View Full Version : Vladimir The Great Sums Up Pope Francis The Fake!

Twisted Titan
8th August 2017, 03:42 AM
authord by Antonius Aquinas, (https://antoniusaquinas.com/2017/08/07/vladimir-the-great-sums-up-pope-francis-the-fake/)

Vladimir Putin has once again demonstrated why he is the most perceptive, farsighted, and for a politician, the most honest world leader to come around in quite a while. If it had not been for his patient and wise statesmanship, the world may have already been embroiled in an all encompassing global configuration with the possibility of thermonuclear destruction.

His latest comments on the purported head of the Catholic Church may have been his most perceptive as of yet and should be heeded not only by Western secular leaders, but by the globe’s one billion or so Catholics, most of whom regard Jorge Bergoglio as pope.

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2017/08/04/20170807_putin.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2017/08/04/20170807_putin.jpg)

The Russian President’s statement came on a visit to the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Kronstadt. Mr. Putin succinctly sums up what Pope Francis is not: “If you look around at what he (the Pope) says it’s clear that he is not a man of God. At least not the Christian God, not the God of the Bible.”

No truer words have as yet been said about this cretin by a world leader since his wretched pontifical reign began in 2013!

While Mr. Putin and those with “eyes to see and ears to hear” recognize that “Pope Francis” is not a Christian, the current occupant of St. Peter’s Chair is disqualified for that position on theological grounds. To be a legitimate pope, one must be “bishop of Rome,” and prior to becoming a bishop, one must be a priest. Jorge Bergoglio was not ordained (1969) in the traditional Apostolic ordination rite of the Church, nor was he consecrated (1992) as a true bishop in that rite. His predecessor, Benedict XVI, was, likewise, not consecrated in the traditional rite although he was ordained as a priest under the “old rite.”

Simply put: Jorge Bergoglio is just a layman masquerading as a pope as are all of the other priests and bishops which were given Holy Orders under the new rites which came into effect in the aftermath of the Second Vatican Anti-Council (1962-65).

Not only is Pope Francis a Christian fraud as Vladimir Putin and other perceptive commentators have observed, but in secular matters he is a neo-Marxist in economic thought, a One-World Government advocate, and an enthusiast of open borders and mass migration. In other words, an enemy of what is left of Western Civilization.

Mr. Putin accurately describes his “secular sins:”

Pope Francis is using his platform to push a dangerous far-left political ideology on vulnerable people around the world, people who trust him because of his position
He dreams of a world government and a global communist system of repression
As we have seen before in communist states, this system is not compatible with Christianity**

If these despicable qualities are not bad enough, there is a seedier side of Bergoglio that Mr. Putin did not address. Pope Francis is now the third Paedophile Pope who has presided over the Church’s Great Sex and Embezzlement Scandal. Neither Francis, or his two derelict predecessors (Benedict XVI, JPII) have done anything to either punish or root out the child predators under their charge. On the contrary, Francis has encouraged perversion with his now infamous statement of “who am I to judge.”

The debauchery continues to take place with the latest coming right under the nose of the Argentine heretic. An apartment occupied by the secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts, Franecesco Coccopalmerio, was raided in July to break up a “gay” orgy. The police found drugs and men engaged in orgiastic sex.

Coccopalmerio, who Bergoglio had considered for promotion to bishop, was hauled away and jailed by authorities.

This came on the heels of Cardinal George Pell, the Vatican’s Chief Financial Officer, being charged with sex crimes against ten children. Pell has since left Rome in disgrace for his native Australia to answer the charges.

While Western Civilization is on the decline due to economic stupidity and open borders promoted by the likes of Pope Francis, there are a few bright spots, the brightest of which is Vladimir Putin. If the West is ever going to regain its sanity, it should take the sage counsel of the Russian president especially when he speaks of phonies like Pope Francis.

Twisted Titan
8th August 2017, 03:45 AM
Now you better understand why Russia is denounced

If you look around at what he (the Pope) says it’s clear that he is not a man of God. At least not the Christian God, not the God of the Bible.”

8th August 2017, 05:36 AM
Why? Based on the actions and words of this 'Pope' how is Putin actually wrong here? The guy in the white robe IS a phony!
Now you better understand why Russia is denounced

If you look around at what he (the Pope) says it’s clear that he is not a man of God. At least not the Christian God, not the God of the Bible.”

8th August 2017, 10:43 AM
If you look around at what he (the Pope) says it’s clear that he is not a man of God. At least not the Christian God, not the God of the Bible.”

All talk.

The best way to control the "opposition" is to lead it ourselves.



Did Putin "forget" to tell these Rabbis about the Christian God, and especially, His Son? Or does one not talk back in such ways to his bosses?


Oh, never mind, that would be "illegal" in Putin's Russia:


Russian president continues to surprise with his strong stance against anti-Semitism.

At the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Duma (Russian Parliament) has legislated a law outlawing “distorted and/or extremist” commentary of Scriptures.

The purpose of the unusual law, it is widely understood, is the prevention of cynical advantage being taken of Biblical verses for anti-Semitic purposes.

8th August 2017, 10:51 AM
Interesting fact: Putin's Momma's maiden name was Shelemova.

Some allege it comes from an old Russia root, Shelem (шелом), meaning shell or cover (colloquial, helmet).

But Shelem is also the feminine of "Shalom" (bestowed among Jews as a girl's name), and Shelem is a variant in Yiddish for Shalom.

8th August 2017, 10:59 AM
Francis has encouraged perversion with his now infamous statement of “who am I to judge.”

I remember when he said that, which pretty much nailed the coffin shut on the question of whether he is a legitimate pope or not. The pope of all people should understand that one of his jobs is to proclaim righteous judgement throughout the world.
John 7:24 - Do not judge according to appearance, butjudge with righteous judgment.

8th August 2017, 11:05 AM
I remember when he said that, which pretty much nailed the coffin shut on the question of whether he is a legitimate pope or not. The pope of all people should understand that one of his jobs is to proclaim righteous judgement throughout the world.

John 7:24 - Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.

I laugh at the fools who say Bergoglio is "the Anti-Christ," but I do consider him in the running to be "the" (or at least, "a") False Prophet.

Twisted Titan
8th August 2017, 03:04 PM
Don't The Beast and the False Prophet get tossed in The Lake of Fire alive?

8th August 2017, 05:32 PM
If the Lord is going to do something he needs to get on with it!!
Don't The Beast and the False Prophet get tossed in The Lake of Fire alive?

8th August 2017, 05:57 PM
Don't The Beast and the False Prophet get tossed in The Lake of Fire alive?

Yes. Definitely two individuals.

8th August 2017, 05:58 PM
If the Lord is going to do something he needs to get on with it!!

Since you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, don't be too eager for that.

The offer still stands...just accept it.

8th August 2017, 07:21 PM
Washing then KISSING nigger feet.

Sucking jew dick in "Israel" while millions of Palestinians are literally locked up in Gaza and the West Bank


9th August 2017, 04:09 PM
Its the Russians!!! {0}

9th August 2017, 04:56 PM
Despite this country's faults, it is still the freest country on the planet!

Despite some here want a totarian gov! Like the Russia be gov, where strong men rule and freedom of speech Will get you dead.

I hope I live long enough to see the backlash, to they want to test this country down in the hopes of replacing what is now , with a gov system histrolicy has died or got stomped world wide!

Many sheep are waking up and methinks are fed up with the critter's in charge!

Term limits would solve a bunch, but the corruption runs deep. Tho have no doubt, shake the tree hard enough and many in their personal bubble's will be pissed and maybe fix the problem.

Corruption runs deep and is world wide.

Look at the percentage of the population vs who votes!

Most sheep are wrapped in personal bubble's and gives not a shit on things outside their bubble's!


Android forever or whenever sumpthing better comes around!