View Full Version : chauffeur stiffed as uber corrupt philly DA thrown in jail

1st July 2017, 06:03 PM
his chauffeur waiting outside....but corrupt blm pos went straight to jail. the guy's corrupt body of work is something to behold - this article barely scratches the surface. check him out in his trayvon hoodie below



Those last public words, uttered moments before he was led away, effectively ended Williams’ career in office — which had begun in 2010 amid widespread accolades for sweeping changes he promised to implement within the city’s justice system, only to be overshadowed more recently by a series of scandals involving his money, his dating life, and his personnel decisions.

Even as he faced indictment on 29 counts of bribery, fraud, and honest services fraud, Williams had clung to his position and its $176,000 annual salary, vowing he would be vindicated at trial.

It wasn’t clear Thursday what exactly prompted Williams to change his mind.

In fact, he had turned down offers from prosecutors both prior to his indictment earlier this year and again days before his trial began.

>> READ MORE: ‘Look at him now’ – ambitious Philly DA Seth Williams falls hard

His lawyer, Thomas F. Burke, said that Williams had struggled with the decision over several days and was up late into the night Wednesday, wrestling with what he would do.

The ultimate deal with prosecutors was struck just after 1:30 a.m. Thursday, the defense lawyer said. Kathleen Martin, Williams’ first assistant, said she was notified via a text message from her boss early Thursday.

“I think this was a very hard decision for a proud man,” said Burke. “What the district attorney wanted most was closure for his family, for himself, and for the city. He’s been humbled by the experience.”

During nearly two weeks of testimony, Assistant U.S. Attorneys Robert A. Zauzmer, Eric Moran, and Vineet Gauri had painted Williams as a shameless moocher who repeatedly sought others’ money to support a lifestyle he couldn’t afford.

Two wealthy businessmen testified that they showered Williams with gifts of cash, luxury goods, and all-expenses-paid travel to an upscale Dominican Republic resort and other vacation spots, hoping that he would repay their generosity by using his office to remove various legal hurdles they faced.

When that largesse wasn’t enough to support Williams’ high-end tastes, government witnesses said, the district attorney raided his own campaign accounts and money set aside for his aging mother’s nursing home care.

>> READ MORE: The case against Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams explained

One juror, Julie Dedic, 59, of Bethlehem, scoffed at the district attorney’s assertion that campaign money he’d spent on deep-tissue massages and facials had helped him become more electable. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” she said Thursday.

Meanwhile, years of text message exchanges, including one in which Williams described himself to a benefactor as “merely a humble beggar,” piled on humiliation each time they were shown

Yet, as the gobsmacked Williams pleaded guilty to one count of violating the Travel Act — a crime that could keep him in prison for up to five years — it soon became clear that the man brought low by his own costly pursuit of the high life had lower still to fall.

Williams beseeched Diamond to let him remain free until his Oct. 24 sentencing date, citing his three school-age daughters and his inability to flee even if he wanted to.

“He has no means to go anywhere,” Burke told the court. “He has no support. He’s deeply in debt and he doesn’t even have a car.”

Williams’ eyes welled up with tears as he took the witness stand to plead his own case. Asked how much money he currently had in his bank account, he responded: “I’m always afraid to look because it’s so small — probably about $150 to $200.”

He said he had no idea how he would have supported himself had he been allowed to remain free. “Help [from] friends?” he guessed. “I haven’t really thought beyond that.”

But Williams’ already dim financial prospects are only likely to grow more dire in the coming months.

What Seth Williams May Be Forced to Pay

Seth Williams on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Paul S. Diamond that he has $150 to $200 in the bank and no retirement savings beyond his city pension. But City Controller Alan Butkovitz has taken action to revoke WIlliams’ pension, and the fines and fees that the former district attorney may be forced to pay are considerable.

Under the terms of his deal, Williams agreed to forfeit nearly $65,000. He could be fined up to $250,000 more and likely will face additional restitution orders from the court.

And within hours of his plea, City Controller Alan Butkovitz moved to revoke his city pension and freeze the additional $117,859 he had paid into it — a fund Williams had said represented his only retirement savings.

Williams also remains indebted to the city’s Ethics Board after agreeing in January to pay a $62,000 fine for his belated disclosure of more than $175,000 in gifts he received over five years — the largest penalty assessed on a single candidate in the board’s 11-year history.

His plea deal all but ensures that his law license will be permanently revoked and that he’ll face a prison term at the high end of the five-year sentencing range.

Although prosecutors agreed to dismiss all the charges they brought against him except the one count to which Williams admitted Thursday, the agreement also required him to confess to the other alleged crimes so that his admissions could be used against him at sentencing.

>> READ MORE: A recap of testimony from Williams’ trial

Sources close to Williams’ defense said he had turned down an earlier offer just hours before his indictment in March that would have required a guilty plea to the same count but would have prevented his other crimes from reaching the sentencing judge’s desk, substantially reducing the prison time he now faces.

1st July 2017, 06:10 PM

What are his alleged crimes? Federal prosecutors have accused Williams of repeatedly misusing campaign cash and government property to live well beyond his means and selling the influence of his office to two wealthy benefactors who showered him with gifts including trips abroad, a $3,000 custom-built sofa and a used Jaguar convertible. He faces 29 corruption-related counts including bribery, extortion and honest services fraud.

•Accepting bribes from Feasterville businessman Mohammad N. Ali, 40, who prosecutors say gave thousands of dollars’ worth of gifts to Williams between 2010 and 2015, including an all-expenses-paid Caribbean vacation and a $3,000 custom-built sofa. Although Ali has said he had a “personal relationship” with the top prosecutor, he also has admitted to asking Williams to help him bypass secondary security screening at Philadelphia International Airport and to intervene in a drug case against a disc jockey at a Center City nightclub that Ali patronized. (READ MORE: Who is Mohammad Ali, the businessman who took the DA to Punta Cana? | If benefactor tried to buy leniency, Seth Williams failed to deliver)
•Accepting vacations and a used 1997 Jaguar XK-8 convertible from businessman Michael Weiss, owner of the Center City gay bar Woody’s, for his help resolving regulatory problems involving the liquor license for Weiss’ bar in California. (READ MORE: Owner of iconic gay bar central to case against Philly DA)
•Fraud involving using $20,000 designated for his ailing mother’s care in a nursing home for personal use. (READ MORE: DA Seth Williams’ prime target – his mother’s money, feds say)
•Defrauding his political action committee, Friends of Seth Williams, by using more than $10,000 in contributions for personal expenses including expensive meals, massages, and facials at the Union League and the Sporting Club at the Bellevue. (READ MORE: Claiming ‘Taco Bell’ tastes, Philly DA Williams drew questions early on with elaborate campaign spending)
•Defrauding a federal anti-crime program and the city of Philadelphia by using vehicles designated for law enforcement for his personal use.

midnight rambler
1st July 2017, 06:55 PM
Small time bush league variety corrupt politician and precisely what one would expect from a nignog. I wanna see the likes of McInsane or Crazy Chucky Schumer swing.