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22nd August 2017, 02:39 PM

Hillary Clinton Snaps At Trey Gowdy & Gets Shutdown
industry american
industry american
Published on Aug 21, 2017

*I will immediately reply to any legitimate copyright concerns should one exist.*


Dachsie's analysis of The Killary Machine

"Hillary Clinton Snaps At Trey Gowdy & Gets Shutdown"

The title was a bit click baity in my opinion.

I could not find in the 17 minutes of this video when it was that the title delivered on its promise to show Killary "snapping" at Trey Gowdy not could I find any specific point in the video clip where it appeared Killary "gets shutdown."

Killary is a masterful liar and has decades of experience working for the Father of Lies.

I noticed how she tap danced and not one time gave a clear straight simple brief answer to Congressman Gowdy's questions.

Attorneys in a courtroom DEMAND clear simple straight answers from the testifying witnesses. For example, a witness cannot answer a question by including the words "I believe..." The witness will be jumped on and demanded to state what is known not what is believed. Killary several times used the qualifying phrase "to my knowledge" which is simply another way of saying "I believed..."

Her serial non-answers to all of the questions can be filed under these category labels...

"all that I had"

"to the best of my knowledge"

Switches to character of a person, his record and her respect for him, who factually failed to do even the minimal duty his job required, making it appear Congressman Gowdy was impugning the character of the person who "made the mistake."

My staff was under great deal of stress.

Mistakes were made.

Not enough staff.

Heavy heavy workload.

Nobody's perfect. As if what the questioner is demanding is perfection and not demanding a modicum of competence.

I / we / they did the best they could under the circumstances.

I observe that some of her non-answers were very similar to illogical, non-starter, defenses of the indefensible in other areas. Such as those who want to clean up vote fraud want every jurisdiction to required a photo I D to obtain voter registration and THEY will claim 'oh, we must respect the privacy of every voter. The privacy of the voter and his or her vote is sacred. That is what is called the privacy card and has nothing to do with true privacy under the law.


Body language...

Killary had her eyes glancing downward and downward to the left and right so that, except for a few nanoseconds here and there, you never see her eyes. There is almost no eye contact at all.

On many occasions Killary lifts both hands up and out to each side even with her head and she did just that in this subject video clip. Like this



This can convey many messages ...

What difference does it make.
Why are you splitting hairs?
Who cares?
The preacher / teacher gets rightfully frustrated with intellectually challenged questioner.
Why can't you understand what the issue is?
Why can't I get this simple concept into your stupid head?
Why can't you get it?

I do not know who her dresser for this appearance was but they did a very good job.
We have a picture of a mature conservative intelligent 71 year old lady who is being persecuted and treated unfairly.

It looked like she had no wrinkles at all, not even on her neck and she looked about 25 years younger that she is.
I think there are some injections to temporarily puff out the skin so that it is slightly swollen and therefore stretches out and smoothes the wrinkles.

Her hair was perfect. Conservative with one of the best thousand dollar plus hair streaking jobs I have ever seen. Each strand of hair all over her head is strategically colored separately with about 5 different carefully chosen shades of hair dye taking several hours.

She was wearing a dark solid navy blue designer suit, in perfect appropriateness to the dignity and seriousness of the hearing, suggesting strong and solid and upright and upstanding just like a navy officer in uniform.


I would say that the only thing that indicated that Killary was uncomfortable and squirming was her downcast eyes throughout 99 percent of the video clip's length.


I have to say that while I believe Congressman Gowdy does an outstanding job of grilling Killary, we the people have seen these performances several times over the last year and all it is doing at this point is stirring up anger and disgust with the fact that all we have is a good show, but Killary continues to Killary and walk free. I do not know the date of the hearing on this video but Killary is hiding out in Canada at this time and she has a team of evil powerful people who will make sure she does not receive anything resembling justice in a U.S. court at law.

22nd August 2017, 04:07 PM
14 views? good video tho

22nd August 2017, 04:18 PM
she sounds sincere in the last too minutes. what a player.