View Full Version : A Striking Rise in Serious Allergy Cases

21st August 2017, 01:15 PM
When I was younger, I could eat peanuts without trouble; now, I have a moderately severe intolerance to them (not a true allergy, but I have to avoid them)...


The rate of reports of severe allergic reactions to foods like peanuts has increased by nearly five times over the past decade, according to a new analysis of private insurance claims.

The analysis looked at private insurance claims with a diagnosis of an anaphylactic food reaction from 2007 to 2016. Anaphylaxis is a systemic allergic reaction in which the immune system affects multiple parts of the body at the same time, often leading to trouble breathing. It can be fatal if not treated promptly and requires an injection of epinephrine and a trip to the emergency room.

The analysis was conducted by FAIR Health, a New York City-based, independent nonprofit that has a database of 24 billion medical and dental claims from 150 million privately insured people.

“This is an incredibly important study,” says James Baker, chief executive officer and chief medical officer for the Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE), a Virginia-based advocacy group. “Clearly our own information suggests that not just the frequency of people having food allergy but the severity of food allergy in individuals has increased dramatically.”

The proliferation of food allergies in the western world, particularly to peanuts, has baffled medical experts who struggle with how to advise parents and children for a condition with no permanent cure. Studies have found that as many as 8% of children have a food allergy, with nearly 40% having a history of severe reactions.

21st August 2017, 02:00 PM
Neither of my kids have allergies, they have pets and we live in the South where allergies are from what we're told horrible this time of year.

They've also never had a single vaccine.

21st August 2017, 07:56 PM
I can eat organic peanuts, but I have a bad reaction to ordinary peanuts.

22nd August 2017, 01:42 PM
over the last 20 years asthma has exploded too. long time teacher tells me easily up 500 percent over that time period

12th November 2017, 06:37 AM
over the last 20 years asthma has exploded too. long time teacher tells me easily up 500 percent over that time period



Amazon sells four MERV 13 filters for $40.


Half Sense
12th November 2017, 08:25 AM
Until recently my wife and I worked for an allergy/asthma specialist. He has seen a huge increase in the frequency and severity of symptoms. I blame it mostly on food additives and people spending too much time in climate controlled environments instead of being exposed to the wide variety of irritants in the natural world

midnight rambler
12th November 2017, 08:51 AM
I’ve been making box fan air filters* for well over 10 years.

*don’t get confused those are NOT air purifiers

12th November 2017, 09:06 AM
I’ve been making box fan air filters* for well over 10 years.

*don’t get confused those are NOT air purifiers

Air Purifier =/= HEPA.

HEPA is the gold standard, indeed, but "air purifier" does not have a universal definition. For most household purposes, a box fan combined with a 20x20x1 3M (or equivalent quality) high MERV rating will be quite sufficient:


The downside is that you'll need to replace the element every three months for real effectiveness, and that gets expensive over time, compared to, say, a Honeywell true HEPA unit with a permanent element.

Lasko used to make a box fan with an easy-open filter housing for a 20x20x1, but it appears to be discontinued.


12th November 2017, 09:16 AM
I noticed I've been sneezing several times a week recently. Maybe there's something to this.

Consuming small amounts of raw honey from a local source is one of the most effective remedies for allergies. It's difficult to find the real thing unless you know a local beekeeper, as I do.

I used to love raw organic peanuts. I won't eat any peanuts anymore, organic or not, because of aflatoxins. Aflatoxins are very hard on the liver and mine is pretty worn out already.

midnight rambler
12th November 2017, 09:27 AM
In extreme duty there’s no such thing as a ‘permanent’ HEPA filter. In addition to my 6 or 7 box fan air filters I’m also running a clean room HEPA filter (with two stage pre-filter being fed by a box fan air filter) AND an UV air purifier. I asked the clean room HEPA filter supplier how long would it be before I needed to replace my clean room HEPA filter considering my extreme environment and he said, “several years”. I laughed.

12th November 2017, 09:49 AM
OTHER than the new chemical mixes along with all of the old that we swim in,touch/eat/breath daily. Along with new ways to process food, this shit can be sorta understood.

They that are not so old , can remember when you buy a loaf of bread, if left out, the mold will start growing , well within a week (depending on ambit temp)! (frozen and in the reefer, dif story) The stuff now, hell I have had loafs that can go near a month and no mold, just gets brittle and dry. (One reason I am getting into making my own bread again!) ;D

Now for kids, back in the day , mom and pop would toss us outside for most of the day and they do their shit, so what what the kid would try and stick in their mouths and for dam sure how dirty we got, as long as it was unseen. (family story abut me eating dootle bugs (ant lions) and shit.. As with most kids if it will fit in the mouth, fair game , on learning tastes.

I for one do believe the early exposure to all the micro critters at a young age sorta makes us stronger, tho still may make us sick, (for a tad, tho also may kill you)

Now dirt is for most moms,, is freakout time, they raise their kids in the most sterile environment at home, then send their kids to school (germ factory's).

Now for the sorta new, or mostly old krap , (Remember we wade through things in the air/water/food that is now part of daily life, )

Look hard at your environment where you live, the cars/trucks you drive/cloths and the toys you use and the air you breath. It can not be escaped, it is now a very real part of life, and you can not escape it. Isolate yourselves is good / filter the air you breath / grow your own food (that breaths the air) then you are good to go!

Until you have have contact, with any outsiders.

Our environment now is an adapt or die/get sick and if you survive you are good to go, until the next new what ever.

A small truth!


12th November 2017, 11:40 AM
Air Purifier =/= HEPA.

HEPA is the gold standard, indeed, but "air purifier" does not have a universal definition. For most household purposes, a box fan combined with a 20x20x1 3M (or equivalent quality) high MERV rating will be quite sufficient:


The downside is that you'll need to replace the element every three months for real effectiveness, and that gets expensive over time, compared to, say, a Honeywell true HEPA unit with a permanent element.

Lasko used to make a box fan with an easy-open filter housing for a 20x20x1, but it appears to be discontinued.



Add this $8 carbon pre-filter to the box fan filter and it does exactly the same as the expensive so-called "air purifiers".

A ten dollar MERV 13 filter plus this eight dollar pre-filter every three months is very inexpensive...

:(?? $8 + $10 = $18


midnight rambler
12th November 2017, 12:16 PM
FYI, I've a LOT more experience* dealing with an extremely dusty environment than any of you guys. Three months per filter? lol

*like over 25 years

12th November 2017, 04:22 PM



Inexpensive box fan filter can keep this out of our lungs...


12th November 2017, 04:34 PM
Inexpensive box fan filter can keep this out of our lungs...


Why not put it on the inlet side?

12th November 2017, 04:35 PM
family story abut me eating dootle bugs (ant lions) and shit

Sorry, I never ate 'shit'.

12th November 2017, 04:39 PM
Filters are mostly good, thought is where does the dust come from, what is it, but for a dam fact, none of it is good. Mineing comes to mind, ether move or fight.

Air filters have their place, but i have never seeing any hepa nor wht that works, if you have to get out and breath the crap.

Not defending shit, but truth ..

Move into a better air quality, But financial reasons will limit some.

Welcome to the world , you can run but not hid , sadly.. Sorta living down wind from a pogy (fish) plant or a stock yard, mineral processing is the same,, even 100s of miles down wind.

Dust will settle, ether bnighn or nasty.
So for rational minds..

Easy to see, crash time for me, early but in reality i have been going since 2 am my time .

Getting old does truely suck.

12th November 2017, 04:49 PM
Why not put it on the inlet side?

That is the (back) inlet side.

12th November 2017, 04:55 PM
That is the (back) inlet side. Book it must be a total hoot to see total idiots chime in..

Zip over their heads or into one ear, and leaves the other ear faster...


Stupid is ..

19th November 2017, 01:20 AM
Book it must be a total hoot to see total idiots chime in..

Zip over their heads or into one ear, and leaves the other ear faster...


Stupid is ..

19th November 2017, 01:29 AM
Neither of my kids have allergies, they have pets and we live in the South where allergies are from what we're told horrible this time of year.

They've also never had a single vaccine.
Same with my 2 children, not a single vaccine, no allergies. When my daughter was 5 and son was 2 both went to the same day care facility. At the day care I saw a list of which children had allergies against what. They were the only ones that were not on that list, vaccine uptake is really high in Sweden (something like 97%, despite it being legal to refuse)...