View Full Version : WaPo Op-Ed openly calls for political violence..."Start throwing rocks."

midnight rambler
17th August 2017, 09:36 PM
The progressives are going full monty -


http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-17/start-throwing-rocks-washington-post-op-ed-calls-more-violence-streets (http://www.dailywire.com/news/19823/rubicon-wapo-op-ed-openly-calls-political-violence-john-nolte)

17th August 2017, 09:54 PM
Trump is POTUS, I dare them.

18th August 2017, 12:03 AM
From zero hedge

Hate coming from the left is ok.
Soros and the DNC said so.

The plan is lockdown
The riots and violence will escalate until they become regional armed skirmishes and lockdown as Bolshivism attempts to take control.
Civil war will ensue. You don't want to be in the cities or "the burbs" unless you are armed and bunkered up good.

152 years later and Fed.gov is still scared of Bobby E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson- and the implications of limited, decentralized Federal control!!!
THE reason for all the monuments to the War is to remind people of that history. Those unaware of their history are bound to repeat it.
The forces desiring war with Russia...war with Syria..war with the Ukraine..war with Iran...war with China etc etc are relentless. If they don't get their war over there, well by God, they're bound and determined to have a punitive war here for our having refused their bidding.
Hoepfully we are all bigger and smarter than that

Yes, the monuments are reminders.
But a lot of them, particularly those on the battlefields, were put up by soldiers - both Union and CSA - in their later years, to memorialize and honor their fallen friends from their regiments.
There are 96 of them at Antietam (Sharpsburg to southerners) alone:
http://www.americanantiquities.com/fall%20winter%202016/antietam-battlef... (http://www.americanantiquities.com/fall%20winter%202016/antietam-battlefield-view.jpg)
I'd be willing to bet the large majority of the Charlottesville protestors have never walked a Civil War battlefield. If you yourself haven't, try it some time. Go alone, on a weekday, perhaps a gray, fall afternoon, leave your cell phone in the car....

"Start Throwing Rocks": Washington Post Op-Ed Calls For More Violence In The Streets
My response: Excuse me ... Isn't this an act of DOMESTIC TERRORISM that encourages others to do harm???
In a society where all lies, all deceptions, all corruptions are accepted, that society will lose control of everything. Chaos will begin to take over, and the only way that chaos will be slowed down will be when dictatorial control, or maybe even a police state is formed, where thought and behavior is fixed, and anybody out of bounds is punished. Eventually, the chaos has to be controlled. We’re not headed toward socialism; we could very well be headed toward a dictatorship in our world. Is this hard to grasp?

The one thing NO ONE is saying is who is paying for this. (((They Are)))

I know who it is. But what will be done about it?

midnight rambler
18th August 2017, 03:50 AM
Crisis, the next stage after demoralization and destabilization.

18th August 2017, 05:12 AM
Trump is POTUS, I dare them.

Ooooh, I'm sure they're "scared." Some Federal "judge" will just issue an injunction, and Trump will obey that one, too, as he has with other Presidential powers.

18th August 2017, 05:51 AM
david icke: I want to stand up for trump... he got hit from all sides... but he knew that would happen, wouldnt he?

Slaves Fighting Slaves For The Slave Owners
