View Full Version : Asian man, ESPN announcer, discriminated against because...

midnight rambler
22nd August 2017, 07:02 PM
...his name is 'Robert Lee', they didn't want to offend the idiots -


22nd August 2017, 07:05 PM
He should sue

22nd August 2017, 09:20 PM
Whites and Asians vs. Jews, Niggers, and Faggots. Sounds good to me.

23rd August 2017, 09:49 AM
So having a name like Robert Lee is as "bad" as a name like Adolf Hitler.

I don't think the majority of blacks are with the jews and fags outright. They are on their own, "everybody's racist, we was kingz, the earth is flat mudderfuccer". They could be conned into joining some (((anti-white))) rally by the jews because they have low IQs and have difficulty with the whole concept of false flags and the rest of the jew tricks.

23rd August 2017, 11:15 AM
he has two longshots to strike back - gay or chosenite

23rd August 2017, 01:11 PM
So having a name like Robert Lee is as "bad" as a name like Adolf Hitler.

I don't think the majority of blacks are with the jews and fags outright. They are on their own, "everybody's racist, we was kingz, the earth is flat mudderfuccer". They could be conned into joining some (((anti-white))) rally by the jews because they have low IQs and have difficulty with the whole concept of false flags and the rest of the jew tricks.

No, the Niggers are naturally the enemy of Jews. But the Nigger is also a stupid, gullible creature, and the Jew is the Master Con Man. Hence, the Nigger will follow the Jew provided the Jew keeps using his "psychology" on the Nigger.

24th August 2017, 09:39 AM
He's not going to strike back if he wants to keep his job!
he has two longshots to strike back - gay or chosenite