View Full Version : Roomba plans to sell maps of customer homes

25th July 2017, 05:04 PM

Two years ago, Roombas unboxed and placed on floors across the country began coming with cameras. Those cameras, aided by new sensors, let the robovacs quietly build maps of users' homes to aid its cleaning duties.

Now, the CEO behind the brand that claims 88% of the robovac market plans to sell those maps to companies that can incorporate the data into smart home technologies — and make a tidy profit in the process.

26th July 2017, 06:11 AM
so the damn things connect to wireless and send the info?

Twisted Titan
26th July 2017, 08:38 AM
All because someone is too damage lazy to use a broom with dust pan.

Serves them right

26th July 2017, 10:15 AM
so the damn things connect to wireless and send the info?

Yup, just one more element in the "connected home." Wirelessly-controlled (and cloud-connected) light bulbs, refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, coffee pots, light bulbs, and, of course, the Telescreen, uh, I mean "Smart" TV.