View Full Version : Veselnitskaya Russian spy meeting with Kushner went poof - Russia Crooks outed

13th July 2017, 03:07 PM
Good explaining of truth by Bill Still.

This story about Veselnitskaya was all over the MSM about three days ago accusing Trump of treason but now you won't find it except maybe on the back page. Classic case of projection. Accuse your opponent of what you are guilty of.

Russia and China are THIS DAY loaded with powerful international bankster oligarchs. Doubt it not.

He matter-of-factly referred to "Russian oligarchs" and the clip in his report shows exactly some of the ways Russia finances high powered lobbyists in congress, though the man in that clip took matter at face value. No, this woman went on to collude with Obama gang to SET UP Kushner, a setup that failed miserably.

Russia is looking very bad as far as colluding with Obama gang and spending big bucks to undermine the rule of law in the USA.


Russian Lawyer Was Actually Working For Obama Clinton, 1710
The Still Report
The Still Report
Published on Jul 13, 2017

13th July 2017, 07:36 PM
This whole thing is gradually coming to a head it seems.

13th July 2017, 08:11 PM
In the OP vid, advance to 1:30 to skip his overly long ad. Hodges/Common Sense Show is real bad with this too; I've seen him read-aloud his sponsors' ads for >2 mins! :o

This'll take you to the YT page where you can scroll down for comments, 236 atm.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lO_iMGRTnAM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCM7ukziOp_s1fo8A-S6KN_ZlQdIw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO_iMGRTnAM) 11:55
Russian Lawyer Was Actually Working For Obama Clinton, 1710 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO_iMGRTnAM)

7 hours ago

13th July 2017, 08:32 PM
It sounds like the whole thing is about to backfire on Obama and Loretta Lynch.

13th July 2017, 10:01 PM
What I kind of see happening, at least at this point in time, is that the big defenders of Trump and the Russia-looks-good crowd are separating something done by this Russian attorney and her financial supporters from "the Russian government" as the instigator and doer of this action of sending this woman over here. They are two completely independent factions and it is perfectly possible to have moneyed oligarchs promoting this crafty scheme with absolutely no knowledge of Putin and the Russian government.

I personally find that very hard to believe. But even if I can be proven wrong, it is very telling that none of the Trump supporter groups are mentioning this or giving it full and open discussion it so deserves.

The anti-Trump people tried to sell the visit of the attorney with Trump Jr. as a clear example of Trump's collusion with the Russians but that did not work out and was not successful for whatever the Russian attorney's purpose was.

That Mr. Browder says the real story of why she visited Trump Jr was just to give her pitch to get Trump to work against the Majinsky Act and get it repealed so that she could free up the large amounts of money of the Russian oligarchs who were operating in the USA. I do not completely buy that. The anti-Trump gang and US media used and played up her meeting with Trump for what it was designed to be used for - to set up and make Trump look bad and collusive with Russians. Obama gave a special rare Visa exemption so she could get in to the US, but Trump and company knew she was a Russian spy.

From this point on I just have to speculate and consider possible ways to understand the rationale for this scam and what exactly the scam was.

It is possible the Russian attorney also was really concerned about lobbying the legislature and everybody she could possibly get in to talk to to end the Majinsky Act. But maybe that was a fall-back, Plan B role she could take up and look legit if the visit with Trump Jr did not accomplish its purpose to make Trump look bad and lose the election. I just think the timeline shows the woman was using baiting trick about dirt on Hillary to accomplish her being in an office in person with Trump Jr. That seems like all she wanted to accomplish. That alone is what was usable. But it did not work. She was recognized as a trickster and a "waste of time." Trump group should have been a lot more suspicious of a Russian woman here on special visa getting in to a top person close to a person very possibly the next president. They failed in their vetting of her, I guess.

One thing that is not clear is what exactly those Russian oligarchs were doing in the USA and how is they had so much money. The story is sketchy on this but it APPEARS those Oligarchs arranged adoptions for wealthy Americans to pay to adopt Russian orphans. This is very unclear to me. It seems important. Somehow that Majinsky Act cut off the money that was going to these Russian oligarchs. Heck, maybe the big money part of all this has more to do with getting pedophilia victims for wealthy American elites. Sort of a high-dollar trafficking scheme. Maybe it is trafficking that is being covered up for Trump and anti-Trump factions. Just find it hard to believe that you have to have very rich in their own right oligarchs serving as adoption agents as those folk do not need to make money for themselves or even for Russia I do not think. Also need to know the whole visa record of those Oligarchs.

The story has been broken open to a large extent but it still does not make complete sense to me and neither side seem to want the whole matter fleshed out in public deliberations.

14th July 2017, 08:52 AM
The only way to stop the Russian narrative is to begin arresting the traitors and tyrants who keep pushing it out there (the MSM included)


14th July 2017, 09:07 AM
The only way to stop the Russian narrative is to begin arresting the traitors and tyrants who keep pushing it out there (the MSM included)


Agreed, but it'll never happen.

14th July 2017, 09:08 AM
The only way to stop the Russian narrative is to begin arresting the traitors and tyrants who keep pushing it out there (the MSM included)


the sooner, the better

14th July 2017, 11:21 AM
It amazes me how much the MSM keeps placing America First with regards to Russia.

14th July 2017, 04:14 PM
At 15:25 on the following video

Tom Fitton starts talking about the subject of this thread and he is getting at what I am getting at, that is, possible serious spy games by the Russia government against Trump for long time. Needless to say, this is of major importance. RussiaGate is continuing to grow in ways that Trump supporters definitely do not like.


Tom Fitton discusses Clinton/Abedin Emails, Deep State attacks on Trump, & New Info on POTUS Travel
Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch
Published on Jul 14, 2017