View Full Version : Not sure what to make of Macron anymore

16th July 2017, 08:14 PM




16th July 2017, 08:33 PM
I have said it before, the jew will not allow Muslims (and to a lesser extent Africans) to take over Europe. Their hope is all the Muslims in Europe are Wahhabi "Muslims" and act like the jews they are.

Jews fear the loss of their cash cow and the heart of holocaustianity, Europe. Jews are only promoting this to get Europe to hate Muslims, because Europeans are sympathetic to Muslims. This has been steadily declining as more and more Muslims have entered Europe.

Bill Gates and Macron are further proof I am correct. Jews love causing problems and being the one guiding everyone to the solution.

Ask yourself, would the jew let Muslims or Blacks (Obama was a jew) to take over the US so the US won't fight for Israhell and fund terrorists in Syria and Libya? No, they like dumb white slaves. And there is no need to change that in the US or in Europe. Only the need to get idiots in Europe to hate Arabs and be on the side of jews in Israhell. The jew will continue until Europe is sick of Muslims.

When opinion polls indicate Europeans supporting genocide of Muslims in Palestine because Euroepans hate Muslims so much, the jew will raise the victory flag and call for an end to Muslim immigration and even the sending home of refugees. Along this latter idea may make Europeans sympathetic to Muslims, so the jew may just stop the flow of Muslims.

Macron was a former Rothschild banker (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-25/meet-real-emmanuel-macron-consummate-banker-puppet-bizarre-elitist-creation). He obeys Rothschild.

16th July 2017, 10:06 PM
Macron is the same tool he always was. What you should pay attention to is how the alleged maverick Trump is adhering to him.

"You were my guy." - Donald Trump

Yes, because a Rothschild bankster is always going to be Donald Trump's guy.

16th July 2017, 10:10 PM
I have said it before, the jew will not allow Muslims (and to a lesser extent Africans) to take over Europe.

The Jew is a nation-wrecker. He can only best himself by destroying an entire continent, and then, an entire race.

The Jew obliterated Russian civilization and culture. What exists is but a shadow of what would be if Russia has been allowed to organically progress, as Germany did. The Jew did quite a number on Eastern European cultures, as well, but the most damage has been to the so-called "free" countries of "the West." The damage is not as overt. In fact, the sickness in the West is embraced as "freedom." You yourself embrace it.

Rest assured, the Jew will Islamify all or most of Europe. And, as with Saudi Arabia, Eurostan will be a Golem for Jewry.

Judaism and Islam are not enemies. The latter is a bastard child of the former. Both worship Satan.

17th July 2017, 06:06 AM
Macron is the same tool he always was. What you should pay attention to is how the alleged maverick Trump is adhering to him.

"You were my guy." - Donald Trump

Yes, because a Rothschild bankster is always going to be Donald Trump's guy.

I think the optics of Trump allying with Macron is a smite on the German nation destroyer, Merkel. Macron is irrelevant to anything America.

17th July 2017, 10:19 AM
I think the optics of Trump allying with Macron is a smite on the German nation destroyer, Merkel. Macron is irrelevant to anything America.

Macron is in charge of the second most powerful EUSSR country. If Kasner-Merkel is unseated, Macron could easily become the new "leader" of the EUSSR.

17th July 2017, 01:42 PM
Macron is in charge of the second most powerful EUSSR country. If Kasner-Merkel is unseated, Macron could easily become the new "leader" of the EUSSR.

I don't think Kasner-Merkel has much time left, and when she is gone the Christian democrats (CDU) will move right again, and for some time there will be no clear strong leader of Germany. Macron in France is of course very new, but he seems very professional at playing the sides of the political spectrum, attacking Marine Le Pen during election, and then at least paying lip service to her policy after elected. I wouldn't rule it out, but of course I would never trust such a person!

18th July 2017, 02:44 AM
this thread is about masters vs slaves... ((They)) allow the invasion to take place and now pretend that they wanna do something about it??? that is how they work for both sides of the fence

Emmanuel Macron says anti-Zionism is a new type of anti-Semitism
18 July 2017 GMT
‘Emmanuel Macron called anti-Zionism a new form of anti-Semitism during a strongly-worded speech in which he condemned France’s historic collaboration with the Nazis.

The French President was speaking in Paris at an event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Vel D’Hiv round-up, in which 13,152 French Jews were deported to Nazi concentration camps by the then French government in July 1942. Fewer than 100 of those detained survived.

Like his recent predecessors, Mr Macron accepted the French state was responsible for the act, which took place under the Vichy regime…

…Mr Macron also condemned modern-day anti-Semitism and said this included anti-Israel sentiment.

Addressing Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, who attended the event, the French leader said: “We will never surrender to the messages of hate; we will not surrender to anti-Zionism because it is a reinvention of anti-Semitism.”’

Anti-Zionism Vs Anti-Semitism - The David Icke Videocast Trailer


18th July 2017, 11:04 AM
Thus Macron is a zionist which means he is anti-human and anti-Christ .

18th July 2017, 02:35 PM
Anti-Zionism Vs Anti-Semitism - The David Icke Videocast Trailer


Most Jews are not Semites, so "anti-Semitism" is a misnomer.

"Anti-Zionism" is a weasel term to avoid facing the reality that the Jew, not "Zionists," is the problem.

22nd July 2017, 06:09 PM
23 July 2017 - 01H00

Popularity tumbles for France's Macron: poll

http://scd.france24.com/en/files/imagecache/aef_ct_wire_image_620/images/afp/a09d9ba89c87a0292b89a1410004d38297936e36.jpg © AFP/File | A relative newcomer to politics who won election on a tide of disaffection with mainstream politics, French President Emmanuel Macron has enjoyed a honeymoon with voters, drawing particular praise for standing up to Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin PARIS (AFP) - A poll out Sunday shows the popularity rating of France's new President Emmanuel Macron has slumped 10 points to hit 54 percent over the past month.
While Macron has made a strong start on the world stage and won a solid majority in parliament, his first three months in power have not been completely trouble-free.
He was widely criticised by opponents and the press as heavy-handed after a row over budget cuts that ended with the resignation of a highly-regarded military chief.

The 39-year-old leader has also backed a controversial bill to toughen France's security laws that includes measures some rights groups have branded as draconian.

His majority in parliament has drawn concern, with opponents and several newspapers expressing concern over the concentration of power in the presidency.
According to an Ifop poll carried out for Journal du Dimanche newspaper, the number of French people satisfied with his performance fell 10 points from 64 percent in June.
Macron's Prime Minister Edouard Philippe marked an eight point drop to hit 56 percent of French people happy with him, said the poll of 1,947 adults carried out from July 17-22.
France's youngest-ever president, who has sought to project an image of authority since taking office in May, made clear during the row with the military boss that he would brook no insubordination as commander-in-chief.
The leftist Liberation newspaper said Macron's "little authoritarian fit" could be a sign he was drunk on power and said it was time for him "to grow up a bit".
A relative newcomer to politics who won election on a tide of disaffection with mainstream politics, Macron has enjoyed a honeymoon with voters, drawing particular praise for standing up to US President Donald Trump and Russia's Vladimir Putin.
© 2017 AFP

22nd July 2017, 06:30 PM
Controversial French anti-terror bill clears hurdle

Senators backed a first reading of the Bill by 229 votes to 106, meaning the text will now be handed to the lower house, the National Assembly, for debate in October.

The new laws - a campaign pledge of President Emmanuel Macron - will replace a state of emergency imposed after the November 2015 terror attacks in Paris that left 130 people dead.

Under the state of emergency, authorities have the power to place people under house arrest, order house searches and ban public gatherings without the prior approval of a judge.


midnight rambler
22nd July 2017, 06:34 PM

What happens when you let shitskin moooozlims into your county - problem, reaction, solution.

22nd July 2017, 06:58 PM
"Under the state of emergency, authorities have the power to place people under house arrest, order house searches and ban public gatherings without the prior approval of a judge."

Rest assured, these measures will be used AGAINST FRENCHMEN WHO RESIST the destruction of France & Europe. Mooslims? Not so much.