View Full Version : If Elected Party Leader, Zionist Anne Marie Waters Will Sound UKIP’s Death Knell.

26th August 2017, 05:05 PM
I did not know UKIP was in this bad shape.

This is just Part 1, part 2 upcoming.

However, All That Is About To Change…

Over the past few years an Irish-Lesbian identitarian by the name of Anne Marie Waters has advanced upon the British political scene.

Waters first entered the fold as the spokesperson for the National Secular Society. It was during her stint with this far left organization, linked to several British Marxist groups, that she campaigned against the Pope being invited to Britain — acting as a co-signatory of a letter drafted by left wing extremists opposing the Pope’s State Visit.

Along with Waters, the letter was signed by Jewish homosexual extremist, Stephen Fry, Zoe Margolis, and a troop of other left wing anti-Christian atheist zealots and deviants whose hatred of Western civilization rivals that of the Bolsheviks.

Unlike the vast majority of her Leftist comrades, Waters also aligned herself with organizations that were openly hostile to Islam, while simultaneously promoting Israeli interests and defending its appalling record on human rights. (For American readers, think Pamela Geller.) Ms. Waters:

27th August 2017, 10:40 AM
This goes along with the theory that many in the white/European/American first movement are very dumb zionists who are easily controlled by jews. While the traditional left remains pro-Palestinian/anti-zionist and are shaming all these white males.

The white support for Trump and Le Pen further prove this point. The whites have their jew approved white leader in Dicky Spencer, who the jews in the media vilify to give Spencer even more coverage for "angry white males". These white leaders steer people into loving Trump, who shares in their (((white))) values.