View Full Version : alt left negro supremacist shoots two cops

19th August 2017, 02:29 PM
time to s/d all of those radical left websites, channels, youtubes, paypals, twitters, etc. right? right?


Everett Glenn Miller, AKA Malik Muhammed Miller, has been arrested for shooting two police officers in Kissimmee, FL.

Both police officers have died as a result of their injuries.

In the days leading up to the shooting, Miller posted dozens of racially charged status updates of Facebook. Some of them explicitly call for violence. He personally pledged to commit violence against white “Confederate Nazis” in one recent status update. One of his status updates is a picture of Martin Luther King with a message that says to stop marching and start shooting.

Miller was using a Muslim name but claims he is not religious. However, he is explicitly anti-Christian. He urged blacks to stop using crosses and leave their churches. He claims black people will be slaves of the white man in Christian heaven. Miller also said he uses the Ankh as his only religious symbol.

He made comments about Black Hebrew Israelites, but they are so nonsensical we can’t tell if he is for or against them. He does reference the black “Moorish” movement in a positive way. This is a pro-Muslim black supremacist cult.

So far, the mainstream media is not reporting Miller’s racial beliefs and violent rhetoric.

old steel
19th August 2017, 03:06 PM
By not condemning his racist murderous beliefs the MSM is condoning what he did.

Therefore the blood of those cops is also on their hands.

19th August 2017, 03:40 PM
We are in a Race War, and the White race is simply not fighting back. At least not effectively.

old steel
19th August 2017, 03:55 PM
We are in a Race War, and the White race is simply not fighting back. At least not effectively.

It's very strange, you have whites siding with racist BLM.

You have whites siding with antifa carrying signs promoting equality, tolerance etc and then they go about bashing other whites with baseball bats.

Someone care to explain it to me, i'll never figure it out.

19th August 2017, 03:58 PM
It's very strange, you have whites siding with racist BLM.

You have whites siding with antifa carrying signs promoting equality, tolerance etc and then they go about bashing other whites with baseball bats.

Someone care to explain it to me, i'll never figure it out.

Have you read Jean Raspail's The Camp of the Saints? He explained it, as far an explanation for insanity is possible, back in 1973.

He predicted all of this. I'd dare say he was a prophet.

The mental and moral sickness is unfathomable to the sane and morally upright. Don't try to "figure it out." Unless you want to become like them. Just take the safety off, and be at the ready.

19th August 2017, 03:59 PM
Everett Glenn Miller, AKA Malik Muhammed Miller, has been arrested for shooting two police officers in Kissimmee, FL.

I just caught this, LOL. Compare:


19th August 2017, 04:14 PM
I just caught this, LOL. Compare:


they are hiding that page --- go to this and click the top result: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=Frazier+Glenn+Miller+Jr&title=Special:Search&fulltext=1&searchToken=86oyaw75ddzfawm63kaimdt20

Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. (born November 23, 1940), commonly known as Glenn Miller, is a former leader of the defunct North Carolina-based White Patriot Party (formerly known as the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan). Convicted of murder as well as criminal charges related to weapons, and the violation of an injunction against paramilitary activity, he has been a perennial candidate for public office.[2] He is an advocate of white nationalism, white separatism, neo-paganism,[1] and a proponent of Antisemitism.[3]

On April 13, 2014, Miller was arrested following the Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting in Overland Park, Kansas.[4] Johnson County prosecutors initially charged him with one count of capital murder and one count of first-degree murder.[5] On October 17, 2014, the separate charge for first-degree murder was dismissed and all three deaths were included in a single capital murder count. Miller was also charged with three counts of attempted first-degree murder for allegedly shooting at three other people. On December 18, 2014, he was found competent to stand trial, and prosecutors announced they were seeking the death penalty against him.[6]

On August 31, 2015, Miller was found guilty in the Overland Park shooting of one count of capital murder, three counts of attempted murder and assault and weapons charges.[7] Eight days later, the same jury which convicted Miller sentenced him to death by lethal injection.[8]

19th August 2017, 05:38 PM
How can a nignog be a supremacist when in all of recorded history they are the only race to NEVER:
invent a written language.
Build a boat capable of navigating the high seas.
or ever had a genealogy! HELL , they never ever ever have improved a single neighborhood with their presence! Fools! Supreme in WHAT?

19th August 2017, 06:18 PM
Have you read Jean Raspail's The Camp of the Saints? He explained it, as far an explanation for insanity is possible, back in 1973.

He predicted all of this. I'd dare say he was a prophet.

The mental and moral sickness is unfathomable to the sane and morally upright. Don't try to "figure it out." Unless you want to become like them. Just take the safety off, and be at the ready.

Amazon just decided to purge that book, no joke:


19th August 2017, 08:54 PM
They didn't seem to have purged it. The paperback is available and I was able to add it to my cart. The electronic version status is as follows:

\\Item Under Review

This book is currently unavailable because there are significant quality issues with the source file supplied by the publisher.

The publisher has been notified and we will make the book available as soon as we receive a corrected file. As always, we value customer feedback.

We'll see if it's available tomorrow!!!
Amazon just decided to purge that book, no joke:
