View Full Version : O J is free

20th July 2017, 04:45 PM

AJ supports this release of OJ. Referred to him as just a burglar. Somewhere today I saw where AJ said people who have committed far worse crimes than burglary get much shorter than OJ got, which I think was 15 years and he's being released in 7.

Technically that is true.

But Mike dePinto who is filling in as host of The Next News Network says letting out early any "violent criminal", including O J, is always a bad idea.
Mike is the regular host of Right Wing News YouTube channel. Mike is also an attorney so was he just being careless in referring to O J as a "violent criminal" ?


20th July 2017, 08:56 PM
O.J. Simian doesn't actually get out until October.

He also shows no remorse for his armed robbery:


LOVELOCK, Nev. — He just won’t let it go.

O.J. Simpson insisted Thursday that the trove of sports memorabilia he’s in prison for stealing in 2007 was his to take.

“It’s kind of mind-boggling that they [the state of California] turned over to me my property that I’m in jail for for trying to retrieve it. It was my property — I would never try to steal from anybody,” Simpson told the four-member parole board that’s considering his release.

The Juice’s rambling, unapologetic explanation came in response to the question, “What were you thinking?” regarding the night in 2007 when he led a group of armed men and stormed a Las Vegas hotel room to steal various sports memorabilia.

“The property was yours?” one of the board members asked Simpson, who appeared via a closed-circuit video feed from Lovelock Correctional Center in Nevada, where he’s been locked up on a nine-to-33-year sentence.

That’s when a tense-looking Simpson grew serious.

“It’s been ruled legally by the state of California that it was my property,” he sternly answered.

midnight rambler
20th July 2017, 09:10 PM
The ultimate unapologetic, unrepentant entitled nigger who literally got away with a double murder.

20th July 2017, 09:13 PM

It taint over yet...

Only after he is dead and gone, that the score card can be tallied.

As it stands , all he needs to burp and he is gone for the rest of his life, which at 70 will be not many years beyond..

Then his final judgment will happen.

Did he do it, yes he did, but if not, well let god sort it out.

21st July 2017, 12:23 AM
The ultimate unapologetic, unrepentant entitled nigger who literally got away with a double murder.

The MP3 interview in the OP of this 2012 thread is gone now, along with former host American Freedom Radio:
Thread: OJ is innocent, and this author can prove it! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?60964-OJ-is-innocent-and-this-author-can-prove-it%21)

but I recall it leaving me convinced that OJ was innocent of the double murder... he covered for his mentally disordered son Jason. Still lots of shorter YT clips featuring detective William Dear,
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=william+dear+oj+simpson+docum entary

The "sports memorabilia robbery" was a setup/sting operation, with the agenda of throwing OJ in jail... notice with no priors, and no one killed/injured, OJ got an exorbitantly long sentence for his dubious "armed robbery."

9-33 years? 9? 33??

Here's some YT search results, I see some docu's, haven't watched any of these,

1:09:51 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG5CPhGoT3M)

BBC - OJ Simpson the Untold Story (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG5CPhGoT3M)

XXSASSTERXX1 (https://www.youtube.com/user/XXSASSTERXX1)
This program is an in depth investigation into new evidence that has been found surrounding the murder trial of O.J. Simpson.

5 years ago

2:10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utv2CtYH_Do)
Detective: O.J. Simpson Knows Who Killed Nicole But is Protecting Their Identity (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utv2CtYH_Do)
Inside Edition (https://www.youtube.com/user/cbstvdinsideedition)An upcoming documentary claims O.J. Simpson is indeed innocent of the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown, and Ronald ...

1 year ago

41:44 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98uFyN60BOg)
Documentary | OJ Simpson Innocent (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98uFyN60BOg)
Shakaama (https://www.youtube.com/user/shakaama)

3 years ago

54:57 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoHyZTjJXZY)
Absolute Proof - Innocence of O.J. Simpson (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoHyZTjJXZY)
Seb Menard (https://www.youtube.com/user/sebmenard)Barry Scheck & Peter Neufeld October 6, 1995 on the Charlie Rose show. The attorneys for defendant OJ Simpson, discuss the ...

1 year ago

2:53 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWJjkvSSm_A)
New OJ Simpson Documentary Speculates His Son Killed Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWJjkvSSm_A)
Inside Edition (https://www.youtube.com/user/cbstvdinsideedition)A controversial six-part docu-series on the infamous O.J. Simpson murder trial is claiming the disgraced football star's son, Jason, ...

6 months ago

13:41 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkGSEHEop6Y)
P.I. William Dear Contends OJ Simpson Did Not Commit The Murders (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkGSEHEop6Y)
WLS Archivist (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcHVwoN6wFk1IERt83u8jYg)

2 years ago

EDIT, this Renegade Charles Giuliani show from Apr '16 is still up; I must've listened but don't recall if it's compelling. 2 hrs:

http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/media/gettyimages-157073731-120x120.jpg (http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/truth-hertz-oj-simpson-murder-case-4-6-16/)
Truth Hertz: The OJ Simpson Murder Case (4-6-16) (http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/truth-hertz-oj-simpson-murder-case-4-6-16/)

[Download (http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/shows/charles/Renegade-TruthHertz-2016-04-06.mp3)]

Charles discusses the murder of Nicole Simpson and why he thinks OJ actually did not do it.
… Read the rest (http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/truth-hertz-oj-simpson-murder-case-4-6-16/)

Twisted Titan
21st July 2017, 06:10 AM

21st July 2017, 12:30 PM
Garbage about O.J. Simian the Killer Gorilla being "innocent" deleted

Yes, yes, yes, of course, poor O.J. was "framed" by the AmeriKKKan "white supremist" (sic) justice system!


If we little Goyim were fleeing felons, the cops would have simply shot us dead.

But yes, O.J. Dindu Nuffin'!

21st July 2017, 12:45 PM
The JooDeo-Masons Dinjoo-Nuffin to OJ who was guilty garbage deleted

EDIT, this Renegade Charles Giuliani show from Apr '16 is still up; I must've listened but don't recall if it's compelling. 2 hrs:

http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/media/gettyimages-157073731-120x120.jpg (http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/truth-hertz-oj-simpson-murder-case-4-6-16/)
Truth Hertz: The OJ Simpson Murder Case (4-6-16) (http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/truth-hertz-oj-simpson-murder-case-4-6-16/)

[Download (http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/shows/charles/Renegade-TruthHertz-2016-04-06.mp3)]

Charles discusses the murder of Nicole Simpson and why he thinks OJ actually did not do it.
… Read the rest (http://www.renegadebroadcasting.com/truth-hertz-oj-simpson-murder-case-4-6-16/)

Here's the OJ docu which Charles G discussed in his show above, > 3.8 M views :o

1h 10m:


21st July 2017, 12:59 PM
Mainstream Jewsmedia piece "exonerating" O.J. Simian deleted

Is the ape some sort of hero to you?

Everyone knows Simian is guilty as Hell, including himself.

He has no remorse for those killings, and it doesn't matter that it was a coalburner and her Jewish boyfriend.

He has no remorse for his more recent armed robbery, either.

And the most egregious of his crimes was being the catalyst for the rise of the Kartrashian "family."

21st July 2017, 02:17 PM
Where's muh free oj at and I don't want no pulp in mine!

21st July 2017, 02:46 PM
Everyone knows Simian is guilty as Hell, including himself.

^ Make your blunt declarative "everyone knows yada yada" statements 'til the cows come home; you'll obviously not believe anything you don't (((want to believe))), evidence be damned.

Even when the totality of evidence decidedly points to OJ's similarly 'simian' son Jason being the killer. :rolleyes:

21st July 2017, 04:24 PM
^ Make your blunt declarative "everyone knows yada yada" statements 'til the cows come home; you'll obviously not believe anything you don't (((want to believe))), evidence be damned.

Even when the totality of evidence decidedly points to OJ's similarly 'simian' son Jason being the killer.

Under California law, even if O.J.s Niglet actually sliced their throats - almost decapitated them, actually - O.J. himself is equally guilty as a principal of the crime. In other words, he deserves death or at least a cage for the rest of his worthless life. The few years in Lovelock are hardly fitting for a "man" of his "conflict-free life." What in Hell was the parole board thinking when he spewed such a whopper at the hearing and they let him out anyway?!

Again, I ask: is he some sort of "hero" to you?

21st July 2017, 04:41 PM
Under California law, even if O.J.s Niglet actually sliced their throats - almost decapitated them, actually - O.J. himself is equally guilty as a principal of the crime. In other words, he deserves death or at least a cage for the rest of his worthless life. The few years in Lovelock are hardly fitting for a "man" of his "conflict-free life." What in Hell was the parole board thinking when he spewed such a whopper at the hearing and they let him out anyway?!

Again, I ask: is he some sort of "hero" to you?

The glove didn't fit.

21st July 2017, 04:47 PM
I really don't care at this point. We're simply entering a new chapter in the OJ Simpson World Reality Show

21st July 2017, 06:29 PM
Under California law, even if O.J.s Niglet actually sliced their throats - almost decapitated them, actually - O.J. himself is equally guilty as a principal of the crime. In other words, he deserves death or at least a cage for the rest of his worthless life. The few years in Lovelock are hardly fitting for a "man" of his "conflict-free life." What in Hell was the parole board thinking when he spewed such a whopper at the hearing and they let him out anyway?!

Again, I ask: is he some sort of "hero" to you?

Nice bluff on "...California law... equally guilty as a prinicpal..." lolz. :D

OJ's 'guilty' of not ratting out his own son, & instead sweating out the (((kangaroo/circus-trial))) which sought to railroad him into prison...

Are the (((LAPD, & LA DA's office))) some sort of heroes to you? :(??

midnight rambler
21st July 2017, 06:46 PM
WHY do you persist in defending the posterboy for entitled niggers?? ???

21st July 2017, 07:26 PM
WHY do you persist in defending the posterboy for entitled niggers?? ???

WHY do you persist in defending the attempted/failed OJ narrative fabricated by the poster-city for (((corrupt PD/DA/for-profit-prison child-SRA/sex-trafficking 'elite' enabling & protecting))) cities nationwide?? :(??

If OJ is in fact innocent of the double murders, then the jury reached the correct verdict.

I also considered the OJ acquittal a travesty of justice for the ~17 years following, UNTIL in 2012 I heard for the first time, the evidence to the contrary.

What is your opinion of:

1h 10m:


midnight rambler
21st July 2017, 07:40 PM
Oh fuck off Pat, OJ is one of the most arrogant entitled niggers EVER and it's highly unlikely that he is completely free of any culpability in that double murder.

21st July 2017, 07:52 PM
^ pfff, if I were enslaved in your/crimethink's 'don't bother me with evidence; my mind's made up!' box, I wouldn't want watch & opine on this either! :rolleyes:

What is your opinion of:

1h 10m:


do you two still (((Scary Moozlems did 911 :o))), much? :(??

21st July 2017, 10:54 PM
The glove didn't fit.

Cebu, is O.J. a hero to you as well?

21st July 2017, 11:00 PM
Nice bluff on "...California law... equally guilty as a prinicpal..."

No bluff; fact. And a just one. You assist the knifeman, you, too are guilty. If that had really happened, which it did not - O.J. was the knifeman.

OJ's 'guilty' of not ratting out his own son, & instead sweating out the (((kangaroo/circus-trial))) which sought to railroad him into prison...

Why you push the Kosher narrative of "innocent Black man railroaded by the AmeriKKKan justice system"?

"I dindu nuffin', I be framed!"

All the wife battering incidents were "faked," too. :rolleyes:

Are the (((LAPD, & LA DA's office))) some sort of heroes to you?

Why won't you answer the question: I've asked twice before - is he some sort of hero to you? You "admire" him, don't you? You've admitted repeatedly that you enjoy Jew-owned Niggerball, basketball in particular. Very highly likely you think O.J. Simian is "cool." Good Goy!

I don't care who the arresting and prosecuting agencies were. Fortunately, the Clark County Sheriff finally got the fucker where he belonged.

21st July 2017, 11:10 PM
If OJ is in fact innocent of the double murders, then the jury reached the correct verdict.

He is NOT innocent. The Jewry was stacked with Niggers, and they voted based on race. The Latrino joined their "of color" allies, and the White cuckolds just went along for the ride.


What is your opinion of:


Jewish propaganda attempting to rehabilitate a Niggerball "icon." Playing into the Jew-led campaign of "institutional racism" and "AmeriKKKan justice."

Simpson was willing to play along with his guilt you don't believe exists, for money ($600,000):


Simpson’s longtime associate Norman Pardo joined HuffPost Live’s Marc Lamont Hill on the 20th anniversary of the infamous police chase that grabbed the attention of millions as Simpson led the pack in his white Ford Bronco. During the interview, Pardo claimed Simpson only agreed to claim authorship of “If I Did It” for a $600,000 payout.

No innocent man clouds his innocence by doing such things.

21st July 2017, 11:16 PM
(Jewish BBC "documentary" provided as "evidence" of O.J. Simian's "innocence" deleted...)

do you two still (((Scary Moozlems did 911 :o))), much? :(??

Uh, wait, what?!

You're the one using BBC as "evidence."

Surely you don't allege BBC lies for political purposes?


22nd July 2017, 01:29 PM
Neither armed robbery nor murder can diminish a football idol's "greatness":


O.J. Simpson will be welcome at the Pro Football Hall of Fame

22nd July 2017, 03:22 PM
(Jewish LAPD/DA/Media "narrative & planted fabricated blood" provided as "evidence" of O.J. Simian's "guilt" deleted...)

Uh, wait, what?!

You're the one using Joosh LAPD/DA/Media narrative as "evidence."

WHY do you continue seeking to divert attention away from the violence prone slasher of Nicole/Ron, Jason Lamar Simpson, with your Joosh LAPD/DA/Media narrative garbage?

Is Jason 'Slasher' Simpson some sort of hero to you?? :(??


He is NOT innocent.

You just keep banging on your kosher cowbell there ct; the cows will surely come home some day! :D


22nd July 2017, 03:47 PM
It's a fact: PatColo is enamored with Jew-managed Nigger "sports heroes." Including O.J. Simian.

Evidence? This here thread, and this one, too:


Evidence that I worship Niggers, Jews, or System tools? NONE.

PatColo accepts "evidence" from the Jewsmedia (e.g., BBC) that O.J. Simian's son "did it," but won't accept overwhelming evidence of guilt from Simian's own actions. Logical conclusion: O.J. Simian is PatColo's "hero," who must not be tarnished.

22nd July 2017, 04:30 PM
It's a fact: PatColo is enamored with Jew-managed Nigger "sports heroes." Including O.J. Simian.

Evidence? This here thread, and this one, too:


Evidence that I worship Niggers, Jews, or System tools? NONE.

PatColo accepts "evidence" from the Jewsmedia (e.g., BBC) that O.J. Simian's son "did it," but won't accept overwhelming evidence of guilt from Simian's own actions. Logical conclusion: O.J. Simian is PatColo's "hero," who must not be tarnished.

^ Uh oh; (((Los Angeles Joosh LAPD/DA/Media-Complex))) & Jason 'Slasher' Simpson worshiping crimethink is really upping his game now; large bold font all-caps underlined red ad-hom attacks on myself & BBC now.... oh noze Ima skeered! :o :o


22nd July 2017, 06:55 PM
Garbage deleted

Why can't you simply admit you're one of the Goyim that keeps the Jewish "professional sports" industry well-funded and its "stars" revered to god-like levels?

NBA - check.

NFL - check.

MLB, too? How about NHL?

All Jewish, of course.

We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.