View Full Version : Baltimore mayor says she wanted to remove Confederate statues 'quickly and quietly'

16th August 2017, 05:15 PM
Baltimore mayor says she wanted to remove Confederate statues 'quickly and quietly'

Nigs and Jigs, why arent these peoples pictures posted since they are so Amerikan?

Pugh, who is African-American, added: “I wanted them out of this city.”

The Baltimore City Council approved the plan Monday night to remove four Confederate statues from the city’s public spaces – just two days after the deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va. on Saturday.

Pugh reiterated several times that the city’s plan had been in the works since June, and earlier said the quick overnight action was designed to avoid violent conflicts like what Charlottesville experienced.

“I think any city that has confederate statue has concerns about violence happening in the city,” she said, adding it was long overdue.

The four statues removed included monuments of Robert E. Lee and “Stonewall” Jackson monument, a Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument, a Confederate Women’s Monument and the Roger B. Taney Monument.

Pugh dismissed concerns that the city could face potential lawsuits over the removal of the statues, saying: “What I know is that I did what was right for my city. That was my intent and it is done.”
Confederate statues, flags and other symbols abound around the country slideshow
Confederate statues, flags and other symbols abound around the country

Resident Derek Bowden told the Baltimore Sun that while he agreed with the city’s decision to remove the statues, racism and white privilege run deeper than just the statues.

“It’s major in its own right, but it’s small when it comes to the bigger battle,” the 59-year-old photographer told the newspaper. “It’s a bigger battle. This is a small victory. There’s a larger issue we have to look at, with being Americans and upholding the Constitution … to protect all people.”

Pugh said it’s unclear where the statues will end up, adding that there are confederate cemeteries across the country that have inquired about them in the past.

She said in their place, plaques should be erected explaining what was there and why they were removed.

“I don’t know why they were put there, but I do know they were offensive to many people in this nation,” Pugh added.
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The actions taken by Baltimore officials are not unique to the Maryland city. Across the country, the events in Charlottesville over the moved leaders across the country to plan to wipe away much of the remaining Old South imagery.

Two statues were taken down immediately, in Gainesville, Florida, where the Daughters of the Confederacy removed a statue of a Confederate soldier known as "Ole Joe," and in Durham, North Carolina, where protesters used a rope to pull down a Confederate monument dedicated in 1924.

Three people have been arrested in connection to the statue in North Carolina.

Since the events on Saturday, President Donald Trump defended Confederate statues in wide-ranging remarks.

"This week it's Robert E. Lee. I notice that Stonewall Jackson's coming down," Trump said during a visit to Trump Tower in New York. "I wonder, is it George Washington next week, and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?"

16th August 2017, 06:52 PM
Lord Baltimore would demand his name be removed from the city.

16th August 2017, 06:59 PM
Cultural Marxists should be hung for the destruction that they bring upon a nation.


16th August 2017, 07:23 PM
Who's going to hang them? No one so let's just go back to watching the Sunday football games and drinking beer.
Cultural Marxists should be hung for the destruction that they bring upon a nation.


25th January 2018, 02:06 PM
General Lee & General Jackson will be replaced with Harriet Tubman.

25th January 2018, 02:13 PM
Best comment from that article:

Anonymous said...It is often said that slavery was the worst mistake that our country has made, but I believe that failing to return blacks to Africa when they were no longer of economic value and giving them the right to vote were far worse mistakes. The right to vote gives concentrations of blacks the power to seize control of a healthy entity such as a city, state or country, and once blacks are in control the entity inevitably begins its decline to the black mean.

Blacks must either be removed or contained, or we must adopt an Apartheid style of government. All of these options will be difficult for many altruistic white people to observe, but removal would probably be the gentlest option. Any concentration of blacks will quickly revert to their natural mean which is similar to the standard of living of wild animals, and few whites will have the stomach to stand back and let blacks fend for themselves as they die off in large numbers. Without help from whites a black community will soon be without water, sewer, electricity, or any infrastructure necessary to survive as more than nomad tribes. And if they are contained, they cannot even function as nomad tribes.

The problems associated with having a black State next door would dwarf the problems we have with Mexico. Desperate blacks would attempt to escape their self made shit holes and only extreme force would stop them. We would quickly have the same problem that the Dominican Republic has with Haiti involving frequent mass deportations and occasional massacres. It is difficult to see how the problems associated with blacks will get better without first getting worse.
General Lee & General Jackson will be replaced with Harriet Tubman.