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19th August 2017, 04:53 AM


To be defined as a hate group that needs to be banned, all you have to do is be mainstream conservative. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has come down on our side of the issue

The Daily Stormer, in my opinion, did go over the line as they often do. However, if people want to read that, then whatever.

Here's the current scenario, which I already covered days before anyone else even knew about it:

Step one was Godaddy took the Dailystormer down without warning.

Step two was ICANN then banned the Dailystormer too, to prevent them from seeking out a new provider.

Step 3 was The Daily Stormer then tried getting going on GAB, and GOOGLE THEN BANNED GAB.

Step 4: All conservative web sites were then slated as hate sites, and to whatever extent they can get away with it, all will be banned by Icann, Google, web hosts, fundraising sites, and Paypal.

Yes, first deny ads, and then deny any possible way to survive at all. Quite the slippery slope!

It is all a setup. Charlottesville was staged to kick it off. There is no question Charlottesville was set up and executed by: The DNC, Communists, Hillary holdovers in the State Department, the FBI and other intelligence, and it is now known that no true conservatives organized anything at all. Both sides were a sham, and they set up a murder scene as the crowning moment.

No conservatives did anything at all at Charleston. Not one true Neo Nazi, "White supremacist" or conservative did anything newsworthy at all. It was purely a leftist scam, and now we are seeing leftist corporate interests give it a frutiful afterlife.

IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN BOSTON FOR THE NEXT SCAM TOMORROW, BRING A SUPER ZOOM CAMERA, I DON'T CARE HOW OLD BECAUSE IT WILL BLOW AWAY A CELL PHONE JUST BECAUSE OF THE LENS, AND RECORD THE WHOLE * THING FROM A DISTANCE. Yeah, if you get anything good Youtube will censor it, I know, but at least you will have it, and if you get anything good, DO NOT delete it off the memory card, simply plug the memory card in, offload the file, and save it because your computer probably will end up wiped, and if it does get wiped, don't put that memory card back in it again - use something else.

Any old optical super zoom will blow away a 20 megapixel cell phone for this type of thing, every single time. If you have an old one, dig it out and use it. Obviously if you have anything newer, USE IT. Stay away from the action. Stand on the "grassy knoll" and document.

The left has made it's decision: That decision is to stage crime after crime in the name of the alt media and conservatives, and then use those crimes as an excuse to erase them. I have to check my own status to see if I have been targeted (my web host has not done anything bad) but I still have to see what else might have been done. We may well be in the final hour, everyone from Brietbart to sites like this. They are going to take off all they can possibly get away with. It was not just the daily stormer, there were over 30 they took down but I can't get the list anywhere. They are just using the Daily Stormer as an example because that site really did post something tasteless (they frequently do) but they have great cutting edge stuff also.

19th August 2017, 04:55 AM
please report websites that have been shut down by the communists recently. the ones i know of:

memory hole blog, daily stormer, stuff black people dont like

19th August 2017, 04:58 AM
vdare is under attack too, emergency message posted:


Dear Readers,

Earlier this week, the VDARE Foundation was kicked off of Paypal without warning.

We were given no reasons, so are left to speculate why we've been suddenly purged. Best guess: the Charlottesville debacle -- in which VDARE.com played no part, either in planning, promoting or appearing -- is being used as an excuse for the authoritarian Communist Left to punish anyone who disagrees with their anti-American violence against patriotic people.

Luckily, we were prepared for this and the disruption will be minimal.

But this is only the beginning. Despite the increasingly hysterical news cycle, despite the scenes of brutality on the streets of so many major cities, despite the fever-pitch that it all seems to have reached, this is only the beginning.

We need your help desperately. We need it now.

It is impossible to predict on what level we will be attacked next. We must have the resources to defend ourselves and our people.

Whatever you can afford to give, please, now is the is time to give it.


1. Credit cards can still be processed at the usual place, vdare.com/contribute. To make a credit card donation now, please fill out the form below. Don't click the PayPal button--it won't work.

NB: You will need to submit the credit card form twice in order for it to go through. After the first submission, you will get an error message requesting a resubmission. That error is Paypal refusing to process our credit card transactions. Upon resubmission your credit card will be processed through our backup system, and should go through without a hitch.

2. Cryptocurrency is increasingly popular and we accept many forms. Wallet information for the most popular—Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin—are listed below. For other currencies, please email Lydia at lbrimelow@vdare.com.

Bitcoin: 3N1azzevDjZSjorCdLaQgBCBXZzGm7ku5R

Ethereum: 0xc62767F197aA9ED9F80dC9cD5DD0A0decFB357A0

Litecoin: LYfZs4ZgwPXdDSrZ5Mv9cJMX2ktDLGkoFr

For America,

Peter Brimelow

19th August 2017, 05:00 AM

Cheyenne Mountain Resort cancels conference planned by white nationalist group

VDARE’s planned conference drew outrage and planned protests in Colorado Springs

The Cheyenne Mountain Resort announced Wednesday it is canceling a three-day conference planned by the white nationalist group VDARE.

The group’s planned conference drew outrage and planned protests in Colorado Springs in the wake of the racially charged, deadly rally in Charlottesville, Va., on Saturday. A writer for VDARE.com organized that rally.

The Gazette repeatedly requested a response from the resort over the past two days, and resort spokeswoman Guadalupe Hirt apologized for the delay Wednesday.

She said the business is “committed to respecting the privacy of guests at the resort” and will offer no further comments.

19th August 2017, 06:52 AM
please report websites that have been shut down by the communists recently. the ones i know of:

memory hole blog, daily stormer, stuff black people dont like



19th August 2017, 11:52 AM
skype are running full court press - they are freaking out about the wiseness growing......nice that this little gem was waiting for the virginia event to roll this out

harkens back to patriot act waiting for the buildings to fall down


Google and ProPublica team up to build a national hate crime database

Few things are certain in 2017’s fraught national climate, but hate certainly doesn’t look to be going away. In partnership with ProPublica, Google News Lab is launching a new tool to track hate crimes across America. Powered by machine learning, the Documenting Hate News Index will track reported hate crimes across all 50 states, collecting data from February 2017 onward.

“It is one of the first visualisations to use machine learning to generate its content using the Google Natural Language API, which analyses text and extracts information about people, places, and events,” Google News Lab Data editor Simon Rogers writes in the announcement. “In this case, it helps reporters by digging out locations, names and other useful data from the 3,000-plus news reports – the feed is updated every day, and goes back to February 2017.”

The initiative is a data-rich new arm of the Documenting Hate project which collects and verifies hate incidents reported by both individual contributors and by news organizations. The Hate News Index will keep an eye out for false positives (casual uses of the word “hate” for example), striking a responsible balance between machine learning and human curation on a very sensitive subject. Hate events will be mapped onto a calendar in the user interface, though users can also use a keyword search or browse through algorithmic suggestions. For anyone who’d like to take the data in a new direction, Google will open sourced its data set, making it available through GitHub.

The project’s hope is that journalists can harness its combination of visualized data and news indexing to report more effectively on the aggregate data and incidents that might otherwise fall through the cracks.
================================================== ========================


Documenting Hate News Index

In Partnership With Google News Lab

This page lists media reports, collected by Google News, about hate crimes and bias incidents. The “keywords” column contains names and places found in the news reports in the “articles” column. The larger the word, the more prevalent it is in those stories. Select one of the words to see a list of news stories that contain it. Download the data.

By Pitch Interactive, Launched Aug. 18, 2017

19th August 2017, 01:06 PM


19th August 2017, 01:24 PM

quoting in case video gets gassed -- red ice radio under attack

19th August 2017, 01:29 PM
gofundme, paypal on the attack too


Bobby Whithorne, a representative from GoFundMe, told NBC News the crowdfunding site immediately removed "multiple campaigns for James Fields and we will continue to do so if other campaigns are created." He said those campaigns had not raised any money.

"White nationalists and neo-Nazis cannot use GoFundMe to promote hatred, racism, or intolerance, and if a campaign violates GoFundMe’s terms of service, we’ll remove it from the platform," he said.

PayPal is also cracking down on hate sites using its platform. A statement from PayPal said the company "has a longstanding, well-defined and consistently enforced Acceptable Use Policy that governs our approach to this issue."

19th August 2017, 01:33 PM
vanguard america shut down by wordpress


WordPress Banned The Website Of The Fascist Group Linked To The Alleged Charlottesville Killer

The web host pulled the site in a departure from a stance it held prior to last weekend’s violence, but Vanguard America is still on Twitter and YouTube.

Going to its URL bloodandsoil.org leads to a message from site host WordPress that reads, “This blog has been archived or suspended in accordance with our Terms of Service.”

That’s somewhat surprising. A few months ago, I asked WordPress about its hosting of Vanguard America, United Dixie White Knights of the KKK, and several other far-right organizations for a story about hate sites and their tech providers. The stock answer was that WordPress and its parent company Automatic do not censor, period.

For WordPress, the about-face was likely prompted by Vanguard America’s participation in last weekend’s Unite the Right rallies in Charlottesville, Virginia, during which a car drove into a crowd, killing one person, Heather Heyer, and injuring 19. The driver, James Alex Fields, who has been charged with murdering Heyer, has claimed allegiance to Vanguard America. The group denies that Fields was a member, but membership is an amorphous thing in the alt-right movement, in which people affiliate loosely with causes, sometimes just by visiting websites and joining discussion groups.

WordPress hasn’t explained the shift in its approach to the group’s website: the company’s user agreement and terms of service have not changed since Charlottesville. Similarly, Facebook, Google, and other platforms that have recently sought to block similar content have done so even as their policies have remained the same.

The website’s content—including posters, articles, and a manifesto—may fall into the “directly threatening material” forbidden by the WordPress user agreement. But the agreement also notes, “These are just guidelines—interpretations are solely up to us.” WordPress has not yet responded to a request for comment.

19th August 2017, 01:37 PM

Numerous neo-Nazi websites have been shut down in the wake of violence triggered by white supremacist demonstrations in Charlottesville after a campaign that targeted their online hosting companies.

Tech consultant David Finster led the way in lobbying to pull the plug with a string of tweets to server companies, including WordPress, which provided the platform for the radical voices.

Three CEOs quit Trump council over Charlottesville response

But he kept his foot on the pedal and is still targeting other online domain companies that continue to serve extremist groups – including one website that calls to “destroy Jewish tyranny”.

It comes amid a separate online campaign that has outed white nationalists who gathered in Charlottesville, triggering clashes that saw a woman killed after a car was driven into a crowd of anti-fascist protesters.

Mr Finster lobbied the server company in the wake of the right-wing march in Charlottesville after pointing out that they were being used as a platform for hate speech.

One message he shared said: “Hey, I thought I would let you know that NAZI'S are being hosted by you. BloodAndSoil.org needs to be shut down.”

Mr Finster‏ later tweeted: “It's down.” Users who try to enter the website find a message from Wordpress that reads the site is “no longer available. This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.”

Twitter users congratulated Mr Finster after WordPress appeared to respond to his lobbying.

Campaign group Sleeping Giants, which targets “racist and sexist” media, tweeted: “Just wanted to say that @david_finster is really showing us something today. Well done.”

Owners of the right-wing website later moved their online publication to Google –but the internet giant also pulled the plug on the neo Nazi platform for “violating the terms of our service”.

19th August 2017, 01:41 PM

Google explains why it banned the app for Gab, a right-wing Twitter rival

Gab's free-speech stance makes it popular with right-wing trolls and racists. [Updated]

Timothy B. Lee - 8/18/2017, 1:15 PM

When right-wing trolls and outright racists get kicked off of Twitter, they often move to Gab, a Twitter competitor. Gab was founded by Donald Trump supporter Andrew Torba, who says it's devoted to unfettered free expression online.

On Thursday, Gab said that Google had banned its Android app from the Google Play Store for violating Google's ban on hate speech.

Breaking news: Google has removed Gab's Android app from the Google Play Store for "hate speech." pic.twitter.com/jPqeEx1ID1

— Gab (@getongab) August 17, 2017

Google explained the removal in an e-mail to Ars. "In order to be on the Play Store, social networking apps need to demonstrate a sufficient level of moderation, including for content that encourages violence and advocates hate against groups of people," the statement read. "This is a long-standing rule and clearly stated in our developer policies. Developers always have the opportunity to appeal a suspension and may have their apps reinstated if they've addressed the policy violations and are compliant with our Developer Program Policies."

Gab describes itself as a "social network for creators who believe in free speech, individual liberty, and the free flow of information online." As part of that commitment to free speech, Gab's content rules are more permissive than most major social media networks. The rules ban threats and child pornography, but unlike other major social networks, it doesn't ban content that attacks people based on their race, gender, or other protected category. That has made the site popular with people who like to attack people based on their race or ethnicity.

But while Twitter officially bans hateful content, it doesn't do a very good job of policing that content in practice. Twitter hosts accounts like the American Nazi Party, the Ku Klux Klan, and the virulently anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church. And if you search for any racial or ethnic slur in Twitter's search engine, you'll find numerous attacks on people based on their race or ethnicity.

Google is following in Apple's footsteps here. Apple has long had more restrictive app store policies, and it originally rejected the Gab app for allowing pornographic content to be posted on the service—despite the fact that hardcore pornography is readily available on Twitter. In a second rejection, Apple faulted the app for containing content that was "defamatory or mean-spirited"—Apple's version of the hate speech rule.

Google, by contrast, originally approved Gab's Android app, only to remove it from the app store on Thursday.

Update (8/18, 2:10p ET): This story has been updated to incorporate Google's statement about the Gab decision. In full disclosure, the author's brother works at Google.

19th August 2017, 01:45 PM

Squarespace won’t host racist websites, either

The website service decides to drop a “group of sites," giving them 48 hours' notice.

There's no space for racists on Squarespace.

The company lets people build websites with easy-to-use templates and provides domains for groups, including those like the National Policy Institute, a think tank where white nationalist Richard Spencer is president and director.

Other hateful websites hosted on Squarespace included Identity Evropa and Radix Journal, which called for ethnic cleansing in a series of white supremacist essays. A petition calling for Squarespace to stop hosting these hateful websites reached 58,241 signatures by Thursday morning.

On Wednesday, Squarespace said it gave certain website owners 48 hours' notice that they would be kicked off its platform.

"In light of recent events, we have made the decision to remove a group of sites from our platform," a Squarespace spokesman said in an email.

Across the internet, tech companies have been stomping down on hate groups, including Spotify removing "white power" music from its service, and Apple Pay and PayPal cutting off websites linked to white supremacists. Before Saturday's Charlottesville rally started, Airbnb had kicked out white supremacists planning to stay at homes through its service.

Squarespace's decision comes after months of activists asking it to remove hate-filled websites. In March, Squarespace told a political science professor that "censoring sites like these may cause more harm than good in the long run."

Update: @Squarespace will not enforce terms of service on hate sites that "others find offensive." ToS were clear; hate groups get a pass. pic.twitter.com/kBThfb2nkE
— Joseph Brown (@Joseph_M_Brown) March 13, 2017

The group of websites that Squarespace plans to take down directly violates their terms of service, which states:

Don't advocate bigotry or hatred against any person or group based on their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual preference, age or disability.

iHate: CNET looks at how intolerance is taking over the internet.

19th August 2017, 01:49 PM

Dreamhost, which hosts at least two white nationalist websites, Forza Nuova USA and NorthwestFront.org, said that it will continue to serve them.

Brett Dunst, a company spokesman, e-mailed Ars:

Our longstanding policy, one that has been in place since we began in 1997, has been that we will host any website as long as its content is legal in the United States of America... We will take action when approached by law enforcement to remove websites that are operating unlawfully, but we do not otherwise impose restrictions on customer content. As stalwart supporters of the Constitution's First Amendment, we believe that hosting providers should not be in the business of dictating acceptable content among its users. We are a resource for publishers of all backgrounds, not a clearinghouse for thoughts and opinions (however distasteful some of them may be.)

Michael Goldstein, a spokesman for Tucows, which hosts radixjournal.com—a website also run by white nationalist leader Richard Spencer—told Ars that the company has "wrestled internally" over what to do in recent days.

On Tuesday, the company put out a statement saying that extending domain privacy services to Daily Stormer violated the company's terms of service.

19th August 2017, 01:55 PM

Keegan Hankes, analyst at the Southern Poverty Law Center's intelligence project, said his group has been trying for more than a year to get Facebook and PayPal to shut down these accounts. Even now, he said, the two companies are taking action only in the most extreme cases.

"They have policies against violence, racism, harassment," said Hankes, whose center monitors hate groups and extremism. "The problem is that there has been no enforcement."

.......tech companies have tools to identify and ban people with extremist views.

That's thanks to the troves of data they store on people and to their ability to easily switch off access to users. Airbnb users can link to social media profiles, and the company said it used its existing background checks and "input from the community" to identify users who didn't align with its standards.

Christopher Cantwell, a self-described white nationalist who has been labeled an extremist by the Southern Poverty Law Center, said he was banned from Facebook, Instagram and PayPal because the companies are trying to silence him for his views.

"Everybody is going through extraordinary lengths to make sure we are not heard," Cantwell told The Associated Press .

Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin said in an email to the AP that these private companies are "de facto monopolies and oligopolies" and should be regulated as "critical infrastructure."

19th August 2017, 01:56 PM

Discord, a Skype and chat service popular with the alt-right, said this week it was shutting down accounts associated with the Charlottesville events. "We will continue to take action against white supremacy, Nazi ideology, and all forms of hate," the company said in a statement.

19th August 2017, 02:11 PM
The National Alliance, the sponsor of this radio program, has lost its credit card processor and its online store software provider — making it temporarily impossible to sell books and CDs or take donations online — in just the last week alone. So the Jewish power structure’s lies and hate have very real consequences.

19th August 2017, 03:43 PM
Dreamhost, which hosts at least two white nationalist websites, Forza Nuova USA and NorthwestFront.org, said that it will continue to serve them.

Don't know much about the first one, but the second is Rabbi Harold Covington's site. Is Dreamhost really that altruistic, or is it simply understood Covington is an "asset" to the Enemy?

19th August 2017, 03:46 PM
So, all those "libertarian" types who always spewed about corporate "rights" and how they have the "right" to censor people, how's that working out now?

Oh, wait, most of the "libertarian" types are allied to the Bolshevists.

Anti-White = censorship not allowed

Violent anti-Christian (e.g., ISIS) = censorship not allowed

Pornographic or even pederast = censorship not allowed

Pro-White, even without so-called "hate speech" = censorship REQUIRED

19th August 2017, 03:48 PM

by Kevin Alfred Strom

Why didn't he just slither away after the pedophile conviction? *

* and before anyone says the Federal regime "set up" Strom, tell us, why didn't they "set up" his boss, Dr. Pierce, instead, who was 20 times more effective than Strom?

19th August 2017, 04:39 PM
...Jewish tyranny


19th August 2017, 05:32 PM
Fwiw, the skunk was shut down years ago. Judicial biz was the sight i thought.

19th August 2017, 06:15 PM
Namecoin, was created to get around DNS entries being removed essentially killing the site. But there isn't a way that I am aware of to decentralize hosting. But companies doing this may spur its creation.

19th August 2017, 08:57 PM
https://mastersofdeception.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/voltaire-zion.jpg?w=300&h=223"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the party is always right."

George Orwell 1984

19th August 2017, 09:39 PM
kind of OT but related. the pattern continues -- euroskype do outrageous crazy sh-t....we mock. then we get same - skype decide what is hate, who is hate, and what punishment is dished out


MGM Resorts International, the largest casino operator on the Las Vegas Strip, said Friday that it would match employee donations made to the Southern Poverty Law Center, NAACP, Anti-Defamation League, Human Rights Campaign, Council on American Islamic Relations, OCA National-Asian Pacific American Advocates and League of United Latin American Citizens.

CEO Jim Murren made the announcement in a letter, saying he felt compelled to speak out against "the degradation of basic human dignity" following the deadly attacks in Charlottesville and Barcelona in recent days.

He said the company champions diversity and inclusion. Murren said MGM believes in free speech but that it would not tolerate hate.

19th August 2017, 10:58 PM
Just ordered a part only available from China via eGay. During checkout, this was an option offered to me:

Donate to charity (optional)
Anti-Defamation League
Help ADL fight anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry and protect civil rights for all.

I offered Six Million™ dollars, of course. :D

19th August 2017, 11:00 PM
kind of OT but related. the pattern continues -- euroskype do outrageous crazy sh-t....we mock. then we get same - skype decide what is hate, who is hate, and what punishment is dished out


MGM Resorts International, the largest casino operator on the Las Vegas Strip, said Friday that it would match employee donations made to the Southern Poverty Law Center, NAACP, Anti-Defamation League, Human Rights Campaign, Council on American Islamic Relations, OCA National-Asian Pacific American Advocates and League of United Latin American Citizens.

CEO Jim Murren made the announcement in a letter, saying he felt compelled to speak out against "the degradation of basic human dignity" following the deadly attacks in Charlottesville and Barcelona in recent days.

He said the company champions diversity and inclusion. Murren said MGM believes in free speech but that it would not tolerate hate.

The separation of the wheat from the chaff is occurring. The chaff has laid their lot with the Devil, and are rich because of it. Those of us who stand with God will become poorer and poorer, until we can no longer "buy or sell."

21st August 2017, 02:00 PM
Now that (((they))) have their "in" with unpersoning anglin and the daily stormer with oberwhelming support ,they are wasting no time moving onto right-center sites. Jewish owned alt Lite site Rebel media just got their domain deregistered

midnight rambler
21st August 2017, 02:12 PM
Now that (((they))) have their "in" with unpersoning anglin and the daily stormer with oberwhelming support ,they are wasting no time moving onto right-center sites. Jewish owned alt Lite site Rebel media just got their domain deregistered

What are you referring to? This domain works - https://www.therebel.media/

22nd August 2017, 06:25 AM

NEW YORK (Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) said on Monday it will contribute up to $2 million to fight racism and support human rights in light of a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that led to violence and the death of a protester.

The sum includes $500,000 each to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League "to further their work in tracking, exposing and fighting hate groups and other extremist organizations," Peter Scher, head of corporate responsibility wrote in a memo to employees that was provided to Reuters by the company.

As much as $1 million more will be contributed in two-for-one matches of donations by employees to "a wide range of human and civil rights organizations," according to the memo.

22nd August 2017, 08:14 AM
The separation of the wheat from the chaff is occurring. The chaff has laid their lot with the Devil, and are rich because of it. Those of us who stand with God will become poorer and poorer, until we can no longer "buy or sell."

God said he would put enmity/hatred between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent in Genesis 3:15. There's no reason to feel guilty or apologize for feeling it.

As you've stated it's a dividing time for those who are the seed of the woman and those who are the seed of the serpent.

22nd August 2017, 11:31 AM
God said he would put enmity/hatred between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent in Genesis 3:15. There's no reason to feel guilty or apologize for feeling it.

As you've stated it's a dividing time for those who are the seed of the woman and those who are the seed of the serpent.

I've been thinking about this and I think god put that hatred between the two seed lines to keep them separate from each other. No good has ever come of it when they've mixed.

22nd August 2017, 11:43 AM
Websites that have NOT been shut down...


List of Pedophile Sites Hosted by Companies That Banned Daily Stormer (Abridged)

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 21, 2017

Here I will compile a short list of several pedophile advocacy sites which are hosted by companies that have banned me from using their services.

By banning me, these people lost their ability to claim neutrality. As such, by not banning pedophiles, they are tacitly endorsing pedophile activism as acceptable to them.

This is not a complete list.


Enom is owned by Tucows. Tucows banned us from their privacy service and wrote a blog condemning us as evil.

Boy Moment

A forum for homosexual pedophiles. Run by someone named “boyfeet,” who is presumably a homosexual pedophile foot fetishist.

Boys on Your Screen

A forum for homosexual pedophiles that focuses on images of child actors.

Christian Boy Love Forum

Advocates for the acceptance of homosexual pedophilia in the Christian community.


Presents apologetics for sex with children and advocates for legalization, also advocates for the legalization of sex with animals.

Enchanted Island

A forum for homosexual pedophiles.

North American Man/Boy Love Association

A homosexual pedophile group that advocates for legalization of sex with boys. Allan Ginsburg was a founding member.


A forum mainly for homosexual pedophiles, though also includes boards for girl-attracted pedophiles and other sexual fetishists.

Young City

A site for all types of pedophiles to share information and advice of engaging in pedophilic relationships.


GoDaddy set off this whole firestorm by bowing under pressure and banning us from their registrar. Because they said we went too far with a fat joke about a dead communist.

Caution Click

Advocates for the legalization of the distribution of child pornography.

Both Wild West Domains and Domains by Proxy are subsidiaries of GoDaddy.

Many, Many More

I think the point has been proven here. But I could go on and on. Pedophiles operate freely on the open internet, sharing images of boys in swim shorts that they masturbate to and discussing on forums how to have sexual relationships with children and get away with it.

This is a known thing.

And both Tucows and GoDaddy register these domains in their registrars, while claiming that the Daily Stormer has no right to be on the internet at all.

Again: by taking action against us, while allowing pedophiles to operate, they are endorsing pedophilia. Once upon a time – ten days ago – registrars were neutral and because it was not illegal to discuss pedophilia online, these companies were not endorsing it by hosting them. However, times have changed, and registrars are no longer neutral.

So now, they are saying “the Daily Stormer, while legal is not okay with us – but these sites where pedophiles get together and share strategies on how to molest children are.”

Let that sink in, please.

22nd August 2017, 11:47 AM
I've been thinking about this and I think god put that hatred between the two seed lines to keep them separate from each other. No good has ever come of it when they've mixed.

God clearly intended the races and species of Genus Homo to remain separate. The proof? That these races and species continue to exist into the modern era. And, the fact that every single civilization that did not maintain their bio-cultural integrity collapsed.

The lesson of the Tower of Babel was not about biology, but language and culture. In other words, even people of the same race should not aim for "unity" to subvert the designs of God Almighty. How much more so when they are Adamic and non-Adamic!

22nd August 2017, 11:51 AM
Christian Boy Love Forum

Advocates for the acceptance of homosexual pedophilia in the Christian community.


Jesus seeks to show all people everywhere his love. People who are sexually attracted towards boys are commonly shunned and even expelled from churches. This board is a place of refuge for Christian boylovers. As we share together, we learn how to live our lives to reflect His love. The first post is hard, because we often can't be honest with our struggles for fear of rejection and persecution. You aren't alone. Others on this board have been where you are today and have had similar experiences. You too can be forgiven and loved, so please join in the conversation.

This board exists primarily for Christians who are sexually attracted towards boys. We believe that such a sexual relationship is sinful. However, like any sin, being tempted is not in itself, a sin. And if we do fall, it's not beyond forgiveness if we seek God's grace. Christians who aren't attracted to minors are also welcome to participate on CBLF as long as they are supportive in our struggles.

9250 9250 9250

Lust is sin. I admit I succumb to such sin...for adult women. But lust for little boys is something well beyond that, and there can be no "acceptance" nor even "tolerance" for it. Anyone with such a sickness must call out to God for healing and cleansing. There must be no "understanding" of such a grave sickness.

22nd August 2017, 12:50 PM
Anyone with such a sickness must call out to God for healing and cleansing.Send them to prison for cleansing.

22nd August 2017, 09:14 PM
Send them to prison for cleansing.

God knows that the only way to cleanse the most hardened pedophiles is to emulate Matthew 27:5. A single-shot pistol is an acceptable alternative to the rope.

24th August 2017, 02:54 PM
https://punishedstormer.com/ (https://punishedstormer.com/)

24th August 2017, 07:16 PM
heard that chris cantwell's site got shut down. also paypal cut him off. also he's in jail and denied bail - for pepper spray

24th August 2017, 11:33 PM
Just visited John Friend's http://therealistreport.com

first firefox gave me the

Your connection is not secure
The owner of www.therealistreport.com (http://www.therealistreport.com) has configured their website improperly. To protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to this website.
Learn more…
Report errors like this to help Mozilla identify and block malicious sites

so I went through the Advanced > Add Exception process, and it just proceeded to a bluehost login page... :(

25th August 2017, 03:37 PM
Stormfront is down and hearing unsubstantiated claims that their domain might have been taken off. Never really cared for the site but for ages it was THE site synonymous with neo-nazism / white supremacism / white nationalism or whatever media term was en vogue at the time

25th August 2017, 04:01 PM
Too bad if true.
I wasn't much for the "Nazi" thing either, but there news coverage was good a few years ago.

25th August 2017, 04:20 PM
It's still up and running. I just tried it.

25th August 2017, 04:44 PM
Stormfront is down and hearing unsubstantiated claims that their domain might have been taken off. Never really cared for the site but for ages it was THE site synonymous with neo-nazism / white supremacism / white nationalism or whatever media term was en vogue at the time

I'm not fan of Don Black, but, like with Anglin, I support his RIGHT to have a website.

25th August 2017, 04:45 PM
It's still up and running. I just tried it.

I'm getting a Server Not Found error.

This could be a DOS attack against either SF or the hosting service, which would account for you and I having different responses.




25th August 2017, 04:50 PM
I'm getting a Server Not Found error.

Same here.

25th August 2017, 05:12 PM
Same here.

25th August 2017, 05:21 PM
niggermania forum is still up

we need to look at the most radical of the surviving sites -- good indication they are nyc.dc.aviv

25th August 2017, 06:05 PM
niggermania forum is still up

we need to look at the most radical of the surviving sites -- good indication they are nyc.dc.aviv

Niggermania is completely Kosher. I got in trouble for bringing up how Jews push Niggers, and almost got banned. I stopped posting.

A lot of Jews hate Niggers ("Schvatzahs").

25th August 2017, 06:17 PM
http://therealistreport.com was back for me today :)

interesting little ditty from vlogger Cindy Garay,

“We have been working on the ground and behind the scenes leading up to, during, and after the rally.”

--Anita Gray, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League.

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/A9SKfE8DTvg/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLBrUw0whecJciktzlqDUQ0UvM23Pg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9SKfE8DTvg) 7:42
Charlottesville "Set-Up" by Israel for Hate Speech & Impeachment! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9SKfE8DTvg)

2 hours ago

She commented, "How the Jews won the battle of Charlottesville: http://www.unz.com/article/how-the-jews-won-the-battle-of-charlottesville/
MUST WATCH predictive programming & Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYzkqDTiOok (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYzkqDTiOok&t=0s)"

25th August 2017, 06:36 PM

...the white nationalist chat site Stormfront. (No link because Stormfront is at present homeless, having been refused haven by a number of web hosts.

25th August 2017, 06:47 PM

25th August 2017, 07:15 PM
I just tried stormfront again and this time it's gone. There was a really good thread on there titled "Jews are dangerous" that probably really pissed off the jews. I think it was probably 150 pages or more of truth about the jews by a poster named "coldstar". I hate to see that collection of truthful information information taken off the internet.

We may be next here at g-sus.

25th August 2017, 07:20 PM
Niggermania is completely Kosher. I got in trouble for bringing up how Jews push Niggers, and almost got banned. I stopped posting.

A lot of Jews hate Niggers ("Schvatzahs").

I got in trouble at niggermania for posting the video of the french catholic that knocked out the nigger because he interrupted their prayer. That seemed kind of strange to me. I quit posting there after that too.

25th August 2017, 07:42 PM
https://punishedstormer.com/ (https://punishedstormer.com/)

Anglin is still back in business with this IP address.


25th August 2017, 08:50 PM
I never even heard of niggermania before this. So you figger they're operated by da dinjoo-nuffins, intent on agitprop'ing race tensions with whites & dindu-nuffins; all while keeping da dinjoo-nuffins out of the conversation?

Sort of like how (I heard) Stormfront prohibited 911 Troof discussion, let alone how da dinjoo-nuffins did it?? :(??

25th August 2017, 09:44 PM
Anglin is still back in business with this IP address.


Gone again.

26th August 2017, 11:41 AM
Stormfront is literally being held hostage:


Stormfront, an international supremacist web forum, appears to have been seized by its website host, Network Solutions, LLC.

The forum disappeared Friday. WhoIs, a web service that tracks site ownership, reported the Stormfront domain's status as "under hold."

According to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a nonprofit that coordinates name spaces on the Internet, a hold status is an uncommon status that indicates a site is under legal dispute or about to be deleted.

Network Solutions has also prohibited Stormfront from updating, transferring or deleting its web forum on its own. That means Stormfront's web masters cannot re-introduce the site on another domain.


26th August 2017, 02:33 PM
^ that's pretty interesting. I was browsing SF before it went down and one of the threads was titled along the lines of "who is the leader of the white race" ?
The answer from several posters was that Stormfront was because white people from all over the world were coming there to seek information and advice about white genocide. The people coming there were getting plenty of information about who's behind it and that information was being spread world wide.

The children of Satan want to put a stop to anything like that.

26th August 2017, 03:58 PM
Stormfront has always been chock full of Kikes misdirecting the goyim. It certainly wasn't run by Jew wise goyim.

26th August 2017, 04:01 PM
^ that's pretty interesting. I was browsing SF before it went down and one of the threads was titled along the lines of "who is the leader of the white race" ?
The answer from several posters was that Stormfront was because white people from all over the world were coming there to seek information and advice about white genocide. The people coming there were getting plenty of information about who's behind it and that information was being spread world wide.

The children of Satan want to put a stop to anything like that.

Jesus Christ is the "leader" of the White (Adamic) race. :)

Stormfront functions as a "White Nationalist" Jonestown (Infowars).

It combines Truth and an unhealthy helping of lies. Don Black himself is quite suspect, considering his exceptionally lenient sentence after Dominica and his wife's ties to the Jewish Fanjul family, and, he employs/ed obvious "compromised" staff like John JewTree.

Right now, my perspective is that the Traditional Enemy of the Truth and Freedom wants to simply push off anything with a semblance of "pro-White," starting with those with the most traffic. If this "hate speech is not 'free speech'" campaign sticks comfortably in the public mind, everything else will "go" soon enough.

Gary Lauck's site is still up; Lauck, while something of a showman, is 100% sincere and committed, and his site is the number #1 source of National Socialist facts for those in non-English-speaking countries:


26th August 2017, 05:01 PM
I think JQP might be wise to get a GAB handle so if they do take this place out he can give us updates.

26th August 2017, 05:03 PM
If you censor all "pre-White" websites except a few, you draw attention to those few being run by Jews. It makes strategic sense to censor them all, then have a few make their way back.

26th August 2017, 06:13 PM
I think JQP might be wise to get a GAB handle so if they do take this place out he can give us updates.

Also, might not be a bad idea to setup a Tor service to still allow access in case Google, GoDaddy, etc decide to Kike the domain.

26th August 2017, 06:57 PM
yahoo stock message boards is another option - many dead boards to meet up at

here's an example of an mlp gp that i follow: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/nsh/community?p=nsh

it has a grand total of one message last 11 months

26th August 2017, 08:23 PM
joogle demonitizingChristian videos


It all happened in the course of one night, and it happened quite suddenly.

Last Thursday night, I noticed that YouTube demonetized my interview with a former KKK Grand Dragon who is now an associate pastor in an African- American church, claiming it was "Not suitable for all advertisers"? Why wouldn't it be? It was a great, positive, redemptive story, one that the whole world should hear. Why flag it?

The demonetizing of this video was the first thing that got my attention, but I thought to myself, "It's probably because it has KKK in the title."

For months now, we had noticed that almost any video we had with "Islam" in the title would get demonetized. But when we would request a review from YouTube, some of the videos would get reinstated.

Still, we had seen a drop of more than 65 percent in our AskDrBrown YouTube income, despite producing more, not fewer, videos. What was causing this to happen?

We are a nonprofit ministry, and every dime that comes in goes back into ministry work. Why the precipitous decline?

Well, no sooner did I see that the Grand Dragon video had been flagged than I spotted a note on our channel from YouTube. It explained that, if we had seen a drop in video income, it could be that our videos had been marked as not suitable for all advertisers.

That's when the shocking reality began to unfold.

It wasn't just a few videos here and there that were flagged. It was dozens of them. No, wait, it was pages of them. No wait, pages and pages of them.

Literally, in front of my eyes, I watched the pages grow: from two pages, to five, to seven, to 10, to 15, to 20, to 32 pages, each with 30 videos—so, more than 900 videos in all.

It wasn't individual videos being flagged. It was our account that was flagged.

Suddenly, the vast majority of our videos had been demonetized, since the content was ostensibly too controversial.

We're talking about videos like:

Part 1: Sarah from Brooklyn, where an 88-year-old Orthodox Jewish woman shares her delight in discovering my radio show (sounds pretty ominous, no?)
Some Redemptive Thoughts on Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman, discussing how we could overcome racial divisions (yes, this is surely unsuitable for advertisers)
Caller Disagrees With Dr. Brown About the Nature of Atonement (obviously, a call like this will provoke hatred and violence)
Does God Pray? (notice, nothing here about Islam, LGBT issues, or politics; nothing controversial at all other than a discussion of an interesting Jewish tradition)
Lee Strobel Shares His Testimony (yes, the same Lee Strobel whose testimony was enshrined in the Case for Christ movie; how dangerous!)

Debates I had with rabbis were flagged; powerful stories, like a Muslim woman being healed by Jesus, were flagged; videos where I answered questions like, "Should Christians Homeschool Their Children?" or "Did Jesus Claim to Be God?" were flagged, along with videos of spiritual encouragement (like the one encouraging believers to look to the Lord in the midst of chaos).

Teaching videos were flagged (like the one explaining that the preface to the King James Version of the Bible refutes King James-onlyism), along with motivational videos (like the one where I talked about how I lost 95 pounds). All these were flagged, along with the many videos that focused on LGBT issues or radical Islam or politics. Seriously?

For months, we've been hearing about the YouTube crackdown on conservative voices, especially those who have the temerity to confront certain "controversial" issues. And we've known that, with the ADL joining forces with YouTube, blatant censorship could be next.

We've watched as Prager U videos were temporarily removed. We've heard others cry foul as their videos were demonetized, most recently major internet players like Paul Joseph Watson Diamond and Silk. (Whether or not you agree with these voices, they deserve the same rights and privileges others have on YouTube.)

Still, it was quite a shock to see that the vast majority of our videos were demonetized in a single night. (When I posted this video on Facebook, I thought all our videos had been flagged; actually, just the vast majority were. The overall impact is virtually the same.)

Our YouTube channel is still young and growing. But we do have more than 900 videos posted, over 33,000 subscribers, and more than 5 million views so far. And we absolutely plan to use the medium of YouTube to reach as many people as possible.

But the company's recent actions, which are as indiscriminate as they are discriminatory, must be challenged and along with others, we plan to do that very thing. We are also working on alternate means to produce, fund and distribute our videos, so stay tuned for more information in the coming days.

For the moment, we're rejoicing in the opposition we have received, taking it as a good sign overall. And we're confident that if this door closes, God will open a better one.

Our immediate message to YouTube is simple: We will not be silenced

26th August 2017, 08:39 PM


26th August 2017, 09:13 PM
Reminds me of the kosherizing purge that GIM1 had right after G-Khan left but now it is the entire internet.

27th August 2017, 12:47 PM
If you censor all "pre-White" websites except a few, you draw attention to those few being run by Jews. It makes strategic sense to censor them all, then have a few make their way back.

I may have come across one of those sites you speak of. I believe Ann Barnhardt is a crypto jew and her site was taken offline but it's supposed to be back up and running. The jews gotta love Ann because she never has anything bad to say about them.

More on this at this link.


midnight rambler
27th August 2017, 12:56 PM
I believe Ann Barnhardt is a crypto jew and her site was taken offline but it's supposed to be back up and running. The jews gotta love Ann because she never has anything bad to say about them.

More on this at this link.


I only had to listen to that twat a few minutes to determine which way she's trimmed her sheets.

28th August 2017, 06:40 AM
YouTube "Economically Censors" Ron Paul, Labels Videos "Not Suitable" For All Advertisers (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-27/youtube-economically-censors-ron-paul-labels-videos-not-suitable-all-advertisers)

28th August 2017, 12:55 PM
YouTube "Economically Censors" Ron Paul, Labels Videos "Not Suitable" For All Advertisers (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-27/youtube-economically-censors-ron-paul-labels-videos-not-suitable-all-advertisers)

Private bakery refuses to bake a "wedding" cake for a fag couple = "illegal"; the power of the State is brought to bear to destroy the bakery

"Private" (?*) corporation censors and discriminates against expression based on ideological orientation = "freedom," they have the "right" to do what they want

* it is undetermined the continued extent of government role in Joogle

28th August 2017, 01:17 PM
Oldest white supremacist site shut down after complaint


The founder of the internet's oldest white supremacist site said he was trying to get back online Monday after a company revoked its domain name following complaints that it promotes hatred and is linked to dozens of murders.

Don Black, a former Ku Klux Klan leader who has operated stormfront.org since 1995, said he didn't receive any warning before Network Solutions blocked the use of the stormfront.org name on Friday.

Stormfront.org had more than 300,000 registered users, Black said, with traffic increasing since a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Popular with the KKK and neo-Nazi groups, the site included forums where users sometimes promoted white power events.

"I'm talking to my lawyers, and that's about all I can do right now," Black, of West Palm Beach, Florida, said in a telephone interview. "I can switch to another domain, but it might wind up the same way."

28th August 2017, 02:29 PM
There's an article at the occidental dissident on the websites being shut down and a lot of comments following the article with some comments by former members.


28th August 2017, 03:22 PM
LoL: http://niggermania.net/forum/showthread.php?122251-Hurricane-Harvey

28th August 2017, 04:28 PM
LoL: http://niggermania.net/forum/showthread.php?122251-Hurricane-Harvey

The Niggers may be stupid for not preparing, but they have an excuse: they're Niggers.

The Whites "preparing" at the last minute had no such excuse.

28th August 2017, 06:07 PM
Niggermania is completely Kosher. I got in trouble for bringing up how Jews push Niggers, and almost got banned. I stopped posting.

A lot of Jews hate Niggers ("Schvatzahs").
Correct. The NAACP was founded by 2 jewish men.

30th August 2017, 07:26 PM

1st September 2017, 06:52 AM

On Thursday, August 17th, Counter-Currents was told to find a new web host. We have now secured a new host, migrated the site there, and tested it. Soon, your Counter-Currents links will be pointed to the new server, but there may be some downtime over the weekend, since it takes a while for the domain pointing to propagate through the Web.

I want to thank Mike Polignano, Louis Cypher, and all of our friends and donors for making this transition possible. As a result, Counter-Currents now has a faster, more functional, more resilient, and more secure presence on the Web. And we are going to save a few bucks a month, too.

On Wednesday, August 16th, Facebook deleted the Counter-Currents page. No biggie. Since the establishment began freaking out about Charlottesville and lashing out at the movement, our web traffic has nearly doubled. Leftists need to learn that the more they fight us, the stronger we become. (The converse does not hold, however. The more we fight them, the weaker they become. Sorry, those are just the rules.)

On Tuesday, August 15th, Counter-Currents was thrown off PayPal. My personal account has also been shut down. This is a big problem:

We are in a cash crunch because I have salaries, credit cards, and rent due in the next few days.

We cannot use PayPal to take book orders or fulfill book pre-orders. Do not worry, though, as we can take credit card payments, and all of your pre-orders will go through.
The greatest blow is that the monthly donations of our many supporters have now stopped. These monthly donations — as well as one-time donations — keep Counter-Currents in business. Without them, we are through. Fortunately, we have two alternative means of receiving donations: by means of credit card and through our Hatreon account.

Therefore, I am asking all of our supporters to please step forward today and make a donation to keep Counter-Currents in the game. Please use the form below to make an emergency one-time donation to keep us operating. You can also sign up for a monthly donation, either below or at Hatreon.

We hope that we can get back all of our monthly donors, but realistically we won’t. Some people are wedded to the PayPal platform and will not use other processing systems. Some people will never see this announcement because their primary access to Counter-Currents is through Facebook, and our Facebook account has also been shut down. Others sign up with throwaway email addresses and will never see the email announcement we are sending out.

So please, if you were thinking of signing up for a new donation, or increasing your monthly donation, this would be a good time, because otherwise we are going to suffer a severe loss of monthly support.

1st September 2017, 06:54 AM
LoL: http://niggermania.net/forum/showthread.php?122251-Hurricane-Harvey

the fact that site is still up tells us who runs it

1st September 2017, 07:45 AM

On Thursday, August 17th, Counter-Currents was told to find a new web host. We have now secured a new host, migrated the site there, and tested it. Soon, your Counter-Currents links will be pointed to the new server, but there may be some downtime over the weekend, since it takes a while for the domain pointing to propagate through the Web.

That's a little weird; counter-currents?! I was never a regular at the site but have found my way there through news-aggregator sites in past years, and never thought of them as extreme... more like HuffPo & similar!

did they start calling out the dinjoo-nuffins for 911 & other crimes, or what?! :(??

1st September 2017, 10:10 AM
couple more books,

Friday, September 1, 2017

BANNED AND UNAVAILABLE AS OF TODAY: The Synagogue Of Satan – Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored & In The Name Of Yahweh (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2017/09/banned-and-unavailable-as-of-today.html)

http://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Banned-By-Lulu.com_.jpg (http://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Banned-By-Lulu.com_.jpg)

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock:"I was informed today by Lulu.com (http://www.lulu.com/home) that both of my books: “The Synagogue Of Satan – Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored,” and, “In The Name Of Yahweh,” have both been withdrawn from sale by the printer.

“In The Name Of Yahweh,” is now officially out of print, as I have no personal stock of this book left.

However I have 40 copies of, “The Synagogue Of Satan – Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored,” available autographed by myself for $35 each, which includes airmail postage to wherever you are in the world."

More Here (http://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/2017/09/01/banned-and-unavailable-as-of-today-the-synagogue-of-satan-updated-expanded-and-uncensored-in-the-name-of-yahweh/)

Posted by zapoper (https://www.blogger.com/profile/15726967138606494466) at 12:50:00 PM No comments: (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=4698482882751622708)

1st September 2017, 10:40 AM

Eventually only websites bearing this will be found via a Google search.

1st September 2017, 01:53 PM

1st September 2017, 04:30 PM
Smoloko.com still lives!!

1st September 2017, 06:40 PM

Eventually only websites bearing this will be found via a Google search.

JQP should put that in a tag line for the site.

1st September 2017, 07:22 PM
liars hating that their b.s. is losing sway


A University of Washington professor started studying social networks to help people respond to disasters. But she got dragged down a rabbit hole of twitter-boosted conspiracy theories, and ended up mapping our political moment.

By Danny Westneat 

Seattle Times staff columnist

It started with the Boston marathon bombing, four years ago. University of Washington professor Kate Starbird was sifting through thousands of tweets sent in the aftermath and noticed something strange.

Too strange for a university professor to take seriously.

“There was a significant volume of social-media traffic that blamed the Navy SEALs for the bombing,” Starbird told me the other day in her office. “It was real tinfoil-hat stuff. So we ignored it.”

Same thing after the mass shooting that killed nine at Umpqua Community College in Oregon: a burst of social-media activity calling the massacre a fake, a stage play by “crisis actors” for political purposes.

“After every mass shooting, dozens of them, there would be these strange clusters of activity,” Starbird says. “It was so fringe we kind of laughed at it.

“That was a terrible mistake. We should have been studying it.”

Starbird is in the field of “crisis informatics,” or how information flows after a disaster. She got into it to see how social media might be used for the public good, such as to aid emergency responders.

Instead she’s gone down a dark rabbit hole, one that wends through the back warrens of the web and all the way up to the White House.

Starbird argues in a new paper, set to be presented at a computational social-science conference in May, that these “strange clusters” of wild conspiracy talk, when mapped, point to an emerging alternative media ecosystem on the web of surprising power and reach.

It features sites such as Infowars.com, hosted by informal President Donald Trump adviser Alex Jones, which has pushed a range of conspiracies, including that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a staged fake.

There are dozens of other conspiracy-propagating websites such as beforeitsnews.com, nodisinfo.com and veteranstoday.com. Starbird cataloged 81 of them, linked through a huge community of interest connected by shared followers on Twitter, with many of the tweets replicated by automated bots.

Infowars.com alone is roughly equivalent in visitors and page views to the Chicago Tribune, according to Alexa.com, the web-traffic analysis firm.

“More people are dipping into this stuff than I ever imagined,” Starbird says.

Starbird is in the UW’s Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering — the study of the ways people and technology interact. Her team analyzed 58 million tweets sent after mass shootings during a 10-month period. They searched for terms such as “false flag” and “crisis actor,” web slang meaning a shooting is not what the government or the traditional media is reporting it to be.

It happens after every mass shooting or attack. If you search for “false flag” and “Westminster,” you’ll find thousands of results theorizing that last week’s attack outside British Parliament was staged (presumably to bring down Brexit, which makes no sense, but making sense is not a prerequisite).

Starbird’s insight was to map the digital connections between all this buzzing on Twitter with a conglomeration of websites. Then she analyzed the content of each site to try to answer the question: Just what is this alternative media ecosystem saying?

It isn’t a traditional left-right political axis, she found. There are right-wing sites like Danger & Play and left-wing sensationalizers such as The Free Thought Project. Some appear to be just trying to make money, while others are aggressively pushing political agendas.

The true common denominator, she found, is anti-globalism — deep suspicion of free trade, multinational business and global institutions.

“To be antiglobalist often included being anti-mainstream media, anti-immigration, anti-science, anti-U.S. government, and anti-European Union,” Starbird says.

So it was like the mind of Stephen Bannon, chief adviser to Trump, spilled across the back channels of the web.

Much of it was strangely pro-Russian, too — perhaps due to Russian twitter bots that bombarded social channels during the presidential campaign (a phenomenon that’s now part of the FBI investigation into the election, McClatchy reported last week).

The mainstream press periodically waded into this swamp, but it only backfired. Its occasional fact checks got circulated as further evidence: If the media is trying to debunk it, then the conspiracy must be true.

Starbird is publishing her paper as a sort of warning. The information networks we’ve built are almost perfectly designed to exploit psychological vulnerabilities to rumor.

“Your brain tells you ‘Hey, I got this from three different sources,’ ” she says. “But you don’t realize it all traces back to the same place, and might have even reached you via bots posing as real people. If we think of this as a virus, I wouldn’t know how to vaccinate for it.”

Starbird says she’s concluded, provocatively, that we may be headed toward “the menace of unreality — which is that nobody believes anything anymore.” Alex Jones, she says, is “a kind of prophet. There really is an information war for your mind. And we’re losing it.”

I sat dumbfounded for a time as she spooled through tweets in her database: an archive of endless, baseless speculation that nevertheless is evidence of a political revolution. It should be unnecessary to say, but real humans died in these shootings. How disgustingly cruel it is to the survivors to have the stories of those deaths altered and twisted for commercial or ideological ends.

Starbird sighed. “I used to be a techno-utopian. Now I can’t believe that I’m sitting here talking to you about all this.”

Danny Westneat’s column appears Wednesday and Sunday. Reach him at 206-464-2086 or dwestneat@seattletimes.com

1st September 2017, 07:26 PM

Deputy AG Rosenstein calls for law to require encryption backdoors

The deputy US Attorney General said he wants legislators to force technology companies to decrypt people's private conversations.

Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday told a crowd of over 600 police officers that software developers should be required by law to unscrambled end-to-end encrypted chatter on demand – and if the engineers refuse, they should be strong-armed into complying.

1st September 2017, 07:53 PM
and if the engineers refuse, they should be strong-armed into complying.

Terrorists gonna terror,

Jew gonna jew.

1st September 2017, 08:33 PM



Both in stock and ready to ship.

Author in the link is a liar.

And both are essentially garbage.

1st September 2017, 08:37 PM

Deputy AG Rosenstein calls for law to require encryption backdoors

The deputy US Attorney General said he wants legislators to force technology companies to decrypt people's private conversations.

Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday told a crowd of over 600 police officers that software developers should be required by law to unscrambled end-to-end encrypted chatter on demand – and if the engineers refuse, they should be strong-armed into complying.

That's fine, we'll just use encryption developed outside of the Jewnited States. :)

Not a panacea, but sure makes it much harder for you Kikes and pigs to get in.

1st September 2017, 08:38 PM


Both in stock and ready to ship.

Author in the link is a liar, trying to sell the one book for double the price.

And both are essentially garbage.

hmm, I don't know what to make of that!

Mami's blog entry has 11 comments: (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=4698482882751622708) atm.

zapopper there notes in part, "...This book fell victim to the so called Amazon "Book Burning" although you can still get the old version on their site..."

Did you read them, latest editions, to know they're "...esentially garbage" ???

1st September 2017, 08:42 PM
hmm, I don't know what to make of that!

Mami's blog entry has 11 comments: (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=4698482882751622708) atm.

One slight correction, the blogger is not selling those books; it's Hitchcock, and they're autographed. But the blogger is not telling the truth when he says "banned and unavailable." The blasphemous and poorly written "In the Name of" is no loss.

1st September 2017, 08:48 PM
^ I was editing my reply while you were replying; see #92 again.

1st September 2017, 09:03 PM
hmm, I don't know what to make of that!

Mami's blog entry has 11 comments: (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=5440450620561193447&postID=4698482882751622708) atm.

zapopper there notes in part, "...This book fell victim to the so called Amazon "Book Burning" although you can still get the old version on their site..."

Did you read them, latest editions, to know they're "...esentially garbage" ???

The "latest edition" of shitty toilet paper is still shitty toilet paper.

The name of the sequel is utter blasphemy. The Holy Name of God in NON-RABBINIC paleo-Hebrew (Runic-like) characters is especially galling. The Kikes have never acted in the name of Yahweh. Their god is the Devil, whom they refuse to name because it would reveal them. Hitchcock is either an ignorant crank or deliberately confusing the matter. His crap ain't Dilling or Hoffman.

2nd September 2017, 05:36 AM
I see this happened 8/27 or so; HoneyBee (https://twitter.com/TheHoneybee_)just retweeted. I'm unclear on what XYZ.wiki is; like, can just anyone start one? Just grab a domain name with a .wiki extension? Or is .wiki some corporate entity which needs to approve your desired .wiki page, or... :|~

Ross Madden‏ @jrossmadden (https://twitter.com/jrossmadden)
#PizzaGate (https://twitter.com/hashtag/PizzaGate?src=hash) Wiki's website got removed today! Censorship is strong in America. @ImperatorTruth (https://twitter.com/ImperatorTruth) @DropThe_Mic (https://twitter.com/DropThe_Mic) @PGAngie1 (https://twitter.com/PGAngie1) @TheHoneybee_ (https://twitter.com/TheHoneybee_) Guidance?


7:45 AM - 27 Aug 2017

2nd September 2017, 07:21 AM
I see this happened 8/27 or so; HoneyBee (https://twitter.com/TheHoneybee_)just retweeted. I'm unclear on what XYZ.wiki is; like, can just anyone start one? Just grab a domain name with a .wiki extension? Or is .wiki some corporate entity which needs to approve your desired .wiki page, or... :|~

A Wiki is a concept, not a central control. Anyone can establish a Wiki, but the .wiki domains have to be registered, just like dailystormer.com or stormfront.org. And we know how that can go...

2nd September 2017, 08:01 AM
A Wiki is a concept, not a central control. Anyone can establish a Wiki, but the .wiki domains have to be registered, just like dailystormer.com or stormfront.org. And we know how that can go...

So the domain registrar for the former http://pizzagate.wiki just up & decided to remove them.... curious, eh? :(??

Smallstorm gets into the "wiki" concept here; word comes from Hawaiian word meaning "quick". Then focuses on wikileaks & assange, then AI & transhumanism.

Sage of Quay

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tWj8x4qQcPc/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLB2HNIom3DL6zdbPQr3Wx9EB0J3zA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWj8x4qQcPc) 1:27:10

Sage of Quay Radio Hour - Sofia Smallstorm - Assange, WikiLeaks and Beyond AI (Sept 2017) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWj8x4qQcPc)

17 hours ago

[QUOTE]Published on Sep 1, 2017
Tonight Sofia Smallstorm returns to the show.

Sofia and I will discuss a recent expose by Richard Hall regarding Julian Assange. The four part video is entitled WikiLeaks – Made By The NSA. The presentation explores Assange’s background and whether WikiLeaks is a %

2nd September 2017, 01:28 PM
So the domain registrar for the former http://pizzagate.wiki just up & decided to remove them.... curious, eh? :(??

There is both domain registration and website hosting. Sometimes the same service provides both, sometimes they're different. In most cases, you lose your website merely because the host cancels/suspends your service, but the domain name is unaffected...you just have to find a new host and then point the domain at that new host. Many cases of "account suspension" are not censorship, but you go over your subscription parameters (monthly data transfer allotment, or you failed to maintain your contact information). And then there are the cases of "we don't want this on the Internet" or "this website is causing so much traffic/so many complaints we need to throw you under the bus."

Smallstorm gets into the "wiki" concept here; word comes from Hawaiian word meaning "quick". Then focuses on wikileaks & assange, then AI & transhumanism.


Sage of Quay Radio Hour - Sofia Smallstorm - Assange, WikiLeaks and Beyond AI (Sept 2017)

I get really worn out having to listen to literal hours of jabbering, when a short essay could lay out the claims/accusations/allegations. I'm listening, but it's the same as usual, blah, buh, blah, buh, blah. Get to the point, people.

I have found nothing that gives me a reasonable reason to question Julian Assange's sincerity or authenticity. Snowden is another story (yeah, sure, he just walked out of an NSA facility with all that data).

Ah, here we are...Smallstrom is an idiot...she just got into the stupidity of "how could he get hosted on amazon." Uh, lady, two minutes of research would have shown you amazon Web Services (AWS) is a huge commercial hosting service, available to anyone with desire to sign up. And then she spews about how Bahnhof used a decommissioned nuclear bunker and that would never be available to an ordinary person. :rolleyes:

I'm done with these two fools. When she gets some basic facts right, I'll consider her libel/slander against Assange, someone who's done far more to discredit (((government))) than the so-called "truth warriors" on JewTube.

3rd September 2017, 01:08 PM
I just took a look to see if Incogmans site was still up and it is. I wonder if it will stay up because he does a lot of "hatin" on niggers and jews.


3rd September 2017, 02:45 PM
I just took a look to see if Incogmans site was still up and it is. I wonder if it will stay up because he does a lot of "hatin" on niggers and jews.


Holy shit, that site, LOL!

A treasure trove of ammunition.

The story on faggots getting anal Botox neutralized my appetite, though.

While incogman.net is still operational, I found this news quoted and linked there, though:

Unfortunately the National Alliance is under attack, as are other effective pro-White groups, following the Charlottesville skirmish. Our payment and donation platform, Stripe, (similar to Paypal), that we have used for several years without incident, was revoked without justification yesterday. We are working to replace it with another service as soon as possible so folks can again support us with convenient electronic transfers. Be patient; we’ve come to expect this sort of mistreatment from some of those we contract with for services.

The American Express credit card folks informed us Wednesday that they will no longer honor charges made to us through their service. Tuesday our new National Alliance Books shopping cart was cancelled similarly after being in service less than three months. Again, no violations of their TOS (Terms of Service) were cited. That’s because we never once violated them. The provider, Cart66, capitulated to pressure from Jews, just as did American Express and Stripe. These denials of service are not coincidental, but part of a coordinated campaign against White racial loyalists by Jews and their goyische collaborators.

3rd September 2017, 07:23 PM
And The Elders of Zion...

4th September 2017, 03:31 PM
"Hey What's Up Youtube, It's Richie From Bawston", linky: http://govtslaves.com/2017-08-29-bookmark-this-over-400-links-google-doesnt-want-you-to-visit.html

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wPVjImh8hEU/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCNACELwBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCtwdIOrT4K4iexcR16zyE66y_Vyw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPVjImh8hEU) 3:26
Googles HIT LIST Top 400 sites They hate (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPVjImh8hEU)

5 hours ago

Published on Sep 4, 2017

Google has made it thier mission to Quiet, Censor and otherwise close down certain Sites, pages and Channels. My only issue is that the list contains several channels that are totally "plants" or Co intelpro, so It takes away from the validity in my opinion.
http://govtslaves.com/2017-08-29-book... (http://govtslaves.com/2017-08-29-bookmark-this-over-400-links-google-doesnt-want-you-to-visit.html)

4th September 2017, 06:03 PM
Googles HIT LIST Top 400 sites They hate

This list is made up, pulled out of his ass.


The presence of this alerted me to that fact:


Yeah, right, McClatchy "News" Service - the sister to the hard-left Sacramento Bee (technically, a descendant of the latter, actually) - is going to be censored by Joogle?

Jewish-owned USnews.com is also on that list.

4th September 2017, 06:52 PM
Yeah in that short Richie/Boston vid, he notes the same, also noting infowars and Jack Psobiec on the list, and 1-2 others, illustrating the govtslaves.com article's problems.

Clever govtslaves clickbait gambit though; framing articles in "Top/Best/Worst/Yada/Yada 10 yadayada list" terms, is tried & true bait for curiosity seekers, despite that said "list" was just made up.

4th September 2017, 09:13 PM
paypal neck deep in the agenda -- website called subverted nation ranting about it


PayPal Communists Freeze SN Donations


Posted by Subverted Nation on 11Oct10 in Featured, Historic | 81 comments

PayPal Communists Freeze SN Donations

Well, it’s not like it hasn’t happened BEFORE or anything, because the kike’s little “Jewish Internet Defense League” attacked Subverted Nation’s paypal account once before and had it blocked, but I was able to get around it that time. For the past year, I have had the paypal donate button for SN on my other site at Real Oath Keepers, in order to keep the jews from shutting it down, because it’s not really hosted here on SN, but the jews can’t have people like me accepting donations and using them to fight their treasonous subversion of our country.

Many people will make absolutely retarded remarks when someone like myself tries to use paypal to receive donations, while at the same time never once thinking of doing anything themselves to help out people like me, who put their neck on the line for the rest of you. I have had people come at me sideways asking “why do you use the jew paypal service for donations”, but of course, these people are incapable of even the most minimal types of critical thinking of their own, so I will explain the why and the how before explaining what happened with this most recent paypal account.

Paypal is a racist, subversive organization that has no problem sucking up your money, but don’t dare talk about the jew or they will freeze your account. Dirty kikes.

First, why would I ask people to use paypal to send me a donation? Certainly it costs a couple dollars per transaction, which goes into the jew’s coffers, but tell me where a dollar spent in these united states doesn’t go into the jew’s coffers? People complained in the same fashion when I attempted to sell copies of my (now BANNED) Basic Training for Revolutionaries through Lulu, but never once offered to print it themselves, so I could give it away free, as I willingly offered to do. It seems, even with all the hard work put into producing a site like this, and such a powerful book, some shit heads don’t think it’s cool that I should actually make a few dollars from it to keep a roof over my head or something.

The reason why people like me use paypal to collect donations is that most people are too lazy to actually walk to the mailbox and send a donation to me personally. It takes too much effort, and most people on the internet will not donate, or buy a product if it means mailing off for it. Today is the age of “instant gratification”, so if people are unable to donate immediately by clicking a few buttons, most will refuse to do so.

This supposed “French born Iranian” (read JEW), Pierre Omidyar is the owner of both Ebay and Paypal. This jew became and INSTANT BILLIONAIRE when his company Ebay went public on the jew run stock market. This kike’s company won’t allow real revolutionaries to accept donations using their bullshit paypal service.

Of course, 99% of the people who benefit from sites like SN won’t donate anyway, because they’re not really trying to help win this fight, or support those of us who are. Imagine for a minute people during the revolutionary war turning their nose up at the soldiers who stood against the British to free this country. Not that we were ever actually freed from the crown, but damnit, a lot of sincere people spilled a ton of fucking blood to attempt it, and they would never have gotten as far as they did if regular folk didn’t pitch in and help them. Without regular folk giving them ammo, dry powder, shelter, and even food to keep them alive, the fight wouldn’t exist. Same goes for websites like this today, and the same will go for our weary soldiers when the next revolution comes….and it’s coming now. Will you be one of the chump bastards turning your nose up at our warriors?

So which is it? Do you support those who lead the fight, or do you turn your sorry ass nose up at revolutionaries like a bitch? You can’t have it both ways.

Many people like to criticize everything people like myself try to do, especially collecting donations, but these are also the people who do not donate. I have said before, show me a way to collect donations instantly online that doesn’t involve using some jew owned service, and I will do so. Nobody has stepped forth to show how this can be done yet. I stated the same with my BANNED book. Show me a way to print and produce copies of the book for everyone, without involving jews, and I will do so. Nobody stepped forward.

That said, most people simply refuse to donate anyway. Why should they support someone who spends their time trying to get the message out to the public? Why won’t they show their face and stand behind the message like I do? Oh right, it’s rather fucking dangerous to do, so what exactly are they criticizing? Why should they donate to people who have risked everything, including their livelihood to speak the truth? Why should we actually have a support system, where patriots and revolutionaries support each other? We might actually stand a chance of winning a few battles if our most outspoken warriors were actually supported in one way or another. We can’t have that, can we?

Very few people donate, but those who do are appreciated, because it certainly makes a difference for those of us leading the fight, when it comes to our ability to survive day to day, and pay the expenses related to websites like this. Some people actually do go through the effort of getting a money order or writing a check and mailing it to help out, but money orders are preferred, because a bounced check (which has happened) only costs me money, and doesn’t help support my efforts in any way. Although a very nice gesture to send a check, it only takes away from money used to maintain my computers, hosting, etc. when the check bounces in my account.

This time around with the attacks on my efforts to raise some funds came on the heels of some funny circumstances. As I went to check my yahoo email account, which my paypal account was attached to, I noticed that there were THREE messages with the subject “How to reset your password” for paypal, and a FOURTH message from Yahoo it’s with the subject “How to reset your Yahoo! password”. So, it seems someone attempted to actually get into my paypal account, and my yahoo account, because I never made a request to reset either password. With my paypal account, it seems they actually succeeded, because I had to use secret question confirmation to reset my password again, because my regular one was no longer working. Funny paypal claims to be trying to ensure security by freezing my account, yet someone was able to reset my password without my authorization.

Here you can see the messages in my inbox showing someone attempted first to reset my password on my accounts. You can also see I immediately withdrew all funds from paypal, which they may now seize, because paypal is known to be crooked kikes who steal people’s money.

Needless to say, I reset both passwords on both accounts to much more difficult passwords, in order to keep whatever JEW was after my account from gaining access, and there is no doubt it was a jew.

Since the jews who attacked my paypal account were unable to gain unauthorized access (a felony) they obviously decided they would email paypal and have them shut down my account, because the jews at paypal have no interest in allowing free speech, as you will see here shortly. In fact, youtube also just blocked my latest account for “hate speech” as you can see below.

Youtube is a jew owned piece of shit also, that will claim that speaking the truth is “hate speech” and close your accounts at will. This is something I have become used to over the years, but I still have multiple accounts.

See, if you don’t support those who publicly speak out, they will simply block your accounts, erase your words, and make it as if we never existed to begin with. Just like those found guilty of “thought crimes” in George Orwell’s 1984, anyone who speaks out against “Big Brother” (i.e. the communist jew rats in control) will be erased from the system, history will be edited, and eventually there will be no record that such things existed. If you think that’s funny, you just wait, because with every major website or service controlled by jews, we are not very far off from having this happen.

Thankfully we can take screen shots, and others can archive information to keep it available. Also be thankful that there are a number of copies of Basic Training for Revolutionaries floating around planet earth in hard cover format (only about 50 copies) that can be shared with people for decades to come, should we ever lose the internet to speak our truths. Maybe one day copies of this book will become the coveted manuals for those of the “Brotherhood” who stand out against “The Party” (communist), as it was in 1984?

So, here is what happened once these foolish kikes were unable to hack in and thieve anything from my paypal account. They went and complained to their jewish rat friends at paypal, and had my account frozen. Check out this email:

The jews are NOT intelligent, because they were too STUPID to realize there is NO paypal donate button or logo on SN’s website.

So, what exactly is their acceptable use policy? Wouldn’t you find it funny to know that SN has NOT actually violated this “acceptable use policy” in any way? The jews are actually rather retarded, slow thinking people. If you read the acceptable use policy, you will see that you can use paypal for anything that may “relate to sales of” blah, blah, blah, “items that promote hate, violence, or racial intolerance”. Unfortunately, the moronic jews at paypal, so blinded by their supremacism can not see that there is NOTHING FOR SALE on SN. Nor is there any paypal button or logo here, but regardless of these facts, the account is frozen as of now, and I have requested that they CLOSE the account. This will be my last go round with these kikes in this manner.

If paypal disagrees with the content of your website, your account will be shut down, regardless whether you are actually in violation of their rules, as they state them, or not. It is clear that paypal is a subversive, anti-human, jew owned treasonous entity.

Here is yet another look at the idiocy behind paypal’s position. It is blatantly obvious that this has nothing to do with me SELLING anything related to hate. I don’t have anything to sell. What’s funny is, paypal is more than happy to keep my account open, if I remove any reference to them from my site. I figured, instead of do that, I would show you what paypal was really all about, and they can fuck off about the account. These jews are more than happy to keep collecting fees when the account is used, they just don’t want people like me to be able to get support using their service, because it goes towards stopping these jews. They don’t want their service used by a website that exposes what a bunch of subversive, murderous, racist, supremacist shit bags they are.

Again, you can see that paypal seems to think I am actually selling something, because I would HAVE to be selling something to violate their terms of service. Since I am not selling anything, this clearly demonstrates that paypal is violating their own acceptable use policy to attack my account.

Anyway, this is how the cookie crumbles when jews control everything around us. For a while it worked to keep the donate button on Real Oath Keepers to accept donations. It is NOT here on SN, and there is NOT anything being sold, but the racist, anti-human, subversive, baby raping jews at paypal have no problem breaking their own rules to lash out at those who speak the truth. I am not even really upset that they closed the account, because hardly anyone donates through it anyway, and I knew these kikes would shut it down again. With no way to receive funds readily, there is really no way to build any kind of real organization, so that part rather sucks, but maybe people won’t see it as such an issue to walk a check to the mailbox now.

If you are one of the few (very, very few) people who would like to donate and support SN and it’s owner (me) in this fight, then contact me personally, and I will give you the information needed to send a donation directly to me. My personal address has been given publicly on this website a number of times, but I may set up a P.O. Box for people to donate through. There’s no point in risking giving out my home address to any old fool that wants it, when nobody will even support my work, let alone be here to fight off any attacks that may occur against me or my family.

Donations are ALWAYS NEEDED for someone like myself with zero income, so don’t be shy about helping. Even if you don’t, this website will remain, as I will scrape as much as necessary to keep it alive as long as I can. I will update it at my leisure as usual, and will continue the fight without you. If you feel SN has helped you better understand the jew problem, then help out. If you feel SN is a good resource, then help out. If you feel too selfish to bother, you should get a job at paypal.

5th September 2017, 06:08 AM
I thought about this years ago. The first requirement is for Jews to acquire all the internet service providers. Dial-up providers were too numerous so they made dial-up obsolete. By now I think all ISP's are under their control.

5th September 2017, 06:24 AM
paypal neck deep in the agenda -- website called subverted nation ranting about it


PayPal Communists Freeze SN Donations

I've never heard of that subvertednation website, but PayPal has been pulling the plug on )))politically-incorrect((( sites for years already, abruptly & without credible explanation, since long before the dinjooz' fake (((FAKE NEWS CRISIS!:o))) psyop began last Nov, in response to the emergence of the tip of their global PedoGate iceberg, in the form of DC's PizzaGate (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?93695-Pizzagate).

6th September 2017, 07:19 PM
https://dailystormer.at/ (https://dailystormer.at/)

6th September 2017, 09:09 PM
https://dailystormer.at/ (https://dailystormer.at/)

This domain will last 48 hours or less.

.at = Austria = a felony to "glorify National Socialism"

11th September 2017, 05:40 PM
This domain will last 48 hours or less.

.at = Austria = a felony to "glorify National Socialism"

looks like they may have gassed it today

11th September 2017, 05:43 PM
looks like they may have gassed it today

"Austria" = a "country" that shouldn't exist.

(it's a province of Germany)

11th September 2017, 05:52 PM
Sorry Austria existed before the united Germany came into being "Old german empire" and even then they were not part of it.

Holy Roman empire bones.


And in general methinks they hold themselfs above the small states that eventually become part of Germany.


Common language only.


And for dam sure they are ashamed that hitler was one of them... :-[

Both sides of my old ancestors come from Prussia. They were steel workers/makers and the gov at the time forbid them to leave the country..Steel = weapons .

They were involved with Krupp.

My people got out and immigrated to america in the 1800's or so, by running the boarders .

Just like some today...


Hell my grandmother and father spoke german now and then along with my mother, mostly when they were pissed off... I can still ? thinky speak it part of my life. But the family had a keen interest of their history which was passed on to me.


11th September 2017, 07:15 PM
Sorry Austria existed before the united Germany

So did Bavaria. An equal to the province of Austria, or, more properly, the Ostmark (Bavaria being the "westmark" - one of the ancient names of Austria being "Bayerische Ostmark," from the Latin marcha Orientalis/marchia Austriae).

Austria is an artificial "country." Period. The only reason it exists is because of monarchist bullshit, and, later, Anglo-American efforts to weaken Germany by keeping one of her provinces separate. The common people of Austria wanted union with Germany in 1918, but their wishes were explicitly denied by the "democratic" Americans and British. Hitler simply accommodated their wishes in 1938.


The Social Democrat-dominated government passed legislation that stated: "German-Austria is an integral part of the German Reich."

As for Hitler, the average Austrian is not allowed to express honest feelings about St. Adolphus, but we know a large number of them do love him. The rest are globalist leftists like yourself.

11th September 2017, 07:27 PM
Total bullshit, dude.. Austria pre dated the german empire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habsburg_Monarchy

Eat your heart out...;D

brush up on your history, my family back in the day were involved with the very early Krupp steel family, you are just hehe a modern wantabee.

No personal attack intended, other than exposing warped self important want-a-bees..

Sad that this forum has fallen as low that you even have a voice here..

But such is life and history that is sorta repeating itself again..

May your life be highly interesting...


11th September 2017, 08:38 PM
Total bullshit, dude

Total facts, dude.

What's your beverage du jour this evening, Jack Daniels?

13th September 2017, 07:02 PM
Jewboo you really should check out smoloko.com before its gone.

13th September 2017, 07:32 PM
Jewboo you really should check out smoloko.com before its gone.

Smoloko is a independent run news-organization which strives to deliver educational and informative information and news to help give those who visit our site a better sense and understanding of the world and how it really works. Whether the topic is false-flag terrorism, the (((Illuminati))) central banking cartel or world-wide Judeo-Masonic misconduct, we will always cover it.

Please also check out our Facebook page for more memes and updates –
Smoloko on Facebook (http://facebook.com/smoloko123) update – (((facebook))) has shut smoloko down)

And always check to see who we are confronting on Twitter
Smoloko on Twitter (http://twitter.com/smoloko123) update – (((twitter))) has permanently suspended smoloko


13th September 2017, 07:41 PM
I just hit smoloko.com off joogle and it was still working ...

14th September 2017, 03:43 PM
here's a good one that is still up - it dares to cover black crime, etc: http://www.newnation.org/

14th September 2017, 07:42 PM
here's a good one that is still up - it dares to cover black crime, etc: http://www.newnation.org/

None of those niggers on that site even look close to human. No white person should go anywhere near those things.

14th September 2017, 11:56 PM
here's a good one that is still up - it dares to cover black crime, etc: http://www.newnation.org/

I about threw up just skimming the articles

23rd September 2017, 05:12 PM
stormer running from iceland at the moment --- https://dailystormer.is/

15th October 2017, 04:41 PM
AWD, Angry White Dude is gone.

17th October 2017, 06:02 AM
This morning I got a topic reply notification from truthinourtime. Luckystrike posted. I haven't been able to log in over there in months. Invalid password.

17th October 2017, 11:00 AM
Still works for me and Luckystrike has a couple of new posts today.


19th October 2017, 05:02 PM
Some good news.
Stuff Black People Don't Like/ SBPDL is back up.

19th October 2017, 06:35 PM
JFriend's site is down again, at least in my experience-- getting an invalid certificate message; try to work around that and it goes to a simple Bluehost screen.

20th October 2017, 05:03 AM
Comes up fine for me Pat
JFriend's site is down again, at least in my experience-- getting an invalid certificate message; try to work around that and it goes to a simple Bluehost screen.

20th October 2017, 06:37 PM
Comes up fine for me Pat

yeah me too, now. not sure how long it was down.

5th December 2017, 04:36 PM

Daily Stormer still alive...

5th December 2017, 05:45 PM
Thanks book

Daily Stormer still alive...

5th December 2017, 07:52 PM
me too - thanks jboo. miss the stormer humor :)

6th December 2017, 04:14 PM
Jooboo & cheka 5 star avatars!

1st February 2018, 08:38 AM

Daily Stormer still alive...

checked it yesterday -- it was dead

1st February 2018, 09:55 AM
checked it yesterday -- it was dead

Try this link.


6th April 2018, 02:40 PM
Sadly it appears Lasha Darkmoon is under heavy attack and will be destroyed soon.

Site in Danger — Survival Prospects Bleak
Admin April 5, 2018 Articles


The Darkmoon site appears to be in its death throes and will probably have to be shut down soon. The writing is on the wall. Due to a clutch of unforeseen circumstances of a most unfortunate and sinister nature, I cannot see how we can survive much longer. We may limp on a little bit longer, but our survival prospects now look bleak.

I want to thank you for your valued contributions and wish you all well.

Kind regards and blessings,


6th April 2018, 07:36 PM
we've been on.a historical ride. we saw the internet born, flourish, and (((crucified)))

by the time they are through with it, all we'll have is what we saved offline

should we be printing and recording all of this material that is disappearing from internet/puters?

or maybe put it on their 'cloud' server :rolleyes:

6th April 2018, 09:32 PM
Stormfront seems to be having trouble and they have been under attack. Only sustaining members will have access after tomorrow.


6th April 2018, 10:21 PM
we've been on.a historical ride. we saw the internet born, flourish, and (((crucified)))

by the time they are through with it, all we'll have is what we saved offline

should we be printing and recording all of this material that is disappearing from internet/puters?

or maybe put it on their 'cloud' server :rolleyes:

It all started to go downhill when that silly green frog showed up.

7th April 2018, 01:12 AM
as long as people keep supporting the so-called right/left, they will win.... quit sustaining polarities/dualism, that is ((their)) strength, profiting from ignorance. Truth is in the middle merging of right and left. Anything else is digging our graves

11th May 2018, 03:55 PM
There have been some pretty heavy DoS attacks this week on many sites like amren, counter-currents, infostormer and a few others.

23rd July 2018, 07:22 AM
sgt report is now banned from joutube


also, god...like....productions has disabled read-only (have to register)....among other things. thing is a cesspool of skype/gov, but has a lot of members that post some good finds. now dead to me

too, paypal banned red ice radio

14th August 2018, 06:52 PM
colin flaherty is back on joutube - posting the same kind of vids that got him banned


20th August 2018, 04:16 PM
Incogman is still going.

20th August 2018, 04:46 PM
All Johnny rebel songs are gone from jootube. My fav " if i could be a nigger for a day"

20th August 2018, 04:50 PM



20th August 2018, 05:16 PM

:) still alive

Flash from the past... Welcome back Book!

20th August 2018, 06:15 PM
All Johnny rebel songs are gone from jootube. My fav " if i could be a nigger for a day"

David Allen Coe still has some music on Jewtube. "She F'd a Greasy Nigger" Ha!Ha!


28th August 2018, 04:09 PM
looks like stuff that black people don't like might be toast

12th October 2018, 01:43 PM
another good one gassed


willyloman.wordpress.com is no longer available.

This site has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.

13th October 2018, 03:59 AM
mantap gan artikelnya.. sangat bermanfaat dan powerfull.. mohon difeedback ya gan…
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18th October 2018, 02:20 PM
Looks like they have driven Return of Kings out.

25th October 2018, 04:05 PM

25th October 2018, 04:09 PM
Incogman is gone?

25th October 2018, 06:10 PM
Incogman is gone?

Still there for me.


26th October 2018, 09:27 AM
Still there for me.


Also at where Shami hangs out: https://gab.com/INCOGMAN


26th October 2018, 04:42 PM
Also at where Shami hangs out: https://gab.com/INCOGMAN


I just joined gab a few days ago. He has a decent page.

28th October 2018, 07:09 AM
Gab will likely be shut down in a few hours unless I'm missing something.

They backed up the website yesterday.

3rd November 2018, 12:48 PM

Let's keep this thread current as the ADL murders more and more internet goy jew-wise websites.

Alex Linder's Personal Blog


3rd November 2018, 02:55 PM
8chan rip

3rd November 2018, 03:23 PM
8chan rip

Works for me: https://8ch.net/pol/index.html

3rd November 2018, 03:31 PM
Last night a dead link!

End Times
3rd November 2018, 06:20 PM

3rd November 2018, 06:27 PM
Fred, im half hoping the dems win everything and that i live long enough to see the looks on their faces as they are executed as ALL communist regimes did to the useful idiots. But, i have kids and as much as id like it to go hot, i want them to have a life. So ill vote straight repub and keep bitching on all the forums.

End Times
4th November 2018, 05:09 PM
Gab is back!



4th November 2018, 06:29 PM
having some issues with news aggregator -- shitlord hub/white right hub

screen tries to come up, then goes black. hope it doesnt get gassed -- it's a good one

6th November 2018, 09:11 AM

13th November 2018, 05:09 PM
this sums it up perfectly.

13th November 2018, 05:43 PM
anyone else been clicking links from (whatever) site, TO a conservative site, and getting hit with this captcha test nag screen?



End Times
13th November 2018, 07:15 PM
anyone else been clicking links from (whatever) site, TO a conservative site, and getting hit with this captcha test nag screen?

Running a VPN? If so, that's why.

13th November 2018, 07:58 PM
Running a VPN? If so, that's why.

nah; at a lodging facility with their wifi. Been here awhile, much longer than this recent weekend, when it started. My box appears to be clean (per Avast); so maybe something about their network changed?

Also not sure what (occasionally) captcha testing me would accomplish?! :-[ If it persists I'll check with mgmt here re is anyone else complaining.

End Times
13th November 2018, 08:01 PM
nah; at a lodging facility with their wifi. Been here awhile, much longer than this recent weekend, when it started. My box appears to be clean (per Avast); so maybe something about their network changed?

Also not sure what (occasionally) captcha testing me would accomplish?! :-[ If it persists I'll check with mgmt here re is anyone else complaining.

As we know, Cloudflare is an anti-free speech operation, so I wouldn't be surprised that this CAPTCHA bullshit is just an obstacle based on content. But I do get them occasionally when accessing TPB or 1337x (via VPN).

Don't worry about the inference that you have a malware infection. Fagbook often does the same, when the "infection" is non-existent (FB IS the infection).

17th November 2018, 07:31 AM
paypal killed bitchute's payment processing

17th November 2018, 07:33 AM
this was a site i checked in on from time to time....lots of conspiracy info. now 'removed'

Blog has been removed

Sorry, the blog at aanirfan.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

End Times
17th November 2018, 07:58 PM
this was a site i checked in on from time to time....lots of conspiracy info. now 'removed'

Blog has been removed

Sorry, the blog at aanirfan.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.

Definitely Memory Holed.

Looking at the caches of its pages, it was definitely doubleplusungood. Speech that Jews hate.

20th November 2018, 03:06 PM
The Roper Report Blog got Holocausted within the last week.

22nd November 2018, 10:02 AM
fakehatecrimes.org still up!

22nd November 2018, 02:16 PM
The Roper Report Blog got Holocausted within the last week.
Its back up!

24th November 2018, 10:37 PM
yewtoob f-ing with greg hunter now. they are really reaching

Pinned by Greg Hunter

Greg Hunter44 minutes ago

You Tube continually unsubscribes my subscribers.


End Times
25th November 2018, 04:35 AM
yewtoob f-ing with greg hunter now. they are really reaching

Pinned by Greg Hunter

Greg Hunter44 minutes ago

You Tube continually unsubscribes my subscribers.


I just subscribed.

25th November 2018, 06:06 AM

good show

25th November 2018, 10:48 AM
yewtoob f-ing with greg hunter now. they are really reaching

Pinned by Greg Hunter

Greg Hunter44 minutes ago

You Tube continually unsubscribes my subscribers.


I can't tell how many truth-tubers I follow who routinely complain about their subs count getting F'd with; ppl writing them that they were unsub'd but they didn't do it. Vloggers remind to re-sub yada yada.

I don't sub to anyone on YT; only keep browser folder(s) of bookmarks for them & routinely open all in new tabs to check for new content. Minimizes YT's data-mining me, as I don't even need to be logged in to check/watch my vloggers.

Twatter is different, as peon users follow each other, and having a follower base is useful when you tweet something out, so it actually reaches some new eyeballs & has a shot at going viral, via cascading retweets. But my core followees (those I follow) are bookmarked as with YT above, coz their junk can get SB'd, and/or my 'stream' is just too overwhelmed with peon tweets that theirs get buried. Tweeters who 'follow' 1000s+, can only see a fraction of all those ppl's tweets, which would already be a full time job..

25th November 2018, 12:48 PM
I just subscribed.

great YT channel to follow is Zionist Report,

7m 42s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDll6xpEiEo


12th February 2019, 07:01 AM
Anyone hear of chuck maultsby . Net ? Pretty legit and ALOT of photos ive never seen before. Archive before it gets banned

21st February 2019, 02:58 PM
Luckystrike's forum seems to be back up!


21st February 2019, 07:01 PM
Anyone hear of chuck maultsby . Net ? Pretty legit and ALOT of photos ive never seen before. Archive before it gets banned

This Domain has expired.

1st March 2019, 05:56 PM
This Domain has expired.
Back up! Screen shot some of those old photos before they are gone

2nd March 2019, 05:14 AM
Back up! Screen shot some of those old photos before they are gone

Thank you, I have been trying to access his stuff. It seems the whole internet is being scrubbed. Even using the search engines to find quotes and videos that once were there, is prooving fruitless in some cases.

2nd March 2019, 07:40 AM
posted in h'hoax thread:

The creep of censorship hits home (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2019/02/the-creep-of-censorship-hits-home.html)

Published by Carolyn Yeager on Wed, 2019-02-27 22:14


IT CAN NOW BE TOLD. The company that has hosted my server for the past 10 years without a problem took me offline without warning on Sunday morning, Feb. 17. When I made contact with them on Monday, Feb. 18, I was informed that 1&1 (recently become 1&1 IONOS) had terminated my account. The best reason the “security” rep could give me was the vague word “hate.” We're all supposed to accept that as meaning something. He said they would send me a letter of explanation. Why didn't they send the letter first?

The letter that came contained the two “relevant” points from the Terms and Conditions, to wit: thou “shall not contain or link to any material which is harmful, violent, threatening, abusive or hateful.” Didn't seem to be relevant to me - my site is mild and factual - but it's all in how you define these words, right? It really came down to the most important point: We're a private company, headquartered in Germany, so we don't have to defend ourselves. They had received complaints, and that's enough.

Read More (https://carolynyeager.net/creep-censorship-hits-home)

10th May 2019, 04:25 PM
Chateau Heartiste is suspended.

11th May 2019, 04:29 AM
Chateau Heartiste is suspended.

that sucks. great site

i'm seeing more websites going under the unz umbrella. hope it isn't a trap

11th May 2019, 05:08 AM
i'm seeing more websites going under the unz umbrella. hope it isn't a trap
Definitely something to watch.

15th May 2019, 12:04 PM
Good video here on what the jew bastards have been doing.


29th May 2019, 08:58 AM
therealistreport.com (http://therealistreport.com)


Realist Report‏ @RealistReport (https://twitter.com/RealistReport) 4h4 hours ago (https://twitter.com/RealistReport/status/1133698579728519169)
Website is currently down after hosting company decided to suspend my account. Working on getting it back up but may take a couple days.

29th May 2019, 10:01 AM
therealistreport.com (http://therealistreport.com)


Realist Report‏ @RealistReport (https://twitter.com/RealistReport) 4h4 hours ago (https://twitter.com/RealistReport/status/1133698579728519169)
Website is currently down after hosting company decided to suspend my account. Working on getting it back up but may take a couple days.

PatColo if you have messaged them before. Send them over to epik.com. They believe in free speech.

29th May 2019, 07:41 PM
JFriend is live on Rense right now https://www.renseradio.com/listenlive.php until 8p pacific

grizzom.blogspot.com (http://grizzom.blogspot.com) will have the full 3 hrs show posted tonight/tomorrow AM sometime

30th May 2019, 03:00 AM
last night's 2 & only Rense hours:

Hour 1 - No Hour 1 due to a power failure on Rense's end

Download (https://ln.sync.com/dl/dcd6bc870/qdceamvi-iv36yp9a-zduzg6bj-gm7art5f) Hour 2 - John Friend - More Censorship

Download (https://ln.sync.com/dl/d4eb46980/wsz3zkyg-sxbmfxj9-htysncx6-39wgpxgf) Hour 3 - Karin Smith - White Genocide

2nd June 2019, 04:47 PM
Looks like wordpress did another holocaust.
TheUglyTruth this time

3rd June 2019, 04:49 PM
last night's 2 & only Rense hours:

Hour 1 - No Hour 1 due to a power failure on Rense's end

Download (https://ln.sync.com/dl/dcd6bc870/qdceamvi-iv36yp9a-zduzg6bj-gm7art5f) Hour 2 - John Friend - More Censorship

Download (https://ln.sync.com/dl/d4eb46980/wsz3zkyg-sxbmfxj9-htysncx6-39wgpxgf) Hour 3 - Karin Smith - White Genocide

trump won't talk about South-A because trump is part of the zionist-jewish-homosexual-negro 'mutant' alliance.

the neo-nazis are about hating European-Native American mix Mexicans, trump is fine with calling all European-Native American mixed Mexicans as 'rapists'. But to call negros as violent thugs, that goes against the neo-nazis pro-jewish pro-negro trump deep state.


3rd June 2019, 04:59 PM
Looks like wordpress did another holocaust.
TheUglyTruth this time

All the 'hate Steve Jobs' websites because Steve Jobs was a white Syrian, like nearly all Syrians are white migrants... are like taking down Alex Jonestown. No loss to the movement. South African niggers would be welcomed by Orban in Hungary because they are niggers, not white blonde hair blue eyed Muslims. The white have been the rejects according to the ''white' nationalists', instead of allying themselves to hard working Muslim whites to hate the homo-jewish-zionist alliance, ''white' nationalists' have wasted nearly 10 years.

The white genocide is not native Americans coming across the border, they are friends and potential allies against the jews and niggers. Like this hate China, Chinese and Koreans hate niggers and can be taught to hate jews since jews tell them Asians are too anti-social (boring) and need to behave like niggers (have criminal records) to get into harvard and yale:



They can figure out the zionist-negro conspiracy easily, because Asian Americans have high IQ.

5th June 2019, 02:31 PM
YouTube to ban 'hateful,' 'supremacist' videos (https://news.yahoo.com/youtube-ban-hateful-supremacist-videos-170733974.html)

Washington (AFP) - YouTube announced Wednesday it would ban videos promoting or glorifying racism and discrimination as well as those denying well-documented violent events, like the Holocaust or the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting. The announcement by the Google-owned video-sharing platform was the latest of a series of tech industry moves to filter out hateful and violent content, which have spurred calls for tougher regulation.

"YouTube has always had rules of the road, including a longstanding policy against hate speech," a company statement said.

"Today, we're taking another step in our hate speech policy by specifically prohibiting videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status." The move comes after a call by world leaders in Paris last month to curb extremism online, following revelations about the livestreaming of a mosque massacre in New Zealand. "We will begin enforcing this updated policy today; however, it will take time for our systems to fully ramp up and we'll be gradually expanding coverage over the next several months," YouTube said.

:rolleyes: It's over goyim


specifically prohibiting videos alleging that a group is superior

5th June 2019, 03:27 PM
I think it has been suggested for Goyim to upload to Daily Motion instead.

5th June 2019, 07:00 PM
Rossette Delacroix has been pissin all over the Jews boat and they don't like it so they gassed her jewtube channel. You can still find her on Bitchute though. :)


6th June 2019, 11:06 AM
Looks like wordpress did another holocaust.
TheUglyTruth this time

I used to really like theuglytruth, until ~2013 when Glenn, Keith Johnson, MCPiper & maybe others there came out full pro (((Official Sandy Hoax Story))), with nothing to support their junk except mock/ridicule gambit against SH truthers. Sell outs. Recall Deanna Spingola lost me with that sell out too. :-[

6th June 2019, 11:45 AM
YouTube to ban 'hateful,' 'supremacist' videos (https://news.yahoo.com/youtube-ban-hateful-supremacist-videos-170733974.html)

Adam Green:

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Mm2Lx3AsH8M/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEjCNACELwBSFryq4qpAxUIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJ DeAE=&rs=AOn4CLAxfUqaIluO5gs3UEmrqLlL5R3y_Q 29:31
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm2Lx3AsH8M) YouTube's Censorship Policy Announcement (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm2Lx3AsH8M)17K views
22 hours ago

6th June 2019, 02:25 PM

ADL: New YouTube Policies Tackling “Hate” STILL “Insufficient” (http://therealistreport.com/adl-new-youtube-policies-tackling-hate-still-insufficient/)

June 6, 2019 (http://therealistreport.com/adl-new-youtube-policies-tackling-hate-still-insufficient/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) Leave a comment


Yesterday, the Official YouTube Blog issued a press release (https://youtube.googleblog.com/2019/06/our-ongoing-work-to-tackle-hate.html) outlining updated policies and practices the internet giant will be using to more effectively tackle “hate” and “extremism” on its platform. In the wake of the announcement, countless YouTube channels have been censored, have had certain videos deleted (I had one video deleted yesterday, more no doubt to come), and have had their monetization features disabled.

The new policies aim to crack down on “hate speech” by “specifically prohibiting videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status,” according to YouTube’s official announcement. Additionally, YouTube will “remove content denying that well-documented violent events, like the Holocaust or the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, took place.” No surprises here.

YouTube also aims to reduce the spread of “borderline content” while raising up who they deem to be “authoritative voices,” i.e., content creators that advance the anti-White, globalist New World Order agenda and reinforce and perpetuate the Big Jewish Lies of history, such as the fake “Holocaust” story (http://therealistreport.com/how-the-holocaust-was-faked/). Independent content creators using the various monetization features of YouTube – running advertisements, accepting SuperChats and other donations via YouTube, etc. – who “repeatedly brush up against our hate speech policies will be suspended from the YouTube Partner program,” essentially banning these individuals from generating an income for their work.

Nick Fuentes (https://twitter.com/NickJFuentes), who hosts the best YouTube show on the internet in my opinion, explained the situation and its background nicely yesterday:



Anti-White, anti-American organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League have long advised YouTube and other major internet giants (http://therealistreport.com/adl-working-with-leading-internet-giants-top-social-media-outlets-to-combat-hate-speech/) on how to combat “hate speech” and “extremist” content. YouTube’s updated policies are designed to placate groups like the ADL, and yet it’s still not enough.

Online hate & extremism pose a significant threat. We were glad to share our expertise with @YouTube (https://twitter.com/YouTube?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) on updating their policies to keep #hate (https://twitter.com/hashtag/hate?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) off their platform. This is an important step forward, but must be followed by many more. Read our full statement: https://t.co/4UFLycS891
— ADL (@ADL) June 5, 2019


“Online hate and extremism pose a significant threat — weaponizing bigotry against marginalized communities, silencing voices through intimidation and acting as recruiting tools for hateful, fringe groups,” Jonathan Greenblat, the CEO of the ADL, said (https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-statement-on-youtube-policy-changes-to-reduce-extremist-content) in response to YouTube’s updated policies. “That’s why ADL has been working with technology companies, including YouTube, to aggressively counter hate on their platforms. We were glad to share our expertise on this and look forward to continuing to provide input. While this is an important step forward, this move alone is insufficient and must be followed by many more changes from YouTube and other tech companies to adequately counter the scourge of online hate and extremism.”

Imagine being able to shut down and disenfranchise virtually all of your political opponents by “advising” some of the most powerful institutions in the world to either censor, ban, or deprive your opponents of the ability to effectively fight back, and that ability is still not enough to satisfy you. The nerve of these people is astounding!

Even while openly “advising” YouTube and every other powerful and important institution in American society – the Congress, the White House, Hollywood, the mass media, etc. – the Jews also simultaneously insist that they’re an oppressed, powerless yet benevolent minority and that the entire world revolves around their feelings and dictates. That’s how the organized Jewish community operates in a nutshell.

10th June 2019, 06:39 PM
The Making of a YouTube Radical - The New York Times
(https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/06/08/technology/youtube-radical.html)3 days ago - Caleb Cain was a college dropout looking for direction. He turned to YouTube, where he was pulled into a world filled with conspiracy theories, ...

The article is both a story of a mid-20's man's political awakening and a hit piece against YouTube and Conservatives. Interesting article in that when one separates out the attack on conservatives and superfluous emotional scene setting, an opposite (politicaly) story emerges. The edited version:

The Making of a YouTube Radical - The New York Times (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/06/08/technology/youtube-radical.html) [Edited]
Mr. Cain grew up in postindustrial Appalachia and was raised by his conservative Christian grandparents…

[F]ar-right ideology bled into his daily life. He began referring to himself as a “tradcon”-a traditional conservative, committed to old-fashioned gender norms. He dated an evangelical Christian woman, and he fought with his liberal friends.

"It was kind of sad,”said Zelda Wait, a friend of Mr. Cain’s from high school. “I was just, like: ‘Wow, what happened? How did you get this way?’”

…In 2018, nearly four years after Mr.Cain had begun watching right-wing YouTube videos, a new kind of video began appearing in his recommendations.
These videos were made by left-wing creators, but they mimicked the aesthetics of right-wing YouTube, down to the combative titles and the mocking use of the words like “triggered” and “ snowflake."

...[Destiny] was a better debater, and Mr. Cain reluctantly declared him the winner… Mr. Cain also found videos by [ContraPoints]…[who] wore elaborate costumes and did drag-style performances in which she explained why Western culture wasn’t under attack from immigrants, or why race was a social contract.

Unlike most progressives Mr. Cain had seen take on the right, [Destiny] and [ContraPoints] were funny and engaging. They spoke the native language of YouTube, and they didn’t get outraged by far-right ideas. Instead, they rolled their eyes at them, and made them seem shallow and unsophisticated.
…This group calls itself BreadTube, a reference to the left-wing anarchist Peter Kropotkin’s 1892 book, “The Conquest of Bread.”...

Several weeks ago, he moved out of West Virginia, and is working at a new job while he develops his YouTube channel.

…YouTube is the place to put out a message,” he said. “But I’ve learned now that you can’t go to YouTube and think that you’re getting some kind of education, because you’re not."

21st July 2019, 06:23 AM
Occidental Dissent down

21st July 2019, 06:35 AM

ADL: New YouTube Policies Tackling “Hate” STILL “Insufficient” (http://therealistreport.com/adl-new-youtube-policies-tackling-hate-still-insufficient/)

June 6, 2019 (http://therealistreport.com/adl-new-youtube-policies-tackling-hate-still-insufficient/) Realist Report (http://therealistreport.com/author/realist/) Leave a comment


Yesterday, the Official YouTube Blog issued a press release (https://youtube.googleblog.com/2019/06/our-ongoing-work-to-tackle-hate.html) outlining updated policies and practices the internet giant will be using to more effectively tackle “hate” and “extremism” on its platform. In the wake of the announcement, countless YouTube channels have been censored, have had certain videos deleted (I had one video deleted yesterday, more no doubt to come), and have had their monetization features disabled.

The new policies aim to crack down on “hate speech” by “specifically prohibiting videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status,” according to YouTube’s official announcement. Additionally, YouTube will “remove content denying that well-documented violent events, like the Holocaust or the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, took place.” No surprises here.

YouTube also aims to reduce the spread of “borderline content” while raising up who they deem to be “authoritative voices,” i.e., content creators that advance the anti-White, globalist New World Order agenda and reinforce and perpetuate the Big Jewish Lies of history, such as the fake “Holocaust” story (http://therealistreport.com/how-the-holocaust-was-faked/). Independent content creators using the various monetization features of YouTube – running advertisements, accepting SuperChats and other donations via YouTube, etc. – who “repeatedly brush up against our hate speech policies will be suspended from the YouTube Partner program,” essentially banning these individuals from generating an income for their work.

Nick Fuentes (https://twitter.com/NickJFuentes), who hosts the best YouTube show on the internet in my opinion, explained the situation and its background nicely yesterday:



Anti-White, anti-American organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League have long advised YouTube and other major internet giants (http://therealistreport.com/adl-working-with-leading-internet-giants-top-social-media-outlets-to-combat-hate-speech/) on how to combat “hate speech” and “extremist” content. YouTube’s updated policies are designed to placate groups like the ADL, and yet it’s still not enough.

Online hate & extremism pose a significant threat. We were glad to share our expertise with @YouTube (https://twitter.com/YouTube?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) on updating their policies to keep #hate (https://twitter.com/hashtag/hate?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) off their platform. This is an important step forward, but must be followed by many more. Read our full statement: https://t.co/4UFLycS891
— ADL (@ADL) June 5, 2019


“Online hate and extremism pose a significant threat — weaponizing bigotry against marginalized communities, silencing voices through intimidation and acting as recruiting tools for hateful, fringe groups,” Jonathan Greenblat, the CEO of the ADL, said (https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-statement-on-youtube-policy-changes-to-reduce-extremist-content) in response to YouTube’s updated policies. “That’s why ADL has been working with technology companies, including YouTube, to aggressively counter hate on their platforms. We were glad to share our expertise on this and look forward to continuing to provide input. While this is an important step forward, this move alone is insufficient and must be followed by many more changes from YouTube and other tech companies to adequately counter the scourge of online hate and extremism.”

Imagine being able to shut down and disenfranchise virtually all of your political opponents by “advising” some of the most powerful institutions in the world to either censor, ban, or deprive your opponents of the ability to effectively fight back, and that ability is still not enough to satisfy you. The nerve of these people is astounding!

Even while openly “advising” YouTube and every other powerful and important institution in American society – the Congress, the White House, Hollywood, the mass media, etc. – the Jews also simultaneously insist that they’re an oppressed, powerless yet benevolent minority and that the entire world revolves around their feelings and dictates. That’s how the organized Jewish community operates in a nutshell.

This J Friend article summarizes our sad REALITY perfectly. I'm bookmarking his webpage (http://therealistreport.com/about/) PatColo.


21st July 2019, 07:28 AM
Sven Longshanks "Radio Aryan" was taken down a few days ago and William Finck was helping him get it back up again. Finck has been battling them for awhile and he must be pretty good at it. I see Radio Aryan is back up again.


21st July 2019, 08:16 AM
This J Friend article summarizes our sad REALITY perfectly. I'm bookmarking his webpage (http://therealistreport.com/about/) PatColo.


JF got married for his first time July 5; though he has a biracial daughter with, I believe a Philipina... from b4 he was WOKE & became pro White activist. He's early 30s now; not sure about daughter, 10-15yo I'd guess

Last Fri John had a tweet up noting he was married 2 weeks that day, with a wedding portrait of he & nice looking blond wife. But I guess he thought better of it & deleted the tweet. https://twitter.com/realistreport

He & A.C.Hitchcock did a great show Fri, 1 hr: http://therealistreport.com/speak-the-truth-while-we-still-can

21st July 2019, 08:39 AM
not sure exactly when, but Mark Glenn's https://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/ was taken down for "TOS violation".

I hadn't visited for 5+ years, since they went aggressively PRO sandy hoax official story. But still.

21st July 2019, 10:28 AM
Occidental Dissent down


21st July 2019, 10:46 AM

heh, I had RT's of that MO senator Josh Hawley's tweet:

You’ll have to carry me out on a slab before I compromise my defense of the Jewish people, their greatness, their history, their safety, and the state of Israel
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) July 20, 2019 (https://twitter.com/HawleyMO/status/1152573100476784641?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)

appear in my stream many times, with cynical commentary added by joo-wise USA nationalists.

31st July 2019, 07:42 AM
Instagram Purges Meme Accounts, Shutting Down Pages With Millions of Followers (https://www.searchenginejournal.com/instagram-purges-meme-accounts-shutting-down-pages-with-millions-of-followers/319053/#close)

Instagram is cracking down on accounts that primarily post memes, deleting popular pages that have amassed millions of followers.

Dozens of accounts with over 30 million followers [others say up to 200 million] combined were deleted without warning. The removal is permanent, meaning there’s no hope for the users to get their accounts restored...

A Facebook spokesperson tells reporters that the accounts were disabled following multiple violations of platform policies...

Earlier this month, Instagram updated its account removal policies. It can now remove accounts that have a certain number of violations within a window of time.

Based on the timing, it’s possible the account purge is related to Instagram’s latest policy change.

In any case, this whole situation illustrates the danger of building a business solely on social media. Those who were once thriving on Instagram are now having a rough go of it.

Organic post engagement is down, sponsored post engagement is down, and Instagram continues to expand its test of hiding like counts.

Now, Instagram is swiftly deleting popular accounts without giving them an opportunity to appeal the decision.

31st July 2019, 03:54 PM
Copyright censorship is going on across the net, not just here affected by it.

5th August 2019, 05:10 AM
8Chan taken out for posting these alleged manifestos

5th August 2019, 05:53 AM
8Chan taken out for posting these alleged manifestos

It's still up: https://8ch.net/index.html

The only thing that I was aware of that changed was CloudFlare was stopping DDoS mitigation. 8Ch is likely going to move to Epik, which is where this place should go as Epik touts itself as a free speech haven.

5th August 2019, 11:41 AM

CONFIRMED: @voxility (https://twitter.com/voxility)has just cut off their services to (link: http://Epik.com (https://t.co/PAZtAtjv2G?amp=1)) Epik.com and Bitmitigate, which just saved 8Chan. Crazy.


Going to give bitmitigate some time to find a solution for their peering problem. If we are still down in a few hours then maybe 8chan will just go clearnet and we can brave DDOS attacks like Ishmael on the Pequod.

5th August 2019, 12:55 PM

CONFIRMED: @voxility (https://twitter.com/voxility)has just cut off their services to (link: http://Epik.com (https://t.co/PAZtAtjv2G?amp=1)) Epik.com and Bitmitigate, which just saved 8Chan. Crazy.


Going to give bitmitigate some time to find a solution for their peering problem. If we are still down in a few hours then maybe 8chan will just go clearnet and we can brave DDOS attacks like Ishmael on the Pequod.

They're working hard to keep 8ch off line.

I've been keeping an eye on code monkey's twitter feed (8ch admin).


5th August 2019, 02:04 PM
They're working hard to keep 8ch off line.

as U can imagine the overzealous component within the Qanon crowd are reducing the WHOLE recent (((FalseFlagAThon))) + upped race tensions + new hate laws dominating media cycle, as attributable to DS fear of Q, therefore 8ch in crosshairs.

events do beg the question, why only 8ch? no 4chan? I gather there's other chans operating w same basic /pol freedom of speech, right?

8th August 2019, 07:24 AM
fresh out of the oven from Really Graceful, 12m:



Grace notes, the vid was pretty much insta-demonetized upon uploading

24th August 2019, 04:22 PM
historyreviewed.com taken down.

16th September 2019, 05:07 PM
https://aryanskynet.wordpress.com/ looks down at this time.

old steel
16th September 2019, 09:14 PM
Censorship alive and thriving in 2019, where does that leave us?

Fascism, courtesy of the Jews and their Zionist minions.

So, is it any wonder they want our guns so bad?

17th September 2019, 10:29 AM
Watched a pathetically chilling 12 minute video of probably UK soft government boomer bureaucrats fumbling and bumbling through a question about demographic replacement of their peoples. Figured I would share it here. Video was on youtube or bit-chute, I downloaded it 3 days ago. While the video is just the clip, no channel site bumpers, I have the entire name of the video, yet cannot find it using google, start page or duckduck-go. Even if the video was deleted, in the past the search engines would still have the link.

"feminists whore$ and soycucks are our so called leaders in the west they hate whites" [edit to remov '.mp4', did not include that in search of course]

And here is another example that may give some insight into how google censor modifies its searches. I'll explain the screen-shots I took August 27 since I cannot post the images here. I searched for info on Hasan Piker when he was viral in the News for saying Americans deserved 9/11. 'Hasan Piker pimp prostitution' (without quotes) to find reference to the fact he was allegedly a pimp before joining TYT. Google only gave me 8 results. Then I searched 'Hasan Piker pimp prostitution -crenshaw' (without quotes) and google gave me 4,300 results.

17th September 2019, 10:48 AM
Watched a pathetically chilling 12 minute video of probably UK soft governemnt boomer bureaucrats fumbling and bumbling through a question about demographic replacement of their peoples. Figured I would share it here. Video was on youtube or bit-chute, I downloaded it 3 days ago. While the video is just the clip, no channel site bumpers, I have the entire name of the video, yet cannot find it using google, start page or duckduck-go. Even if the video was deleted, in the past the search engines would still have the link.

"feminists whore$ and soycucks are our so called leaders in the west they hate whites.mp4"

I searched using Bitchute's search engine; after a long stall it went to a "502 Bad gateway" msg :(

not the first time I've had no luck with their search engine, when I knew the exact title!

Here's search for Sinead's vid pub'd at BC just last week, exact title... Mothers Against Staged Shootings - 502 error! Useless! :(

here's the 1 min vid: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RppVO5ZI1jLM/

10th October 2019, 12:34 PM
Irish politician Martin Kenny at the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice and Equality, pushes google to implement a 'finial solution' to 'the public's ability to live-stream problem': https://www.bitchute.com/video/31674yA7uvxz/ [orlared]


"I believe that since self-regulation has failed in every other sector, that there are no signs to the contrary in the field of internet service providers."
“Sinn Féin will work to make the internet safer and to regulate those companies who must take responsibility for the actions of their users.”

2nd February 2020, 11:37 AM
bump! occidental observer is still up. the burning platform is also alive and well. Oh, and ken adachis site, Educate yourself, is up.

11th February 2020, 02:49 PM
smoleko is gone.

23rd February 2020, 08:00 PM
at least atm,


are both down. I recall they were using an Iceland based ISP called zensurfrie or something similar.

Couple weeks ago Kyle announced Sinead was taking at least a break from doing shows, stress or some such. So it's only been Kyle & Charles Giuliani covering all week. In their minds at least, all their past regular hosts have 'betrayed' them in some way, and they were so sick of it they weren't seeking new hosts; & were going to go it all alone.

24th February 2020, 07:33 AM
Re ^

we are down, system failure!

we are sorry for the outage, but after a nearly flawless 800+ days uptime, we are currently experiencing a major server hardware failure.

You may contact us (zensurfrei@protonmail.com) by email, otherwise check back here periodically, and i will update this page with new information, while we try to recover the failed server.

Update 1: According to the on site technician the machine had failed ram, however my diagnostic via ipmi kernel log tails suggested it was related to disc storage. Either way the machine is recovered and functioning now, but may fail again if it is in fact drive related and not solved with an fsck. All the databases need to be rebuilt and there are hundreds of those. I need food before i begin and this task will take hours. More to come when i have something more to report. Or the sites will just re-appear, one or the other.

Update 2: I'm running an automated recovery on the databases, this should take a few more hours. I may try to get a couple hours sleep. Any databases still corrupted will need manual repair, so we will see.

Update 3: I got no sleep, the recovery is almost complete, it should be back in operation in an hour or so. Unless something else ugly rears it's head.

– the zensurfrei team

24th February 2020, 07:51 AM
Censorship, not gun registration precedes a (((communist)) revolution. It is only after the information stranglehold is achieved by the juden, that they begin confiscation of weapons without any vocal resistance.

26th June 2020, 05:14 AM
Looks like they took out the best news aggregator

15th July 2020, 04:03 PM
YouTube holocausted Roosh.
Amusing quote from him on the subject.

For 13 years I preached fornication on YouTube and did not get banned. As a Christian, I lasted a little over a year.

15th July 2020, 04:27 PM
For 13 years I preached fornication on YouTube and did not get banned. As a Christian, I lasted a little over a year. .

yeah, that says something, doesn't it

15th July 2020, 04:30 PM
YidTube gassed Dan Dicks / PressForTruth channel too

Dan Dicks
(https://twitter.com/DanDicksPFT)My life’s work, 14 years, 5 documentary films, over 270k subscribers, over 35m views, all gone, no warning, no email, nothing!!! Please message @TeamYouTube (https://twitter.com/TeamYouTube) and help me get my channel, all those comments and supporters of my work back!!! First they came for the journalists...

I didn't really follow the channel closely enough to say if he banged on the tribe or what, but I know his vids have popped up for me more than a couple times over the years. Can browse his bitchute below; not sure if it perfectly mirrors his perished YT ch.

11 min vid:

DAN DICKS CENSORED - The Press For Truth YouTube Channel Has Been PERMANENTLY DELETED!!!
(https://www.bitchute.com/video/oQiBNoHkFCHQ/)July 14th, 20204.06K LBC • 2,398 views
The Press For Truth YouTube channel has been terminated. Dan Dicks of Press For Truth has been producing videos and documentary films for over 14 years on YouTube, with over 270k subscribers, over 35M video views and 5 documentary films but in the blink of an eye all that is gone now because YouTube decided that Dan should no longer have a popular voice. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains why he thinks the channel was deleted but more importantly what everyone needs to do now in order to stay up to date with PFT moving forward.
BITCHUTE ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/pressfortruth/
LBRY ➜ https://lbry.tv/@PressForTruth
FLOTE ➜ https://flote.app/DanDicksPFT
DLIVE ➜ https://dlive.tv/PressForTruth

15th July 2020, 05:56 PM
At this point, you would have to be nuts to to leave your lifes work on jewtube. I mean at least have backups upon backups.

17th July 2020, 11:32 AM
Bitchute comments are being heavily censored. The Bitchute comments are run by Disqus (not Bitchute) and the last several weeks having words like 'Jew" in your post, or posting an image is being held for moderation "Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by www.bitchute.com." and is gone when one refreshes the page.

Some people have posted Bitchute does not approve of the level of censorship and is making plans to manage comments internally in the near future.

I find about half my comments are wiped! Sometimes removing the world "Jew" was enough but the censorship keeps getting worse over the last week.

Example: trying to respond to comment after "TRUMP AND BILL BARR GO NUCLEAR AGAINST CHINA..."

Comment: 'Look up the Belt and Roads Initiative to get an idea of what China is doing.'

First try: Trump (and Barr) screwing over middle class consumers and more with anti-US-China war mongering to help future empire plans of Zionist Israel -WIPED

Third try: Trump (and Barr) screwing over middle class consumers and more with anti-US-China war mongering to help future plans of 'Zeon Ist Ist rael' -WIPED

Fifth try WAS ABLE TO POST: Anti-US-China war mongering to help future plans of 'Zeon Ist Ist rael'

20th July 2020, 07:54 AM
YidTube gassed Dan Dicks / PressForTruth channel too

Dan Dicks
(https://twitter.com/DanDicksPFT)My life’s work, 14 years, 5 documentary films, over 270k subscribers, over 35m views, all gone, no warning, no email, nothing!!! Please message @TeamYouTube (https://twitter.com/TeamYouTube) and help me get my channel, all those comments and supporters of my work back!!! First they came for the journalists...

I didn't really follow the channel closely enough to say if he banged on the tribe or what, but I know his vids have popped up for me more than a couple times over the years. Can browse his bitchute below; not sure if it perfectly mirrors his perished YT ch.

11 min vid:

DAN DICKS CENSORED - The Press For Truth YouTube Channel Has Been PERMANENTLY DELETED!!!
(https://www.bitchute.com/video/oQiBNoHkFCHQ/)July 14th, 20204.06K LBC • 2,398 views
The Press For Truth YouTube channel has been terminated. Dan Dicks of Press For Truth has been producing videos and documentary films for over 14 years on YouTube, with over 270k subscribers, over 35M video views and 5 documentary films but in the blink of an eye all that is gone now because YouTube decided that Dan should no longer have a popular voice. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains why he thinks the channel was deleted but more importantly what everyone needs to do now in order to stay up to date with PFT moving forward.
BITCHUTE ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/pressfortruth/
LBRY ➜ https://lbry.tv/@PressForTruth
FLOTE ➜ https://flote.app/DanDicksPFT
DLIVE ➜ https://dlive.tv/PressForTruth

I just caught this now; Spiro interview w Dan Dicks pub'd Wed 7/15,

Press For Truth Gets Banned By YouTube: Dan Dicks Responds (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xREgXP41qg)

28th July 2020, 10:31 AM
woodpile report --- ol' remus 'met his demise', website will no longer be updated


29th July 2020, 07:11 AM
Trust jewish owned companies, reap jewish consequences.

29th July 2020, 07:15 AM
woodpile report --- ol' remus 'met his demise', website will no longer be updated

Sad, I enjoyed his thoughts. I saw some time back that his wife was sick and he was spending his time/energy dealing with that and wasn't posting.

25th August 2020, 07:02 PM
Here's the latest from Brian at HighImpactVlogs:

My HighImpactVLOGS channel was terminated by YouTube today. 337k Subscribers...gone. Years and years of work and research....gone. But that's life. We all have difficult things that happen to us...and, as frustrating and as unfair as life can be, we can't let it keep us down. Life is 10% WHAT happens to you and 90% HOW you respond to it.

The reason I have a YouTube channel...the reason I'm even on social media, is because I feel compelled to get out the truth. Knowledge is POWER and I want to change my world by empowering people with truth. Ignorance is NOT bliss, it's a death sentence. Those who desire to be ignorant and free desire what never was and never shall be..

I need you to do me a favor. Please make sure you're subscribed to my back up channel HighImpactTV. Here's the link: bit.ly/HighImpact-TV (https://mboss.highimpactflix.com/index.php/campaigns/zp660d1ostd7f/track-url/vy260emgmh0d4/aae2afb2ee1a8680c20812b3387f1b5ba51bda5a) (there are other back up links under the video)

Here's the video I just uploaded: Truly Bizarre Times (https://mboss.highimpactflix.com/index.php/campaigns/zp660d1ostd7f/track-url/vy260emgmh0d4/27dd95319d902f3cd0909719819322f1c1381bc1)
Thank you so much for being here. Much peace to you and yours!

26th August 2020, 05:31 PM
Youtube did another purge of several popular conservatives. Vincent James a.k.a. Red Elephants had his four channels removed as well. No strikes, one channel of his was not even that political he said, focusing on activities with his family.

Trump and the rinos may still win this election despite not doing anything about this massive election interference with all the right leaning censorship by the big tech companies. But in the future they cannot rely on the Democrats to run a dementia patient and already rejected career-sucker with an election campaign of literally burning down cities, removing police, beating up innocent people and fining people to want to work or socialize.

18th September 2020, 08:10 PM
sorry, couldn't figure out where else to put this:

Sen. John Thune Delaying Trump FCC Nominee Critical to Tackling Big Tech Bias


MichelleMalkin@michellemalkin (https://twitter.com/michellemalkin)4h (https://twitter.com[/email]/michellemalkin/status/1307090821607456769)

IMPORTANT. Call the Senate offices of Thune - (202) 224-2321 - & Wicker - (202) 224-6253 - and tell them to get out of the way


18th September 2020, 11:57 PM
sorry, couldn't figure out where else to put this:

Sen. John Thune Delaying Trump FCC Nominee Critical to Tackling Big Tech Bias


MichelleMalkin@michellemalkin (https://twitter.com/michellemalkin)4h (https://twitter.com[/email]/michellemalkin/status/1307090821607456769)

IMPORTANT. Call the Senate offices of Thune - (202) 224-2321 - & Wicker - (202) 224-6253 - and tell them to get out of the way


John Thune and South Dakotas other senator Mike Rounds are a couple of sleazy bastards in my opinion. Mike Rounds is a former governor of South Dakota. When he was governor he was at a local event shaking hands with people as he left and he walked over and shook a neighbors hand. My neighbor accused him of being a communist and then he and John Thune who was with him walked over to shake hands with me. I got after Rounds for sending swat teams to arrest local brand inspectors before the state took over brand inspections. They both got the hell out of there and didn't try to shake anyone elses hands after that. I didn't want to shake hands with either one of them. I'll give Thunes office a call though.

19th September 2020, 05:55 AM
sorry, couldn't figure out where else to put this:

Sen. John Thune Delaying Trump FCC Nominee Critical to Tackling Big Tech Bias


MichelleMalkin@michellemalkin (https://twitter.com/michellemalkin)4h (https://twitter.com[/email]/michellemalkin/status/1307090821607456769)

IMPORTANT. Call the Senate offices of Thune - (202) 224-2321 - & Wicker - (202) 224-6253 - and tell them to get out of the way


I'm not all that sold on Trump (Make Israel great again). Maybe Thune has better info?

17th October 2020, 07:04 PM