View Full Version : YT Channels that continually post fake Hillary thumbnails

11th July 2017, 02:57 PM
I am getting so tired of seeing very obviously fake thumbnail photos of fake-Hillary being used by several YT channels.

Here is one I noticed today..



Gotcha News Network not only constant click bait, but also robot voice thing and fake-hillary pics.

910 views48 minutes ago


Another person who has been deliberately faked and with a "body double" just like Hillary

is Sister Lucy, one of the visionaries of the Fatima apparitions. Many so called traditional Catholic YT channels often display the fake Sister Lucy photo in the thumbnail.

12th July 2017, 11:00 AM
I don't get it, is that not Hillary? I have to admit I don't have her face memorized so I wouldn't be able to tell between the real beast and a body double.

12th July 2017, 11:13 AM
Well, I am sure there are others on this forum much more knowledgeable about the fake Hillary vs. the real Hillary, but I have viewed hundreds of face photos of her in the last two years and I just looked at that photo and immediately knew it was not her. There are ways you can measure certain lines and points between facial features and can tell which are fake and there is a guy with a whole series of yt videos about that. All I know is that that photo is another person.

I may post other examples of fake Hillary photos, usually done in thumbnail photos, as well as other fake headshots of other people who have a history of being deliberately technically faked. It is done very frequently. I think it is funny when ...

When supposed truther yt channels don't know enough, or maybe deliberately, to post genuine thumbnail photos and thereby negate any alternative "truth' they may purport to convey...

supposed traditional Catholic yt channel use fake Sister Lucy thumbnails while trying to teach us the real truth about Sister Lucy and the third secret of Fatima.

If anyone else has any example fake Hillary photos on yt, please post those examples in this thread. It happens all the time.

12th July 2017, 11:47 AM

By the way, this looks like a real photo of Hillary, though would prefer a full on frontal photo for comparison purposes.

12th July 2017, 02:34 PM
Thanks but I'll pass on a full frontal of Hillary. Yikes!! :eek:

12th July 2017, 02:45 PM
I have been thinking that YouTube does and fails to do many actions with the goal of manipulating, deceiving and controlling.

It may be that so many channels, which many believe to be quality alternative commentary, seem to carelessly post fake Hillary photos, are not being careless at all. Maybe that is deliberate.

What posting a fake photo as the real deal accomplishes is for many to abandon the channel altogether and maybe the whole channel was created and allowed to stay on YouTube for that specific accomplishment.

Just a theory but I see much Sunsteinian style craftiness in YouTube's policies these days.

26th July 2017, 08:31 AM
Just ran across a fake Hillary photo, this time being used by Infowars gang.



27th July 2017, 03:41 PM
Here is another fake Hillary.


27th July 2017, 05:13 PM
Here is another fake Hillary.


yeah I saw that one from Bait and Sketch, meant to repost here. Here's full size thumb,



I expanded all his comments and word searched "double", "fake" & "thumbnail", and at least based on those 3 likely words, appears no one commented on the fake killery thumbnail pic. 3 occurrences of "fake" but none were re the thumbnail.

27th July 2017, 05:26 PM
Just think it is kind of interesting to post the different photos.

Dr. Fetzer has written quite a bit on the fake Hillaries and I have watched quite a few facial photo expert YT videos but I really do not know much other than I can just look at the overall look of the face and know that it is a different Hillary. Some of the fakes are really really bad fakes and I find it curious why some of the "better" alt media sites do not seem to be careful about that.

I find it kind of strange that we are not hearing much at all about Hillary these days nor about her seizures and Parkinsons or whatever.

27th July 2017, 07:07 PM
yeah I saw that one from Bait and Sketch, meant to repost here. Here's full size thumb,



I expanded all his comments and word searched "double", "fake" & "thumbnail", and at least based on those 3 likely words, appears no one commented on the fake killery thumbnail pic. 3 occurrences of "fake" but none were re the thumbnail.

You know, that may actually be killery. We just don't really see her with that weird cheshire cat grin... at all, that I can think of! But one distinguishing mark on her is the little colorless mole/bump just above (her) right corner of her mouth. And the above thumb does appear to have that mole. Here's a goog img search for "Hillary Clinton close up"; needless to say, NSFW! :o
goo.gl/vq5EYy (http://goo.gl/vq5EYy)

sorry in advance for this, but notice mole above (her) right corner of her mouth,


Then again, hollywood makeup can add features like that to her double(s), no problem. Plus, at least through the campaign, she was getting botox'd like a custard cream filled pastry, so the daily/weekly nuances of her appearance were a moving target.

We can all agree though, the double who came bounding out of chelsea's NY apt/med-center last 9/11/16, sans any significant security... not real killery! Images of her, possibly "Teresa Barnwell"... https://goo.gl/qrxeAC

Makes me wonder, since (((they're))) pretty much done with killery now, just waiting for her to die; will potential canary bird Barnwell be 'silenced' too?


27th July 2017, 07:25 PM
You may be right. I did look at the mole and it seems faint and I thought maybe it could have been added. Still, there are other features that look different.

Her teeth, her overbite, how much upper gum shows when smiles, her nose.

Seems her head turned at a certain angle helps to disguise looks.
Also the very wide grin seems to be a good disguise.
They do not often want her with mouth not open and smiling.
Just lips together and not smiling is where the give-away happens.

https://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEVikXnnpZDO0A3O4PxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBy MjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=face+photos+of+hillary+clinton+smiling&fr=yhs-iba-1&hspart=iba&hsimp=yhs-1

Several pages of real and fake Hillary. In that view, some of the bad fakes a super clear.

Here is one of the fakes imo.


I need to enlarge that one to see if there is a mole, but the overbite is pretty clear. I think Hillary in earlier real pics does show overbite. Then they switched to no overbite peeps and pics quite a while. Then they went back to finding fakes with overbites.