View Full Version : Working at Amazon - one person's experience

20th July 2017, 03:28 PM
Just thought this was very interesting. I worked about three production / factory type jobs but they were heaven compared to what this person describes.

I had already stopped shopping at Amazon a while back and closed my account when I could see that Bezos et al. were all the same USA-destroying scum. further comments below...



Working at AMAZON - My experience
Shera DiVito

Published on Mar 10, 2016

All about my experience working at AMAZON as a seasonal temp on 3rd shift.


I somehow heard about a Texas Amazon warehouse a couple of years ago where the workers were asking us to register some kind of complaint against Amazon because they were not keeping the air conditioning cool enough. I did register a complaint and I think these poor warehouse workers did get positive solution.

Now Amazon, at some of their biggest warehouses, have these fancy robots that bring the whole stack of shelves with the products TO the pickers who stand in one place and put the items in a box that gets moved on the conveyor to the packer person. In the older facilities with none of the new robots, a "picker" would have to walk TO the row and shelf in order to pick the product. One person in the comments to that video said he walked 15 miles a day. Standing on your feet all day long and walking 15 miles or so and lifting and bending and meeting production quotas is an extremely physically demanding job, and maybe doing that in sweltering environment just seems downright dangerous.

I just think not doing business with Amazon is the best thing any of us can do.

For young people I would advise, if possible to stay in one room of parents house and live privately as much as possible. Pay something if you can to your parents and definitely help a lot around the house in cleaning and preparing meals. Get a job like mowing lawns or some outside job where you usually get paid in cash. Try to barter goods and services and lastly, try to go to community college part time and gradually work toward medical related or some other trade that will definitely have jobs for you when you get certificate or degree.

20th July 2017, 04:09 PM
thanks, pretty interesting. Sweat shop, I would call those factories! Esp disturbing re the breaks, with their bottlenecks forming at the time clocks cutting into their paltry break times! :( And Orwellian GPS tracking their every move.

Lots of similar vids in the sidebar... your embedded video insists you go to youtube to watch. I also watched this UK-amazon based story, < 9 mins:



20th July 2017, 04:11 PM
A hard-left Capitalist who tells us how we're supposed to live! Who would have thunk it?

20th July 2017, 06:09 PM
Man, people are soft these days if they have any complaints about the video in the OP. Did any of you watch it? They got catering food....ben and jerries ice cream, boston market spreads.

If anything, I'd say Amazon does a good job of looking after their employees. You punch in and out, work hard while you are on the clock getting paid, no problems. They give gift cards as well.

What's the problem with Amazon and this video? On the clock, work. Do your best. Amazon needs to ship items, quickly. They need workers that work HARD, and they seem to appreciate the ones that do, and try to do nice things for them.

20th July 2017, 06:40 PM
I have personally met young punks of both sexes, that had not a cue near anything of life, they hire on and expect big bucks dam near immediately and being a boss within months..

High entertainment and also sad , because of the disconnect from reality.

Sad, but very true.

What you know/experience and can do leads to the positions and bucks.

Greenys need not apply, unless you get in and LEARN from the ground up, but even then, it takes full understanding to get on the top of the game..

And it is a game, but it is the game of life that we all play..


Needed to be said, despite the serial spammer/troll, that may chime in calling me captain obvious.

Amazon is what it is, you hire in and play their game, cant stand the heat of the kitchen, get out and not bitch. Personal understanding is if you do well the sky can be the limit. but you need to play the game and adapt to the culture.

20th July 2017, 06:46 PM
You stole my thunder. Back in the day this would be a great gig? What IS their problem??
Man, people are soft these days if they have any complaints about the video in the OP. Did any of you watch it? They got catering food....ben and jerries ice cream, boston market spreads.

If anything, I'd say Amazon does a good job of looking after their employees. You punch in and out, work hard while you are on the clock getting paid, no problems. They give gift cards as well.

What's the problem with Amazon and this video? On the clock, work. Do your best. Amazon needs to ship items, quickly. They need workers that work HARD, and they seem to appreciate the ones that do, and try to do nice things for them.

20th July 2017, 07:02 PM
You stole my thunder. Back in the day this would be a great gig? What IS their problem??

Cell phones perhaps is the problem? Young folks these days are addicted to their phones, texting, social media, etc. If they don't get their hourly fix...production could be an issue.

If I needed a job now to pay the bills. I'd have no problem working for Amazon. Clock me in and out. I'll pack and stock shelves in a warehouse all day long. You have a roof over you. Plus, the occasional ice cream break like they get is a huge moral booster.

Now, I get paid a lot more for what I do now, but the working conditions are far more tough and dangerous.

I'm seeing more and more young people that just don't have what it takes for hard work. I see this as a growing problem with our culture. Even well paid jobs like I've got. Money doesn't seem to even encourage hard work anymore.

20th July 2017, 09:08 PM
despite the serial spammer/troll, that may chime in calling me captain obvious.

Awww, are you still sore that your buddy 7th trump got the axe for good?

Is he a fellow Lodge brother?

20th July 2017, 09:14 PM
Money doesn't seem to even encourage hard work anymore.

It's multi-factor, but the primary two are the disconnect from reality that people (kids) have grown up in due to electronic media, and, the fact that the flood of information has allowed the vast masses to see the reality of someone like Bezos: a plantation owner who sees them as nothing but parts of his money machine, expendable at will. Absolute loyalty is expected and required by the corporate plantation owners, but no such loyalty is returned.

Many kids believe the world works solely with push buttons, but there is a minority that is so disillusioned with "the System" that they've given up.

20th July 2017, 09:27 PM
Awww, are you still sore that your buddy 7th trump got the axe for good?

Is he a fellow Lodge brother?


Keep trying piss ant, sorry mods he started it..

Sorta a sorry thing that some want to pick at whatever to see a reaction...

Note> to mods no personal attack, just fact..!

Serial thought spammer, that may his dreams become reality..

(Chinese thing)

Oh, yes remember not to respond to some what ever name,

My bad...

Egomaniacs are off the chart.


Night all shut down time, zzzzzzzzzzzzz

20th July 2017, 10:12 PM
sorry mods he started it.

I started what? Your comment about "spammer/troll" and Captain Obvious was unquestionably aimed at me.

How much have you been drinking this evening?

20th July 2017, 11:27 PM
Amazon probably grew too large too quickly,

most any retailer who does not have a solution to rebrand themselves typically becomes or creates themselves targeted for quick destruction.

24th July 2017, 11:04 PM
Is Fake News Washington Post being used as a lobbyist weapon against Congress to keep Politicians from looking into Amazon no-tax monopoly?


25th July 2017, 06:27 AM
Cry baby, did she break a nail or something?

I worked in a warehouse, all the men unloading 60lb & 80lb boxes, with some lighter boxes. While all the women were the pickers, walking around relaxed, not exhausted, picking up something that was 1/2 lb and putting it in a tote, a tote that weighed a heavy 1lb or 2 lbs. Imagine their arms carrying around stuff that weighed a total of 5 lb, "oppressive". Women who carry babies carry something that weighs 10 or 20 lbs.

One big strong guy quit on his first day saying, "I used to do this regularly and was paid $1000 to unload an entire truck", we were getting paid less than $50 a day. So what we were getting paid a month ($1000), he was paid in a day or two in a previous job. That is how much these companies pocket in getting temp workers and underpaying their workers.

What she should be doing is staying home and raising a large family, while her husband is paid enough to support a large family.

When she complained about orientation, I ended it there. It is like getting paid to go to school.

This reminds me of a Black construction man complaining about having to hold a sign all day, that's is all he does is hold a sign. "Racist!" He should just stand there all day. The sign might offend the black man.

Women can walk into any temp agency and get a comfy job. And a black man can work in nearly any workplace and slack off and not get fired.

25th July 2017, 07:14 AM
"Women can walk into any temp agency and get a comfy job. And a black man can work in nearly any workplace and slack off and not get fired. "

Not so, at least to my experience. What makes your statement not true is your use of "any temp agency" and "any workplace." Also see error in your use of the term "women" and "a black man", but we won't go there in this thread. Haven't got time for the pain...

Just want to mention also that the owners of many "temp agencies" are the same owners / stockholders are the same people who own Amazon and big box and big retail online operations.

25th July 2017, 09:06 AM
"Women can walk into any temp agency and get a comfy job. And a black man can work in nearly any workplace and slack off and not get fired. "

Not so, at least to my experience. What makes your statement not true is your use of "any temp agency" and "any workplace." Also see error in your use of the term "women" and "a black man", but we won't go there in this thread. Haven't got time for the pain...

Just want to mention also that the owners of many "temp agencies" are the same owners / stockholders are the same people who own Amazon and big box and big retail online operations.

The temp agencies in my area send the men to factories and the women/transgendered/protected minorities to the air conditioned offices. Even if you have a college degree with masters work, etc, still to the factory for men. You are "sexist" if you point out men are sent for hard manual labor jobs and the women get the easy jobs.

And I have worked with a black man that went so far as to issue death threats (on a daily basis) to white co-workers and still kept his job. "He is black, he is allowed to do that. Don't you know about slavery and racism?"

Uncle Salty
25th July 2017, 11:03 AM
My summer job as a teenage was working in the warehouse for a pizza company loading pallets of all the ingredients to make pizzas.

It was hard work. All day long. It's called work for a reason. Don't like it? Get another job.

Geez. Hard work is now bad?

25th July 2017, 11:42 AM
I think we are getting off track on my purpose in starting this thread.

I guess it is the Orwellian 1984 nature of work for entry level workers that I did not like.

I do not think anyone here has an aversion to "hard work" and we have all done hard work.

But when you treat workers like machines or turn them into machines and rape their souls, you are not talking about what Americans think of as "hard work."

I also think "slavery" has been given a bad rap.

We are supposed to be bondslaves to Christ, as Saint Paul says.

25th July 2017, 11:45 AM
My summer job as a teenage was working in the warehouse for a pizza company loading pallets of all the ingredients to make pizzas.

It was hard work. All day long. It's called work for a reason. Don't like it? Get another job.

Geez. Hard work is now bad?

Those are my favorite jobs. Just you and work. Your tired after you get home and you sleep well.

Women have not realized they are happiest being barefoot and pregnant... yet. Book has a load of pics with women as happy homemakers.

25th July 2017, 11:53 AM
I think we are getting off track on my purpose in starting this thread.

I guess it is the Orwellian 1984 nature of work for entry level workers that I did not like.

I do not think anyone here has an aversion to "hard work" and we have all done hard work.

But when you treat workers like machines or turn them into machines and rape their souls, you are not talking about what Americans think of as "hard work."

I also think "slavery" has been given a bad rap.

We are supposed to be bondslaves to Christ, as Saint Paul says.

In a light factory with light parts and light work, men and women work together.

In a heavy factory with heavy parts and heavy work, men and women do not work together. Women are given women jobs (easy/light), and nearly every man is given a difficult job. They will send a 5'10" 130lb youth into the worst department (the department everyone else does not want to be in) with heavy parts and wonder why he has back injuries and knee problems. But if they sent a woman of the same build, they would realize they sent her in the wrong department, company fault. They would not send her in that department in the first place though. There was one exception, one ex-marine woman sent to the hardest department. She was sent there despite being a woman, her resume said US Marine, so they sent her to the toughest department. I worked with her, she was a pain, but could be nice if you were respectful. That factory moved to Mexico.

Women (not directed at you Dachsie) don't complain about your work when there is not to complain about like complaining about paid orientation, when there are the "silver mines" (a historian once explained that the silver mines were the worst jobs for a slave in the ancient world). I generally don't complain, unless there is some woman like in the video complaining about orientation. I am happy she is dumb on all this and has never had a difficult job, because if she did ever have a difficult job, she would wish everyday was a paid orientation, from there on. And if she thinks silver mines are easy and paid orientation is oppressive because she loves to work hard and near exhaustion, with compounding injuries, and near death, then bravo to her. Send her to the silver mines, she does not like to sit around.

It is true, jews run the temp agencies. And they hire women to work around them, I have observed this. They won't hire whitey men to rub elbows with a jewish male "Mr. Temp agency", that would be demeaning to the jew, so his coworkers are all "shiksas". This has been pointed out by others, jewish males love working with "shiksas". If it is ever a white male, connections got him that jobs. A husband of one of the "shiksas" or a son of a freemason.

On slavery being given a bad rap, I was just reading Hammurabi yesterday and thinking the same thing. Women house servants did not have it so bad.

25th July 2017, 12:12 PM
" I generally don't complain, unless there is some woman like in the video complaining about orientation. "

I guess I would have to go back and listen again to the video but I do not recall that woman complaining about orientation.

She seemed like a reasonable somewhat objective sort so I know she recognizes the necessity of paid orientation in every job.

Women simply cannot do the same kinds of manual labor work as men. Any manager of any work operation know that and knows efficiency and productivity of operation depend on knowing that.

Problem is for decades there has been a push by laws to not recognize that fact. They gradually allow in to heavy industrial plant production environments, even though maybe not in a job requiring heavy labor, behaviors by women that endanger the lives of every employee in the whole plant.

Sears is a company that was well known as being run by Jew men. They would hire a female based on the measurements of her upper torso. Sadly, wonderful company Sears is going bankrupt right now.

One thing I have always found about working for Jew men is that they will pay you well and if you conduct yourself properly they won't mess with you and be disrespectful to you.

25th July 2017, 01:40 PM
" I generally don't complain, unless there is some woman like in the video complaining about orientation. "

I guess I would have to go back and listen again to the video but I do not recall that woman complaining about orientation.

She seemed like a reasonable somewhat objective sort so I know she recognizes the necessity of paid orientation in every job.

Women simply cannot do the same kinds of manual labor work as men. Any manager of any work operation know that and knows efficiency and productivity of operation depend on knowing that.

Problem is for decades there has been a push by laws to not recognize that fact. They gradually allow in to heavy industrial plant production environments, even though maybe not in a job requiring heavy labor, behaviors by women that endanger the lives of every employee in the whole plant.

Sears is a company that was well known as being run by Jew men. They would hire a female based on the measurements of her upper torso. Sadly, wonderful company Sears is going bankrupt right now.

One thing I have always found about working for Jew men is that they will pay you well and if you conduct yourself properly they won't mess with you and be disrespectful to you.

Did not know about Sears. But know of a woman who works from them. She is slim and thin. That's probably why she got the job. That is really sad.

When working as a temp for a jew, he got a cut of the pay, I got usually minimum. But the women who worked with the jew "Mr. Temp agency" were all thin and young. Most of the temp guys working for the jew didn't like the jew because he got rich off of their work (they did not comprehend how the system works, jew gets easy job and goyim work hard for the jew). I did not care, I was happy with the jobs. 2% of the population! 2%! The only reason, I can think of, why it is not every single time, because there are not enough of them.

I got the impression that she did not like orientation and stopped watching after that and it was a complain about the job video.

Not enough jews for CNN to be 100% jewish:


25th July 2017, 02:49 PM
"I got the impression that she did not like orientation and stopped watching after that and it was a complain about the job video."

That explains why you got a different impression than I did. I listened to the end and at the end she said something like
"all in all it was a good job with good pay and I say go for it." Now THAT is the comment that turned me off.

Throughout the video she seemed objective. She named the pros and cons of the job as she perceived them and she seemed objective to me. She did not seem to complain or go on and on about the cons of the job.

I think she did a pretty good job of explaining to someone who is considering applying for a job with an Amazon warehouse what to expect from the application process and from being on the job there. It might prove helpful to some people in making their decision whether to apply and how to plan their work life and their finances.

It just seemed to me that she did not convey the aspects of the job environment that seemed so bad. I know it is a matter of personal perspective, but the woman, after doing a good job of explaining working at an Amazon warehouse, seemed totally to not at all have the perspective or impression that I have. I guess the "warehouse" kinds of jobs I have had in earlier days are not at all what they are today and the way my mind was prepared for the world of work was of earlier days too so younger people just do not see the bad things about that job that I do.

25th July 2017, 02:56 PM
"I got the impression that she did not like orientation and stopped watching after that and it was a complain about the job video."

That explains why you got a different impression than I did. I listened to the end and at the end she said something like
"all in all it was a good job with good pay and I say go for it." Now THAT is the comment that turned me off.

Throughout the video she seemed objective. She named the pros and cons of the job as she perceived them and she seemed objective to me. She did not seem to complain or go on and on about the cons of the job.

I think she did a pretty good job of explaining to someone who is considering applying for a job with an Amazon warehouse what to expect from the application process and from being on the job there. It might prove helpful to some people in making their decision whether to apply and how to plan their work life and their finances.

It just seemed to me that she did not convey the aspects of the job environment that seemed so bad. I know it is a matter of personal perspective, but the woman, after doing a good job of explaining working at an Amazon warehouse, seemed totally to not at all have the perspective or impression that I have. I guess the "warehouse" kinds of jobs I have had in earlier days are not at all what they are today and the way my mind was prepared for the world of work was of earlier days too so younger people just do not see the bad things about that job that I do.

I thought it was a complain about the job video, and she said twice, the orientation is "sooo boring". If the job was horrible enough, looking back at the orientation, it would not be "soooo boring". And she sounded like orientation was beneath her/boring. So since at the end of the video, she recommends it, I withdraw my comment on her.

But the job seems like heaven compared to all the jobs I have had (after watching the whole video).

25th July 2017, 04:24 PM
anyone else see the flick,
They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969) - IMDb (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0065088/)

reminds me a bit of some of the amazon warehouse work issues I've seen here. The UK based vid I posted way up there, mentioned the warehouse being something like 9 football fields in length, & inadequately air-con'd... but the suits evidently found that the cost of hiring several private ambulances to queue outside for the inevitable daily heat-exhaustion collapses, beat the cost of air-con'ing the place adequately for the physical work burden. :(

full flick:
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWcc4PptU44)They Shoot Horses Dont They 1969 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWcc4PptU44)
Williams Joe (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7b3VOs3nDM4BQT7Jr0Huhw)

2 years ago

3 min trailer:



25th July 2017, 04:39 PM
Cell phones perhaps is the problem? Young folks these days are addicted to their phones, texting, social media, etc. If they don't get their hourly fix...production could be an issue.

If I needed a job now to pay the bills. I'd have no problem working for Amazon. Clock me in and out. I'll pack and stock shelves in a warehouse all day long. You have a roof over you. Plus, the occasional ice cream break like they get is a huge moral booster.

Now, I get paid a lot more for what I do now, but the working conditions are far more tough and dangerous.

I'm seeing more and more young people that just don't have what it takes for hard work. I see this as a growing problem with our culture. Even well paid jobs like I've got. Money doesn't seem to even encourage hard work anymore.

Cell phones are a definite problem. I have a couple of people in the shop that will hide somewhere to use them. I have thought of cell phone blockers but some of our systems use wireless communucations. I have wriiten them up, sent them home early, screamed, etc,etc. Next is termination. The only problem there is that they are technicians and it is very hard to replace someone you have trained for 5 years.

Young people really don't care.

I got one good though. I and about 4 people went to work on a machine. I asked where a particular person was. No one knew. I walked the entire plant and could not find this ass wipe. I was pissed. So we waited and waited. I walk the plant again. There were no females at work that day, only males.

I happened to walk by the ladies restroom and the door was locked. I thought this ass wipe is hiding and playing on his phone... In the woman's bathroom!
So we are at this machine and about an hour later, here comes Baby Huey. I asked where the hell were you as we all waited for an hour to do this project so you can learn something. He replied taking a shit. I then asked if it takes an hour for you to take a shit and in the woman's bathroom? We have been waiting a f@cking hour. Dumbo proceeds to tell me that the men's restroom was out of toilet paper. I sent his ass home and said do not return and i docked him an hour for shit time.

When he returned a day later, all his male coworkers screwed with him for a long time. They even put a roll of toilet paper in his locker so he would have it.

This guy is semi intelligent but that damn cell phone is going to ruin his life if it hasn't already.

25th July 2017, 04:58 PM
"The UK based vid I posted way up there, mentioned the warehouse being something like 9 football fields in length, & inadequately air-con'd... but the suits evidently found that the cost of hiring several private ambulances to queue outside for the inevitable daily heat-exhaustion collapses, beat the cost of air-con'ing the place adequately for the physical work burden."

The UK vid you posted did not mention Air Conditioning. I think I was the one who mentioned that.

Are you saying the movie They Shoot Horses is where the air conditioning / heat exhaustion problem is shown? It was definitely not mentioned in that UK video.

I think the real issues are what is the law and are the employees, be they actual or temp/agency employees, treated fairly within the law. I think it can be shown that that is not the case. That is what that UK video showed. My heart really goes out to those Rugeley plant workers. Huge facility and screwsville for employees. It is absolutely ridiculous that your walk time to the lunch room is counted as part of your 30 minute lunch break. Employees, as in my original post video, often are told after they get to work that they need to work an additional shift and they really cannot turn it down or they will get a strike against the. That means working like 16 to 18 hours a day. That is abusive if you ask me but do not know all the laws about that.


The Univ. of Texas in my town hires people on a temporary basis through their OWN "temporary agency", that is, it is purely a UT owned endeavor. They make sure to hire them for only 19 hours per week, even though they work sometimes for several months, and they do this because the law says that if a UTEMP employee works for 20 or more hours a week, you have to supply them with health insurance. That was the law, anyway, 25 years ago. I think it is a CS law and I guess we know what CS stands for.

Big entities, be they private or public entities, know the laws and know how to get around them and technically be within the law.

I think these Amazon temp employees, as well as their regular employees, ought to find out how Amazon is breaking the law and someone ought the sue the hell out of them and hit them hard in the pocketbook.

Amazon has been messing around trying to avoid taxes for decades. It is most visible in their European plants, but it has happened also within the USA. I think they moved operations out of a Northwest plant to Texas for a more favorable state tax state.

25th July 2017, 06:16 PM
The UK vid you posted did not mention Air Conditioning. I think I was the one who mentioned that.

Are you saying the movie They Shoot Horses is where the air conditioning / heat exhaustion problem is shown? It was definitely not mentioned in that UK video.

without watching again, you're prolly right... I watched 1-2 others in the sidebar last week when I immersed in this topic for a bit. One of them mentioned the warehouse's queuing of private ambulances outside, most commonly for heat exhaustion collapses due to the inadequate air-con.

Plus it didn't say but I can guess, based on the constant robo-monitoring of their productivity & the consequent pressure, that they may feel hampered from pausing for water fountain visits for the kind of water/fluid they need to stay hydrated?

Amzn should issue them all those little backpacks with the plastic fluid bladder inside, 1.5 - 2 liters or so, with the hose with the bite-valve running out the top to sling back over their shoulder, & take a few chugs at will. If the employee smartly filled them with something clear like vodka, gin, clear tequilla etc & avoided the cola-colored spirits... oh this joke's going nowhere, never mind! :)

Yes, see what you mean about big temp-worker employing places, setting up their own "temp agency" front company, and vacuuming up all those profits (IE the workers otherwise full compensation) while their at it! :(

25th July 2017, 06:24 PM
"One of them mentioned the warehouse's queuing of private ambulances outside, most commonly for heat exhaustion collapses due to the inadequate air-con."

Now THAT is one video I would like to plaster all over the web.

To me, Amazon is a dirty word. The people who own Amazon are the scum of the earth.

People need to stop buying from them. period.

That won't make things better for us and THEY don't need our money anymore.

THEY have already turned our country into the hell hole they wanted.

I closed my Amazon account when they banned Dr. James Fetzer's book, Nobody Died at Sandy Hook. Had to forfeit all my Kindle Books. Oh well, can't read long books anymore anyway.

I wish Dr. Fetzer and his scholar friends who write the truth about so many false events, would turn their investigative skills to the PizzaGate and PedoGate issue.

25th July 2017, 06:30 PM
^ banning Fetzer's book was just a little test run, before this recent winter's banning of a couple hundred different holohoax-truth books!

Amazon Bans 'Holocaust Denial', shreds and incinerates ... (https://www.darkmoon.me/2017/amazon-bans-holocaust-denial-shreds-and-incinerates-thousands-of-books/)
Hundreds of important books on the Holocaust by revisionist scholars have suddenly been been banned by Amazon on instructions from angry rabbis in Israel (see video ...


then there's this, vlogger Bait & Sketch today:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wBTs7A2njcg/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLDrD1ius9cQqIG9mfCSWkDr__PVSA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBTs7A2njcg) 15:32
Jeff Bezos is Watching You! Amazon's SECRET SURVEILLANCE CIA Deal EXPOSED (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBTs7A2njcg)

5 hours ago

25th July 2017, 06:58 PM
I like Bait & Sketch. They do good commentary. I also like The Outer Light.

I find that their style differs greatly from most of the other PizzaGate commentator sites.

I do think that the corruption is so deep and pervasive that something's gotta give.

I do not see how starting all over again could ever work out nicely for humankind, unless it is ...

2 Peter 3:12-13

looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.


Apocalypse 21:1

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.