View Full Version : Wonder Woman

6th July 2017, 04:13 PM
I don't pay for Holowood shit, and I "just happened" to have access to a Korean-subtitled download.

And shit this is. Don't think I'll finish it. Was merely curious.

The "storyline" conflates World Wars I and II, with General Erich Ludendorff playing the role of either Himmler or Eichmann or both. Dr. Mengele is portrayed as this Turkish (?) woman nicknamed "Dr. Poison" (she has a secret lab in the Ottoman Empire). Casualty figures and "atrocities" are grossly inflated.

Of course, Wonder Woman herself is a Jewess, but that's hardly the most ridiculous aspect of it.

The entire flick is American-"Israeli" propaganda for the young Goyim, with "German = Bad" and "American (Jewish) = Good." World War II propaganda is now "rebooted" for World War I.

6th July 2017, 04:43 PM
Actually, it's a bondage film.