View Full Version : Moral cripple Hawking claims Trump will destroy Earth

2nd July 2017, 11:54 PM

3rd July 2017, 12:14 AM
In an interview with the BBC, the famed physicist says that the president's climate policies could turn our planet into Venus.

What a retard. The earth has had much higher CO2 levels in prehistoric times, and it didn't become like venus then.

3rd July 2017, 01:02 AM
What a retard. The earth has had much higher CO2 levels in prehistoric times, and it didn't become like venus then.

Mars atmosphere is 99% CO2 and it is way colder than earth. The difference between Venus, Earth and Mars which explains the temperature difference is atmospheric density, Venus atmosphere is 40 times thicker than earth, and thus it can hold onto much more heat instead of reflecting it back into space, like earth and Mars does.

They constantly hail this man as the greatest scientist of our time, but his understanding is really astonishingly low re some basic physical realities, and his fantasies (theories if you want to cut him some slack) within astronomy is more akin to astrology.

I was looking for the video where Stephen Hawking falls off a cliff, but I found this instead...


3rd July 2017, 01:10 AM
Mars atmosphere is 99% CO2 and it is way colder than earth. The difference between Venus, Earth and Mars which explains the temperature difference is atmospheric density, Venus atmosphere is 40 times thicker than earth, and thus it can hold onto much more heat instead of reflecting it back into space, like earth and Mars does.

They constantly hail this man as the greatest scientist of our time, but his understanding is really astonishingly low re some basic physical realities, and his fantasies (theories if you want to cut him some slack) within astronomy is more akin to astrology.

I was looking for the video where Stephen Hawking falls off a cliff, but I found this instead...


Seems like a book I would like actually...

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Stephen-Hawking-Smoked-Socks-astrophysicists/dp/1612641652#productDescription_secondary_view_div_1 499069099559

About the Author
South African-born astrophysicist Hilton Ratcliffe has garnered respect amongst the global scientific community for his classical approach to space science: His belief system is based upon observation rather than esoteric theory, a reversal of the standard approach to cosmology. His first book, The Virtue of Heresy – Confessions of a Dissident Astronomer, is an international hit on its third edition. A measure of the esteem in which he is held is the invitation he received from iconic British astronomer Sir Patrick Moore, to collaborate on a second book, The Static Universe. Ratcliffe is a Durban-based physicist, mathematician, and astronomer. He is a member of both the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (ASSA) and the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. He opposes the stranglehold that Big Bang theory has on astronomical research and funding, and to this end became a founding member of the Alternative Cosmology Group (an association of some 700 leading scientists from all corners of the globe), which conducted its inaugural international conference in Portugal in 2005. 

He was a member of the Conference Organising Committee for the Second Crisis in Cosmology Conference (CCC2) held in Port Angeles, Washington, in 2008, where he was also an invited speaker. Ratcliffe has been frequently interviewed in the press, on television and on radio, and has also authored a number of papers for scientific journals. Ratcliffe writes a monthly astrophysical column for Ndaba, newsletter of the Durban Centre of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa, and edits the online newsletter of the Alternative Cosmology Group (ACG). 

He is best known in formal science as co-discoverer, together with eminent nuclear chemist Oliver Manuel and solar physicist Michael Mozina, of the CNO nuclear fusion cycle on the surface of the Sun, some 65 years after it was first predicted. In his capacity as a Fellow of the (British) Institute of Physics, he involves himself in addressing the decline in student interest in physical sciences at both high school and university level, and particularly likes to encourage the reading of books.
Product description
"Stephen Hawking Smoked My Socks" is a prism-free lens with which forgotten basic skills in objectivity are seen again, and the innate art of existence is set free from the dictates of fear and power."" - Ian Campbell-Gillies Why did Stephen Hawking become so famous? What exactly brought world renown to Albert Einstein? Why are those particular individuals household names across the globe whilst other achievers are not; why have they become icons to rival film stars; and why they are adored and protected by a fiercely loyal fan base? In Stephen Hawking Smoked My Socks, Hilton Ratcliffe seeks out the answers to those questions, and discovers that they have nothing at all to do with science.

3rd July 2017, 02:58 AM
predictive programing from the old days
Antarctica Is the Key to Controlling the Weather
Truthstream Media


3rd July 2017, 06:28 AM
That creepshow has bigger problems than Trump

3rd July 2017, 07:46 AM
I like the title of this thread. Not only is Hawking a physical cripple, he's morally crippled as well! :D

3rd July 2017, 07:59 AM
There is also evidence that shows once CO2 levels drop below 150ppm that plant life begins to suffocate.

Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations At 400 PPM Are Still Dangerously Low For Life On Earth

With atmospheric CO2 concentrations reaching the 400 ppm level, the media and a number of alarmist scientists have set off the mega-alarm bells, claiming “record high levels” of CO2 had been reached, and that the planet is on the verge of an overdose. This is based purely on ignorance of the Earth’s history.

Worrying that 400 ppm is too high is like worrying about your fuel tank overflowing when it reaches the 1/8 mark during filling.

Figure above-right: At 400 ppm CO2 levels are actually dangerously low in historical terms.

From a historical perspective, an atmospheric CO2 concentration of 400 ppm is actually almost scraping the bottom of the barrel. Over the Earth’s history, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have ranged from 180 ppm to 7000 ppm, see Figure 1 below. On that scale we are in fact today barely above the Earth’s record lows.

Figure 1: Atmospheric CO2 concentration is just barely above the life-sustaining levels of 150 ppm. For life to have real buffer against mass extinction, CO2 needs to be closer to 1000 ppm. Source: http://deforestation.geologist-1011.net/.

That 400 ppm is actually dangerously low is a fact the alarmists keep avoiding and suppressing. Below 150 ppm, plant-life dies off on a massive scale. The Earth actually came very close to that point many times over the last 2 million years during the ice ages. At the bottom of the last ice age just 20,000 years ago, life on the planet literally teetered on the brink when CO2 fell to a level of just 180 ppm. Do we really want to live on the brink of extinction?

It’s a fact that biologists have shown that once the atmospheric CO2 level falls below the 500 ppm level, plants really begin to suffer. Many of us have seen the video showing how plants grow faster under higher CO2 concentrations. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2qVNK6zFgE) The following charts show the growth curves of some plants as a function of CO2 concentration:


Figure 2: Plant growth vs CO2 concentration. Plants really begin to suffer once CO2 concentrations fall below 500 ppm. Source: click here (http://books.google.de/books?id=HVDluoCh-rQC&pg=PA236&lpg=PA236&dq=CO2+at+150+ppm&source=bl&ots=4FkSK4m1Ve&sig=v1MwPQ1OohShPHgKM6asylZDwys&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7_uVUavNAYrUswaL7oGADw&ved=0CDoQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=CO2%20at%20150%20ppm&f=false).

Note that at high CO2 concentrations, such as 800 ppm, plants thrive. But as CO2 levels fall off, growth rates really start to plummet once they fall below 500 ppm. History shows that the Earth sustains much more life, i.e. is much greener and fruitful, when CO2 levels are higher, i.e. in the vicinity of 1000 ppm.

No one disputes that man’s activities have helped to increase atmospheric CO2 concentration, and it should not be in dispute that plants and life on the planet are thankful that man has done so. At 400 ppm, the planet is a safer place to be and will be even safer at 1000 ppm.


3rd July 2017, 08:25 AM
My father was an agronomist. Part of his life he was the University of Nevada County Agricultural Extension Agent for Nye, Esmeralda and southern Lander counties in Nevada. He had the largest territory of all the Extension Agents in the USA.

Consequently Dad drove thousands of miles making his rounds to the farms and ranches in central Nevada. He noticed that on the more heavily traveled highways the plant life at the edge of the roads was much more vigorous than that further from the road. On the lesser traveled roads this was not so obvious. His conclusion was the CO an CO2 from the automobile exhausts were responsible.

3rd July 2017, 09:22 AM
There is also evidence that shows once CO2 levels drop below 150ppm that plant life begins to suffocate.

Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations At 400 PPM Are Still Dangerously Low For Life On Earth

God designed the Earth to be self-regulating. The idea that humans can "turn Earth into Venus" is obscene hubris, self-worship.

The CO2 level may be "dangerously low" in the minds of some, but they're right where they need to be.

3rd July 2017, 09:25 AM
Record Summer Cold Continues At The North Pole


Uncle Salty
3rd July 2017, 11:14 AM
How do we even know that Stephen is saying anything?

For all we know, his computer is controlled by global warming retards and they are just putting words in his mouth.

3rd July 2017, 11:17 AM
How do we even know that Stephen is saying anything?

For all we know, his computer is controlled by global warming retards and they are just putting words in his mouth.

Does it matter? Stephen Hawking the man is not at issue. Stephen Hawking the idol is.

But I get your point. He is essentially helpless to do anything on his own accord. He is 75, and was "supposed to die" decades ago.

3rd July 2017, 11:51 AM
But I get your point. He is essentially helpless to do anything on his own accord. He is 75, and was "supposed to die" decades ago.
Maybe he did? It wouldn't be very hard to create a robot that IS Stephen Hawking. It was considered a miracle he was still alive when I was a young kid, and now I am almost 50...

3rd July 2017, 11:56 AM
Maybe he did? It wouldn't be very hard to create a robot that IS Stephen Hawking. It was considered a miracle he was still alive when I was a young kid, and now I am almost 50...

Maybe they can put him on display as a Disneyland attraction?


3rd July 2017, 12:32 PM
I was looking for the video where Stephen Hawking falls off a cliff


3rd July 2017, 01:21 PM

That's the one! ;D

6th July 2017, 01:28 PM
Hawking might want to consider bombing all the volcanoes

One lava field eruption just emitted more climate change aerosols than all 28 European countries COMBINED
6 July 2017 GMT
............. This eruption gave scientists the perfect opportunity to study the interaction between clouds and aerosols, and their findings challenged several existing climate models. Their results could help improve the accuracy of future climate change predictions. While sulfate aerosol has been considered the most significant atmospheric aerosol coming from industrial sources, this serves as a reminder of the impact of sulfate aerosol from natural sources, such as this volcanic eruption.

The Holuhraun eruption emitted as many as 100,000 tons of the chemical each day while it was erupting. After studying the complex cloud cover that was formed as a result, the scientists discovered that the water droplets produced were smaller. This caused cloud brightening, which reflects a higher fraction of incoming sunlight back into space and has the effect of cooling the climate.

However, the most interesting part was the fact that the aerosols did not seem to affect other cloud properties, like the amount of liquid water the clouds were able to hold. This indicates that clouds have something akin to a buffer protecting them from aerosol changes in the environment............


This is perfectly illustrated by a recent study that was carried out by a team of climate scientists from all over the world led by the University of Exeter. After an in-depth examination of the environmental effects caused by the Holuhraun eruption in Iceland in 2014-2015, they discovered that it emitted sulfur dioxide at a far higher rate than each of the 28 countries in Europe combined, creating a gigantic plume of sulfate aerosol particles above the North Atlantic Ocean.

6th July 2017, 04:22 PM
Show me the Climate Change!

To this day, there has been zero climates that have changed in man's history.

Excepting those Vikings who used to live in Greenland..