View Full Version : On the Russia sanctions bill about to go to Trump's desk

29th July 2017, 02:19 AM
Is Trump using the Russia hate to screw over the EU on trade?

Will the EU lift its sanctions against Russia in retaliation?

This is some next level stuff.

Europe will have to become allies with Russia now and visa versa.

Trade war? EU ready for economic counter-sanctions if US anti-Russia bill signed – top officials

Published time: 29 Jul, 2017 01:03
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© Stefan Klein / Global Look Press

Top economy officials of several EU states say they won’t shun from striking back at the US if the sanctions that would hit Russia’s energy sector and its European partners are signed by Donald Trump. Some suggested EU’s Russia sanctions could also be lifted.

The sanctions bill, approved by the US Senate and sent to President Trump for his signature, would immediately affect Russia-EU projects such as the Nordstream II pipeline project. The companies doing business with Russian oil and gas firms include the likes of BASF, Shell, Engie, OMV, Wintershall and Uniper.
Read more
https://cdn.rt.com/files/2017.07/thumbnail/597b2987fc7e9326728b4567.jpg Moscow not ruling out any measures to ‘bring US to its senses’ (https://www.rt.com/news/397831-russia-us-diplomatic-row/)
German economy minister Briggette Zypries on Thursday hinted at the possibility of a full-fledged trade war erupting between Europe and the US, if the latter enforces sanctions affecting European companies.
“There is a possibility of counter-sanctions, which the World Trade Organization foresees in this case,” Zypries told German broadcaster ARD, as cited by Die Welt.

Describing Berlin’s response to the possible sanctions as “harsh,” the German media outlet suggested the officials were ready for a “trade war” if necessary.

READ MORE: Economics first: ‘US Congress clearly targets Nord Stream-2’ (https://www.rt.com/op-edge/397736-us-sanctions-russia-gas/)
There is an understanding that with the new restrictive measures the US is trying to push forward its own interests in the energy sector, Die Welt quoted Michael Harms, Managing Director of the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, as saying.
"The sought [after] sanctions against pipeline projects are designed to boost energy exports from the US to Europe, create jobs in the US, and strengthen US foreign policy," Harms said.

Following the adoption of the US bill targeting Russia, Iran and North Korea by the US Congress, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel strongly criticized the American lawmakers’ decision.

Read more
https://cdn.rt.com/files/2017.07/thumbnail/5979e488fc7e935d158b4567.jpg New US Russia sanctions ‘absolutely unacceptable,’ come at expense of EU jobs – Austrian chancellor (https://www.rt.com/news/397719-austria-oppose-russia-sanctions-us/)
"Our stance remains that we will not accept any extraterritorial use whatsoever of these US sanctions against European companies. President Trump knows that, and so do the State Department and the US administration. Sanctions policies are neither a suitable nor an appropriate instrument for promoting national export interests and the domestic energy sector," Gabriel said in a statement issued Friday.
Saying "what happens next is now up to President Trump," the minister once again urged Germany’s American partners "to coordinate our policies towards Russia closely."
Nothing more than a desire "to resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine" stands behind the European sanctions on Moscow, the German foreign minister said, stressing that "if the Russian leadership makes a move and we are finally able to make progress as regards implementing the Minsk agreements, it is also conceivable that these sanctions will be gradually eased."
Austria has taken a similar stance, with the president of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Christoph Leitl, stating that "Europe must not let this [sanctions] happen."
Speaking to the Austrian national public broadcaster, ORF on Friday, the politician said that Americans wanted to muddle the economic relationships between Russia and Europe, to press with their own interests in trade, economic and energy policy.

"If these sanctions are implemented, there is no doubt that Europe will be firmly united [against them]," Leitl said.

He added that the situation could then be used as an opportunity to lift EU sanctions against Russia, Austria Press Agency reports.

Earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman and Austrian Chancellor Christian Kern issued statements lambasting the American bill.
READ MORE: ‘Peculiar move’: Merkel lashes out at new US anti-Russia sanctions (https://www.rt.com/news/392595-merkel-us-sanctions-russia/)
Kern and Gabriel penned a joint statement concluding that the fallout from the sanctions “would add an absolutely new and highly negative aspect in relations between the US and Europe.”


29th July 2017, 08:04 AM
It is going to be much worse than a trade war...

"To show you how utterly devious the members of Congress truly are, they named the bill [ H.R. 3364 ] ‘‘Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act’.’ Sounds almost noble, doesn't it? It's not noble' it's evil.

The Bill is specifically designed to start a war. Worse, the people who wrote and voted for this Bill are, in my opinion, so personally evil, they even inserted restraints in the Bill to prevent our President from negotiating an end to troubles caused by this Bill!

Congress WANTS a war, and they don't want the President doing anything to get in the way of it. Worse, they''re so bent on war, they don't want us - the American people - interfering either. These sneaky, good-for-nothing political pieces of shit in Congress introduced the (final version) of the Bill on July 24 . . . . and voted on it one day later on July 25. They left no time at all for the American people to read the bill, analyze it, question it or oppose it. That's the level of absolute evil taking place in the Congress!

The Senate was just as cunning and deceitful. The House Bill was received by the Senate on July 26 and by that night --- THE SAME DAY -- the Senate approved it.

In fact, these degenerate political scumbags in Congress are so bent on getting what they NEED to achieve -- "Debt Forgiveness (through war)" they Approved this Bill by a VETO-PROOF majority of 419-3 in the House of Representatives, and a VETO-PROOF majority of 96-3.

So even if President Trump vetoes the Bill, Congress has the votes to over-ride his veto and make this the law of the land anyway"

These people can get stuff done when they want to!


29th July 2017, 08:28 AM
If we the people have any affect or influence at all, there is the real and clear possibility of exposing these degenerate political scumbags in Congress between the veto and the override vote. So if we the people have any power left at all via our Creator endowed right to expose and to peaceably assemble and explain to the public what this law really means for Americans and our soldiers, then the concept of a bill being "Veto Proof" is a nonstarter.

We the people have had a few successes in the past in this exact same situation and we can expose them and their schemes.

Unfortunately our old taunt to these congress scum -- Remember in November -- no longer has any meaning because our voting / electoral system is so corrupt. Trump is trying to do something about that but we are at a most unique and crucial time in our nation's history and our old ways of fighting are to no avail.

Christ has made known to us our main weapon. He is in charge of pulling the trigger, and He can do this in the most unimaginable ways.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.”
Ephesians 5:11-14

“and the light shines on in the darkness and darkness could not overcome it.”

John 1:5

1 John 1:5

And this is the declaration which we have heard from him, and declare unto you: That God is light, and in him there is no darkness.

old steel
29th July 2017, 10:02 AM
War is coming.

Zog will destroy the world right before our eyes while we all sit and watch with our thumb up our ass.

29th July 2017, 11:57 AM
War is coming.

Zog will destroy the world right before our eyes while we all sit and watch with our thumb up our ass...

...while waiving the red, white, and blue Fag Rag and shouting "Make America Great Again!"


29th July 2017, 11:58 AM
Is Trump using the Russia hate to screw over the EU on trade?

Trump will sign this act of war solely to diminish the allegations that he "colluded with Russia."

For Trump, everything is for personal gain.

29th July 2017, 04:08 PM
Trump will sign this act of war solely to diminish the allegations that he "colluded with Russia."

For Trump, everything is for personal gain.

I don't believe "solely", there will be things forth coming for him. Just knowing the timing is worth billions.

29th July 2017, 07:41 PM
War is coming.


This. Paranoid jews making it happen...hopefully a Russian torpedo will nuke Tel Aviv soon.

Meanwhile CHINA MILITARY (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4130491/china-latest-weapons-military-parade/) as we debate trannies in our gender-confused Pentagon.

30th July 2017, 10:58 AM
Another reason the banksters want to punish jew-controlled Russia.


Russia could pay off all its debt in 10-20 years if they wanted to. That sounds very anti-semitic.

Venezuela, Iran, Russia could be partly why oil and especially nat gas are low. Venezuela would not be rioting/protesting in the streets, and Russia and Iran could be more independent from the West if oil and natural gas were more expensive.

Cheap nat gas from the US, but punish the Russians, those "sinister" Orthodox Christians.

The Russians thought the Communist jews were bad. Wait for the zionist jews that follow behind them. Like the German women with the Russian Soviet soldiers, the second wave of them were the worst.