View Full Version : case study: student loans

31st July 2017, 08:20 PM

Navient Corporation is the largest student loan servicer working under contract for Sallie Mae and the Department of Education.

Lakisha Johnson took out two student loans $6,625 in 2006 in hopes of becoming a medical assistant.

She soon found herself falling behind on her payments. Johnson wasn’t too concerned about her balance because Navient would enroll her into one of the forbearance plans they promoted in a continuous stream of emails.

She received an email on October 4, 2011, stating:

You may be able to qualify for a deferment or forbearance, which can postpone your loan payments and keep your loan from going into default.

Lakisha Johnson and her 12-year-old daughter found themselves in a homeless shelter just before Thanksgiving when Johnson’s landlord jacked up their rent from $675 to $875.

Johnson only planned on staying in the shelter until April when she expected to receive her tax refund of $8,220.

The check never came.

The IRS agent told her the Department of Education (DOE) was “holding back” the $8,220 refund to recoup some of her student loan debt. The agent told Johnson to expect the same thing next year. Johnson was unaware her debt had now ballooned to over $17,000.

Johnson was only now learning that those plans didn’t stop interest and fees from piling up. And she was now in default, prompting the DOE to move to collect.

That was only the half of it. Until contacted by Reuters, Johnson didn’t realize that she could have avoided the entire ordeal by enrolling in one of the government’s income-based repayment plans — an option she said Navient never discussed with her. Most of these plans allow for monthly payments as low as zero and forgive any remaining debt after 20 years.

midnight rambler
31st July 2017, 08:31 PM
Yet another jooish scam with whereby the non-jew is to serve the jew.

1st August 2017, 02:01 AM
I'm curious why she took out student loans to become a medical assistant (two-year program), when Pell & SEOG Grants would cover most or all the expenses? I don't want to unfairly judge, but I suspect Lakisha is not as innocent as she implies.

I am, of course, not defending the student loan usurers, but it sure seems like there's a lot more to this story.

1st August 2017, 02:09 AM
One day in 2015, Brandon Palmer sat down in his room at his grandmother's house in Hoover, Ala., and typed in a Google search: "how many people are suicidal over their student loans?" About a third of distressed borrowers, he figured as he pored over hundreds of their narratives on the website Student Debt Crisis, a nonprofit advocacy group.

Palmer borrowed $49,533.71 to get an associate's degree (WTF?!?!) in computer design at Virginia College in Mobile, Ala. Seven years and hundreds of resumes and inquiries later, he hasn't been able to get a job in the field. He earns $11 an hour working at electronics store Best Buy, and gets a little extra as a reservist in the Alabama National Guard, to try to meet his monthly student loan payments of more than $600.

Almost $50,000 at a diploma mill? For an Associate's?!?!

Coastal Alabama Community College tuition:


Financial Aid:


1st August 2017, 04:33 AM
in a related matter.....egad. jucos and universities working to ban INTERMEDIATE algebra....because nigs cant/wont learn it


Drop algebra requirement for non-STEM majors, California community colleges chief says

Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley, who heads the nation’s largest community college system of 114 campuses, told The Times that intermediate algebra is seen as a major barrier for students of color, preventing too many from completing degrees.

California State University administrators have been open to exploring alternative math pathways; they are consulting with faculty to determine which disciplines need to continue requiring intermediate algebra and which could be more flexible.

1st August 2017, 06:42 AM
It won't be long before "degrees are racist."