View Full Version : Their own people say Islam is evil??!!??

29th July 2017, 03:32 AM
From Jim Stone (

Their own people say Islam is evil??!!??
Anonymous sent:

Your eyes are blinded to the evils of the Islamic religion. They're own people talk about the horrors they commit. This will be my last visit to your site. It has the shadow of evil over it. Research, Jim. Very disappointed

My response: OK, TIME FOR AN EDUCATION: Do you know what a crypto Jew is? A crypto Jew is one which fakes being a different religion than Jewish, so they can act like they belong to another and either shred that religion from the inside out or make it look horrible. Any Muslim talking about "the horrors they commit" is going to be Israeli Mossad or some other spurious Jew, fronting as Muslim. Let's go over a few proven crypto Jew cases. And no, you never spoke to a Muslim "talking about the horrors they commit", no, you read it online (very safe bet), which means you got a nice solid dose of brain wash from the CIA.

Here are your crypto Jews
This will suffice for now, but there is a better quality picture of these four fine Jewish chaps out there, who claimed to be Muslim, and were attempting to recruit for Al Quaida in Palestine. The palestinian authority busted them and low and behold, all 4 were Jewishand members of the Israeli Mossad. Israel demanded them back, so to avoid being bombed to oblivion, Palestine complied. No doubt these four individuals now sit behind desks, posting war stories to the web for the gullible (including you) to believe, about "how horrible they are" as Muslims.


Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor was one of Michael Jackson's handlers. All through his life, he thought she was Christian. Yet when she died, she did not show up for the lavish Christian funeral that was set up by Michael and the rest of the church she attended, No, she was instead buried days before at a private funeral at a Jewish cemetery. Hundreds of people showed up to her Christian funeral, only to find out she was already buried! SHE FOOLED EVERYONE as a crypto Jew, right to the end! She is a prime example of a crypto Jew fronting as a Christian with ultra fine frontage. No doubt she was very "progressive" and pushed as hard as she could to get everyone at church to move left! Even today, the scamming MSM calls her Christian, but the Jews won't grab a Christian out of nowhere and deep six that Christian in a Jewish cemetery!

Barak Obama
Barak Obama is a crytpo Jew, born of a Jewish mother. He has been claimed in conspiracy circles to be Muslim (some people swear by that, ) but it is only because someone figured at some level at the CIA that they could capitalize on the hatred directed at him, and direct that at Muslims. Officially on paper he's Christian. But really he's Jewish. You won't find admissions to it out there in full, but Fox News will at least put it in a suggestive headline. (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/05/27/first-jewish-president.html)

Ha ha ha, Crypto Jews are such a well established topic that even Wikipedia has a Well done page, (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto-Judaism)explaining it all from a sympathetic perspective!
You can't tell me Muslims did 911, when Larry Silverstein said pull it to building 7 and said he said it on PBS, there were five dancing Israelis, The Israeli PM was thrilled, the Mossad knew all about it the day before, the towers were shut down the days prior - probably because Urban moving systems which is a totally Jewish company, had several vans busted with explosive residue inside them that day, and all the Jews were warned not to go to work that day by Odigo.
You know, I am trying to figure out what to say to wake this particular reader up. But I probably cant. How about a nice shot of cold hard proof the Jews are not the nice guys you were told they are?

The Ashkenazi Jews are really nasty, even to the Sephardic Jews. Did you know that the Ashkenazi systematically blew the brains out of 100, 000 Sephardic Jewish children with a massive shot of radiation sent straight through their brains? This is a good one to end on. I bet this reader who knows so much about Muslims not know about this. TRY TELLING ME HOW HORRIBLE MUSLIM WAR STORIES ARE AFTER READING THIS:

100, 000 Radiations - The Massacre of The Biblical Jews by The Ashkenazis
And for those who still defend the AshkeNAZIS (Jews of the German rite (aka Reich)) are not the Nazis of our time must read this article. I cannot wait for you to make excuses for this horrible atrocity that the AshkeNazia did to the poor and "undesirable Jew".

100, 000 Radiations - A Review

by Barry Chamish

Date: August 21, 2004

On August 14, at 9 PM, Israeli television station, Channel Ten, broke all convention and exposed the ugliest secret of Israel's Labor Zionist founders; the deliberate mass radiation poisoning of nearly all Sephardi youths.

The expose began with the presentation of a documentary film called, 100, 000 Radiations, and concluded with a panel discussion moderated by TV host Dan Margalit, surprising because he is infamous for toeing the establishment line.


In 1951, the director general of the Israeli Health Ministry, Dr. Chaim Sheba flew to America and returned with 7 x-ray machines, supplied to him by the American army.

They were to be used in a mass atomic experiment with an entire generation of Sephardi youths to be used as guinea pigs. Every Sephardi child was to be given 35, 000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300, 000 Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60, 000 liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today. To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6, 000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, the many of the rest developed cancers that killed them over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches and psychosis.

Yes, that is the subject of the documentary in cold terms. It is another matter to see the victims on the screen. ie. To watch the Moroccan lady describe what getting 35, 000 times the dose of allowable x-rays in her head feels like.

"I screamed make the headache go away. Make the headache go away. Make the headache go away. But it never went away."

To watch the bearded man walk hunched down the street.

" I'm in my fifties and everyone thinks I'm in my seventies. I have to stoop when I walk so I won't fall over. They took my youth away with those x-rays."

To watch the old lady who administered the doses to thousands of children.

"They brought them in lines. First their heads were shaved and smeared in burning gel. Then a ball was put between their legs and the children were ordered not to drop it, so they wouldn't move. The children weren't protected over the rest of their bodies. There were no lead vests for them. I was told I was doing good by helping to remove ringworm. If I knew what dangers the children were facing, I would never have cooperated. Never!"

Because the whole body was exposed to the rays, the genetic makeup of the children was often altered, affecting the next generation. We watch the woman with the distorted face explain, "All three of my children have the same cancers my family suffered. Are you going to tell me that's a coincidence?"

Everyone notices that Sephardi women in their fifties today, often have sparse patchy hair, which they try to cover with henna. Most of us assumed it was just a characteristic of Sephardi women. We watch the woman on the screen wearing a baseball-style hat. She places a picture of a lovely young teenager with flowing black hair opposite the lens. "That was me before my treatment. Now look at me." She removes her hat. Even the red henna can't cover the horrifying scarred bald spots.

The majority of the victims were Moroccan because they were the most numerous of the Sephardi immigrants. The generation that was poisoned became the country's perpetual poor and criminal class. It didn't make sense. The Moroccans who fled to France became prosperous and highly educated. The common explanation was that France got the rich, thus smart ones. The real explanation is that every French Moroccan child didn't have his brain cells fried with gamma rays.

The film made it perfectly plain that this operation was no accident. The dangers of x-rays had been known for over forty years. We read the official guidelines for x-ray treatment in 1952. The maximum dose to be given a child in Israel was .5 rad. There was no mistake made. The children were deliberately poisoned.

David Deri, makes the point that only Sephardi children received the x- rays.

"I was in class and the men came to take us on a tour. They asked our names. The Ashkenazi children were told to return to their seats. The dark children were put on the bus."

The film presents a historian who first gives a potted history of the eugenics movement. In a later sound bite, he declares that the ringworm operation was a eugenics program aimed at weeding out the perceived weak strains of society. The film now quotes two noted anti- Sephardi racist Jewish leaders, Nahum Goldmann and Levi Eshkol.

Goldmann spent the Holocaust years first in Switzerland, where he made sure few Jewish refugees were given shelter, then flew to New York to become head of the World Jewish Congress headed by Samuel Bronfman. According to Canadian writer Mordecai Richler, Bronfman had cut a deal with Prime Minister Mackenzie King to prevent the immigration of European Jews to Canada.

But Levi Eshkol's role in the Holocaust was far more minister than merely not saving lives. He was busy taking them instead. From a biography of Levi Eshkol from the Israeli government web site:

"In 1937 Levi Eshkol played a central role in the establishment of the Mekorot Water Company and in this role was instrumental in convincing the German government to allow Jews emigrating to Palestine to take with them some of their assets - mostly in the form of German-made equipment."

While world Jewry was boycotting the Nazi regime in the '30s, the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem was propping up Hitler. A deal, called The Transfer Agreement, was cut whereby the Nazis would chase Germany's Jews to Palestine, and the Labor Zionists would force the immigrants to use their assets to buy only German goods. Once the Jewish Agency got the German Jews it wanted, those they secretly indoctrinated in the anti-Judaism of Shabtai Tzvi and Jacob Frank, they let the Nazis take care of the rest of European Jewry. The Holocaust was a eugenics program and Levi Eshkol played a major role in it.

The Moroccan lady is back on the screen. "It was a Holocaust, a Sephardi Holocaust. And what I want to know is why no one stood up to stop it."

David Deri, on film and then as a panel member, relates the frustration he encountered when trying to find his childhood medical records.

"All I wanted to know was what they did to me. I wanted to know who authorized it. I wanted to trace the chain of command. But the Health Ministry told me my records were missing."

Boaz Lev, the Health Ministry's spokesman chimes in, "Almost all the records were burned in a fire."

So let us help Mr. Deri trace the chain of command. But now I must intrude myself in the review. About six years ago, I investigated the kidnapping of some 4500, mostly Yemenite immigrant infants and children, during the early years of the state. I met the leader of the Yemenite children's movement, Rabbi Uzi Meshulum, imprisoned for trying to get the truth out. He was later returned home in a vegetative state from which he has not emerged. He told me that the kidnapped children were sent to America to die cruelly in nuclear experiments. The American government had banned human testing and needed guinea pigs. The Israeli government agreed to supply the humans in exchange for money and nuclear secrets. The initiator of Israel's nuclear program was Defence Ministry director-general Shimon Peres.

Rabbi David Sevilia of Jerusalem corroborated the crime and later, I even saw photos of the radiation scars on the few surviving children, and the cages the infants were shipped to America in.

Just over five years ago I published my belief on the internet, that Israel's Labor Zionist founders had conducted atomic experiments on Yemenite and other Sephardi children, killing thousands of them. Almost three years ago, I published the same assertion in my last book, Save Israel!. I suffered much scorn for doing so. However, I was right.

We return to the documentary. We are told that a US law in the late '40s put a stop to the human radiation experiments conducted on prisoners, the mentally feeble and the like. The American atomic program needed a new source of human lab rats and the Israeli government supplied it.

There is more to this, Click here (http://soc.culture.lebanon.narkive.com/6FHJbG5S/100-000-radiations-the-massacre-of-the-biblical-jews-by-the-ashkenazis)
And to the reader who wrote to me saying I was evil for "not revealing the evils of Muslims", if you were only trolling me, believe me, doing so will only backfire - this type of post is the absolute last thing you'd ever want in response and I have absolutely no compunctions about where I stand or what I will post.
FACT: Jews are enforcing the vaccination programs that are specifically tailored to give the equivalent of countless millions of head X-rays to America's toddlers. Those worst hit die. Those less worse hit get autism. Their goal is to have everyone as destroyed as the Sephardic youth they destroyed with the X-rays decades ago. The precedent is already set, and now that vaccine tech has advanced enough to do the job of the X-ray machine the method has changed. What are the Muslims doing that equals that?

FACT: The Jews are the ones destroying America. From education on down. The legal system, the medical system, the scamming MSM is ALL done by the Jews. Where is the Islamic equivalent?

FACT: All the "Islamic atrocities" you have heard about happened in foreign lands. Where America topped that thousands of times over by killing millions in the last decade alone. What have Muslims done to match that? They cannot even claim 911, that's a Jewish thing. Tell me - what did they come here and blow up, when a Jewish company warned all the Jews to stay home on 911? What did that Jewish company know? Howcome they did not warn the rest of the people who worked at the WTC? Why did ALL the Jews who were notified keep it a secret until thousands were dead? Gotta hand it to them - that really shows unity. Odigo is perhaps the biggest smoking gun of 911. Please explain that, or GTFO.

All I can say to anyone who is as ignorant of conspiracy as this particular reader is HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE? If your head is stuck so far into the sand you think Arabs are the problem, (despite the fact the Jews are using them as migrating race warfare tools right now) you need to hit the back arrow 50 times removed into ignorance from this web site until you land on Pamela Geller or CNN. There is no possible way you found this site other than dumb stupid luck or freak accident.

30th July 2017, 08:45 AM
From Jim Stone (

A significant correction to the Elizabeth Taylor postIn that post I claimed Michael Jackson paid for her Christian funeral. That was an incorrect logical assumption because it was very well funded and very large. An enormous number of people showed up, only to find out that the body had vanished and she was in fact buried in a Jewish cemetery days earlier, and not one Jew had the guts to tell anyone they took the body. They just let all the Christians show up as scheduled with an absolute lack of decency. That's par for the course for the Jews, where only THEY matter. This happened because she was a crypto Jew, masquarading as a Christian, to damage Christianity and infiltrate prominent Christians, and she did that job VERY WELL.At any rate, Michael and Elizabeth died in a time frame that was very close, with Michael dying before Elizabeth. Maybe his estate paid for the funeral that never happened, but probably not.
And there are a few people that keep ripping me for "supporting Muslims.Let's put this straight:1. I am totally against the way the JEWS AND ONLY THE JEWS are funding the Islamic invasion of Europe. THE JEWS ARE 100 PERCENT RESPONSIBLE If anyone does not know that, and then claims I support the Islamic invasion of Europe just because I'll point out a few completely accurate facts about Islam, it can only mean they are not regulars here and have not read anything I have posted in the past.
The Jews run the slave trade even now, and even I busted them first hand.A couple years ago I busted the Jews faking the Children on trains story - where supposedly they were riding trains from central America to the United states. I went out to ALL the rail lines, talked to the rail security from every rail company in Mexico and several witnesses (this took over a week of driving around Mexico) and I confirmed that ZERO children were EVER riding trains, the entire story was a HOAX. They were confused as to where the children were, when they should have been seeing them go by on the trains. Most of them had figured out it was all bullshit. I even camped out by the train tracks on the main backbone to confirm it myself.The scamming Jewish media really hammed it up good with this. The following was confirmed FIRST HAND:To get their pictures of kids riding trains, they hired locals to climb onto abandoned junk trains that were parked on private rail spurs. All the derailments, to fit the story line of "stranded kids", were done on private rail spurs. There were not any derailments of any trains that actually did the route from Central America to the U.S. and no kids were actually ever stranded.I did not rely on "internet rumor" or "uncle" for the facts. All was done by driving thousands of miles from location to location to confim it. AND THEN I UNCOVERED THE UGLY TRUTH:
White women that were "working for non government agencies" in central America were telling the children stories about how great it was in the U.S. and telling them they had a way for them there. The stories told were that all they had to do was ride a train, and it was all managed, they'd get in. The stories were spread in the communities of Guatemala and other Central American countries, to trick the kids and their parents into the dream of them making it to the United States. ALL THE KIDS DISAPPEARED FOR REAL. NONE MADE IT TO THE TRAINS. After secondarily logging 500 more miles to confim they were not instead riding buses, there was only one awful conclusion to be had: Every last one of them was vanished without a trace and never made it to America. Where the * did they go? MOST RATIONAL ANSWER: To Yom Kippur ceremonies and the cuter ones probably got carted off to Israel to be sold on the international slave market. Anyone writing to me telling me the Muslims are the slave traders is either lying outright or is pathetically ignorant - the world's slave trade is presently centered in Tel Aviv, and is run entirely by Jews. Interesting it is that with regard to the "children on trains" that never were, None of them phoned home after "leaving for the U.S.", this was a theme from parents who's kids left. They simply vanished.After I published this with two youtube videos that outlined my investigation (now censored, obviously) and posted it prominently on this web site, THAT VERY NIGHT all the Mexican media said the cops busted all the kids and they were not on trains anymore. PROBLEM: They were never there to begin with, all they were doing is covering their asses. The next day, the Jewish owned American media followed suit. If the Jews were not running the whole gig, it would not have gone that way.I strongly advise anyone trolling me about how Muslims are the slave traders to consider they are wasting their time, because you are not writing your crap to a casual idiot who happens to have a web site. In addition to Tel Aviv being the main hub for the slave trade, it is also fairly well known that the slave traders that brought the Africans to America were also virtually all Jewish. Even David Duke has done major reports outlining how the Jews ran the slave trade, and it is not because "he's KKK" or "he's an anti semite", no, it is because he simply was awake enough to know it. It happens to all be documented. And it fits, right in with Tel Aviv being the world's biggest slave trading hub to this day. If you can't google that anymore (it used to come right up) or if it does come up with a diversion or Snopes "debunk" well, what can I say? Google "does no evil?"
I have recently noticed that all the crimes the Jews committed have recently been swapped out as Islamic crimes. This started happening just before the election. My memory goes back to well before that. I can't be trolled on these topics because I know damn well the Jews are trying to shed their shady past off on the Muslims, to make everyone hate Muslims, all the while the Jews import Muslims to the same countries they are trying to make the white populations hate Muslims . . . . . WHAT IS THE MOTIVE HERE? Obviously SETTING UP A POWDER KEG. Let's see anyone telling me "how much I misunderstand Islam" discuss THAT.It is extremely well known that the "Pirates of the Carribbean" were Jews, and that the early settlements in Latin America that the pirates set up were all Jewish. Hmm, let me dig up a related report from around election time that was done when a Jewish attorney with the last name of Koriel (a classic pirate name) was trying to prosecute Trump . . . . . .The judge "prosecuting" Trump for Trump college is a Jewish plant with pirate ancestry!(This was posted before the election, and I am re-posting it because it hits the topic of the Jews being the pirates of the Carribbean (this is not too hard to dig up at last check tonight, Google has not censored it yet) so google it.First I only wanted to track down the fact that Curiel's parents lived in a Jewish community in America. Then Google, once it figured out what I was doing, took Curiel's childhood house and threw it 20 miles north from where it really was and from where it originally showed right in the middle of all the Kosher shops. So I had to ditch that, because Google was not going to play honest. Low and behold, that forced me to dig deeper and as a result I found his prior history.Curiel is a Sephardic Jewish Marron. His ancestors caused problems in Portugal, and eventually got thrown out of the entire area around the time of Columbus. !! THEY THEN SETTLED IN JAMAICA, WHERE OUT OF KINGSTON THEY RAN THE "PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN" PLOT !! ( (fancy Disney ever being honest with that little tidbit) until there were no more Spanish galleons filled with their own pirated Aztec gold to be robbed. Obviously it all eventually splintered and perhaps the generation marking his great grandpa settled in Mexico. They then came to America, where his dad lived as an illegal alien up until his death in 1974.
Well, it probably does not matter that his ancestors were pirates other than the fact that proves he is Jewish. WHAT DOES MATTER IS THE FACT THAT HE IS NOT ONLY A KKKIKE, his OWN DAD was an illegal who worked illegally in the U.S. until he died. ( It is foggy about whether or not his mom was ever legal, but that does not matter anymore because 1. He is a Latino and 2. he is a jew and 3. he is working a lawsuit against a presidential candidate who wants to kick Latinos out of the country all the while the Jews want to keep latinos here. See a conflict of interest there? Never mind the seedy ancestry, which alone should say it all! 16th century began in 1501 and ended in 1600. Here it is: The judge presiding over the prosecution of Trump is a sephardic Jew who's ancestors were kicked out of Portugal at around the time of Columbus.
Judge Curiel's ancestors were kicked out of Portugal, and settled in Kingston Jamaica where they ran a massive pirate outfit, and Curiel's family eventually ended up in Mexico after that fell apart. THAT IS THE HISTORY, the fact Google censored where he lived in Chicago is NOW MEANINGLESS.When you look into his background his parents were not U.S. citizens, they came from Mexico, both were Jewish, and he was an anchor baby. "La Raza" Gonzalo Curiel is a Latino Jewish judge. It may be difficult to pin him as Jewish (he probably is a crypto Jew) but I never checked to see if he openly admits it.The question is, if a lawsuit is legitimate, how does the judge end up being hispanic, which hates Trump, and Jewish (the entire group also predominantly hates Trump) - this is obviously a trumped up lawsuit which will be presided over by a judge who at best definitely was an anchor baby. Forget about whether or not he can even legitimately be a judge, with his parents being Jewish that won't matter. If there ever was proof this lawsuit is entirely fake and politically motivated JUST LOOK AT THE JUDGE. Forget about him being affiliated with La Raza (another reason to disqualify him) just look at his parent's history and the fact he is Jewish. That ought to say it all.But you won't ever hear jack squat about this in the MSM, and IT WILL NOT MATTER. WANT TO KNOW WHY? Because the public is waking up to the Jewish shenanegans, and any Trump supporter will clearly see this for what it is. Additionally, Trump University had a high approval rating, and what I have seen "come out against" the university is lacking substance. The only way such a lawsuit would ever succeed is with a scam judge and a jury packed entirely by latinos and others who have been cherry picked, and they will be. Look for the jury to be 100 percent crypto Jew as well.