View Full Version : Trump Supporters = Cuckolds

14th August 2017, 11:10 AM
President Donald Trump is saying that "racism is evil" as he condemns the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists as "criminals and thugs."




midnight rambler
14th August 2017, 11:19 AM
Historically the Klan has been Dimorats.

14th August 2017, 11:28 AM
Historically the Klan has been Dimorats.

Democrats when Democrats were patriots.

But the point is, so-many Trump supporters were fanatic about "he's on our side." And every day, he proves the opposite.

14th August 2017, 02:47 PM
The choice was Hillary Clinton or Trump. Anyone who opposed Trump from the start falls into one of these categories:
Hillary supporter
George Soros tool
Anti-white male bigot/racist
Mitch mcconnell bitch
John mccainian blood luster
Or just garden variety asshole moron psychopath hanging out on little forum

14th August 2017, 03:01 PM
The choice was Hillary Clinton or Trump. Anyone who opposed Trump from the start falls into one of these categories:
Hillary supporter
George Soros tool
Anti-white male bigot/racist
Mitch mcconnell bitch
John mccainian blood luster
Or just garden variety asshole moron psychopath hanging out on little forum

How was your vacation to Tel Aviv?

14th August 2017, 03:04 PM
If you voted for Trump-Pence, you voted for this:


Be a man and OWN it.

14th August 2017, 03:05 PM
How was your vacation to Tel Aviv?
Still trying to decide which category you fit into best? Keep at it sport.

14th August 2017, 03:06 PM
Still trying to decide which category you fit into best? Keep at it sport.

The only category I fit in is Adamic Christian. Which Jewish sect do you fit in?

14th August 2017, 03:19 PM
Beware you don't get sucked down the Pit of the Banned. Certain members here will bait you then suck you into their black hole. Before you know it you're banned and they seek out their next victim. These people think nothing of finding any personal information on you then use it to try and try and publicly disgrace or embarrass you to the other members here. It's like 'their way or the highway'. Some folks are best left ignored.
Still trying to decide which category you fit into best? Keep at it sport.

14th August 2017, 03:24 PM
Beware you don't get sucked down the Pit of the Banned. Certain members here will bait you then suck you into their black hole. Before you know it you're banned and they seek out their next victim. These people think nothing of finding any personal information on you then use it to try and try and publicly disgrace or embarrass you to the other members here. It's like 'their way or the highway'. Some folks are best left ignored.

So, tell us, do you agree with your President? Are you going to obey your President. You voted for him, and now he needs your support.

14th August 2017, 05:25 PM

14th August 2017, 07:16 PM
what did you expect him to say?

the "prez" was being eaten alive by the both sides - by the dems and by his own "republicans"

his butt and his family are being illegally investigated

we saw his powers illegally taken away by congress few weeks ago and there was nothing he could do

we saw his agenda destroyed, obamacare and stumm

he is barely-barely clinging to his sit

he hangs by a thread

his presidency is crumbling before our eyes

had he said anything else, had he mentioned anything else - that would have been an end of him and month later you would have had Clinton as a president

i betcha they WANTED him to take a fall

what exactly did you expect him to say? can you elaborate?

14th August 2017, 07:48 PM
what exactly did you expect him to say?

How about the Truth?

Is JC your Lord, or is DT your Lord?

When will you accept the Occam's Razor explanation of why Trump does what he does?

Why do you insist on making excuses for him?

had he said anything else, had he mentioned anything else - that would have been an end of him and month later you would have had Clinton as a president


Clinton Delusional Syndrome. Forces sufferer to allege that the Vice President (Mike Pence), the Speaker of the House (Paul Ryan), or the President Pro Tem of the Senate (Orrin Hatch) would give up a chance to be President, waiving their right in favor of some fantasy mechanism to install Her Majesty.

Tell us, actually, what would Her Majesty Hillary have said differently than Trump did? (hint: Nothing...)

14th August 2017, 09:01 PM
How about the Truth?

Is JC your Lord, or is DT your Lord?

When will you accept the Occam's Razor explanation of why Trump does what he does?

Why do you insist on making excuses for him?


Clinton Delusional Syndrome. Forces sufferer to allege that the Vice President (Mike Pence), the Speaker of the House (Paul Ryan), or the President Pro Tem of the Senate (Orrin Hatch) would give up a chance to be President, waiving their right in favor of some fantasy mechanism to install Her Majesty.

Tell us, actually, what would Her Majesty Hillary have said differently than Trump did? (hint: Nothing...)

Look, I don't want to see Clinton's saying anything ever
I don't want no damn liberals ruling unencumbered
you here rock the boat, you Sir work for them here
you understand that you trip tramp and liberals will be in charge for decades?

14th August 2017, 09:22 PM
Look, I don't want to see Clinton's saying anything ever
I don't want no damn liberals ruling unencumbered
you here rock the boat, you Sir work for them here
you understand that you trip tramp and liberals will be in charge for decades?

I work for the Truth. If you work for Trump, you work for lies, and the (((banksters))).

Trump was a lifelong social liberal before he started pretending to be a "conservative" nationalist. Pro-Jew, pro-interracism, pro-faggot, pro-divorce, pro-fornication, pro-abortion. America had zero choice in November 2016, as we had a social liberal who lied to get votes, and then we had a social liberal who lied to get votes. One was more convincing, and the other was even more distasteful. Hence, we have President Trump.

Who would Jesus support?

What would Jesus say, about Trump? Before answering that, watch this:


Is that something Jesus Christ would support? Completely apart from his "rich man" burden. Unable and/or unwilling to answer whether he's ever asked God for forgiveness.

15th August 2017, 01:23 AM
the system is devilish. and so is ignorance

the top creates conflicts that prompt people to fight among themselves and instill supremacy, accept (physical/economic) enslavement as a doctrine. there are more slaves today than at any time in history.

but since evil cannot be fought with evil, things get worse

then the top condemns racism and supremacy, advocates for the virtue of peace and enforces democracy

15th August 2017, 03:29 AM
It's pretty sad to see some people pretend to be Christian while having such hatred for everything America. No Christian I've ever known, or met, has ever wished such harm to my country. Beware of these types of people, they are really the devil in disguise!

15th August 2017, 02:03 PM
It's pretty sad to see some people pretend to be Christian while having such hatred for everything America. No Christian I've ever known, or met, has ever wished such harm to my country. Beware of these types of people, they are really the devil in disguise!

Your lord and savior Donald Trump is about ready to stab Steve Bannon in the back. Are you a masochist?

15th August 2017, 05:29 PM
Look in this mirror


15th August 2017, 06:06 PM

Your President's boss.

15th August 2017, 06:09 PM
Your President's boss.

I was wondering who would respond, SATAN!

15th August 2017, 06:19 PM
I was wondering who would respond, SATAN!

Is that a personal attack, or are you hearing voices about GSUS posts?

15th August 2017, 06:20 PM
Is that a personal attack, or are you hearing voices about GSUS posts?

Do you consider yourself a person?

15th August 2017, 06:28 PM
Do you consider yourself a person?
Do you consider yourself a sockpuppet or a shill for the Jews?

15th August 2017, 06:30 PM
Do you consider yourself a person?

Called desperation.

15th August 2017, 06:53 PM
Called desperation.

Cebu, your primary account has been unbanned for some time. You don't need to keep up the sockpuppet act anymore.

midnight rambler
15th August 2017, 06:54 PM
Do you consider yourself a person?

The term 'person' is derived from persona which means mask as in an actor's mask.

A person is a creation of the state.

15th August 2017, 07:12 PM
The term 'person' is derived from persona which means mask as in an actor's mask.

A person is a creation of the state.

So I guess crimestink is a person, a smell with a mask.

15th August 2017, 07:20 PM
So I guess crimestink is a person, a smell with a mask.

Thanks for outing yourself as a sockpuppet. :)

Why don't you create another thread about a Talmudic prophecy?

midnight rambler
15th August 2017, 07:20 PM
So I guess crimestink is a person, a smell with a mask.

I'm pretty certain it is up to each man or woman to make their own legal determination(s) as to their status, provided they don't allow the state to do so by default.

15th August 2017, 08:17 PM
Thanks for outing yourself as a sockpuppet. :)

Why don't you create another thread about a Talmudic prophecy?

Look, today the prez Trump did come out and openly blamed "Alt left" among others.

Can you imagine that?

Can you imagine any one of the last five presidents doing such thing?

Look, this is the best prez we've seen in decades

Yes, he is not perfect, yes he is not the sharpest dude by far, yes he has his "quirks"

but, you either stand up for this guy or else get ready to say bye-bye to your guns and to the last remainders of your freedoms

there is no other third option

do you understand that, ct?

15th August 2017, 08:34 PM
Look, today the prez Trump did come out and openly blamed "Alt left" among others.

Can you imagine that?

Can you imagine any one of the last five presidents doing such thing?

Look, this is the best prez we've seen in decades

Yes, he is not perfect, yes he is not the sharpest dude by far, yes he has his "quirks"

but, you either stand up for this guy or else get ready to say bye-bye to your guns and to the last remainders of your freedoms

there is no other third option

do you understand that, ct?

I understand Trump is a lifelong social liberal and philo-Semite, who is who is he because of Jewish New York City and all that it stands for. A man who refuses to answer whether he has repentance to God for anything he's done wrong.

His failings are fatal, and not merely "quirks." His justified statement blaming "both sides" is a quirk that is praise-worthy. But the main body of the man is irredeemable.

16th August 2017, 03:01 AM

16th August 2017, 03:05 AM

16th August 2017, 03:17 AM
Thanks for outing yourself as a sockpuppet.

There is only one original, all others are made in China.

16th August 2017, 05:25 AM
I understand Trump is a lifelong social liberal and philo-Semite, who is who is he because of Jewish New York City and all that it stands for. A man who refuses to answer whether he has repentance to God for anything he's done wrong.

His failings are fatal, and not merely "quirks." His justified statement blaming "both sides" is a quirk that is praise-worthy. But the main body of the man is irredeemable.

And thus we smell the sulphurous stench of the one who claims to be God. For only a crimestink mind can judge a human as irredeemable without even needing to consult the Redeemer.

16th August 2017, 07:12 AM
Been reading this forum for a few years now. A lot of characters have come and gone.
As I see it there's about roughly 4 individuals here who are attempting to control the views of everyone here. And from what I gather of these people most are not even American in origin. If you don't see their views they ridicule members. I believe a mod change is in order. Seems the mod looks the other way thus allowing these individuals to continue.
This place is truly becoming a totalitarian communist-Nazi regime.

Seems this place needs an enema. A lot of unnecessary hate going on and being projected onto the members of this forum.
Mods do something!

16th August 2017, 08:33 AM
Been reading this forum for a few years now. A lot of characters have come and gone.
As I see it there's about roughly 4 individuals here who are attempting to control the views of everyone here. And from what I gather of these people most are not even American in origin. If you don't see their views they ridicule members. I believe a mod change is in order. Seems the mod looks the other way thus allowing these individuals to continue.
This place is truly becoming a totalitarian communist-Nazi regime.

Seems this place needs an enema. A lot of unnecessary hate going on and being projected onto the members of this forum.
Mods do something!

I guess it comes down to a question of what the purpose of this forum is. Madfranks is a very good moderator. That is not the issue. Trying to implement a no-name-calling policy is real soft. I can call somebody the most derogatory things without name-calling. There are dozens of ways to get around that direct confrontation policy and all just as bloody... moreso.

Requiring people to separate opinions from fact is the simplest requirement. People can offer opinions and others are free to accept or ridicule them. Nobody has to be forced to anything. Life is a pugilistic experience. This is after all, a realm of words and ideas, which on the surface or the deepest dimensions will be battered about as precept fights precept, principle against construct, belief against experience.

As long as the goal is to uncover truth and all gain something of value, battles will have to be fought. When a scoundrel fights in an unsavory manner, the gloves come off.

old steel
16th August 2017, 10:26 AM
Trump is surrounded on all sides, like has been said.

He makes someone who is between a rock and a hard place look comfortable.

Still his enemies are running around causing all kinds of trouble for him.

These trouble makers need to start meeting their ends in unfortunate accidents, suicides, plane crashes, terror attacks etc.

Whatever it takes.

They have openly called for his violent death.

What's it going to take Mr. President?

It's either you or your enemies.

16th August 2017, 10:30 AM
dysprosium (http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?23002-dysprosium)

Join Date Aug 2017
Posts 1

Been reading this forum for a few years now. A lot of characters have come and gone.
As I see it there's about roughly 4 individuals here who are attempting to control the views of everyone here. And from what I gather of these people most are not even American in origin. If you don't see their views they ridicule members. I believe a mod change is in order. Seems the mod looks the other way thus allowing these individuals to continue.
This place is truly becoming a totalitarian communist-Nazi regime.

Seems this place needs an enema. A lot of unnecessary hate going on and being projected onto the members of this forum.
Mods do something!

GSUS just before a ADL jew posted the above


dysprosium (http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?23002-dysprosium)

old steel
16th August 2017, 10:37 AM

Awesome photo, Jewboo.

I'd buy you a beer if you were in my neck of the woods.

16th August 2017, 10:45 AM
GSUS just before a ADL jew posted the above


dysprosium (http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?23002-dysprosium)

Theres an idea!
Report the nazi to the ADL.

GSUS will have to give up the identity.
I hear you can run but cant hide from the ADL.

16th August 2017, 10:57 AM
I don't tfink this crimetfink.... blasted new computer, crimethink fella is a nazi too much. He makes some good points periodically but tends to slice off portions of his uncircumcised schlang accidentally then hates himself for resembling the jews. Tfe last tfhing he wantfs is tfo be around a jew.

Please excuse tfhe typing errors. Blame Dell. Hey, is Michael Dell a jew?

Michael Dell was born in 1965 in Houston, to a Jewish family whose surname reflects the translation into English of the original German/Yiddish Thal ("valley" or "dale [q.v.]"; modern common-noun spelling Tal) upon the family's immigration to the United States.[9] The son of Lorraine Charlotte (née Langfan), a stockbroker,[10] and Alexander Dell, an orthodontist, Michael Dell attended Herod Elementary School in Houston.[11] In a bid to enter business early, he applied to take a high school equivalency exam at age eight. In his early teens, he invested his earnings from part-time jobs in stocks and precious metals.[12]

Ach so! Herr Dell ist noch Yiddish von tief Kaeffer Tal.

Hey crimetfink, the jews are out to get you.

16th August 2017, 12:29 PM
And thus we smell the sulphurous stench of the one who claims to be God. For only a crimestink mind can judge a human as irredeemable without even needing to consult the Redeemer.

Your "very fine preacher" said the redeemer isn't here yet. He's "still coming" in the Jewish year of 5777.

Of course, your Jew-Jitsu butchered my statement to mean something I clearly did not. "Irredeemable" refers to Trump's "leadership," not his spirit ("soul").

Why are you trying to be someone else, Spectrism?

16th August 2017, 12:32 PM
Been reading this forum for a few years now. A lot of characters have come and gone.
As I see it there's about roughly 4 individuals here who are attempting to control the views of everyone here. And from what I gather of these people most are not even American in origin. If you don't see their views they ridicule members. I believe a mod change is in order. Seems the mod looks the other way thus allowing these individuals to continue.
This place is truly becoming a totalitarian communist-Nazi regime.

Seems this place needs an enema. A lot of unnecessary hate going on and being projected onto the members of this forum.
Mods do something!

Cool, all the "love" for me here! Three sockpuppets and several primary nyms all coordinating against me now. LOL

Are you EE_?

16th August 2017, 12:35 PM
Trump is surrounded on all sides, like has been said.

He makes someone who is between a rock and a hard place look comfortable.

Still his enemies are running around causing all kinds of trouble for him.

These trouble makers need to start meeting their ends in unfortunate accidents, suicides, plane crashes, terror attacks etc.

Whatever it takes.

They have openly called for his violent death.

What's it going to take Mr. President?

It's either you or your enemies.

The Plan has been clear for some time.

Build Trump up into a "White nationalist savior." Load all of these "unsavory" ideas on to him.

Then sacrifice him.

A "public repudiation" of all the "racist" and "odious" beliefs and "hate speech."

"America rejects hate." The headline of the Jewsmedia once Pence is "forced" to take over.

Pence ends international trip early amid Trump controversy


16th August 2017, 12:37 PM
Tfe last tfhing he wantfs is tfo be around a jew.

I love Jews...who love Jesus Christ.

Guess that excludes you. Sorry.

16th August 2017, 01:07 PM
Cool, all the "love" for me here! Three sockpuppets and several primary nyms all coordinating against me now. LOL

Are you EE_?

I only see one sock puppet, you!
Aren't you the sock puppet of Fred?

You say you are a Christian. Cant lie then.
Are you the sock puppet of Fred?

16th August 2017, 01:12 PM
I only see one sock puppet, you!
Aren't you the sock puppet of Fred?

You say you are a Christian. Cant lie then.
Are you the sock puppet of Fred?

You ARE EE_! I knew it. Did you use the same IP address, as well, like Spectrism did?


You claim to have been "reading this forum for a few years now," so you should know the answer to whether "Fred" and I are the same person.

FOR THE RECORD, I have ONE active account here at GSUS, unlike you.

16th August 2017, 01:16 PM
active account here at GSUS, unlike you.

16th August 2017, 01:43 PM
You ARE EE_! I knew it. Did you use the same IP address, as well, like Spectrism did?


You claim to have been "reading this forum for a few years now," so you should know the answer to whether "Fred" and I are the same person.

FOR THE RECORD, I have ONE active account here at GSUS, unlike you.

Dysprosium is 7th Trump a.k.a ghostof7, back for more! Ugh, sorry 7th but your permaban is still in effect, see you later.

midnight rambler
16th August 2017, 02:34 PM
Dysprosium is 7th Trump a.k.a ghostof7, back for more! Ugh, sorry 7th but your permaban is still in effect, see you later.

The dung beetle is obsessed. How funny.

16th August 2017, 03:16 PM
Dysprosium is 7th Trump...sorry 7th but your permaban is still in effect, see you later.




16th August 2017, 06:48 PM

You have TWO active accounts...Cebu and SockPuppet. Are there more?

28th August 2017, 05:13 PM