFIiA/S7StJXfgFvI/AAAAAAAADLU/eNo_RzgJfhA/s1600/orange-HJ_Nuremberg.jpg

How many more photos you need Hoarder?


15th January 2019, 06:00 PM
Is it just me, or does it seem like Horn is always intoxicated from some variety of substance?

There's more nutz than fruits in Kalifornia.

However I digress to Book's thread calling for a display of some bending over and christian cheek bearing, from PDQ, Fred Crimethink end time etc. on and over and over again, sans script.

How did Hitler become Eve's Apple?

15th January 2019, 06:02 PM
Jonny's "solution": don't be an anti-Semite!

Do you believe in the Easter Bunny, as well?

I suspect that 1 & 3 may be the case of hoarder's then-young forebears.

Even today, the Kosher ghouls drag 90-year old nursing home residents out of their abode to send them to Kangaroo "trials" abroad. Hoarder's then-young forebears, after the collapse of the German government, had to 1) lie to survive, and, 2) disgustingly, often had to do anything, to survive - especially women and girls. I can't fathom the trauma that could have inflicted on those people. Secrets would be etched into memory, and covered by a pathological fear, for the rest of one's life. Hoarder's forebears could very well have lost their US citizenship if they ever talked about what they might have actually done.

What they might have actually done involved, at least, active membership in the BdM. Possibly much more. Hoarder's Mom may very well have gotten 100% on the public school test, "How to identify a Jew"...and honestly "forgets" it due to the trauma after the war.

This would then color hoarder's upbringing and current perception of Hitler as "evil," though a variant of the common "Hitler Devil" meme the Jews peddle.Suit yorself. You wish to assume they all had personal problems preventing them from knowing what Sheckelgruber so dilligently educated them on.
My mother came from an upper middle class family and APA, the head of household was gainfully employed and had the social position he cherished. They did not suffer much. They all led happy, gainful lives and raised families after the war.
One would think that if they knew much, they would have discussed it with me or each other when they came to visit us in the US. All I know is they were really ignorant of the Jewish problem, just as most are today. Just clueless.

15th January 2019, 06:03 PM
How many more photos you need Hoarder?

[/SIZE]I'm still waiting for the one that explains their relevance.

End Times
15th January 2019, 06:08 PM
I'm still waiting for the one that explains their relevance.

We're still waiting for you to give us something - anything - that proves Hitler was a Jew, other than "well, he must have been one."

15th January 2019, 06:09 PM
I'm still waiting for the one that explains their relevance.

Do you finally agree that German Volks overwhelmingly adored Hitler? Let's start with that relevant point.


15th January 2019, 06:11 PM
We're still waiting for you to give us something - anything - that proves Hitler was a Jew, other than "well, he must have been one."

Was he Christian or Muslim?

15th January 2019, 07:53 PM
This is "The oh my god; YOU don't worship Hitler; thread, created by the laughably hysterical clown tag team Larry & Currly otherwise known as Jewboo and Fred.

15th January 2019, 08:37 PM
This is "The oh my god; YOU don't worship Hitler; thread, created by the laughably hysterical clown tag team Larry & Currly otherwise known as Jewboo and Fred.

There was a space in time that both moniker handles were not present on site recently.

Was there lil' stasi camps 2 in session somewhere?

15th January 2019, 08:42 PM
Do you finally agree that German Volks overwhelmingly adored Hitler? Let's start with that relevant point.

For one thing, pics of thousands of people do not prove anything about a country with a population of millions. For another, popularity does not prove anything either because there are many examples in history of goyim following a Jewish actor pretending to represent them.

15th January 2019, 09:34 PM

15th January 2019, 10:11 PM

^Hitler Jew......................... ^Sellers Jew

Profession - Actors - actively investigating

End Times
15th January 2019, 10:46 PM
This is "The oh my god; YOU don't worship Hitler; thread, created by the laughably hysterical clown tag team Larry & Currly otherwise known as Jewboo and Fred.

A comment from Sodom Jon, the guy who shrieks, "you don't worship American-style freedom?!"


Jonny would prefer this to be the norm in society, than for Hitler to actually have been who he claimed to be...

16th January 2019, 03:07 AM
this thread highlights what happens when human birthrights and sovereignty are not taught in elementary schools... works both ways. Blame game, no matter how damning evidences are, cannot win over. At the end of the day, we still must take personal responsibility. The only way to resolve all conflicts.

that are the worship of humans/leaders and monetarism the problem... the Creator is the only leader, all religious doctrines are written by man, many truths in them but also double talks so we remain conflicted and follow them.

16th January 2019, 05:46 AM
Europe has lost its way in recent history and is a mystery.

It simply isn't the same unless a fascist is slaying a communist or catholic a protestant.

In jew Cain and Abel fashion.

16th January 2019, 07:09 AM
A comment from Sodom Jon, the guy who shrieks, "you don't worship American-style freedom?!"


Jonny would prefer this to be the norm in society, than for Hitler to actually have been who he claimed to be...

Hey Curr-ly, this really does put you in the clown category.
Too stupid for words.
You are a moron.

16th January 2019, 08:47 AM
For one thing, pics of thousands of people do not prove anything about a country with a population of millions. For another, popularity does not prove anything either because there are many examples in history of goyim following a Jewish actor pretending to represent them.


Fred is right about you Hoarder. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?96023-Mystery-of-History&p=944586&viewfull=1#post944586)

You will contort and torture simple logic into laughable nonsense.

End Times
16th January 2019, 09:14 AM
Hey Curr-ly, this really does put you in the clown category.
Too stupid for words.
You are a moron.

Tranny kids are the (current)* epitome of "individual liberty" - the exact opposite of National Socialism. Embrace it!

"People" like you made America what it is today. "Freedumb" and "Dumbocracy," oh so glad you licked that "dictator" Hitler and his "evil" Nahtzee Party!

* God knows what horrors the near-future brings...