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23rd August 2017, 04:30 PM
Hannity: Here's What the Media Got Wrong About Charlottesville


Speaking during his opening monologue on ‘Hannity’ Wednesday night, Sean ripped the destroy-Trump media over their non-stop efforts to smear President Trump as a “racist” and “bigot” following the events in Charlottesville; ignoring the President’s repeated denunciations of the KKK and other hate groups.

“The destroy-Trump media has worked themselves into a frenzy over the President’s comments about the chaos in Charlottesville,” said Sean. “The President condemned -over and over again- the KKK, Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, other hate groups but he also laid out some of the facts about what happened.”

“Whether we like it or not, the first amendment does protect even hate speech. That’s why even the ACLU defended these white supremacists and their right to say what they want to say,” he added. “You are not allowed in America under the rule of law to get into fist fights, to punch people, engage in fighting because you don’t like what they say.”

Hannity went on to slam the mainstream media over their continuing narrative that the President is secretly supporting these extremist organizations, all for the sake of derailing his administration.

“Despite those facts, the media is living in an alternative universe. Why? Because all they want to do is destroy the President,” said Sean. “The ideological media in this country is creating a massive information crisis for the American people.”

“This dishonesty from the media is beyond despicable, so unfair for the American people. They are doing you a great disservice. Charlottesville is only the latest perfect example. Let me remind the media, President Trump has denounced, again and again, in the strongest terms possible, as he should, these white supremacists,” he added.

Watch Sean’s opening monologue above.