View Full Version : Speaking Of Nazis... Iceland Is 'Disappearing' Down Syndrome Children. By John Nolte

15th August 2017, 12:57 PM

Speaking Of Nazis... Iceland Is 'Disappearing' Down Syndrome Children.
Iceland "eradicating" Down syndrome through targeted and systemic murder is just one horror story at work here. The other is a major news organization CBS News celebrating such an evil.

http://www.dailywire.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_full/public/uploads/2017/08/global_down_syndrome_foundation_gi.jpg?itok=OQAvNp yz

"​The CBS News headline makes it sound as though a medical miracle has been found: Inside the Country Where Down Syndrome is Disappearing. Imagine that! Imagine science finding a way to "disappear" Down syndrome. This is fantastic news coming out of Iceland.

How was this accomplished, you ask? Was it through the wonders of DNA research, the miracle of genetic science?

Sorry, no. SNIP "

commenting on this CBS news story...



Here is an excerpt from a posting of mine on Grizzom five years ago.

"Hitler was just as much of a monster and beast as was Lenin, Stalin, and Mao.

These people all have one thing in common, their total disregard for the rights and dignity of human beings. Human beings are living beings with souls from the moment of conception.

Hitler and about 50 of his "doctors" systematically murdered about 250,000 people in Germany totally separate from the supposed "6 million" eliminated in the camps. These included children and adults born with genetic birth defects, the mentally ill, political prisoners, Gypsies, the handicapped, those too ill to work, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, Afro-Europeans, and Soviet and Polish prisoners-of-war.

The targets for extermination were objectified as "beings of lesser worth," "life unworthy of life," "ballast existences," "useless eaters."

The main methods were lethal injections for starvation. Some were used for experimentation to better the Aryan one race. They especially loved using twins and Dr. Mengela carried over the twin experiments into South America.

Granted Hitler learned all he knew about eugenics methods from USA's Margaret Sanger and like scum, nevertheless, he was able in the atheist milieu of Germany to carry out eugenics practices to the max.

Forced sterilization of the mentally ill or retarded people was done in the USA and Germany continuing up through the 1960s in both countries.

When we talk about Hitler and eugenics, we are talking about pure Satanic Evil so please stop all this "Hitler was basically a nice guy" garbage. "

15th August 2017, 01:11 PM

Speaking Of Nazis... Iceland Is 'Disappearing' Down Syndrome Children.
Iceland "eradicating" Down syndrome through targeted and systemic murder is just one horror story at work here. The other is a major news organization CBS News celebrating such an evil.

http://www.dailywire.com/sites/default/files/styles/article_full/public/uploads/2017/08/global_down_syndrome_foundation_gi.jpg?itok=OQAvNp yz

"​The CBS News headline makes it sound as though a medical miracle has been found: Inside the Country Where Down Syndrome is Disappearing. Imagine that! Imagine science finding a way to "disappear" Down syndrome. This is fantastic news coming out of Iceland.

How was this accomplished, you ask? Was it through the wonders of DNA research, the miracle of genetic science?

Sorry, no. SNIP "

commenting on this CBS news story...



Here is an excerpt from a posting of mine on Grizzom five years ago.

"Hitler was just as much of a monster and beast as was Lenin, Stalin, and Mao.

These people all have one thing in common, their total disregard for the rights and dignity of human beings. Human beings are living beings with souls from the moment of conception.

Hitler and about 50 of his "doctors" systematically murdered about 250,000 people in Germany totally separate from the supposed "6 million" eliminated in the camps. These included children and adults born with genetic birth defects, the mentally ill, political prisoners, Gypsies, the handicapped, those too ill to work, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, Afro-Europeans, and Soviet and Polish prisoners-of-war.

The targets for extermination were objectified as "beings of lesser worth," "life unworthy of life," "ballast existences," "useless eaters."

The main methods were lethal injections for starvation. Some were used for experimentation to better the Aryan one race. They especially loved using twins and Dr. Mengela carried over the twin experiments into South America.

Granted Hitler learned all he knew about eugenics methods from USA's Margaret Sanger and like scum, nevertheless, he was able in the atheist milieu of Germany to carry out eugenics practices to the max.

Forced sterilization of the mentally ill or retarded people was done in the USA and Germany continuing up through the 1960s in both countries.

When we talk about Hitler and eugenics, we are talking about pure Satanic Evil so please stop all this "Hitler was basically a nice guy" garbage. "

Yes, which is why I can't support Hitler. He was not responsible for the war, nor did he slay 6 million jews, but the euthanasia under the Nazis was evil. The sick, disabled and handicapped Christians are the people we are responsible for on judgment day. These are images of a vulnerable Jesus and need to be loved not euthanized.

15th August 2017, 02:32 PM
When we talk about Hitler and eugenics, we are talking about pure Satanic Evil so please stop all this "Hitler was basically a nice guy" garbage. "

Thank you for outing yourself as a servant of the demonic Jews.

No one has said Hitler was perfect or the Third Reich was heaven on Earth. Mistakes were made, and things that aren't attuned to the perfect path occurred. Like they do with any state...or church-state.

Hitler was the first leader to effectively take on Christ's chief Earthly enemies in centuries. That's far from "pure Satanic evil."

As for the T-4 program, the legends about it are hyped and twisted beyond recognition, just like the Holocaust™ lies. We aren't talking about people with minor defects being put down. The limited number of "individuals," if that term is even correct, who were euthanized - and yes, that term is correct, mercy death - involved those whose human faculties were questionably extant. In other words, so crippled it is questionable whether they even qualified as "human." I realize Catholic fanatics think the brain dead are "human beings - witness Jahi McMath - but no one in their right mind or heart is so absolutist about it.

It is a fact the NSDAP, in particular, via the Hitlerjugend, organized special groups to enable the disabled, including those blind and deaf, to function and contribute to society. A far cry from the Jewish Holowood image of "murdering all the disabled." But you run with that lying meme, for some reason. Bearing false witness...

I would also invite you to explain why Hitler was never excommunicated by your church, if he was "pure Satanic evil."

Even the Communist anti-Pope Bergoglio hasn't excommunicated the "purely Satanic evil" Hitler.

Human beings are living beings with souls from the moment of conception.

That is merely your belief. It is not universal among Christians, from the early days. I invite you to research the various perspectives on the concept of "ensoulment." I'm no advocate of abortion by any means, but a 2-hour old embryo is not identical to a 28-week old unborn baby.

15th August 2017, 02:37 PM
These are images of a vulnerable Jesus and need to be loved not euthanized.

"Euthanasia" means "mercy death." We can debate whether Germany's T-4 program, modeled on concepts from America, was "right," partly "right," or "wrong," but the fact remains there is legitimate debate.

The vast majority of the "people" euthanized under T-4 would not have: 1) been born; or 2) survived infancy if it were not for the vast technological marvels of the modern era. I imagine neither you nor Dachsie have ever witnessed just what it takes to properly and humanely care for one of these "people" for more than a handful of hours. I have. Keeping them alive "at all costs" is arguably for your selfish reasons, to make you feel "righteous," rather than focusing on what is actually best for these wretched creatures who have no clue, no self-awareness. Do they truly have spirits ("souls") if they are not self-aware? Or are they horrible reminders of the entropy that has occurred in our world due to the Fall?

15th August 2017, 02:52 PM
For some reading this thread , here is a mental picture..

Think tiny lap dog with a huge bad attitude with no teeth.. = ankle biter..... Or better yet ...Gummer !


15th August 2017, 03:00 PM
all govs assassinate people and their own citizens... 5000 years of cultural and psychopathic PTSD passed from a generation to the next one. Civilized?

why I do not support any leaders

there is no one left worth defending

15th August 2017, 06:26 PM
For some reading this thread , here is a mental picture..

Think tiny lap dog with a huge bad attitude with no teeth.. = ankle biter..... Or better yet ...Gummer !


A Gummer that swills booze, reveres his Worshipful Master at the Lodge, and pretends to be an Electrical Engineer because he can turn knobs on an expensive radio. Glad that's not me.

16th August 2017, 02:25 AM
I think that US CITIZENS should look to their own country who kills thousands of perfectly healthy babies just because they are inconvenient. Are you NAZI's too?

16th August 2017, 06:57 AM
why Hitler was never excommunicated by your ROMAN CATHOLIC church, if he was "pure Satanic evil."

Because birds of a feather FLOCK together!
The satanic whore of Revelation 17 (Vatican city) always sides with the "winner" UNTIL he/she/they are NO LONGER in the "winners" circle, then they "condemned" them for political expediency.
Common practice
Ho hum.
You didn't know THIS?!?!
Pitiful! as usual

16th August 2017, 01:16 PM
Because birds of a feather FLOCK together!
The satanic whore of Revelation 17 (Vatican city) always sides with the "winner" UNTIL he/she/they are NO LONGER in the "winners" circle, then they "condemned" them for political expediency.
Common practice
Ho hum.
You didn't know THIS?!?!
Pitiful! as usual

Hitler was never excommunicated because he did nothing contrary to the tenets of Christianity or Catholic dogma. In fact, he was, indeed, "doing the Lord's work" fighting the "Elders" (as in: "traditions of the Elders"). Some Orthodox Talmudists even admit this ("The Holocaust™ was punishment for our sins").