View Full Version : U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminalize Support for BDS

21st July 2017, 10:27 AM
The criminalization of political speech and activism against Israel has become one of the gravest threats to free speech in the west. In France, activists have been arrested and prosecuted for wearing t-shirts advocating a boycott of Israel. The U.K. has enacted a series of measures designed to outlaw such activism. In the U.S., governors compete with one another over who can implement the most extreme regulations to bar businesses from participating in any boycotts aimed even at Israeli settlements, which the world regards as illegal. On U.S. campuses, punishment of pro-Palestinian students for expressing criticisms of Israel is so commonplace that the Center for Constitutional Rights refers to it as “the Palestine Exception” to free speech.

But now, a group of 43 Senators – 29 Republicans and 14 Democrats – want to implement a law that would make it a felony for Americans to support the international boycott against Israel, which was launched in protest of that country’s decades-old occupation of Palestine. The two primary sponsors of the bill are Democrat Ben Cardin of Maryland and Republican Rob Portman of Ohio. Perhaps the most shocking aspect is the punishment: anyone guilty of violating its prohibitions will face a minimum civil penalty of $250,000, and a maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison.

The proposed measure, called the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S. 720), was introduced by Cardin on March 23. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that the bill “was drafted with the assistance of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC].” Indeed, AIPAC, in its 2017 Lobbying Agenda, identified passage of this bill as one of its top lobbying priorities for the year


21st July 2017, 10:32 AM
The farking kikes are upping the ante!

21st July 2017, 10:33 AM
Another catch 22 for the devil's chosen. You are compelled to love your neighbor and warn them about the evils of Israhell and if you do love your neighbor, you get about a 100% of being sodomized in "prison".


A 4.7% chance of sodomized in "prison" each year, times 20 years = equals about a 100% chance of being sodomized. All while every "American" laughs at you being sodomized by jewish Hollywood and jewish Late Night "Comedy" joking about "prison" rape.

There must be a critical mass of people finally realizing the evils of zionism for (((them))) to "do" this.

21st July 2017, 11:12 AM
While I've never been physically sodomized, the way I got raped from my ex-wife and her lawyer during the divorce, I can certainly imagine what it feels like. I got the last laugh however; and she'll never know!
Another catch 22 for the devil's chosen. You are compelled to love your neighbor and warn them about the evils of Israhell and if you do love your neighbor, you get about a 100% of being sodomized in "prison".


A 4.7% chance of sodomized in "prison" each year, times 20 years = equals about a 100% chance of being sodomized. All while every "American" laughs at you being sodomized by jewish Hollywood and jewish Late Night "Comedy" joking about "prison" rape.

There must be a critical mass of people finally realizing the evils of zionism for (((them))) to "do" this.

21st July 2017, 11:32 AM
I've never been physically sodomizedThanks for sharing, I guess. http://www.zabublame.cz/images/smilies/barf.gif

21st July 2017, 11:40 AM
LOL, I state the obvious sir! (that's right, isn't it?) :o
Thanks for sharing, I guess. http://www.zabublame.cz/images/smilies/barf.gif

21st July 2017, 12:52 PM
Excellent! Make it a capital offense! Pull the mask completely off and show the world exactly what the US "government" is truly all about!

Bill of Rights, Article the First - CANCELLED - superseded by Talmud Bavli, Tractate Sanhedrin 59a.

21st July 2017, 02:43 PM
Straight up in your face Bolshevist style political persecution. Fucking outrageous.

21st July 2017, 04:29 PM
Straight up in your face Bolshevist style political persecution. Fucking outrageous.

In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.

-- Joseph Stalin, January 12, 1931


21st July 2017, 05:34 PM
In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.

-- Joseph Stalin, January 12, 1931




21st July 2017, 07:44 PM
I am not sure of the forum rules about linking to a known terrorist site, but here is the evidence of this "bill" from the terrorist website congress.gov:


I usually don't visit terrorist sites like .gov and .il. But occasionally for some information I do.

This is prime candidacy for the mark of the beast. With your tax dollars funding abortions, funding wars for Israhell, funding sodomy lessons for little johnny and suzie, might add to the list, you must buy from Israhell or face 20 years in "prison". Will websites that list products to boycott be taken down?

16And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark — the name of the beast or the number of its name.

I heard Nero was the beast during the times of the early Christians. This is Nero 2.0 or even 3.0 with what the Christians faced during the Soviet Union run by jews. They say Nero was advised by the jews. The Soviet Union was run by "40,000 little jews in Moscow". And this 3.0, were you look at the UPC label to find out if it was made in Israhell becomes "criminal".

You'll still have the insane Christian zionists looking at Catholic Crucifixes and saying that Jesus on the Cross is the mark of the beast or some such evil.

The goal of the jew is to have everyone partake in their evil, so your cries to heaven are not heard. That is out of the play book of the Knowledge of Evil.

Why can't you boycott Israhell? Blame the jew, always blame the jew in Truth.

26th August 2017, 09:58 PM

Which will it be: Unequivocal support for Israel or our First Amendment rights?

An alarming paradox has taken shape in legislation before Congress: Our representatives would violate Americans’ First Amendment rights in order to protect the State of Israel.

This draconian legislation is H.R. 1697/S. 720, the “Israel Anti-Boycott Act,” is a proposed law that could harshly penalize the free speech of Americans who support the international Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

By amending existing laws (Export Administration act of 1979 and the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945), this bill would prohibit Americans from supporting BDS against Israel, as an ally of the U.S. This would include barring an American from promoting boycotts of Israel’s illegal settlements and their products, as well as even requesting information about BDS. Beyond muzzling our constitutional right to speak freely, express political opinions, the punishments themselves are extreme: minimal civil penalty of $250,000 and maximum criminal penalty of $1 million and 20 years in prison.

Taking no position on BDS, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has severely denounced the bill in a letter urging Senators “to refrain from cosponsoring this legislation because it would punish individuals for no reason other than their political beliefs.”

The progressive group MoveOn.org opposes the legislation as it would criminalize free speech, as does the organization J Street (which opposes boycotts of Israel) because the bills threaten free speech.

The scary part? There are now 291 cosponsors for what amounts to violating our rights: 46 in the Senate (14 Democrats; 32 Republicans), and 245 in the House (182 Republicans; 63 Democrats).



27th August 2017, 06:07 AM
If Congress removes our right to free speech then we physically remove them all from power. There WILL be a revolt because of this if it passes. That would trigger so much unrest that it could be the tinderbox that starts things rolling

27th August 2017, 07:29 AM
There WILL be a revolt because of this if it passes.no there won't. Americans are far too pacified to let something like the infringement of their rights initiate a physical revolt.

27th August 2017, 07:59 AM
no there won't. Americans are far too pacified to let something like the infringement of their rights initiate a physical revolt.


Dumbed-down Goy are all that remain in 2017.