View Full Version : Vegetable Oil - Another Silent Killer

12th July 2017, 02:13 PM
so which oils are healthy? coconut, palm and butter


Olive Oil Is Not Healthy - Michael Klaper MD


Ugly Truth About Vegetable Oil


Oil Processing - Don't Use These Oils


12th July 2017, 02:19 PM
the worst oil is canola oil...

what a ^%$# bummer, one never knows enough, have been consuming olive oil since ever. I am switching to coconut oil tomorrow


Doctors tell you this is a fantastic cooking oil because it’s low in saturated fats, high in polyunsaturated fats, and has an Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio that’s considered favorable (about 3:1). Yet what they don’t tell you is that polyunsaturated fats are fragile and oxidize in heat. So cooking with canola oil (and other modern cooking oils) will create huge amounts of oxidized fatty acids (which are carcinogenic and lead to inflammation). Is it any surprise that since our culture started following conventional dietary wisdom by embracing these modern cooking oils in the late 1970s that our heart disease, obesity, and cancer rates have skyrocketed?
In the sneak peek video below, you’ll get an inside look at one of the 6 videos shared in this week’s lesson. This video’s title? The Dangers of Modern Vegetable Oils.

What Oil Is the Best to Cook With? -mercola


Olive Oil is NOT Health Food but Sick Food


12th July 2017, 02:23 PM
Century's and thousands of years of olive oil users may disagree with what you post.. I love olive oil..

Also coconut oil, extra virgin, (you know the kind that gets solid below 80 or so degrees?) that I occasionally fry up some eggs , but mostly use in my hair, (life mission to grow it past my ass... And beyond...;D)

Best conditioner overall !

Plus it smells dam good!

(Ever climb a coconut tree? I have to get nuts of young ones for the jelly and milk/water) good shit.

With out cooking oil, you probably would be better get used to stuck anything and everything, plus get used to the taste of carbon. Unless you believe that we as humans are better eating everything raw, or (gasp) boiled.




Lard is also good !

But some cooking oils I do suspect they are more destructive than heathy..

12th July 2017, 02:32 PM
it is **modern** processing the problem. Until the mid 1900s, olive oil was not made like it is today, and from olives as opposed to seeds today.

cant you see the raising cancer trend, that any other diseases?

Or are you just blind to it?

I mostly use coconut oil for the body and hair, but now I am going to eat it. In sri lanka where I once spent almost a year they were cooking with coconut oil and it is indeed very tasty

Raw has more taste, try for 2 weeks, give your body the time to compare, then report to us. However I happen to cook once or twice weekly, but it is a quick braise and everything remains crunchy.

12th July 2017, 02:40 PM
it is **modern** processing the problem. Until the beginning of the century olive oil was made like it is today and from olive instead of seeds.

cant you see the raising cancer trend, that any other diseases?

Or are you just blind to it?

I mostly use coconut oil for the body and hair, but now I am going to eat it. In sri lanka where I once spend almost a year they were cooking with coconut oil and it is indeed very tasty

Woman, I suspect the cancer rates or more likely to anything and everything we eat, inhaul, drink

Plus the thousands of chemicals that did not exist 100 years ago..

I also suspect olive oil was and still pressed from the whole fruit, not just the seed, the end result of the pulp is livestock feed. Some olives are good and bred for oil and others are to eat ! And others are great to look at but no value other than eye candy. Most can grow 1000's of years

Do your homework..!


12th July 2017, 03:06 PM
do my home work? I may be the only one on here who posts so much about those topics... give me a break

I am posting to share and what I believe in, feel free to discard the data

chemicals and GMOs are also high on my list, what the hell makes you think that I dont take them into account.

Woman, I suspect the cancer rates or more likely to anything and everything we eat, inhaul, drink

Plus the thousands of chemicals that did not exist 100 years ago..

I also suspect olive oil was and still pressed from the whole fruit, not just the seed, the end result of the pulp is livestock feed. Some olives are good and bred for oil and others are to eat ! And others are great to look at but no value other than eye candy. Most can grow 1000's of years

Do your homework..!


12th July 2017, 03:13 PM
do my home work? I may be the only one on here who posts so much about those topics... give me a break

I am posting to share and what I believe in, feel free to discard the data

chemicals and GMOs are also high on my list, what the hell makes you think that I dont take them into account.

Lady, mostly by your seemingly mindless posting stuff and seeing what stick's!

But kudo's for digging where most here had a clue not thought!

Makes them think, despite the headaches they get thinking! ;D

Doing good gal, keep it up!


12th July 2017, 03:32 PM
so much for the Mediterranean diet... ??? another freaking farce...

The popularity of the Mediterranean diet has made olive oil a $16 billion-a-year industry. Unfortunately, this popularity has also led to massive fraud and corruption

Vast Majority of Olive Oil Is Adulterated

When it comes to olive oil, tests reveal anywhere from 60 to 90 percent of the olive oils sold in American grocery stores and restaurants are adulterated with cheap, oxidized, omega-6 vegetable oils, such as sunflower oil or peanut oil, or non-human grade olive oils, which are harmful to health in a number of ways.5

Even "extra virgin" olive oil is often diluted with other less expensive oils, including hazelnut, soybean, corn, sunflower, palm, sesame, grape seed and/or walnut. These added oils will not be listed on the label, nor will most people be able to discern that their olive oil is not 100 percent pure.

Chances are, you've been eating poor-quality olive oil so long — or you've never tasted a pure, high-quality olive oil to begin with — you don't even realize there's something wrong with it.

In recent years, the industry-wide corruption has prompted class action lawsuits against several olive oil companies. For example, in March 2014, a suit was filed against a company selling a product labeled "pure olive oil" that was actually olive pomace oil.

Olive pomace is the solid residue left over from traditional olive oil production, which is then treated with chemical solvents (often hexane) and extremely high temperatures to extract oil that's typically blended into other low quality olive oils to add flavor.6

In December, 2015, Italian authorities also shut down a massive fraud ring in Puglia, involving 12 different olive oil companies.7
Time to Rethink Italian Quality

Italy is world-famous for its high-quality extra virgin olive oil, but it would be a mistake to think that just because an olive oil comes from Italy it must be authentic and high-quality. As explained by Olmsted, most of the olive oil exported from Italy is not their best product.

Italy does not produce enough extra virgin olive oil to meet even its own domestic demand, so very little of its highest quality oil ever leaves the country.

Also, just because it comes from Italy does not mean it was grown and made there, because Italy is also the world's largest importer of olive oil. They buy oil from several countries, including Tunisia, Syria, Morocco and Spain, which is then blended, bottled and exported.

A label that says "bottled in Italy" is technically true, but it says nothing about where the olives were grown or pressed, or whether it's been mixed with other oils.
Rise of the Agromafia

In January 2016, 60 Minutes (below) revealed how the olive oil business has been corrupted by what the Italians refer to as the "agromafia."8

According to journalist Tom Muller, featured in the 60 Minutes' report, the mafia has infiltrated virtually all areas of the olive oil business, including harvesting, pricing, transportation and the supermarkets.

In essence, they've infiltrated the entire food chain "from farm to fork," to use Muller's phrase. The fraud is so massive, at least half of all the extra virgin olive oil sold in Italy is adulterated as well. That's pretty astonishing, considering the reverence Italians have for olive oil.

In the U.S., your chances of getting the real McCoy is even slimmer, with as much as 90 percent of it being adulterated. Quality can also be seriously compromised by the fact that olive oil is shipped by boat, which takes a long time.

It is then stored and distributed to grocery stores, where the oil may sit on the shelf for another several months. As explained by Olmsted, olive oil is similar to fresh-squeezed orange juice, meaning it has a rather short shelf life.

Pure olive oil that's minimally processed contains health-promoting antioxidants and phenolics, provided the oil hasn't oxidized — and oxidation is an enormous risk for olive oil. By the time you buy and use it, the olive oil may already be on the verge of going bad.

12th July 2017, 03:39 PM



12th July 2017, 11:38 PM
For what it is worth, I have used olive oil, in addition to coconut oil, for years now. I go by the taste, and, years ago, I settled on "Newman's Own" olive oil because it tasted fresher than all the others I tried (scores of them). It is in a dark green bottle and stays fresh in my pantry (where it is dark) for weeks before it gets used up and tastes good to the last drop. It is also more expensive than most other brands, but, that may just be the hype of its name. I got no idea where the olives are grown and I don't really care, as long as it tastes like what I've gotten used to - if that ever changes I'll quit it and look for another one.

13th July 2017, 02:50 AM
this is a good explanation, I believe... and I also realize that using these oils for cooking makes them completely toxic. Since olive oil is a scam, I am going to look into unrefined walnut and avocado oil for my salads and of course have coconut as a staple to stir up my veggies.

Oil Processing - Don't Use These Oils


13th July 2017, 05:59 AM
Most 'science', studies and 'research' today is massaged and manipulated so much that it can all be considered bullshit until it's 100% validated with facts (remember those?). No one really cares about you and I nor what's good or bad for us. It's all marketing and politics

13th July 2017, 07:25 AM
Butter. Kerry Gold.......the kind that you can't buy in Wisconsin.......because it's not been tasted and graded by the office of butter taste testing in Wisconsin. ;)

13th July 2017, 08:12 AM
Humm !
Blast from the past , fresh churned butter from right out of the cow milk cream... Can not get any better than that, but sadly you will never see it in most stores, unless it has been molested in some way..(pasteurization) and other horrifying things.

Veg oil is great for salads, lard is where it is at when it comes to cooking. The trick is not to burn it, if it smokes it is way too hot and probably not good for you. Oil that smokes is only good for seasoning cast iron, never eaten.

13th July 2017, 09:03 AM
Coconut oil and animal fats, lard and butter, are better to cook with than most vegetable oils. They are more chemically stable when heated. Olive oil is also fairly stable when heated, but not as much as coconut oil.

All fats should be eaten in moderation.

Edit: but as Joshua01 noted the results of these 'scientific' studies are only as reliable as the sources of their funding.

13th July 2017, 09:32 AM
no to minimally processed = always better

processing alters triggers that make one overeating for example because the brain doesnt get any messages

this is what I go by, the closer to wholesome foods the better.

I have followed this mantra for 15 years now and I look much younger than my chronological age. No secret. Still get side tracked every now and then but its under control. What the brain vs the body want are two different things. When listening to one's body the reward is immediate, one feels a lot better. Sticking to a non processed food diet is very frustrating in the beginning but give it up to 6 weeks and draw your own conclusion.

Edit: but as Joshua01 noted the results of these 'scientific' studies are only as reliable as the sources of their funding.

13th July 2017, 01:34 PM
I smoke vegetable oil, will keep you posted on the damaging effects.

13th July 2017, 01:38 PM
I smoke vegetable oil, will keep you posted on the damaging effects.


U space cadet..!

Horn, in some ways u remind of Carlos Castaneda, whom I have meet way, way back in the day.We along with a few others shared a same road (so to speak) on a particular trip..! Austin tx , 1971 or so before getting shipped to the war.

Something about ur mind.. Truth.. ;D



13th July 2017, 02:25 PM
whole food chain is altered/poisoned, making people sick, prompting the latter to seek medical help and they become big pharma patients ... how cynical is this?

If we can no longer believe that oil is reasonably safe... then the end is really nearing. I was at whoolefoods today to buy "reverse osmosis", a water that I recommend sold by the gallon for 35 cents, a good alternative to well water, and looked at the olive oil prices, the *real stuff* (from the label and the non transparent black glass of the bottle), cost 35 dollars for 1/2 quart!!!!

I cannot help but think of all the people eating fries made with canola oil, which is the most toxic of all when heated.

“Peer Reviewed:” Science Losing Credibility As Large Amounts Of Research Shown To Be False
Arjun WaliaMarch 1, 2017

13th July 2017, 03:46 PM
What would you recommend, for they that like meat cooked and not raw , please do not touch boiled or baked ? Tho grilled has alot to say for itself.


13th July 2017, 03:59 PM
GRINGRIN.... SERIOUSLY, in europe we are raised with "tartar everything" with fresh herbs, capers, pink salt, etc. So for me eating raw meat and fish is just fine (when organic), unfortunately I stopped eating fish 5 years ago or so.

What would you recommend, for they that like meat cooked and not raw , please do not touch boiled or baked ? Tho grilled has alot to say for itself.


13th July 2017, 04:03 PM
Dam, getting defensive?

Android forever or whenever sumpthing better comes around!

13th July 2017, 05:09 PM
Down here they have Argentinian beef/meatloaf burgers that they serve with a fried egg ontop.

Have one those with a pepsi and you blow a large intestine thru your abdomen.

14th July 2017, 12:19 PM
latin american countries could use palm oil... most tropical countries do

but anyway the combination with pepsi is disgusting, just thinking about it. I havent had one soda in 30 years time. Not one! I make my own limenade or ice tea with a touch of maple syrup.

14th July 2017, 02:10 PM
Got hungry thinkin about a Panda burger with fried egg and pepsi.

It either strengthens my large intestine or sends me to the emergency room with sepsis.

15th July 2017, 09:47 AM

Looks like Costco and Trader Joe's carry several genuine Extra Virgin Olive oils.