View Full Version : Breaking: Bannon Set for Massive Move to Replace Fox… Billionaire Backer in Place

22nd August 2017, 12:06 PM
Breaking: Bannon Set for Massive Move to Replace Fox… Billionaire Backer in Place


By Martin Walsh
on August 21, 2017 at 3:58pm
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Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon rejoined Breitbart News as Executive Chairman on Friday, and reports indicate he is preparing for war.

Unnamed sources indicated to Axios’ Jonathan Swan that Bannon told friends that the combative Bannon believes there’s an opportunity to start a cable news network that would lean more politically to the right of Fox News.

Prior to his death in May, Fox News founder Roger Ailes told Bannon that he wanted to work with him to create a new cable news network, Swan reported. Swan indicated Bannon loved the idea, given he believes Fox News is heading in a “squishy, globalist direction as the Murdoch sons assume more power.”
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Bannon met billionaire Bob Mercer in New York prior to his departure from the White House, where they plan to launch a “well-funded force on the outside,” Swan wrote.

“They plotted strategy going forward — both political and media strategy. The meeting was at Mercer’s estate on Long Island. Mercer had dinner the next night at Bedminster with President Trump and a small group of donors. The source said Mercer and Bannon ‘remain strong supporters of President Trump’s and his agenda,'” Swan said a source told him.

“A source familiar with Breitbart’s operations told me they would go ‘thermonuclear’ against ‘globalists’ that Bannon and his friends believe are ruining the Trump administration, and by extension, America,” Swan said. “Get ready for Bannon the barbarian.”

Should Bannon want to either dramatically expand Breitbart or launch a conservative cable news show to rival Fox News, it could greatly benefit the president.

Bannon made it very clear following his departure from the Trump administration that he was “going to war for Trump against his opponents — on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America.”

Bannon’s intentions to hold each and every Republican accountable in Congress will also be important for Trump, especially ahead of crucial midterm elections in 2018.

During an interview with the Weekly Standard on Friday, Bannon said: “The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over … I feel jacked up … Now I’m free. I’ve got my hands back on my weapons. … I am definitely going to crush the opposition. There’s no doubt. I built a f***ing machine at Breitbart. And now … we’re about to rev that machine up.”
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Conservatives should expect Bannon to pressure Trump and Republicans to stick to the agenda that won the 2016 presidential election over Hillary Clinton.

Americans want a border wall, lower taxes, continued efforts to deport illegal immigration, and jobs. Time will tell what Bannon unveils next, but it will be a major advantage for Trump and a problem for Democrats and Republicans who refuse to help advance the president’s agenda.

22nd August 2017, 12:29 PM

22nd August 2017, 02:59 PM
Bannon is a stop-gap measure to keep the whites slaves on the jewish plantation. He'll have soft anti-semitic positions like being "in favor of raising federal income taxes to 44% for those earning incomes over $5 million a year as a way to pay for middle class tax cuts. Bannon is opposed to government bailouts, describing them as "socialism for the very wealthy". He does support increased regulation of internet companies like Facebook and Google. He is skeptical of military intervention abroad, opposing proposals for the expansion of U.S. involvement in the War in Afghanistan, the Syrian Civil War, and the Crisis in Venezuela. As White House Chief Strategist, Bannon had reportedly opposed the 2017 Shayrat missile strike, but was overruled by Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner. He believes "there is no military solution" to the 2017 North Korea crisis."

But Bannon is strongly pro-Israhell, which is why they would let him have a cable tv channel. Maybe it will support a war of terror in Iran and Bannon could be like Trump who said he would be a man of peace and then bombed Syria. Bannon supported the Tea Party Staged Movement and most tea partiers support a war in Iran (Sarah Palin, et al). It was a don't pay attention to Ron Paul, the "real" revolution is happening among the neo-cons, a Tea Party. Bannon could do this 2.0 Tea Party nonsense.

22nd August 2017, 04:58 PM
But Bannon is strongly pro-Israhell

Only way in this time to get any thing done

22nd August 2017, 05:04 PM
But Bannon is strongly pro-Israhell...


22nd August 2017, 05:11 PM
It's a news network, ain't it?

22nd August 2017, 05:17 PM

Alex Jones, how do we keep white male slaves on the plantation?

(((Breitbart))), how do we keep white male slaves on the plantation?

Bannon, how do we keep white male slaves on the plantation?

Netanyahu needs an answer.

It's a news network, ain't it?

It's an official™ news network, approvedⓀ by the other news networks.

22nd August 2017, 05:20 PM

22nd August 2017, 05:32 PM
Bannon can call his new network News Net.anyahu.

22nd August 2017, 06:17 PM
It was a don't pay attention to Ron Paul, the "real" revolution is happening among the neo-cons, a Tea Party. Bannon could do this 2.0 Tea Party nonsense.

Ron Paul is CO.

22nd August 2017, 06:44 PM
Ron Paul is CO.

Yes, but they don't want too many supporting him, they would rather have them brain-dead following Jonestown.

Support for Ron Paul now is bad for the jews. After the "US" is used up like a cheap whore, Ron Paul or someone like him will be put in, no government spending for the poor, no social security, no medicare. Every man for himself. Mass suffering for the goyim is what jews dream of, like Soviet Russia.


And they love it even better when you demand mass suffering of the goyim.

22nd August 2017, 07:27 PM
Ron Paul is still a nice catch all for the system lovers that want change that will never occur. Ron Paul support on any issue will never be relevant again.