View Full Version : Why was 21 million picked as the number of bitcoins to be created?

20th August 2017, 02:08 AM
Masonic Bitcoin?

I was asking where the number 21 came from and I found an explanation. 21 also being the number of the tarot card, The World, by the way, and that is why I was intrigued. 21 is also 7 x 3 which sounds very sacred geometry inspired. Trinity repeated 7 times which is why God rested the 7th day of the Creation.

Interestingly, using the calendar for any calculation can be deemed masonic, but that was just to get your attention. The masons just happen to know something that vast majority does not, and because the knowledge is concealed, consequences are dire. This knowledge was not created by them but is embedded in the fabric of the Universe. There is a masonic thought, which is only evil when not used to elevated the knowledge of the crowds to remain in power.

Mathematics are a gift from God, His language, and understanding math on a metaphysical level could save the world from itself. But there is way too much fundamentalism and atheism united behind the scene -- old divide and rule model -- that is preventing a break through.

so here again, question goes deeper now: WHY THE 4 YEAR CYCLE?

ANSWER: Satori has/had a DEEP VEDIC MATHEMATICAL knowledge... which is called masonic in the west, 4 is a square

I still see that if the bitcoin mania does not slow down by much, nothing good can be expected though. What comes from earth returns to earth. The concept of wealth accumulation is a concept for wealth transfer as wealth cannot be created nor destroyed, but merely changes hands. A truly decentralized system is which that takes this into account. The mind must get it instead of following the golden calf

Here's a mathematical explanation:

Calculate the number of blocks per 4 year cycle:

6 blocks per hour
* 24 hours per day
* 365 days per year
* 4 years per cycle
= 210,240
~= 210,000

Sum all the block reward sizes:

50 + 25 + 12.5 + 6.25 + 3.125 + ... = 100

Multiply the two:

210,000 * 100 = 21 million.

Economically, because the currency is effectively infinitely divisible, then the precise amount doesn't matter, as long as the limit remains fixed.

Good explanation, but you're just postponing the answer. Why 4 years per cycle? Why was 4 years per cycle picked as the number for years per cycle? – Andrei Mar 17 '13 at 17:41

All this info makes sense, but doesn't really answer the question! – B Seven Mar 17 '13 at 18:29

I think we best conclude that nobody knows why Satoshi chose for 21 million or 4 years per cycle. But I would not recommend accepting this answer as correct. In fact it only answers "What's the maximum amount of bitcoins that can exist?". – Steven Roose Mar 19 '13 at 20:20


50 + 25 + 12.5 + 6.25 + 3.125 + ... = 100 ................. = 10

what has the Genesis 1.1 to do with the 10 HUMAN FINGERS?


20th August 2017, 06:23 AM
It's biblical! Didn't you know that? Everything is biblical!

20th August 2017, 07:17 AM
Don't know why 21 mil, but BC has proved that it can be altered at any time. BC has survived its hard-fork of Aug. 1 the blockchain was split in two -- BCC versus BTC . (BitcoinCash). Now there are two blockchains. BitCoin is not a permanent "store of value." A consensus of developers or miners can alter the BitCoin scheme. The artificial scarcity is not making BC more valuable. BC can be changed any time.


Acts 3:6-16King James Version (KJV)

6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

7 And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.

8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

9 And all the people saw him walking and praising God:

10 And they knew that it was he which sat for alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple: and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him.

11 And as the lame man which was healed held Peter and John, all the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called Solomon's, greatly wondering.

12 And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?

13 The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go.

14 But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you;

15 And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.

21st August 2017, 02:20 AM
I have been thinking of 6 blocks per hour and it merely could be because there are 60 mins in 1 hour

bitcoin is completely astro-theology based

I just ran into something compelling... see bold, please if you happen to research this post your results, as I have so much on my plate already

Bitcoin and blockchain are complex systems but no matter how convoluted they look, truth is always SIMPLE. You want money, just do not cheat Earth, work with Her instead, all our ills can be traced back to the extortion of Nature at the expense of man/humanity. Man and Nature are same, holographic. Unfortunately anybody talking this way is seen as a collectivist, that is how bad it has become. Thanks to left-brained mind control. So if you cannot grasp this, just keep going after wealth accumulation (a complete mirage at this stage) and allow the top stealing from everybody using this mantra, illusion. Maya in Sanskrit is real.
Cryptocurrencies: The Unfolding Fiat Digital Scheme

by The Daily Coin · Published August 19, 2017 · Updated August 19, 2017

When I wrote the three part series detailing how the banksters could potentially unleash the next level of enslavement through cryptocurrencies I hadn’t even discovered ACChain. Two months later we find out that ACChain is unfolding right now – it is here and it is growing, daily. Quantum computing is here.

A ghost, “named” Satoshi Nakamoto developed bitcoin – no one knows if this is a person, a tadpole, a group of people, a space alien or an NSA/CIA operative, but, it is accepted, on blind-faith, that it is a person, a man of Japanese origin. This story, which is akin to a fairy-tale because it is only a story since no one has ever seen this “person” or provided any photographic evidence or any published works outside of the bitcoin illusion. I am suppose to believe “he” gave us the keys to the kingdom that will “save us from the banksters”. Is this the story that I am suppose to believe and place my families wealth and security in this mechanism? Seriously?

Andy Hoffman, during a recent interview stated he “will never do another interview with people that believe in conspiracy theories” while he, and all the other bitcoin fans, believe in the fairy-tale spelled out above. Never mind the fact the NSA, in conjunction with MIT, produced a white paper in 1996, spelling out how an anonymous cryptographic currency could circumvent the current cash system. This was a full 12 years ahead of Sat-on-sushi’s white paper explaining bitcoin. Never mind the fact, as The Daily Economist pointed out, Sat-on-sushi’s white paper just happened to hit the wire during the 2008-2009 economic meltdown, actually being released on Halloween 2008. Personally, I gave up on coincidences decades ago.

In 1996 the NSA (that’s right, a government agency) published a White Paper titled, HOW TO MAKE A MINT: THE CRYPTOGRAPHY OF ANONYMOUS ELECTRONICCASH. And in this white paper, analysts and researchers laid out the entire breadth and scope of replacing cash and other fiat currencies with a completely digital one, based on anonymous cryptocurrencies.

And they did this 12 years before the anonymous ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ published his/her White Paper on the very eve of the financial collapse. Source

If an alternative economic/financial analyst states that a fellow analyst’ work is “a dime a dozen” [at the 28:20 mark] that doesn’t really shine an appropriate light on the entire community. Most everyone is doing the best they can to present factual, alternative viewpoints and analysis that dispel the continual stream of lies, deceit and propaganda we are sold as truth by the mainstream media. Not really a confidence builder when we are discussing our wealth and the financial security of our families. To attack one is to attack all, including the one speaking. I feel the work I do is worth far more than a dime-a-dozen.

One of the more disturbing revelations over the past several months is how once tried and true hard asset advocates have suddenly become a voice for a new digital illusion of wealth. Cryptocurrencies “value” are derived from the fiat currencies of financial enslavement like the Federal Reserve Note, Japanese Yen and Euro. I must have missed something along the way as I have been under the impression these were completely worthless scripts, printed out of thin air and backed by nothing more than “faith and credit” – translation – “faith means you believe in something that can not be proven and credit is the ability to take on more debt”. Dave Kranzler explained this to me one day and it seems to fit pretty nicely.

The first question Sean ask during the interview is – “What is our cause?” For me, this is an extremely important question. One that each of us should ask ourselves everyday, especially, the people discussing economics, finance, money and currency with a wider audience.

I am so sick of FUD [fear, uncertainty, doubt]. I am so sick of conspiracy theory. I am so sick of BS that goes on. It stops the ability for people to save themselves with honest money and the same goes with bitcoin. I’m not proselytizing. I’ve been the one bridge between precious metals and bitcoin. I follow the bitcoins saga for; I’ve been an owner for two years and learned as much about bitcoin as I have about precious metals and I understand how it works. I don’t need to watch a video to know it’s ridiculous [refering to the interview with SGTReport and Lynette Zang about ACChain].

If a person builds a financial bridge, a safety-net, and one pillar of this bridge is a digital illusion, backed by faith and credit and the other is money – actual money, not fiat currency, how stable will that bridge be once it is complete? Gold is money and everything else – everything else – is credit. “Everything else” would include bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency not backed with physical gold and even gold-backed cryptocurrencies, in my opinion, are suspect.

Before you listen to the interview below please take time to listen/watch, if you haven’t already, to John Titus’ All the Plenary’s Men. Titus’ work explains, in great detail, how these criminals get around international law, local law and national laws, including the Constitution of the United States. This may be an important piece of information to get a glimpse of what is happening in the background before one can truly understand what is happening with cryptocurrencies. If one doesn’t understand how the money-masters can commit financial crimes against humanity, how can one understand how to protect oneself from these current and future crimes?

Timeline for Global Crypto-Currency Acceptance, Digitizing Commodities




(I have not read this)
Laurie Law, Susan Sabett, Jerry Solinas
National Security Agency Office of Information Security Research and Technology
Cryptology Division 18 June 1996

One invented hashcash, which foreshadowed components of the crypto-currency; the other is the author of the first Chinese translation of the white paper in which Satoshi Nakamoto, the elusive creator of bitcoin, first described its inner workings.
Posted: August 15, 2017, 2:21 am

21st August 2017, 05:03 AM
the illusion, Maya, must exist to show us what reality really is. Good 10 min material, still speaks of darwnism for a few secs because he is a scientist but for the rest 2 thumbs up. If people could focus more on the scientific background of all religions, we wouldnt have any race/class/spiritual war of that magnitude to sort out. That is what happens when illusion is believed to be real

have a great week, now I really have to take a few days off from here, I know many will be happy. LOL

In this film, Professor David Christopher Lane (MSAC and CSULB) explains how the ancient Indian concept of Maya (literally "not that" or more popularly understood as "illusion) permeates our everyday world. By focusing on how neuroscience intersects with physics, we can begin to appreciate that the world we see around us betrays its real origin in unexpected twists and turns. Science is perhaps the most successful method to reorient ourselves to grasping the universe in ways that defy our normal common sense expectations.


22nd August 2017, 02:04 AM
BIG TEST: yesterday I posted this on a pro-crypocurrency website and NOBODY reacted... the evidence that bitcoin is a mania making people lose their rationality. Bitcoin is the ultimate plot of ((theirs)). ((they)) most likely can hack blockchain whenever ((they)) want.

In 1996 the NSA (that’s right, a government agency) published a White Paper titled, HOW TO MAKE A MINT: THE CRYPTOGRAPHY OF ANONYMOUS ELECTRONICCASH. And in this white paper, analysts and researchers laid out the entire breadth and scope of replacing cash and other fiat currencies with a completely digital one, based on anonymous cryptocurrencies.

PETER SCHIFF - Bitcoin may look profitable, this is a trap that you should never be fooled by


22nd August 2017, 04:16 AM
BIG TEST: yesterday I posted this on a pro-crypocurrency website and NOBODY reacted... the evidence that bitcoin is a mania making people lose their rationality. Bitcoin is the ultimate plot of ((theirs)). ((they)) most likely can hack blockchain whenever ((they)) want.

In 1996 the NSA (that’s right, a government agency) published a White Paper titled, HOW TO MAKE A MINT: THE CRYPTOGRAPHY OF ANONYMOUS ELECTRONICCASH. And in this white paper, analysts and researchers laid out the entire breadth and scope of replacing cash and other fiat currencies with a completely digital one, based on anonymous cryptocurrencies.

PETER SCHIFF - Bitcoin may look profitable, this is a trap that you should never be fooled by


Peter Schiff is so full of shit. The NSA did write a white paper, but the discussion was about cryptography with CURRENT banking transactions so that they could be facilitated electronically. It's more along the lines of PayPal than Bitcoin.

Don't believe me?

This is their own model:


The white paper itself if you care to read it:


22nd August 2017, 05:06 PM
okay, are you a NSA apologist now? NSA is behind cryptocurrencies and this japanese bitcoin creator is very suspicious. bitcoin is very likely a masonic plot.

anybody saying that Bitcoin is bunk is full of sh*t according to you.. people like Jeff brewick made insane profits with it but at least he dares question materialism.

ps: I started this thread because you could not answer my question about the 21 million

22nd August 2017, 05:43 PM
okay, are you a NSA apologist now? NSA is behind cryptocurrencies and this japanese bitcoin creator is very suspicious. bitcoin is very likely a masonic plot.

Far from it, but considering reading comprehension isn't your strong point I guess I need to be more direct. The NSA white paper did not even discuss a crypto currency, they called it a token with signed keys controlled by banking institutions. They also could not solve the offline double spend problem which Satoshi did figure out. If you even bothered to read the NSA white paper, and then bothered to read the bitcoin white paper you'll see that they don't share much commonality at all. NSA = banking tokens public / private keys controlled by the banks. Blockchain Technology = public ledger where the people control their public and private keys. Big difference in implementation and execution.

anybody saying that Bitcoin is bunk is full of sh*t according to you.. people like Jeff brewick made insane profits with it but at least he dares question materialism.

No, only when they are talking out of their ass and don't have the faintest clue on how it works. I've spoken with Jeff personally so I know where he stands on it. All you've done and ever done is quote people who have no idea what they are talking about. Jeff at least does and he's always had a conflicting opinion on materialism, even back before he got involved in Bitcoin.

ps: I started this thread because you could not answer my question about the 21 million

Because I didn't code it, I don't know why Satoshi chose 21 million. It's totally arbitrary considering other cryptos that have entered the market have well above that limit. Ethereum is at 94 million at the moment (no hard coded limit yet), Doge coin, also no limit.

Satoshis email is publicly available why don't you email him (them?) and ask why 21 million coins were chosen as the limit
You pride yourself on research so go research.